-*- text -*- Copyright 2004-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. Assume that anything that doesn't work or behaves oddly is a bug. The documentation should be taken as the authoritative source for how things ought to be. Post to the groff mailing list with bug reports, questions and suggestions, or contact me directly at: peter@schaffter.ca If writing me directly, please include the word "groff" or "mom" in the Subject line or you risk my spam filters nuking your message. Also, please--no html email. That, too, gets nuked. --Peter Schaffter ==================================================================== Version 2.0-c ============= Endnotes page offset wrong if (BLOCK)QUOTE last macro before ENDNOTES. ---Fixed--- Character translation of diacritics from lowercase to caps broken. ---Fixed--- Spacing not being restored (.ns/.rs) after a HEADING that falls at the top of the page. ---Fixed--- Version 2.0-b ============= When line numbering is enabled, line numbers after QUOTE being reset to '0'. ---Fixed--- When line numbering is enabled for QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE, style params for line numbers not being applied. ---Fixed--- TOC overprinting footer when it comes immediately after BIBLIOGRAPHY. ---Fixed--- TOC page numbers not printing when positioned at top of page. ---Fixed--- TOC page numbers not always incrementing properly. ---Fixed--- Version 2.0-a_1 =============== QUOTE_INDENT not being respected in FLOAT. ---Fixed--- SMARTQUOTES OFF broken. ---Fixed--- DOCHEADER_LEAD being reset to default after first chapter. ---Fixed--- Forced floats that fit on the page causing floats on the next page to be treated as forced. ---Fixed--- Forced floats not advancing on the page after output if the float is forced to the next page, causing running text to overprint. ---Fixed--- Text after defered floats not being shimmed properly. ---Fixed--- Tables that span pages overprinting first two lines of table on new pages. ---Fixed--- PDF_IMAGE not respecting .IL, .IR, or .IB. ---Fixed--- AUTOLEAD not sticking after .START. ---Fixed--- Version 2.0-a ============= Footer not printing on first page when HEADERS_AND_FOOTERS enabled. ---Fixed--- $AUTHOR string missing. ---Fixed--- Version 2.0 =========== tbl macros .TS/.TE not working unless inside a float. ---Fixed--- Terminal period after page number(s) in refer items not always printing. ---Fixed--- ==================================================================== Version 1.6-a =========== Footnotes on last page of columnar docs before a TOC getting printed at bottom of last column, not current column. --Fixed--- HEADER_RULE OFF turning off headers completely. ---Fixed--- FINIS depositing a blank final page when invoked too close to the bottom margin. ---Fixed--- Version 1-6 =========== ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS not disabling caps when arg given. ---Fixed--- Superfluous blank line before paragraphs with paraheads. ---Fixed--- Paraheads causing line numbering to overprint two line numbers. ---Fixed--- Endless loop when DOC_LEAD_ADJUST is disabled. ---Fixed--- In the case where the list doesn't fit the page, -mom inserts an extra page with one word and a warning about "environment stack underflow" and then continues on the following page. --Fixed-- PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE not respecting TYPEWRITER_FAMILY when DOCTYPE is LETTER. ---Fixed--- Version 1.5-d ============= ILX not quitting left indents set within ITEM. ---Fixed---- Version 1.5-c ============= COVER_COUNTS_PAGES incrementing pagenum by 1 too many. ---Fixed--- HEADER/FOOTER_RECTO strings vanishing when the default CAPS option is turned off. ---Fixed--- TQ not removing QUAD arg from cleared tabs. ---Fixed--- DROPCAP_OFF trap remaining in effect after dropcap has been processed. ---Fixed--- PARAHEAD_SIZE 0 resulting in 0-sized type! ---Fixed--- When DOC_LEAD is called to change document leading in collated docs, document leading steadily increases by small amounts at each subsequent call to COLLATE. ---Fixed--- (DOC_)COVER requests annihilating families used in various document elements if those families differ from the document's overall family. ---Fixed--- Covers and doccovers not always respecting null pagenumbering. --Fixed--- Version 1.5-b ============= Use of \E*[UC] and \E*[LC] inside strings for HDRFTR_RECTO and HDRFTR_VERSO breaking headers. ---Not fixable. CAPS option added to HDRFTR_RECTO/VERSO to accomodate situations where capitalized reserved strings(\*[$TITLE], \*[$AUTHOR], etc) are desired.--- COLLATE depositing a blank page if last output line before it falls at the bottom of running text. ---Fixed--- PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE not setting $FAMILY or $FONT or $PP_FT, with consequences for COLLATE. ---Fixed--- FOOTNOTE_MARKERS OFF not disabling footnote markers if used before START. ---Fixed--- 1st footnotes with overflow vanishing altogether with an "automatically ending diversion `FN_OVERFLOW' on exit" warning. ---Fixed--- Right hand margin notes vanishing when an RH margin note overflows to the next output page. ---Fixed (I think)--- Doc bug; \*[S] escape incorrectly typed as \*S[] in the section on mom's inlines. ---Fixed--- Paragraphs inside blockquotes not being spaced when .PARA_SPACE is active. ---Fixed--- Version 1.5-a ============= Indenting of references (collected with .REF) on endnotes pages when endnote numbers are right-aligned appears to be backwards; the first line of the reference is indented more than the second. ---Fixed--- Version 1.5 =========== DROPCAP not printing the dropcap letter at all in PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE, nor when DROPCAP is used (accidentally?) after a valid "first" paragraph. ---FIXED--- DROPCAP going into an infinite loop when groff called with the -Tascii switch. ---FIXED--- SHIFT_LIST, when used anywhere but with a top-level list, is killing list indents for every list level *returned to* afterward. ---Fixed--- TOC page number for heads and subheads that get bumped to next page (because of .ne) off by 1. ---Fixed--- Moving backwards in nested lists not setting the proper indent. ---Fixed--- Default linebreak color missing in om.tmac. ---Fixed--- Some links in macrolist.html not pointing to html "name" owing to missing # in link names. ---Fixed--- Version 1.4-b ============= Line lengths and indents not always being respected in LIST. ---Fixed--- CAPS OFF, called inline with \*[CAPS OFF] not working. (Added two new inlines, \*[UC] and \*[LC], to do the job.) ---Fixed--- When type is set after START but no docelement tag given, the expected family ($DOC_FAMILY) and font (R) are not in effect. ---Fixed--- When DOCTYPE is CHAPTER and .TITLE is omitted after .COLLATE, the title vanishes from page headers/footers. ---Fixed--- Version 1.4-a ============= In collated documents, when using a different HEADER_FAMILY, if BLANKPAGE is given after COLLATE (but before START) all subsequent text is set in the HEADER_FAMILY face rather than the standard text face. ---Fixed--- Document title identification string missing on endnotes pages when the endnote marker style is LINE. ---Fixed--- Space between endnote items on endnotes output pages not being inserted. ---Fixed--- Version 1.4 =========== Invoking .FOOTERS isn't automatically putting pagination in the top margin. ---Fixed--- .PP_FONT after .COLLATE not being respected. ---Fixed--- $SAVED_PP_FT not being fed to .FT in .PP after .COLLATE ---Fixed--- .CODE OFF not always restoring previous family and font. ---Fixed--- .ITEM, when not in a list, should do nothing. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-e_3 =============== ENDNOTES is not, by default, printing headers on endnotes pages. ---Fixed--- Processing of the "Endnotes" title for the TOC is putting the page number 1 line too high and not inserting leader. ---Fixed--- Collated docs not respecting $PP_FT (it's picking up the font from the pagenumber font) ---Fixed--- Docheader spacing sometimes depositing too much space between various docheader elements in TYPEWRITE when DOCTYPE is DEFAULT or NAMED. ---Fixed--- When COLUMNS are on, subheads that are deferred to the next column/page because there isn't enough room for the s/h and one line of text are causing columns to overprint. ---Fixed--- HDRFTR_LEFT printing one line too high when .HEADER_COLOR is used. ---Fixed--- DOCTITLE link broken in the docs. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-e_2 =============== TOC formatting incorrect when the pound/number sign (#) is used in head elements. ---Fixed--- [Documentation]: The docs erroneously state that TOC control macros can be entered anywhere in a file prior to invoking TOC (they should be entered before START). ---Fixed--- Page numbers in the bottom margin being printed too low on output pages preceding an invocation of COLLATE or macros that call it. ---Fixed--- A superfluous blank, numbered page is being generated by COLLATE (and macros that call it, namely TOC and ENDNOTES) when the last line of output text before it falls on the last valid baseline of an output page. Same thing happening occasionally with normal document termination. ---Fixed--- SHIFT_LIST not being observed when moving *back* to a shifted list; the list is reverting to the left margin. ---Fixed--- NUMBER_SUBHEADS not working with TYPESET when PARA_SPACE is on. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-e_1 =============== Missing #COLLATE register (accidentally wiped out) creating various problems with .COLLATE (missing headers, leading increasing slightly each time .COLLATE invoked, etc). ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-e ============= mom failing during groff build while processing examples/typesetting.mom ---Fixed--- Windows user reports COLLATE fails with a bottom margin error (generated by mom). ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-d ============= Small error in the examples of output in the "Footnotes and Punctuation" documentation section. ---Fixed---- PAD_LIST_DIGITS/SHIFT_LIST broken when the enumerator type is roman or ROMAN. ---Fixed--- COLLATE wiping out _FAMILY settings. ---Fixed--- DOC_LEAD_ADJUST OFF not being observed when COLLATE is invoked. ---Fixed--- DROPCAP setting the dropcap too high in initial paragraph after a COLLATE. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-c ============= Owing to a superfluous "if" in the FONT macro, the "missing font" routine is being silently ignored. ---Fixed--- FOOTNOTE, used in nofill mode, adds a linebreak between the marker and the text of the footnote. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-b ============= ITALIC_MEANS_ITALIC not being respected when DOCTYPE LETTER. ---Fixed--- Underlining of italic passages in PRINTSTYLE TYEPWRITE not spanning pages. ---Fixed--- PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE depositing extra space on new pages above quotes that span pages. ---Fixed--- MN doesn't accept OFF, QUIT, END, X, etc. ---Fixed--- Margin notes that begin flush with the last line of text on a page are running down the same page, instead of the remainder being collected and output on the next. ---Fixed--- MN sometimes erroneously dropping margin notes near the bottom of a page, even when they'd fit. (MN-shifted not being removed by MN-top.) ---Fixed--- MN_INIT not accepting "" args for default values. ---Fixed--- Documentation for margin notes erroneously states that the first (optional) argument can be either "ragged" or "symmetric". S/b "RAGGED" or "SYMMETRIC". ---Fixed--- Use of "" to tell MN_INIT to use the default for any specific argument in the arg list broken. ---Fixed--- Paragraphs that begin with a "smart" double quote when the preceding paragraph has no corresponding close quote (i.e. dialogue passages containing multiple paragraphs) are starting off with a close quote. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3-a ============= First baseline of type isn't going where it's supposed to when the docheader is turned off. ---Fixed--- Version 1.3 =========== Persistent error in html coding of docs ( tag). ---Fixed--- Version 1.2-f ============ Multiple line subheads near page bottom sometimes printing one line of subhead at page bottom, and subsequent lines on next page. ---Fixed--- Post-quote spacing still wonky when paragraph spacing is turned on. ---Fixed--- (for good would be nice) RULE not always resetting quad and quad value. ---Fixed--- Version 1.2-e ============= Some string definitions in om.tmac had superfluous spaces after them (e.g. $COVERTITLE). ---Fixed--- Spacing under quotes not correct when paragraph spacing is turned on. ---Fixed--- First word of last line before footnotes is getting chopped. ---Fixed--- Version 1.2-d ============= HEADER_FAMILY not changing header family. ---Fixed--- FAMILY, after COLLATE, not changing the family of all and every page element or tag. ---Fixed--- Heads and subheads at the start of docs are printing one line lower than they should. ---Fixed--- Gaps are appearing at the bottom of pages when there's a linebreak followed by a subhead. ---Fixed--- When LS is invoked after a single text line at the top of a page containing a T_MARGIN (set with T_MARGIN or PAGE), mom is performing spacing adjustments as if the first line doesn't exist. ---Fixed--- Changes made to ALD and LS in version 1.2-c should not apply when the document processing macros are used. There is a significant conflict with the internal use of ALD when the docheader is only one line long (as, for example, when DOCTYPE is CHAPTER). ---Fixed, pending discovery of further conflicts--- Version 1.2-c ============= Deferred footnotes not always being output, and groff complains "ending diversion FN_OVERFLOW on exit." ---Fixed--- First .LS call after a top margin has been set (with .T_MARGIN or .PAGE) causing mom to move off the top margin baseline. Also, there are conflicts between ALD, LS and T_MARGIN. ---Fixed--- DROPCAP not properly restoring a running \*[COND] or \*[EXT] after COND or EXT are given as arguments to DROPCAP. ---Fixed--- Version 1.2 =========== .PAD not co-operating with mom's fontstyles, esp. when a full family+fontstyle is given to .FT. ---Fixed--- .DROPCAP -- ditto the above. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.9 ============= Footnote markers not resetting properly on new pages when COLUMNS is enabled. ---Fixed--- When overflowed footnote material is the only footnote material on the page or in the column, no footnotes are output. ---Fixed--- The AUTOLEAD used in FOOTNOTE not being disabled after FOOTNOTES are output, or after PROCESS_FN_LEFTOVER/PROCESS_FN_IN_DIVER. ---Fixed--- COL_NEXT and COL_BREAK, when invoked during the last column on a page, are overprinting the last column instead of breaking to a new page when there are footnotes in the column. ---Fixed--- BR_AT_LINE_KERN not "break-and-spreading" text when used in justified copy. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.8 ============= BLOCKQUOTE_FAMILY not changing blockquote family. ---Fixed--- FOOTNOTE, whether in column mode or not, was using #FN_COUNT_FOR_COLS for all footnote markers and handling. ---Fixed--- Deferred footnotes that occured on the second to last page of documents not printing. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.7-a =============== Suite number in DOCTYPE LETTER not printing. ---Fixed--- Footer elements not always vertically aligning. ---Fixed--- Footer rule gap not always correctly observed. ---Fixed--- Page numbering, when at top of page, not always falling on HDRFTR_MARGIN. ---Fixed--- Default page numbering style for COPYSTYLE draft is DIGIT instead of roman. ---Fixed--- Hyphens around page numbering when style is DIGIT, ROMAN or ALPHA not vertically centered. ---Fixed--- EXT arg not working with DROPCAP. ---Fixed--- DOC_QUAD not automatically set immediately after START ---Fixed-- Tabs behaving erratically during document processing. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.7 ============= When DOCHEADER OFF is given, if falls short of the top margin of running text, is not respected and bottom margin falls low. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.6-e =============== The " mark (doublequote), when entered while not in document processing mode (i.e. just straightforward typesetting), outputs nothing unless SMARQUOTES is invoked explicitly. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.6-c =============== In document processing mode, docs that use *none* of the docprocessing tags being ignored. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.6-b =============== String tabs not picking up #L_MARGIN when #L_MARGIN not explicitly set with L_MARGIN, PAPER or PAGE. ---Fixed--- Infinite loop when B_MARGIN is set lower than FOOTER_MARGIN during doc processing. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.6-a =============== Mom partially broken when run with groff 1.19.1. Don't know yet what this is, whether bad coding in mom, or a problem with 1.19.1. Only solution for now: run mom 1.1.6 with groff 1.18. ----Fixed--- Top margin of endnotes pages after the first endnotes page when PRINTSTYLE is TYPEWRITE and endnotes single-spacing is turned on falling one line too high. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.6 ============= DOCHEADER OFF (distance) not being respected. ---Fixed--- FINIS killing ENDNOTES page numbering and heads. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.5 ============= Draft and revision not appearing in page headers. ---Fixed--- \*[RULE] not working properly with indents and justified copy. ---Fixed--- Post-epigraph spacing in TYPEWRITE causing some first pages to run too deep. ---Fixed--- Spacing of docheaders in TYPEWRITE not always consistent. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.4 ============= Blockquotes that span pages running too deep. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.3 ============= Footnotes not outputting on final page of document body when ENDNOTES is invoked. ---Fixed--- Pad not working properly and/or spitting out warnings when fill mode is on. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1.2 ============= PAGENUM_STYLE being ignored unless entered after START. ---Fixed--- Version 1.1 =========== String tabs not working as advertised when set from within other tabs. ---Fixed--- .COLLATE sometimes depositing a header on the first page of a subsequent doc. ---Fixed with workaround BREAK_QUOTE--- .UNDERLINE_QUOTES in PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE not on by default as advertised. ---Fixed--- .TI not cooperating with other indent styles. ---Fixed--- .WS and .SS not cooperating. ---Fixed--- .RW and .EW not working. ---Fixed--- ======================================================================== KNOWN PROBLEMS -------------- The indent macros from the typesetting macro set may not always perform well in conjunction with the document processing macros, especially when documents are set in columns. Mostly, this is the result of inadequate testing. There are only so many "who'd want to do this anyway?" scenarios I can think of on my own. Epigraphs at the bottoms of page may sometimes run exactly one line deeper than they should. The alternative (from my point of view) is to have them run 1 line shorter than they should. The problem stems from the fact the epigraphs are leaded differently than all other text, and there's only so much adjusting that can be done with the whitespace surrounding them to get them to bottom align. Since stylistically, epigraphs should never appear at the bottom of a page/column without at least some running text beneath them in order to make sense of the role they play in page layout, this not likely to be fixed for some time.