-*- text -*- Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. Known PROBLEMS in pdfmark.tmac ============================== Bounding boxes for link hot-spots which straddle a page break are not computed correctly. *** Resolved: 06-Dec-2004 (KDM): pdfmark.tmac.patch-20041206 *** -------- Documents including a large number of cross references may fail, with an 'input stack limit exceeded' error. *** Resolved: 27-Sep-2004 (KDM): pdfmark.tmac.patch-20040927 *** -------- Links placed in diversions, such as footnotes or floating keeps, resolve to the wrong destinations; (mapping order becomes confused between links in diversion, and links in running text following the diversion). -------- Annotations placed by .pdfnote cannot exceed about 200 chars.