/* gdbmopen.c - Open the dbm file and initialize data structures for use. */ /* This file is part of GDBM, the GNU data base manager. Copyright (C) 1990-1991, 1993, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GDBM. If not, see . */ /* Include system configuration before all else. */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "gdbmdefs.h" /* Determine our native magic number and bail if we can't. */ #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 # define GDBM_MAGIC GDBM_MAGIC32 #elif SIZEOF_OFF_T == 8 # define GDBM_MAGIC GDBM_MAGIC64 #else # error "Unsupported off_t size, contact GDBM maintainer. What crazy system is this?!?" #endif static void compute_directory_size (GDBM_FILE dbf, blksize_t block_size, int *ret_dir_size, int *ret_dir_bits) { /* Create the initial hash table directory. */ int dir_size = 8 * sizeof (off_t); int dir_bits = 3; while (dir_size < block_size && dir_bits < GDBM_HASH_BITS - 3) { dir_size <<= 1; dir_bits++; } *ret_dir_size = dir_size; *ret_dir_bits = dir_bits; } GDBM_FILE gdbm_fd_open (int fd, const char *file_name, int block_size, int flags, void (*fatal_func) (const char *)) { GDBM_FILE dbf; /* The record to return. */ struct stat file_stat; /* Space for the stat information. */ off_t file_pos; /* Used with seeks. */ int index; /* Used as a loop index. */ /* Initialize the gdbm_errno variable. */ gdbm_set_errno (NULL, GDBM_NO_ERROR, FALSE); /* Get the status of the file. */ if (fstat (fd, &file_stat)) { if (flags & GDBM_CLOERROR) SAVE_ERRNO (close (fd)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_FILE_STAT_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } /* Allocate new info structure. */ dbf = (GDBM_FILE) malloc (sizeof (*dbf)); if (dbf == NULL) { if (flags & GDBM_CLOERROR) SAVE_ERRNO (close (fd)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } dbf->desc = fd; /* Initialize some fields for known values. This is done so gdbm_close will work if called before allocating some structures. */ dbf->dir = NULL; dbf->bucket = NULL; dbf->header = NULL; dbf->bucket_cache = NULL; dbf->cache_size = 0; dbf->memory_mapping = FALSE; dbf->mapped_size_max = SIZE_T_MAX; dbf->mapped_region = NULL; dbf->mapped_size = 0; dbf->mapped_pos = 0; dbf->mapped_off = 0; /* Save name of file. */ dbf->name = strdup (file_name); if (dbf->name == NULL) { if (flags & GDBM_CLOERROR) close (fd); free (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } /* Initialize the fatal error routine. */ dbf->fatal_err = fatal_func; dbf->fast_write = TRUE; /* Default to setting fast_write. */ dbf->file_locking = TRUE; /* Default to doing file locking. */ dbf->central_free = FALSE; /* Default to not using central_free. */ dbf->coalesce_blocks = FALSE; /* Default to not coalesce blocks. */ dbf->need_recovery = FALSE; dbf->last_error = GDBM_NO_ERROR; dbf->last_syserror = 0; dbf->last_errstr = NULL; /* GDBM_FAST used to determine whether or not we set fast_write. */ if (flags & GDBM_SYNC) { /* If GDBM_SYNC has been requested, don't do fast_write. */ dbf->fast_write = FALSE; } if (flags & GDBM_NOLOCK) { dbf->file_locking = FALSE; } dbf->cloexec = !!(flags & GDBM_CLOEXEC); /* Zero-length file can't be a reader... */ if (((flags & GDBM_OPENMASK) == GDBM_READER) && (file_stat.st_size == 0)) { if (flags & GDBM_CLOERROR) close (dbf->desc); free (dbf->name); free (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_EMPTY_DATABASE, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } /* Record the kind of user. */ dbf->read_write = (flags & GDBM_OPENMASK); /* Lock the file in the appropriate way. */ if (dbf->file_locking) { if (_gdbm_lock_file (dbf) == -1) { if (flags & GDBM_CLOERROR) close (dbf->desc); free (dbf->name); free (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, (flags & GDBM_OPENMASK) == GDBM_READER ? GDBM_CANT_BE_READER : GDBM_CANT_BE_WRITER, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } } /* If we do have a write lock and it was a GDBM_NEWDB, it is now time to truncate the file. */ if ((flags & GDBM_OPENMASK) == GDBM_NEWDB && file_stat.st_size != 0) { TRUNCATE (dbf); fstat (dbf->desc, &file_stat); } /* Decide if this is a new file or an old file. */ if (file_stat.st_size == 0) { /* This is a new file. Create an empty database. */ int dir_size, dir_bits; /* Start with the blocksize. */ if (block_size < GDBM_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) { block_size = STATBLKSIZE (file_stat); flags &= ~GDBM_BSEXACT; } compute_directory_size (dbf, block_size, &dir_size, &dir_bits); GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: computed dir_size=%d, dir_bits=%d", dbf->name, dir_size, dir_bits); /* Check for correct block_size. */ if (dir_size != block_size) { if (flags & GDBM_BSEXACT) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } else block_size = dir_size; } GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: block_size=%d", dbf->name, block_size); /* Get space for the file header. It will be written to disk, so make sure there's no garbage in it. */ dbf->header = (gdbm_file_header *) calloc (1, block_size); if (dbf->header == NULL) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } /* Set the magic number and the block_size. */ dbf->header->header_magic = GDBM_MAGIC; dbf->header->block_size = block_size; dbf->header->dir_size = dir_size; dbf->header->dir_bits = dir_bits; /* Allocate the space for the directory. */ dbf->dir = (off_t *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size); if (dbf->dir == NULL) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } dbf->header->dir = dbf->header->block_size; /* Create the first and only hash bucket. */ dbf->header->bucket_elems = (dbf->header->block_size - sizeof (hash_bucket)) / sizeof (bucket_element) + 1; dbf->header->bucket_size = dbf->header->block_size; dbf->bucket = (hash_bucket *) malloc (dbf->header->bucket_size); if (dbf->bucket == NULL) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } _gdbm_new_bucket (dbf, dbf->bucket, 0); dbf->bucket->av_count = 1; dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[0].av_adr = 3*dbf->header->block_size; dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[0].av_size = dbf->header->block_size; /* Set table entries to point to hash buckets. */ for (index = 0; index < GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf); index++) dbf->dir[index] = 2*dbf->header->block_size; /* Initialize the active avail block. */ dbf->header->avail.size = ( (dbf->header->block_size - sizeof (gdbm_file_header)) / sizeof (avail_elem)) + 1; dbf->header->avail.count = 0; dbf->header->avail.next_block = 0; dbf->header->next_block = 4*dbf->header->block_size; /* Write initial configuration to the file. */ /* Block 0 is the file header and active avail block. */ if (_gdbm_full_write (dbf, dbf->header, dbf->header->block_size)) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN|GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error writing header: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } /* Block 1 is the initial bucket directory. */ if (_gdbm_full_write (dbf, dbf->dir, dbf->header->dir_size)) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN|GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error writing directory: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } /* Block 2 is the only bucket. */ if (_gdbm_full_write (dbf, dbf->bucket, dbf->header->bucket_size)) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN|GDBM_DEBUG_ERR, "%s: error writing bucket: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } /* Wait for initial configuration to be written to disk. */ __fsync (dbf); free (dbf->bucket); } else { /* This is an old database. Read in the information from the file header and initialize the hash directory. */ gdbm_file_header partial_header; /* For the first part of it. */ /* Read the partial file header. */ if (_gdbm_full_read (dbf, &partial_header, sizeof (gdbm_file_header))) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR|GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: error reading partial header: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } /* Is the magic number good? */ if (partial_header.header_magic != GDBM_MAGIC && partial_header.header_magic != GDBM_OMAGIC) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); switch (partial_header.header_magic) { case GDBM_OMAGIC_SWAP: case GDBM_MAGIC32_SWAP: case GDBM_MAGIC64_SWAP: GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_BYTE_SWAPPED, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); break; case GDBM_MAGIC32: case GDBM_MAGIC64: GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_BAD_FILE_OFFSET, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); break; default: GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_BAD_MAGIC_NUMBER, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); } return NULL; } /* It is a good database, read the entire header. */ dbf->header = (gdbm_file_header *) malloc (partial_header.block_size); if (dbf->header == NULL) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } memcpy (dbf->header, &partial_header, sizeof (gdbm_file_header)); if (_gdbm_full_read (dbf, &dbf->header->avail.av_table[1], dbf->header->block_size - sizeof (gdbm_file_header))) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR|GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: error reading av_table: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } /* Allocate space for the hash table directory. */ dbf->dir = (off_t *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size); if (dbf->dir == NULL) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; gdbm_close (dbf); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } /* Read the hash table directory. */ file_pos = __lseek (dbf, dbf->header->dir, SEEK_SET); if (file_pos != dbf->header->dir) { if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_FILE_SEEK_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } if (_gdbm_full_read (dbf, dbf->dir, dbf->header->dir_size)) { GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR|GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: error reading dir: %s", dbf->name, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } } #if HAVE_MMAP if (!(flags & GDBM_NOMMAP)) { if (_gdbm_mapped_init (dbf) == 0) dbf->memory_mapping = TRUE; else { /* gdbm_errno should already be set. */ GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ERR|GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN, "%s: _gdbm_mapped_init failed: %s", dbf->name, strerror (errno)); if (!(flags & GDBM_CLOERROR)) dbf->desc = -1; SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (dbf)); return NULL; } } #endif /* Finish initializing dbf. */ dbf->last_read = -1; dbf->bucket = NULL; dbf->bucket_dir = 0; dbf->cache_entry = NULL; dbf->header_changed = FALSE; dbf->directory_changed = FALSE; dbf->bucket_changed = FALSE; dbf->second_changed = FALSE; GDBM_DEBUG (GDBM_DEBUG_ALL, "%s: opened successfully", dbf->name); /* Everything is fine, return the pointer to the file information structure. */ return dbf; } /* Initialize dbm system. FILE is a pointer to the file name. If the file has a size of zero bytes, a file initialization procedure is performed, setting up the initial structure in the file. BLOCK_SIZE is used during initialization to determine the size of various constructs. If the value is less than GDBM_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, the file system blocksize is used, otherwise the value of BLOCK_SIZE is used. BLOCK_SIZE is ignored if the file has previously initialized. If FLAGS is set to GDBM_READ the user wants to just read the database and any call to dbm_store or dbm_delete will fail. Many readers can access the database at the same time. If FLAGS is set to GDBM_WRITE, the user wants both read and write access to the database and requires exclusive access. If FLAGS is GDBM_WRCREAT, the user wants both read and write access to the database and if the database does not exist, create a new one. If FLAGS is GDBM_NEWDB, the user want a new database created, regardless of whether one existed, and wants read and write access to the new database. Any error detected will cause a return value of null and an approprate value will be in gdbm_errno. If no errors occur, a pointer to the "gdbm file descriptor" will be returned. */ GDBM_FILE gdbm_open (const char *file, int block_size, int flags, int mode, void (*fatal_func) (const char *)) { int fd; /* additional bits for open(2) flags */ int fbits = 0; switch (flags & GDBM_OPENMASK) { case GDBM_READER: fbits = O_RDONLY; break; case GDBM_WRITER: fbits = O_RDWR; break; case GDBM_NEWDB: fbits = O_RDWR|O_CREAT; break; default: fbits = O_RDWR|O_CREAT; } if (flags & GDBM_CLOEXEC) fbits |= O_CLOEXEC; fd = open (file, fbits, mode); if (fd < 0) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO2 (NULL, GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR, FALSE, GDBM_DEBUG_OPEN); return NULL; } return gdbm_fd_open (fd, file, block_size, flags | GDBM_CLOERROR, fatal_func); } /* Initialize the bucket cache. */ int _gdbm_init_cache (GDBM_FILE dbf, size_t size) { int index; if (dbf->bucket_cache == NULL) { dbf->bucket_cache = GDBM_DEBUG_ALLOC ("_gdbm_init_cache:malloc-failure", malloc (sizeof(cache_elem) * size)); if (dbf->bucket_cache == NULL) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, TRUE); return -1; } dbf->cache_size = size; for (index = 0; index < size; index++) { (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_bucket = GDBM_DEBUG_ALLOC ("_gdbm_init_cache:bucket-malloc-failure", malloc (dbf->header->bucket_size)); if ((dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_bucket == NULL) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, TRUE); return -1; } (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_adr = 0; (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_changed = FALSE; (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_data.hash_val = -1; (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_data.elem_loc = -1; (dbf->bucket_cache[index]).ca_data.dptr = NULL; } dbf->bucket = dbf->bucket_cache[0].ca_bucket; dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[0]; } return 0; }