.\"-*- nroff -*- .TH GDIFFMK @MAN1EXT@ "@MDATE@" "Groff Version @VERSION@" .SH NAME . .\" gdiffmk \- mark differences between groff/nroff/troff files . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Legal Terms .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .de co Copyright \[co] 2004-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the gdiffmk utility, which is part of groff, a free software project. You can redistribute and/or modify gdiffmk under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. gdiffmk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . .. . .de au This document was written and is maintained by .MT MBianchi@Foveal.com Mike Bianchi .MT . .. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH SYNOPSIS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .nr a \n(.j .ad l .nr i \n(.i .in +\w'\fBgdiffmk 'u .ti \niu .B gdiffmk .de OP . ie \\n(.$-1 .RI "[\ \fB\\$1\fP" "\\$2" "\ ]" . el .RB "[\ " "\\$1" "\ ]" .. .OP \-a \%addmark .OP \-c \%changemark .OP \-d \%deletemark [\ \c .B \-D .OP \-B .OP \-M "mark1 mark2" ] .OP \-x \%diffcmd .OP \-\- .OP \-\-help .OP \%\-\-version .I \%file1 .I \%file2 [\ \c .IR \%output \ \c ] .br .ad \na . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH DESCRIPTION .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .B gdiffmk compares two .BR groff (1), .BR nroff (1), or .BR troff (1) documents, .I file1 and .IR file2 , and creates an output which is .I file2 with added `margin character' (.mc) commands that indicate the differences. . . .LP If the .I output filename is present, the output is written there. . If it is .B \- or absent the output is written to the standard output. . . .LP If the .I file1 or .I file2 argument is .B \- the standard input is read for that input. . Clearly both cannot be .BR \- . . . .LP Note that the output is not necessarily compatible with all macro packages and all preprocessors. . See the .B BUGS section below. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH OPTIONS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TP .BI \-a addmark Use the .I addmark for source lines not in .I file1 but present in .IR file2 . . Default: .BR + . . .TP .B \-B By default, the deleted texts marked by the .B \-D option end with an added troff break command, .BR .br , to ensure that the deletions are marked properly. . This is the only way to guarantee that deletions and small changes get flagged. . This option directs the program not to insert these breaks; it makes no sense to use it without .BR \-D . . .TP .BI \-c changemark Use the .I changemark for changed source lines. . Default: .BR | . . .TP .BI \-d deletemark Use the .I deletemark for deleted source lines. . Default: .BR * . . .TP .B \-D Show the deleted portions from changed and deleted text. . Default delimiting marks: .BR "[[" " \&.\|.\|.\& " "]]" . . .TP .BI \-M "mark1 mark2" Change the delimiting marks for the .B \-D option. . It makes no sense to use this option without .BR \-D . . .TP .BI \-x diffcmd Use the .I diffcmd command to perform the comparison of .I file1 and .IR file2 . . In particular, .I diffcmd should accept the GNU .B diff .BI \-D name option. . Default: .BR diff (1). . .TP .B \-\- All the following arguments are treated as file names, even if they begin with .BR \- . . .TP .B \-\-help Print a usage message on standard error output and exit. . .TP .B \-\-version Print version information on the standard output and exit. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH BUGS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . The output is not necessarily compatible with all macro packages and all preprocessors. . A workaround that is often successful against preprocessor problems is to run .B gdiffmk on the output of all the preprocessors instead of the input source. . . .LP .B gdiffmk relies on the .BI \-D name option of GNU .BR diff (1) to make a merged `#ifdef' output format. . It hasn't been tested whether other versions of .BR diff (1) do support this option. . See also the .BI \-x diffcmd option. . . .LP Report bugs to .MT bug-groff@gnu.org .ME . . Include a complete, self-contained example that will allow the bug to be reproduced, and say which version of .B gdiffmk you are using. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH COPYRIGHT .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .co .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH AUTHORS .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .au . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .BR groff (@MAN1EXT@), .BR nroff (@MAN1EXT@), .BR gtroff (@MAN1EXT@), .BR diff (@MAN1EXT@) . .\" Local Variables: .\" mode: nroff .\" End: