{ Some routines for file and directory handling on a higher level than those provided by the RTS. Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Frank Heckenbach This file is part of GNU Pascal. GNU Pascal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Pascal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Pascal; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, if you link this file with files compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. } {$gnu-pascal,I-} {$if __GPC_RELEASE__ < 20030412} {$error This unit requires GPC release 20030412 or newer.} {$endif} unit FileUtils; interface uses GPC; type TStringProc = procedure (const s: String); { Finds all files matching the given Mask in the given Directory and all subdirectories of it. The matching is done using all wildcards and brace expansion, like MultiFileNameMatch does. For each file found, FileAction is executed. For each directory found (including `.' and `..' if they match the Mask!), DirAction is executed. If MainDirFirst is True, this happens before processing the files in the directory and below, otherwise afterwards. (The former is useful, e.g., if this is used to copy a directory tree and DirAction does a MkDir, while the latter behaviour is required when removing a directory tree and DirAction does a RmDir.) Both FileAction and DirAction can be nil in which case nothing is done for files or directories found, respectively. (If DirAction is nil, the value of DirsFirst does not matter.) Of course, FileAction and DirAction may also be identical. The procedure leaves InOutRes set in case of any error. If FileAction or DirAction return with InOutRes set, FindFiles recognizes this and returns immediately. } procedure FindFiles (const Directory, Mask: String; MainDirFirst: Boolean; FileAction, DirAction: TStringProc); attribute (iocritical); { Creates the directory given by Path and all directories in between that are necessary. Does not report an error if the directory already exists, but, of course, if it cannot be created because of missing permissions or because Path already exists as a file. } procedure MkDirs (const Path: String); attribute (iocritical); { Removes Path if empty as well as any empty parent directories. Does not report an error if the directory is not empty. } procedure RmDirs (const Path: String); attribute (iocritical); { Copies the file Source to Dest, overwriting Dest if it exists and can be written to. Returns any errors in IOResult. If Mode >= 0, it will change the permissions of Dest to Mode immediately after creating it and before writing any data to it. That's useful, e.g., if Dest is not meant to be world-readable, because if you'd do a ChMod after FileCopy, you might leave the data readable (depending on the umask) during the copying. If Mode < 0, Dest will be set to the same permissions Source has. In any case, Dest will be set to the modification time of Source after copying. On any error, the destination file is erased. This is to avoid leaving partial files in case of full file systems (one of the most common reasons for errors). } procedure FileCopy (const Source, Dest: String; Mode: Integer); attribute (iocritical); { Creates a backup of FileName in the directory BackupDirectory or, if BackupDirectory is empty, in the directory of FileName. Errors are returned in IOResult (and on any error, no partial backup file is left), but if FileName does not exist, this does *not* count as an error (i.e., BackupFile will just return without setting IOResult then). If OnlyUserReadable is True, the backup file will be given only user-read permissions, nothing else. The name chosen for the backup depends on the Simple and Short parameters. The short names will fit into 8+3 characters (whenever possible), while the long ones conform to the conventions used by most GNU tools. If Simple is True, a simple backup file name will be used, and previous backups under the same name will be overwritten (if possible). Otherwise, backups will be numbered, where the number is chosen to be larger than all existing backups, so it will be unique and increasing in chronological order. In particular: Simple Short Backup name True True Base name of FileName plus '.bak' False True Base name of FileName plus '.b' plus a number True False Base name plus extension of FileName plus '~' False False Base name plus extension of FileName plus '.~', a number and '~' } procedure BackupFile (const FileName, BackupDirectory: String; Simple, Short, OnlyUserReadable: Boolean); attribute (iocritical); implementation procedure FindFiles (const Directory, Mask: String; MainDirFirst: Boolean; FileAction, DirAction: TStringProc); var Dir: DirPtr; FileName, FullName: TString; begin Dir := OpenDir (Directory); while InOutRes = 0 do begin FileName := ReadDir (Dir); if FileName = '' then Break; FullName := Directory + DirSeparator + FileName; if DirectoryExists (FullName) then begin if MainDirFirst and (@DirAction <> nil) and MultiFileNameMatch (Mask, FileName) then DirAction (FullName); if (InOutRes = 0) and (FileName <> DirSelf) and (FileName <> DirParent) then FindFiles (FullName, Mask, MainDirFirst, FileAction, DirAction); if not MainDirFirst and (@DirAction <> nil) and MultiFileNameMatch (Mask, FileName) then DirAction (FullName) end else if (@FileAction <> nil) and MultiFileNameMatch (Mask, FileName) then FileAction (FullName) end; CloseDir (Dir) end; procedure MkDirs (const Path: String); var NewPath: TString; begin if InOutRes <> 0 then Exit; NewPath := DirFromPath (RemoveDirSeparator (Path)); if NewPath <> Path then MkDirs (NewPath); if not DirectoryExists (Path) then MkDir (Path) end; procedure RmDirs (const Path: String); var NewPath: TString; begin if InOutRes <> 0 then Exit; RmDir (Path); { We use IOResult which clears the error status because an error here should not be reported to the caller because RmDir will fail for the first non-empty parent directory. } if IOResult = 0 then begin NewPath := DirFromPath (RemoveDirSeparator (Path)); if NewPath <> Path then RmDirs (NewPath) end end; procedure FileCopy (const Source, Dest: String; Mode: Integer); var Buf: array [1 .. $10000] of Byte; BytesRead: SizeType; f, g: File; b: BindingType; i: Integer; begin if InOutRes <> 0 then Exit; SetReturnAddress (ReturnAddress (0)); Assign (f, Source); Reset (f, 1); b := Binding (f); Assign (g, Dest); Rewrite (g, 1); RestoreReturnAddress; if Mode < 0 then Mode := b.Mode; ChMod (g, Mode); while not EOF (f) and (InOutRes = 0) do begin BlockRead (f, Buf, SizeOf (Buf), BytesRead); BlockWrite (g, Buf, BytesRead) end; Close (f); SetFileTime (g, GetUnixTime (Null), b.ModificationTime); Close (g); if InOutRes <> 0 then begin i := IOResult; Erase (g); InOutRes := i end end; procedure BackupFile (const FileName, BackupDirectory: String; Simple, Short, OnlyUserReadable: Boolean); var c, j, nr, r, Mode: Integer; BackupPath, p, p1, p2, n, e, g: TString; Buf: GlobBuffer; begin if (InOutRes <> 0) or not FileExists (FileName) then Exit; if OSDosFlag then Short := True; FSplit (FileName, p, n, e); if BackupDirectory <> '' then p := ForceAddDirSeparator (BackupDirectory); if Short then p := p + n else p := p + n + e; if Simple then if Short then BackupPath := p + '.bak' else BackupPath := p + '~' else begin if Short then begin p1 := p + '.b'; p2 := '' end else begin p1 := p + '.~'; p2 := '~' end; c := 0; Glob (Buf, QuoteFileName (p1, WildCardChars) + '*' + p2); for j := 1 to Buf.Result^.Count do begin g := Buf.Result^[j]^; if IsPrefix (p1, g) then begin Delete (g, 1, Length (p1)); if IsSuffix (p2, g) then begin Delete (g, Length (g) - Length (p2) + 1); Val (g, nr, r); if r = 0 then c := Max (c, nr) end end end; GlobFree (Buf); repeat Inc (c); BackupPath := p1 + StringOfChar ('0', Ord (Short and (c < 10))) + Integer2String (c) + p2 until not FileExists (BackupPath) end; if OnlyUserReadable then Mode := fm_UserReadable else Mode := -1; SetReturnAddress (ReturnAddress (0)); FileCopy (FileName, BackupPath, Mode); RestoreReturnAddress end; end.