/* This file is part of GDBM, the GNU data base manager. Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GDBM. If not, see . */ #include "autoconf.h" #include "gdbmdefs.h" #define TMPSUF ".XXXXXX" int gdbm_copy_meta (GDBM_FILE dst, GDBM_FILE src) { struct stat st; if (fstat (src->desc, &st)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (src, GDBM_FILE_STAT_ERROR, src->need_recovery); return -1; } if (fchown (dst->desc, st.st_uid, st.st_gid)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dst, GDBM_ERR_FILE_OWNER, dst->need_recovery); return -1; } if (fchmod (dst->desc, st.st_mode & 0777)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dst, GDBM_ERR_FILE_MODE, dst->need_recovery); return -1; } return 0; } #if O_BINARY static int backup_and_rename (GDBM_FILE *orig_dbf, char const *backup_name) { GDBM_FILE dbf = *orig_dbf; char *dbf_name = malloc (strlen (dbf->name + 1)); int dbf_block_size = dbf->header->block_size; int dbf_flags = GDBM_WRITER; void (*dbf_fatal) (); int status; struct stat fileinfo; if (!dbf_name) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } strcpy (dbf_name, dbf->name); if (!(dbf->file_locking)) dbf_flags |= GDBM_NOLOCK; if (!(dbf->fast_write)) dbf_flags |= GDBM_SYNC; dbf_fatal = dbf->fatal_err; /* Get the mode for the old file */ if (fstat (dbf->desc, &fileinfo)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_FILE_STAT_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } gdbm_close (dbf); status = link (dbf_name, backup_name); /* Reorganized database will be opened with old file name. */ dbf = gdbm_open (dbf_name, dbf_block_size, dbf_flags, fileinfo.st_mode, dbf_fatal); free (dbf_name); if (dbf == NULL) /* Database file cannot be reopened. Note that gdbm_errno != GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED now, and hence the `dbf' is corrupt. */ status = -1; *orig_dbf = dbf; return status; /* If status == 0 then renaming *and* reopening worked. */ } #endif static char * backup_name (char const *name) { char *buf; size_t len; size_t suf_pos; size_t suf_len; #define INITIAL_SUFFIX ".~1~" len = strlen (name) + sizeof (INITIAL_SUFFIX); buf = malloc (len); if (!buf) return NULL; strcpy (buf, name); suf_pos = strlen (buf) + 2; suf_len = 1; strcat (buf, INITIAL_SUFFIX); if (!HAS_LFN_SUPPORT(buf)) { char *dot = buf + len - sizeof (INITIAL_SUFFIX); char *ext = dot; while (--dot > buf && *dot != '.') ; if (dot > buf) { const int ext_len = ext - dot; if (ext_len == 1) suf_pos -= 1; else { ext[sizeof(INITIAL_SUFFIX) - 2] = '\0'; dot = ext; if (ext_len == 2) { ext++; suf_pos -= 1; } else if (ext_len == 3) { ext += 2; suf_pos -= 2; } else if (ext_len == 4) { dot = ext - 1; ext += 2; suf_pos -= 3; } } while ((*dot++ = *ext++)) ; } } while (access (buf, F_OK) == 0) { size_t i = suf_len; while (buf[suf_pos + i - 1] == '9') { buf[suf_pos + i - 1] = '0'; i--; if (i == 0) { if (!HAS_LFN_SUPPORT(buf)) { suf_pos--; if (buf[suf_pos] == '.') { SAVE_ERRNO (free (buf)); return NULL; } else if (buf[suf_pos] == '~' && buf[suf_pos + 2] == '~') { suf_pos += 2; suf_len = 0; } buf[suf_pos] = '0'; } else { char *p = realloc (buf, ++len); if (!p) { SAVE_ERRNO (free (buf)); return NULL; } memmove (p + suf_pos + 1, p + suf_pos, suf_len + 2); buf = p; } suf_len++; i++; } } ++buf[suf_pos + i - 1]; } return buf; } static int _gdbm_finish_transfer (GDBM_FILE dbf, GDBM_FILE new_dbf, gdbm_recovery *rcvr, int flags) { #if O_BINARY GDBM_FILE work_dbf = DUPLICATE_DBF(dbf); if (!work_dbf) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } #endif /* Write everything. */ if (_gdbm_end_update (new_dbf)) { gdbm_close (new_dbf); return -1; } gdbm_sync (new_dbf); if (gdbm_copy_meta (new_dbf, dbf)) { gdbm_close (new_dbf); return -1; } #if HAVE_MMAP _gdbm_mapped_unmap (dbf); #endif if (flags & GDBM_RCVR_BACKUP) { char *bkname = backup_name (dbf->name); if (!bkname) { SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (new_dbf)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_BACKUP_FAILED, FALSE); return -1; } #if O_BINARY if (backup_and_rename (&work_dbf, bkname) != 0) #else if (rename (dbf->name, bkname) != 0) #endif { SAVE_ERRNO (gdbm_close (new_dbf); free (bkname)); GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_BACKUP_FAILED, FALSE); return -1; } rcvr->backup_name = bkname; } /* Move the new file to old name. */ #if O_BINARY /* DOS cannot rename an open file. Both source and destination must be closed. */ { char *dbf_name = malloc (strlen (dbf->name + 1)); char *new_name = malloc (strlen (new_dbf->name + 1)); int dbf_block_size = dbf->header->block_size; int dbf_flags = GDBM_WRITER; void (*dbf_fatal) (); int status; struct stat fileinfo; if (!new_name) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } strcpy (new_name, new_dbf->name); if (!dbf_name) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE); free (new_name); return -1; } strcpy (dbf_name, dbf->name); if (!(dbf->file_locking)) dbf_flags |= GDBM_NOLOCK; if (!(dbf->fast_write)) dbf_flags |= GDBM_SYNC; dbf_fatal = dbf->fatal_err; /* Get the mode for the old file */ if (fstat (dbf->desc, &fileinfo)) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_FILE_STAT_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } gdbm_close (new_dbf); gdbm_close (work_dbf); status = rename (new_name, dbf_name); /* Reorganized database will be opened with old file name. */ work_dbf = gdbm_open (dbf_name, dbf_block_size, dbf_flags, fileinfo.st_mode, dbf_fatal); free (dbf_name); if (work_dbf == NULL) /* Database file cannot be reopened. Note that gdbm_errno != GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED now, and hence the `dbf' is corrupt. */ status = -1; else { /* if errno == GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED, the caller still has a valid `dbf'. */ if (status != 0) GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED, FALSE); *dbf = *work_dbf; } return status; /* If status == 0 then renaming *and* reopening worked. */ } #else /* not O_BINARY */ if (rename (new_dbf->name, dbf->name) != 0) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED, FALSE); gdbm_close (new_dbf); return -1; } /* Fix up DBF to have the correct information for the new file. */ if (dbf->file_locking) _gdbm_unlock_file (dbf); close (dbf->desc); free (dbf->header); free (dbf->dir); if (dbf->bucket_cache != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < dbf->cache_size; i++) { free (dbf->bucket_cache[i].ca_bucket); free (dbf->bucket_cache[i].ca_data.dptr); } free (dbf->bucket_cache); } dbf->desc = new_dbf->desc; dbf->header = new_dbf->header; dbf->dir = new_dbf->dir; dbf->bucket = new_dbf->bucket; dbf->bucket_dir = new_dbf->bucket_dir; dbf->last_read = new_dbf->last_read; dbf->bucket_cache = new_dbf->bucket_cache; dbf->cache_size = new_dbf->cache_size; dbf->header_changed = new_dbf->header_changed; dbf->directory_changed = new_dbf->directory_changed; dbf->bucket_changed = new_dbf->bucket_changed; dbf->second_changed = new_dbf->second_changed; free (new_dbf); #if HAVE_MMAP /* Re-initialize mapping if required */ if (dbf->memory_mapping) _gdbm_mapped_init (dbf); #endif /* Make sure the new database is all on disk. */ __fsync (dbf); /* Force the right stuff for a correct bucket cache. */ dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[0]; return _gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, 0); #endif /* not O_BINARY */ } int _gdbm_next_bucket_dir (GDBM_FILE dbf, int bucket_dir) { int dir_count = GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf); if (bucket_dir < 0 || bucket_dir >= dir_count) bucket_dir = dir_count; else { off_t cur = dbf->dir[bucket_dir]; while (++bucket_dir < dir_count && cur == dbf->dir[bucket_dir]) ; } return bucket_dir; } static int check_db (GDBM_FILE dbf) { int bucket_dir, i; int nbuckets = GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf); for (bucket_dir = 0; bucket_dir < nbuckets; bucket_dir = _gdbm_next_bucket_dir (dbf, bucket_dir)) { if (_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, bucket_dir)) return 1; else { if (dbf->bucket->count < 0 || dbf->bucket->count > dbf->header->bucket_elems) return 1; for (i = 0; i < dbf->header->bucket_elems; i++) { char *dptr; datum key; int hashval, bucket, off; if (dbf->bucket->h_table[i].hash_value == -1) continue; dptr = _gdbm_read_entry (dbf, i); if (!dptr) return 1; key.dptr = dptr; key.dsize = dbf->bucket->h_table[i].key_size; if (memcmp (dbf->bucket->h_table[i].key_start, key.dptr, (SMALL < key.dsize ? SMALL : key.dsize))) return 1; _gdbm_hash_key (dbf, key, &hashval, &bucket, &off); if (bucket >= nbuckets) return 1; if (hashval != dbf->bucket->h_table[i].hash_value) return 1; if (dbf->dir[bucket] != dbf->dir[bucket_dir]) return 1; } } } return 0; } static int run_recovery (GDBM_FILE dbf, GDBM_FILE new_dbf, gdbm_recovery *rcvr, int flags) { int bucket_dir, i; int nbuckets = GDBM_DIR_COUNT (dbf); for (bucket_dir = 0; bucket_dir < nbuckets; bucket_dir = _gdbm_next_bucket_dir (dbf, bucket_dir)) { if (_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, bucket_dir)) { if (flags & GDBM_RCVR_ERRFUN) rcvr->errfun (rcvr->data, _("can't read bucket #%d: %s"), bucket_dir, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); rcvr->failed_buckets++; if ((flags & GDBM_RCVR_MAX_FAILED_BUCKETS) && rcvr->failed_buckets == rcvr->max_failed_buckets) return -1; if ((flags & GDBM_RCVR_MAX_FAILURES) && (rcvr->failed_buckets + rcvr->failed_keys) == rcvr->max_failures) return -1; } else { rcvr->recovered_buckets++; for (i = 0; i < dbf->header->bucket_elems; i++) { char *dptr; datum key, data; if (dbf->bucket->h_table[i].hash_value == -1) continue; dptr = _gdbm_read_entry (dbf, i); if (dptr) rcvr->recovered_keys++; else { if (flags & GDBM_RCVR_ERRFUN) rcvr->errfun (rcvr->data, _("can't read key pair %d:%d (%lu:%d): %s"), bucket_dir, i, (unsigned long) dbf->bucket->h_table[i].data_pointer, dbf->bucket->h_table[i].key_size + dbf->bucket->h_table[i].data_size, gdbm_db_strerror (dbf)); rcvr->failed_keys++; if ((flags & GDBM_RCVR_MAX_FAILED_KEYS) && rcvr->failed_keys == rcvr->max_failed_keys) return -1; if ((flags & GDBM_RCVR_MAX_FAILURES) && (rcvr->failed_buckets + rcvr->failed_keys) == rcvr->max_failures) return -1; continue; } key.dptr = dptr; key.dsize = dbf->bucket->h_table[i].key_size; data.dptr = dptr + key.dsize; data.dsize = dbf->bucket->h_table[i].data_size; if (gdbm_store (new_dbf, key, data, GDBM_INSERT) != 0) { if (flags & GDBM_RCVR_ERRFUN) rcvr->errfun (rcvr->data, _("fatal: can't store element %d:%d (%lu:%d): %s"), bucket_dir, i, (unsigned long) dbf->bucket->h_table[i].data_pointer, dbf->bucket->h_table[i].key_size + dbf->bucket->h_table[i].data_size, gdbm_db_strerror (new_dbf)); return -1; } } } } return 0; } int gdbm_recover (GDBM_FILE dbf, gdbm_recovery *rcvr, int flags) { GDBM_FILE new_dbf; /* The new file. */ char *new_name; /* A temporary name. */ size_t len; int fd; int rc; gdbm_recovery rs; /* Readers can not reorganize! */ if (dbf->read_write == GDBM_READER) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (dbf, GDBM_READER_CANT_REORGANIZE, dbf->need_recovery); return -1; } /* Initialize gdbm_recovery structure */ if (!rcvr) { rcvr = &rs; flags = 0; } rcvr->recovered_keys = 0; rcvr->recovered_buckets = 0; rcvr->failed_keys = 0; rcvr->failed_buckets = 0; rcvr->backup_name = NULL; rc = 0; if ((flags & GDBM_RCVR_FORCE) || check_db (dbf)) { len = strlen (dbf->name); new_name = malloc (len + sizeof (TMPSUF)); if (!new_name) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_MALLOC_ERROR, FALSE); return -1; } strcat (strcpy (new_name, dbf->name), TMPSUF); if (!HAS_LFN_SUPPORT(new_name)) { new_name[0] = 'g'; new_name[1] = 'b'; new_name[2] = '\0'; strcat(new_name + 2, TMPSUF + 1); } fd = mkstemp (new_name); if (fd == -1) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR, FALSE); free (new_name); return -1; } new_dbf = gdbm_fd_open (fd, new_name, dbf->header->block_size, GDBM_WRCREAT | (dbf->cloexec ? GDBM_CLOEXEC : 0) | GDBM_CLOERROR, dbf->fatal_err); SAVE_ERRNO (free (new_name)); if (new_dbf == NULL) { GDBM_SET_ERRNO (NULL, GDBM_REORGANIZE_FAILED, FALSE); return -1; } rc = run_recovery (dbf, new_dbf, rcvr, flags); if (rc == 0) rc = _gdbm_finish_transfer (dbf, new_dbf, rcvr, flags); else gdbm_close (new_dbf); } if (rc == 0) { gdbm_clear_error (dbf); dbf->need_recovery = FALSE; } return rc; }