** The BOKIN Model Definition ** Version 1.0, December 17, 2005 Copyright (c) 2005 Tama Communications Corporation Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but changing it is not allowed. Introduction BOKIN Model is a business model to obtain proceeds by widely collecting donations while developing and distributing free software. This model is constructed not to take away consumer's freedom of software. The business which comply with the following criteria can be called a business based on BOKIN Model. Criteria 1. CORPORATION The person who start a business based on BOKIN Model must be a business corporation registered in the home country. (Herein after called the corporation) 2. FREE SOFTWARE The corporation develops free software. (Herein after called the BOKINware) 3. LICENSE The corporation distributes the BOKINware under GNU GPL (GNU General Public License) and GNU FDL (GNU Free Documentation License). Exceptionally, external packages which the BOKINware uses, small supporting files, short manuals and rough documentation can use simple all-permissive license, compatible with GNU GPL. 4. COPYRIGHT MANAGEMENT The corporation manages copyright on the BOKINware for consumers to keep on using it at ease. o Every file in the BOKINware should have a legally valid copyright notice and a license notice. o To include program which is assigned from another developer, the corporation receives a disclaimer paper or assignment paper signed by the author. o To include program which is not assigned, the corporation confirms its license is GNU GPL or compatible with GNU GPL, lists the files and authors in a file named AUTHORS, and lists the license in a file named LICENSE. The BOKINware should contain these two files. 5. MAILING LIST The corporation maintains mailing lists for consumers to cooperate one another. The list members, including the corporation, don't owe any duty. The mailing lists should include the following two at least. o Bug mailing list This list distributes, to the active maintainers of the BOKINware, bug reports and fixes for, and suggestions for improvements in the BOKINware. This list is also for user discussion. o Help mailing list This list is the place for authors, users and installers of the BOKINware to ask for help. The mailing lists can be replaced with a similar communication tool. The corporation can decide the operation policy of the list, but must not obstruct the list members to cooperate one another. 6. COLLECTING DONATIONS The corporation collects donations widely as its proceeds. The corporation must not offer the donor an individual supply of profit. 7. DONOR LIST The corporation open the donor list to the public. The donor list includes the following information. o Date of donation (The date when the corporation received the donation) o Amount of donation (Amount which the corporation received) o Donor's name o Donor's nationality When donor's name and nationality are unknown or the donor prefers to remain anonymous, they are treated as anonymous. The BOKINware should contain the donor list as a file named DONORS. It is preferable that the list is open to the public even on the Internet. 8. BOKIN MODEL DEFINITION The BOKINware should contain the present definition as a file named BOKIN_MODEL. Renewal The author may publish revised and/or new versions of the BOKIN Model Definition from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.