'\" t .TH GROFF_CHAR @MAN7EXT@ "@MDATE@" "@VERSION@" .SH NAME groff_char \- groff glyph names . .\" The lines above were designed to satisfy `apropos'. . .\" For best results, format this document with `groff' (GNU roff). . .\" groff_char(7): .\" Source file position: /man/groff_char.man .\" Installed position: /share/man/man7/groff_char.7 . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Legal terms .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .de co Copyright \(co 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of groff (GNU roff), which is a free software project. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. . If not, see .UR http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL2 .UE . .. . .de au This document was written by .MT jjc@jclark.com James Clark .ME with additions by .MT wl@gnu.org Werner Lemberg .ME and .MT groff-bernd.warken-72@web.de Bernd Warken .ME . . This document was revised to use real tables by .MT esr@thyrsus.com Eric S. Raymond .ME . .. . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Setup .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .do nr groff_char_C \n[.C] .cp 0 . .\" groff only .\".if \n(.g .ne 2v .\".if \n(.g .sv 2v . .ds aq \(aq . .\" non-groff .if !\n(.g .if '\(aq'' .ds aq \' . .nr Sp 2n . .do if !r ECFONTS .do fspecial CR R . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH DESCRIPTION .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . This manual page lists the standard .B groff glyph names and the default input mapping, \%latin1. . The glyphs in this document look different depending on which output device was chosen (with option .B \-T for the .BR man (1) program or the roff formatter). . Glyphs not available for the device that is being used to print or view this manual page are marked with .ie \n(.g \[oq](N/A)\[cq]; the device currently used is \[oq]\*(.T\[cq]. .el \[oq](N/A)\[cq]. . . .P In the actual version, .B groff provides only \%8-bit characters for direct input and named entities for further glyphs. . On ASCII platforms, input character codes in the range 0 to 127 (decimal) represent the usual \%7-bit ASCII characters, while codes between 127 and 255 are interpreted as the corresponding characters in the .I \%latin1 .RI ( \%ISO-8859-1 ) code set by default. . This mapping is contained in the file \f(CWlatin1.tmac\fP and can be changed by loading a different input encoding. . Note that some of the input characters are reserved by .BR groff , either for internal use or for special input purposes. . On EBCDIC platforms, only code page .I cp1047 is supported (which contains the same characters as \%latin1; the input encoding file is called \f(CWcp1047.tmac\fP). . Again, some input characters are reserved for internal and special purposes. . . .P All roff systems provide the concept of named glyphs. . In traditional roff systems, only names of length\ 2 were used, while groff also provides support for longer names. . It is strongly suggested that only named glyphs are used for all character representations outside of the printable \%7-bit ASCII range. . . .P Some of the predefined groff escape sequences (with names of length\ 1) also produce single glyphs; these exist for historical reasons or are printable versions of syntactical characters. . They include \[oq]\f(CW\e\e\fP\[cq], \[oq]\f(CW\e\'\fP\[cq], \[oq]\f(CW\e`\fP\[cq], \[oq]\f(CW\e-\fP\[cq], \[oq]\f(CW\e.\fP\[cq], and \[oq]\f(CW\ee\fP\[cq]; see .BR groff (@MAN7EXT@). . . .P In groff, all of these different types of characters and glyphs can be tested positively with the \[oq]\f(CW.if\ c\fP\[cq] conditional. . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH REFERENCE .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . In this section, the glyphs in groff are specified in tabular form. . The meaning of the columns is as follows. . . .TP .I "Output" shows how the glyph is printed for the current device; although this can have quite a different shape on other devices, it always represents the same glyph. . . .TP .I "Input" specifies how the glyph is input either directly by a key on the keyboard, or by a groff escape sequence. . . .TP .I "Code" applies to glyphs which can be input with a single character, and gives the ISO \%latin1 decimal code of that input character. . Note that this code is equivalent to the lowest 256 Unicode characters, including \%7-bit ASCII in the range 0 to\ 127. . . .TP .I "PostScript" gives the usual PostScript name of the glyph. . . .TP .I "Unicode" is the glyph name used in composite glyph names. . The names in the Unicode column look like .B u0021 or .BR u0041_0300 . . In groff, the corresponding Unicode characters can be constructed by adding a backslash and a pair of square brackets, for example .B \e[u0021] or .BR \e[u0041_0300] . . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS "7-bit Character Codes 32\(en126" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . These are the basic glyphs having 7-bit ASCII code values assigned. . They are identical to the printable characters of the character standards \%ISO-8859-1 (\%latin1) and Unicode (range .IR "Basic Latin" ). . The glyph names used in composite glyph names are \[oq]u0020\[cq] up to \[oq]u007E\[cq]. . . .P Note that input characters in the range \%0\-31 and character 127 are .I not printable characters. . Most of them are invalid input characters for .B groff anyway, and the valid ones have special meaning. . For EBCDIC, the printable characters are in the range \%66\-255. . . .TP 48\-57 Decimal digits 0 to\ 9 (print as themselves). . . .TP 65\-90 Upper case letters A\-Z (print as themselves). . . .TP 97\-122 Lower case letters a\(enz (print as themselves). . . .P Most of the remaining characters not in the just described ranges print as themselves; the only exceptions are the following characters: . . .TP .B \` the ISO \%latin1 \[oq]Grave Accent\[cq] (code\ 96) prints as \[oq], a left single quotation mark; the original character can be obtained with \[oq]\f(CW\e`\fP\[cq]. . . .TP .B \*(aq the ISO \%latin1 \[oq]Apostrophe\[cq] (code\ 39) prints as ', a right single quotation mark; the original character can be obtained with \[oq]\f(CW\e(aq\fP\[cq]. . . .TP .B - the ISO \%latin1 \[oq]Hyphen, Minus Sign\[cq] (code\ 45) prints as a hyphen; a minus sign can be obtained with \[oq]\f(CW\e-\fP\[cq]. . . .TP .B ~ the ISO \%latin1 \[oq]Tilde\[cq] (code\ 126) is reduced in size to be usable as a diacritic; a larger glyph can be obtained with \[oq]\f(CW\e(ti\fP\[cq]. . . .TP .B ^ the ISO \%latin1 \[oq]Circumflex Accent\[cq] (code\ 94) is reduced in size to be usable as a diacritic; a larger glyph can be obtained with \[oq]\f(CW\e(ha\fP\[cq]. . . .P .na .TS l l l l l lx. Output Input Code PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[char33] \[char33] 33 exclam u0021 exclamation mark (bang) \[char34] \[char34] 34 quotedbl u0022 double quote \[char35] \[char35] 35 numbersign u0023 number sign \[char36] \[char36] 36 dollar u0024 currency dollar sign \[char37] \[char37] 37 percent u0025 percent \[char38] \[char38] 38 ampersand u0026 ampersand \[char39] \[char39] 39 quoteright u0027 right quote \[char40] \[char40] 40 parenleft u0028 parentheses left \[char41] \[char41] 41 parenright u0029 parentheses right \[char42] \[char42] 42 asterisk u002A asterisk \[char43] \[char43] 43 plus u002B plus \[char44] \[char44] 44 comma u002C comma \[char45] \[char45] 45 hyphen u2010 hyphen \[char46] \[char46] 46 period u002E period, dot \[char47] \[char47] 47 slash u002F slash \[char58] \[char58] 58 colon u003A colon \[char59] \[char59] 59 semicolon u003B semicolon \[char60] \[char60] 60 less u003C less than \[char61] \[char61] 61 equal u003D equal \[char62] \[char62] 62 greater u003E greater than \[char63] \[char63] 63 question u003F question mark \[char64] \[char64] 64 at u0040 at \[char91] \[char91] 91 bracketleft u005B square bracket left \[char92] \[char92] 92 backslash u005C backslash \[char93] \[char93] 93 bracketright u005D square bracket right \[char94] \[char94] 94 circumflex u005E circumflex accent \[char95] \[char95] 95 underscore u005F underscore \[char96] \[char96] 96 quoteleft u0060 quote left \[char123] \[char123] 123 braceleft u007B curly brace left \[char124] \[char124] 124 bar u007C bar \[char125] \[char125] 125 braceright u007D curly brace right \[char126] \[char126] 126 tilde u007E tilde accent .TE .ad . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS "8-bit Character Codes 160 to 255" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . They are interpreted as printable characters according to the .I latin1 .RI ( ISO-8859-1 ) code set, being identical to the Unicode range .IR "Latin-1 Supplement" . . . .P Input characters in range 128\-159 (on non-EBCDIC hosts) are not printable characters. . . .TP 160 . the ISO \%latin1 .I no-break space is mapped to \[oq]\f(CW\e\(ti\fP\[cq], the stretchable space character. . . .TP 173 . the soft hyphen control character. . .B groff never uses this character for output (thus it is omitted in the table below); the input character\ 173 is mapped onto \[oq]\f(CW\e%\fP\[cq]. . . .P The remaining ranges (\%161\-172, \%174\-255) are printable characters that print as themselves. . Although they can be specified directly with the keyboard on systems with a \%latin1 code page, it is better to use their glyph names; see next section. . .P .na .TS l l l l l lx. Output Input Code PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[char161] \[char161] 161 exclamdown u00A1 inverted exclamation mark \[char162] \[char162] 162 cent u00A2 currency unit \[char163] \[char163] 163 sterling u00A3 pound sterling \[char164] \[char164] 164 currency u00A4 generic currency symbol \[char165] \[char165] 165 yen u00A5 Japanese currency symbol \[char166] \[char166] 166 brokenbar u00A6 broken bar \[char167] \[char167] 167 section u00A7 section sign \[char168] \[char168] 168 dieresis u00A8 dieresis (umlaut) \[char169] \[char169] 169 copyright u00A9 copyright symbol \[char170] \[char170] 170 ordfeminine u00AA feminine ordinal (Spanish) \[char171] \[char171] 171 guillemotleft u00AB left guillemet [sic] \[char172] \[char172] 172 logicalnot u00AC logical not \[char174] \[char174] 174 registered u00AE registered mark symbol \[char175] \[char175] 175 macron u00AF overbar accent \[char176] \[char176] 176 degree u00B0 degree sign \[char177] \[char177] 177 plusminus u00B1 plus-minus sign \[char178] \[char178] 178 twosuperior u00B2 superscript 2 \[char179] \[char179] 179 threesuperior u00B3 superscript 3 \[char180] \[char180] 180 acute u00B4 acute accent \[char181] \[char181] 181 mu u00B5 micro sign \[char182] \[char182] 182 paragraph u00B6 end of paragraphs marker \[char183] \[char183] 183 periodcentered u00B7 centered period \[char184] \[char184] 184 cedilla u00B8 cedilla accent \[char185] \[char185] 185 onesuperior u00B9 superscript 1 \[char186] \[char186] 186 ordmasculine u00BA masculine ordinal (Spanish) \[char187] \[char187] 187 guillemotright u00BB right guillemet [sic] \[char188] \[char188] 188 onequarter u00BC 1/4 symbol \[char189] \[char189] 189 onehalf u00BD 1/2 symbol \[char190] \[char190] 190 threequarters u00BE 3/4 symbol \[char191] \[char191] 191 questiondown u00BF inverted question mark \[char192] \[char192] 192 Agrave u0041_0300 A grave \[char193] \[char193] 193 Aacute u0041_0301 A acute \[char194] \[char194] 194 Acircumflex u0041_0302 A circumflex \[char195] \[char195] 195 Atilde u0041_0303 A tilde \[char196] \[char196] 196 Adieresis u0041_0308 A dieresis (umlaut) \[char197] \[char197] 197 Aring u0041_030A A ring \[char198] \[char198] 198 AE u00C6 A+E combined \[char199] \[char199] 199 Ccedilla u0043_0327 C cedilla \[char200] \[char200] 200 Egrave u0045_0300 E grave \[char201] \[char201] 201 Eacute u0045_0301 E acute \[char202] \[char202] 202 Ecircumflex u0045_0302 E circumflex \[char203] \[char203] 203 Edieresis u0045_0308 E dieresis (umlaut) \[char204] \[char204] 204 Igrave u0049_0300 I grave \[char205] \[char205] 205 Iacute u0049_0301 I acute \[char206] \[char206] 206 Icircumflex u0049_0302 I circumflex \[char207] \[char207] 207 Idieresis u0049_0308 I dieresis \[char208] \[char208] 208 Eth u00D0 E th \[char209] \[char209] 209 Ntilde u004E_0303 N tilde \[char210] \[char210] 210 Ograve u004F_0300 O grave \[char211] \[char211] 211 Oacute u004F_0301 O acute \[char212] \[char212] 212 Ocircumflex u004F_0302 O circumflex \[char213] \[char213] 213 Otilde u004F_0303 O tilde \[char214] \[char214] 214 Odieresis u004F_0308 O dieresis (umlaut) \[char215] \[char215] 215 multiply u00D7 multiply \[char216] \[char216] 216 Oslash u00D8 O slash \[char217] \[char217] 217 Ugrave u0055_0300 U grave \[char218] \[char218] 218 Uacute u0055_0301 U acute \[char219] \[char219] 219 Ucircumflex u0055_0302 U circumflex \[char220] \[char220] 220 Udieresis u0055_0308 U dieresis (umlaut) \[char221] \[char221] 221 Yacute u0059_0301 Y acute \[char222] \[char222] 222 Thorn u00DE Thorn \[char223] \[char223] 223 germandbls u00DF German double s (sharp s) \[char224] \[char224] 224 agrave u0061_0300 a grave \[char225] \[char225] 225 aacute u0061_0301 a acute \[char226] \[char226] 226 acircumflex u0061_0302 a circumflex \[char227] \[char227] 227 atilde u0061_0303 a tilde \[char228] \[char228] 228 adieresis u0061_0308 a dieresis (umlaut) \[char229] \[char229] 229 aring u0061_030A a ring \[char230] \[char230] 230 ae u00E6 a+e combined \[char231] \[char231] 231 ccedilla u0063_0327 c cedilla \[char232] \[char232] 232 egrave u0065_0300 e grave \[char233] \[char233] 233 eacute u0065_0301 e acute \[char234] \[char234] 234 ecircumflex u0065_0302 e circumflex \[char235] \[char235] 235 edieresis u0065_0308 e dieresis (umlaut) \[char236] \[char236] 236 igrave u0069_0300 i grave \[char237] \[char237] 237 iacute u0069_0301 i acute \[char238] \[char238] 238 icircumflex u0069_0302 i circumflex \[char239] \[char239] 239 idieresis u0069_0308 i dieresis (umlaut) \[char240] \[char240] 240 eth u00F0 e th \[char241] \[char241] 241 ntilde u006E_0303 n tilde \[char242] \[char242] 242 ograve u006F_0300 o grave \[char243] \[char243] 243 oacute u006F_0301 o acute \[char244] \[char244] 244 ocircumflex u006F_0302 o circumflex \[char245] \[char245] 245 otilde u006F_0303 o tilde \[char246] \[char246] 246 odieresis u006F_0308 o dieresis (umlaut) \[char247] \[char247] 247 divide u00F7 divide \[char248] \[char248] 248 oslash u00F8 o slash \[char249] \[char249] 249 ugrave u0075_0300 u grave \[char250] \[char250] 250 uacute u0075_0301 u acute \[char251] \[char251] 251 ucircumflex u0075_0302 u circumflex \[char252] \[char252] 252 udieresis u0075_0308 u dieresis (umlaut) \[char253] \[char253] 253 yacute u0079_0301 y acute \[char254] \[char254] 254 thorn u00FE thorn \[char255] \[char255] 255 ydieresis u0079_0308 y dieresis (umlaut) .TE .ad . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SS "Named Glyphs" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . Glyph names can be embedded into the document text by using escape sequences. . .BR groff (@MAN7EXT@) describes how these escape sequences look. . Glyph names can consist of quite arbitrary characters from the ASCII or \%latin1 code set, not only alphanumeric characters. . Here some examples: . .TP \f(CW\e(\fP\fIch\fP A glyph having the 2-character name .IR ch . . .TP \f(CW\e[\fP\,\fIchar_name\/\fP\f(CW]\fP A glyph having the name .I char_name (having length 1, 2, 3, \&.\|.\|.). . Note that \[oq]\fIc\fP\[cq] is not the same as \[oq]\f(CW\e[\fP\,\fIc\/\fP\f(CW]\fP\[cq] (\,\fIc\fP\ a single character): The latter is internally mapped to glyph name \[oq]\e\fIc\fP\[cq]. . By default, groff defines a single glyph name starting with a backslash, namely \%\[oq]\e-\[cq], which can be either accessed as \[oq]\f(CW\e\-\fP\[cq] or \[oq]\f(CW\e[-]\fP\[cq]. . .TP \f(CW\e[\fP\,\fIbase_glyph composite_1 composite_2 \&.\|.\|.\/\fP\f(CW]\fP A composite glyph; see below for a more detailed description. . . .P In groff, each \%8-bit input character can also referred to by the construct \[oq]\f(CW\e[char\fP\,\fIn\/\fP\f(CW]\fP\[cq] where .I n is the decimal code of the character, a number between 0 and\ 255 without leading zeros (those entities are .I not glyph names). . They are normally mapped onto glyphs using the \f(CW.trin\fP request. . . .P Another special convention is the handling of glyphs with names directly derived from a Unicode code point; this is shown in the \[oq]Unicode\[cq] column of the table below. . In general, all glyphs not having a name as listed in this manual page can be accessed with the \[oq]\f(CW\e[u\fP\,\fIXXXX\/\fP\f(CW]\fP\[cq] construct; please go to section \[oq]Using Symbols\[cq] in the groff info manual for more details. . . .P Moreover, new glyph names can be created by the \f(CW.char\fP request; see .BR groff (@MAN7EXT@). . .P In the following, a plus sign in the \[oq]Notes\[cq] column indicates that this particular glyph name appears in the PS version of the original troff documentation, CSTR\ 54. . .P Entries marked with \[oq]***\[cq] denote glyphs for mathematical purposes (mainly used for DVI output). . Normally, such glyphs have metrics which make them unusable in normal text. . . .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[-D] \e[-D] Eth u00D0 uppercase eth \[Sd] \e[Sd] eth u00F0 lowercase eth \[TP] \e[TP] Thorn u00DE uppercase thorn \[Tp] \e[Tp] thorn u00FE lowercase thorn \[ss] \e[ss] germandbls u00DF German double s (sharp s) .TE .ad . .P .I Ligatures and Other Latin Glyphs .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[ff] \e[ff] ff u0066_0066 ff ligature + \[fi] \e[fi] fi u0066_0069 fi ligature + \[fl] \e[fl] fl u0066_006C fl ligature + \[Fi] \e[Fi] ffi u0066_0066_0069 ffi ligature + \[Fl] \e[Fl] ffl u0066_0066_006C ffl ligature + \[/L] \e[/L] Lslash u0141 L slash (Polish) \[/l] \e[/l] lslash u0142 l slash (Polish) \[/O] \e[/O] Oslash u00D8 O slash (Scandinavian) \[/o] \e[/o] oslash u00F8 o slash (Scandinavian) \[AE] \e[AE] AE u00C6 A+E combined \[ae] \e[ae] ae u00E6 a+e combined \[OE] \e[OE] OE u0152 O+E combined \[oe] \e[oe] oe u0153 o+e combined \[IJ] \e[IJ] IJ u0132 I+J combined (Dutch) \[ij] \e[ij] ij u0133 i+j combined(Dutch) \[.i] \e[.i] dotlessi u0131 i without a dot (Turkish) \[.j] \e[.j] dotlessj u0237 j without a dot .TE .ad . .P .I Accented Characters .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \['A] \e['A] Aacute u0041_0301 A acute \['C] \e['C] Cacute u0043_0301 C acute \['E] \e['E] Eacute u0045_0301 E acute \['I] \e['I] Iacute u0049_0301 I acute \['O] \e['O] Oacute u004F_0301 O acute \['U] \e['U] Uacute u0055_0301 U acute \['Y] \e['Y] Yacute u0059_0301 Y acute \['a] \e['a] aacute u0061_0301 a acute \['c] \e['c] cacute u0063_0301 c acute \['e] \e['e] eacute u0065_0301 e acute \['i] \e['i] iacute u0069_0301 i acute \['o] \e['o] oacute u006F_0301 o acute \['u] \e['u] uacute u0075_0301 u acute \['y] \e['y] yacute u0079_0301 y acute \[:A] \e[:A] Adieresis u0041_0308 A dieresis (umlaut) \[:E] \e[:E] Edieresis u0045_0308 E dieresis (umlaut) \[:I] \e[:I] Idieresis u0049_0308 I dieresis (umlaut) \[:O] \e[:O] Odieresis u004F_0308 O dieresis (umlaut) \[:U] \e[:U] Udieresis u0055_0308 U dieresis (umlaut) \[:Y] \e[:Y] Ydieresis u0059_0308 Y dieresis (umlaut) \[:a] \e[:a] adieresis u0061_0308 a dieresis (umlaut) \[:e] \e[:e] edieresis u0065_0308 e dieresis (umlaut) \[:i] \e[:i] idieresis u0069_0308 i dieresis (umlaut) \[:o] \e[:o] odieresis u006F_0308 o dieresis (umlaut) \[:u] \e[:u] udieresis u0075_0308 u dieresis (umlaut) \[:y] \e[:y] ydieresis u0079_0308 y dieresis (umlaut) \[^A] \e[^A] Acircumflex u0041_0302 A circumflex \[^E] \e[^E] Ecircumflex u0045_0302 E circumflex \[^I] \e[^I] Icircumflex u0049_0302 I circumflex \[^O] \e[^O] Ocircumflex u004F_0302 O circumflex \[^U] \e[^U] Ucircumflex u0055_0302 U circumflex \[^a] \e[^a] acircumflex u0061_0302 a circumflex \[^e] \e[^e] ecircumflex u0065_0302 e circumflex \[^i] \e[^i] icircumflex u0069_0302 i circumflex \[^o] \e[^o] ocircumflex u006F_0302 o circumflex \[^u] \e[^u] ucircumflex u0075_0302 u circumflex \[`A] \e[`A] Agrave u0041_0300 A grave \[`E] \e[`E] Egrave u0045_0300 E grave \[`I] \e[`I] Igrave u0049_0300 I grave \[`O] \e[`O] Ograve u004F_0300 O grave \[`U] \e[`U] Ugrave u0055_0300 U grave \[`a] \e[`a] agrave u0061_0300 a grave \[`e] \e[`e] egrave u0065_0300 e grave \[`i] \e[`i] igrave u0069_0300 i grave \[`o] \e[`o] ograve u006F_0300 o grave \[`u] \e[`u] ugrave u0075_0300 u grave \[~A] \e[~A] Atilde u0041_0303 A tilde \[~N] \e[~N] Ntilde u004E_0303 N tilde \[~O] \e[~O] Otilde u004F_0303 O tilde \[~a] \e[~a] atilde u0061_0303 a tilde \[~n] \e[~n] ntilde u006E_0303 n tilde \[~o] \e[~o] otilde u006F_0303 o tilde \[vS] \e[vS] Scaron u0053_030C S caron \[vs] \e[vs] scaron u0073_030C s caron \[vZ] \e[vZ] Zcaron u005A_030C Z caron \[vz] \e[vz] zcaron u007A_030C z caron \[,C] \e[,C] Ccedilla u0043_0327 C cedilla \[,c] \e[,c] ccedilla u0063_0327 c cedilla \[oA] \e[oA] Aring u0041_030A A ring \[oa] \e[oa] aring u0061_030A a ring .TE .ad . .P .I Accents .P The .B composite request is used to map most of the accents to non-spacing glyph names; the values given in parentheses are the original (spacing) ones. . .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[a"] \e[a"] hungarumlaut u030B (u02DD) Hungarian umlaut \[a-] \e[a-] macron u0304 (u00AF) overbar accent \[a.] \e[a.] dotaccent u0307 (u02D9) dot accent \[a^] \e[a^] circumflex u0302 (u005E) circumflex accent \[aa] \e[aa] acute u0301 (u00B4) acute accent \[ga] \e[ga] grave u0300 (u0060) grave accent \[ab] \e[ab] breve u0306 (u02D8) breve accent \[ac] \e[ac] cedilla u0327 (u00B8) cedilla accent \[ad] \e[ad] dieresis u0308 (u00A8) umlaut accent \[ah] \e[ah] caron u030C (u02C7) caron accent \[ao] \e[ao] ring u030A (u02DA) small circle, ring accent \[a~] \e[a~] tilde u0303 (u007E) tilde accent \[ho] \e[ho] ogonek u0328 (u02DB) hook accent \[ha] \e[ha] asciicircum u005E T{ high circumflex, ASCII character, in mathematics the power sign T} \[ti] \e[ti] asciitilde u007E T{ tilde in vertical middle, ASCII, in Unix-like the home directory T} .TE .ad . .P .I Quotes .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[Bq] \e[Bq] quotedblbase u201E low double comma quote \[bq] \e[bq] quotesinglbase u201A low single comma quote \[lq] \e[lq] quotedblleft u201C left double quote \[rq] \e[rq] quotedblright u201D right double quote \[oq] \e[oq] quoteleft u2018 single open (left) quote \[cq] \e[cq] quoteright u2019 single closing (right) quote \[aq] \e[aq] quotesingle u0027 apostrophe quote (ASCII 39) \[dq] \e[dq] quotedbl u0022 double quote (ASCII 34) \[Fo] \e[Fo] guillemotleft u00AB left guillemet [sic] \[Fc] \e[Fc] guillemotright u00BB right guillemet [sic] \[fo] \e[fo] guilsinglleft u2039 T{ single left-pointing angle quotation mark T} \[fc] \e[fc] guilsinglright u203A T{ single right-pointing angle quotation mark T} .TE .ad . .P .I Punctuation .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[r!] \e[r!] exclamdown u00A1 inverted exclamation mark \[r?] \e[r?] questiondown u00BF inverted question mark \[em] \e[em] emdash u2014 em-dash symbol \[en] \e[en] endash u2013 en-dash symbol \[hy] \e[hy] hyphen u2010 hyphen symbol .TE .ad . .P .I Brackets .P The extensible bracket pieces are font-invariant glyphs. . In classical troff only one glyph was available to vertically extend brackets, braces, and parentheses: \[oq]bv\[cq]. . We map it rather arbitrarily to u23AA. . .P Note that not all devices contain extensible bracket pieces which can be piled up with \[oq]\f(CW\eb\fP\[cq] due to the restrictions of the escape\[aq]s piling algorithm. . A general solution to build brackets out of pieces is the following macro: . .P .nf .RS .ft C \&.\e" Make a pile centered vertically 0.5em\"" \&.\e" above the baseline.\"" \&.\e" The first argument is placed at the top.\"" \&.\e" The pile is returned in string `pile'\"" \&.eo \&.de pile-make \&. nr pile-wd 0 \&. nr pile-ht 0 \&. ds pile-args \&. \&. nr pile-# \en[.$] \&. while \en[pile-#] \e{\e \&. nr pile-wd (\en[pile-wd] >? \ew'\e$[\en[pile-#]]') \&. nr pile-ht +(\en[rst] - \en[rsb]) \&. as pile-args \ev'\en[rsb]u'\e"\"" \&. as pile-args \eZ'\e$[\en[pile-#]]'\e"\"" \&. as pile-args \ev'-\en[rst]u'\e"\"" \&. nr pile-# -1 \&. \e} \&. \&. ds pile \ev'(-0.5m + (\en[pile-ht]u / 2u))'\e"\"" \&. as pile \e*[pile-args]\e"\"" \&. as pile \ev'((\en[pile-ht]u / 2u) + 0.5m)'\e"\"" \&. as pile \eh'\en[pile-wd]u'\e"\"" \&.. \&.ec .ft .RE .fi . .P Another complication is the fact that some glyphs which represent bracket pieces in original troff can be used for other mathematical symbols also, for example \[oq]lf\[cq] and \[oq]rf\[cq] which provide the \[oq]floor\[cq] operator. . Other devices (most notably for DVI output) don\[aq]t unify such glyphs. . For this reason, the four glyphs \[oq]lf\[cq], \[oq]rf\[cq], \[o]lc\[cq], and \[oq]rc\[cq] are not unified with similarly looking bracket pieces. . In .BR groff , only glyphs with long names are guaranteed to pile up correctly for all devices (provided those glyphs exist). . .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[lB] \e[lB] bracketleft u005B T{ left square bracket T} \[rB] \e[rB] bracketright u005D T{ right square bracket T} \[lC] \e[lC] braceleft u007B T{ left curly brace T} \[rC] \e[rC] braceright u007D T{ right curly brace T} \[la] \e[la] angleleft u27E8 T{ left angle bracket T} \[ra] \e[ra] angleright u27E9 T{ right angle bracket T} \[bv] \e[bv] braceex u23AA T{ curly brace vertical extension T} \[braceex] \e[braceex] braceex u23AA T{ curly brace vertical extension T} \[bracketlefttp] \e[bracketlefttp] bracketlefttp u23A1 T{ left square bracket top T} \[bracketleftbt] \e[bracketleftbt] bracketleftbt u23A3 T{ left square bracket bottom T} \[bracketleftex] \e[bracketleftex] bracketleftex u23A2 T{ left square bracket extension T} \[bracketrighttp] \e[bracketrighttp] bracketrighttp u23A4 T{ right square bracket top T} \[bracketrightbt] \e[bracketrightbt] bracketrightbt u23A6 T{ right square bracket bottom T} \[bracketrightex] \e[bracketrightex] bracketrightex u23A5 T{ right square bracket extension T} \[lt] \e[lt] bracelefttp u23A7 T{ left curly brace top T} \[bracelefttp] \e[bracelefttp] bracelefttp u23A7 T{ left curly brace top T} \[lk] \e[lk] braceleftmid u23A8 T{ left curly brace middle T} \[braceleftmid] \e[braceleftmid] braceleftmid u23A8 T{ left curly brace middle T} \[lb] \e[lb] braceleftbt u23A9 T{ left curly brace bottom T} \[braceleftbt] \e[braceleftbt] braceleftbt u23A9 T{ left curly brace bottom T} \[braceleftex] \e[braceleftex] braceleftex u23AA T{ left curly brace extension T} \[rt] \e[rt] bracerighttp u23AB T{ right curly brace top T} \[bracerighttp] \e[bracerighttp] bracerighttp u23AB T{ right curly brace top T} \[rk] \e[rk] bracerightmid u23AC T{ right curly brace middle T} \[bracerightmid] \e[bracerightmid] bracerightmid u23AC T{ right curly brace middle T} \[rb] \e[rb] bracerightbt u23AD T{ right curly brace bottom T} \[bracerightbt] \e[bracerightbt] bracerightbt u23AD T{ right curly brace bottom T} \[bracerightex] \e[bracerightex] bracerightex u23AA T{ right curly brace extension T} \[parenlefttp] \e[parenlefttp] parenlefttp u239B T{ left parenthesis top T} \[parenleftbt] \e[parenleftbt] parenleftbt u239D T{ left parenthesis bottom T} \[parenleftex] \e[parenleftex] parenleftex u239C T{ left parenthesis extension T} \[parenrighttp] \e[parenrighttp] parenrighttp u239E T{ right parenthesis top T} \[parenrightbt] \e[parenrightbt] parenrightbt u23A0 T{ right parenthesis bottoom T} \[parenrightex] \e[parenrightex] parenrightex u239F T{ right parenthesis extension T} .TE .ad . .P .I Arrows .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[<-] \e[<-] arrowleft u2190 horizontal arrow left \[->] \e[->] arrowright u2192 horizontal arrow right \[<>] \e[<>] arrowboth u2194 T{ horizontal arrow in both directions T} \[da] \e[da] arrowdown u2193 vertical arrow down \[ua] \e[ua] arrowup u2191 vertical arrow up \[va] \e[va] arrowupdn u2195 T{ vertical arrow in both directions T} \[lA] \e[lA] arrowdblleft u21D0 horizontal double arrow left \[rA] \e[rA] arrowdblright u21D2 horizontal double arrow right \[hA] \e[hA] arrowdblboth u21D4 T{ horizontal double arrow in both directions T} \[dA] \e[dA] arrowdbldown u21D3 vertical double arrow down \[uA] \e[uA] arrowdblup u21D1 vertical double arrow up \[vA] \e[vA] uni21D5 u21D5 T{ vertical double arrow in both directions T} \[an] \e[an] arrowhorizex u23AF horizontal arrow extension .TE .ad . .P .I Lines .P The font-invariant glyphs \[oq]br\[cq], \[oq]ul\[cq], and \[oq]rn\[cq] form corners; they can be used to build boxes. . Note that both the PostScript and the Unicode-derived names of these three glyphs are just rough approximations. . .P \[oq]rn\[cq] also serves in classical troff as the horizontal extension of the square root sign. . .P \[oq]ru\[cq] is a font-invariant glyph, namely a rule of length 0.5m. . .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[ba] \e[ba] bar u007C bar \[br] \e[br] SF110000 u2502 box rule \[ul] \e[ul] underscore u005F underscore \[rn] \e[rn] overline u203E overline \[ru] \e[ru] --- --- baseline rule \[bb] \e[bb] brokenbar u00A6 broken bar \[sl] \e[sl] slash u002F slash, solidus \[rs] \e[rs] backslash u005C reverse slash, reverse solidus .TE .ad . .P Use \[oq]\f(CW\e[radicalex]\fP\[cq], not \[oq]\f(CW\e[overline]\fP\[cq], for continuation of square root. . .P .I Text markers .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[ci] \e[ci] circle u25CB circle \[bu] \e[bu] bullet u2022 bullet \[dd] \e[dd] daggerdbl u2021 double dagger sign \[dg] \e[dg] dagger u2020 dagger \[lz] \e[lz] lozenge u25CA lozenge, diamond, pound key \[sq] \e[sq] uni25A1 u25A1 white square \[ps] \e[ps] paragraph u00B6 end of paragraphs marker \[sc] \e[sc] section u00A7 section sign \[lh] \e[lh] uni261C u261C hand pointing left \[rh] \e[rh] a14 u261E hand pointing right \[at] \e[at] at u0040 at \[sh] \e[sh] numbersign u0023 number sign \[CR] \e[CR] carriagereturn u21B5 carriage return \[OK] \e[OK] a19 u2713 check mark, tick .TE .ad . .P .I Legal Symbols .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[co] \e[co] copyright u00A9 copyright sign \[rg] \e[rg] registered u00AE registered mark \[tm] \e[tm] trademark u2122 trademark symbol \[bs] \e[bs] --- --- AT&T Bell Labs logo + .TE .ad . .P The Bell Labs logo is not supported in groff. . .P .I Currency symbols .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[Do] \e[Do] dollar u0024 dollar \[ct] \e[ct] cent u00A2 cent \[eu] \e[eu] --- u20AC official Euro symbol \[Eu] \e[Eu] Euro u20AC font-specific Euro glyph variant \[Ye] \e[Ye] yen u00A5 Japanese Yen \[Po] \e[Po] sterling u00A3 pound sterling (British) \[Cs] \e[Cs] currency u00A4 Scandinavian currency sign \[Fn] \e[Fn] florin u0192 Dutch currency sign .TE .ad . .P .I Units .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[de] \e[de] degree u00B0 degree \[%0] \e[%0] perthousand u2030 per thousand, per mille sign \[fm] \e[fm] minute u2032 arc minute sign \[sd] \e[sd] second u2033 acr second sign \[mc] \e[mc] mu u00B5 mu, micro sign \[Of] \e[Of] ordfeminine u00AA feminine ordinal (Spanish) \[Om] \e[Om] ordmasculine u00BA masculine ordinal (Spanish) .TE .ad . .P .I Logical Symbols .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[AN] \e[AN] logicaland u2227 logical and \[OR] \e[OR] logicalor u2228 logical or \[no] \e[no] logicalnot u00AC logical not \[tno] \e[tno] logicalnot u00AC text variant of \[oq]no\[cq] \[te] \e[te] existential u2203 there exists \[fa] \e[fa] universal u2200 for all \[st] \e[st] suchthat u220B sucht that \[3d] \e[3d] therefore u2234 therefore \[tf] \e[tf] therefore u2234 therefore \[or] \e[or] bar u007C T{ bitwise OR operator (as used in\ C) T} .TE .ad . .P .I Mathematical Symbols .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[12] \e[12] onehalf u00BD 1/2 symbol \[14] \e[14] onequarter u00BC 1/4 symbol \[34] \e[34] threequarters u00BE 3/4 symbol \[18] \e[18] oneeighth u215B 1/8 symbol \[38] \e[38] threeeighths u215C 3/8 symbol \[58] \e[58] fiveeighths u215D 5/8 symbol \[78] \e[78] seveneighths u215E 7/8 symbol \[S1] \e[S1] onesuperior u00B9 superscript 1 \[S2] \e[S2] twosuperior u00B2 superscript 2 \[S3] \e[S3] threesuperior u00B3 superscript 3 \[pl] \e[pl] plus u002B plus in special font \[mi] \e[mi] minus u2212 minus in special font \[-+] \e[-+] uni2213 u2213 minus-plus \[+-] \e[+-] plusminus u00B1 plus-minus \[t+-] \e[t+-] plusminus u00B1 text variant of \e[+-] \[pc] \e[pc] periodcentered u00B7 period centered \[md] \e[md] dotmath u22C5 multiplication dot \[mu] \e[mu] multiply u00D7 multiply sign \[tmu] \e[tmu] multiply u00D7 text variant of \e[mu] \[c*] \e[c*] circlemultiply u2297 multiply sign in circle \[c+] \e[c+] circleplus u2295 plus sign in circle \[di] \e[di] divide u00F7 division sign \[tdi] \e[tdi] divide u00F7 text variant of \e[di] \[f/] \e[f/] fraction u2044 bar for fractions \[**] \e[**] asteriskmath u2217 mathematical asterisk \[<=] \e[<=] lessequal u2264 less or equal \[>=] \e[>=] greaterequal u2265 greater or equal \[<<] \e[<<] uni226A u226A much less \[>>] \e[>>] uni226B u226B much greater \[eq] \e[eq] equal u003D equals in special font \[!=] \e[!=] notequal u003D_0338 not equal \[==] \e[==] equivalence u2261 equivalent \[ne] \e[ne] uni2262 u2261_0338 not equivalent \[=~] \e[=~] congruent u2245 T{ congruent, approx. equal T} \[|=] \e[|=] uni2243 u2243 asymptot. equal to \[ap] \e[ap] similar u223C similar \[~~] \e[~~] approxequal u2248 almost equal to \[~=] \e[~=] approxequal u2248 almost equal to \[pt] \e[pt] proportional u221D proportional \[es] \e[es] emptyset u2205 empty set \[mo] \e[mo] element u2208 element of a set \[nm] \e[nm] notelement u2208_0338 not element of set \[sb] \e[sb] propersubset u2282 proper subset \[nb] \e[nb] notsubset u2282_0338 not supset \[sp] \e[sp] propersuperset u2283 proper superset \[nc] \e[nc] uni2285 u2283_0338 not superset \[ib] \e[ib] reflexsubset u2286 subset or equal \[ip] \e[ip] reflexsuperset u2287 superset or equal \[ca] \e[ca] intersection u2229 intersection, cap \[cu] \e[cu] union u222A union, cup \[/_] \e[/_] angle u2220 angle \[pp] \e[pp] perpendicular u22A5 perpendicular \[is] \e[is] integral u222B integral \[integral] \e[integral] integral u222B integral \[sum] \e[sum] summation u2211 summation \[product] \e[product] product u220F product \[coproduct] \e[coproduct] uni2210 u2210 coproduct \[gr] \e[gr] gradient u2207 gradient \[sr] \e[sr] radical u221A square root \[sqrt] \e[sqrt] radical u221A square root \[radicalex] \e[radicalex] radicalex --- T{ square root continuation T} \[sqrtex] \e[sqrtex] radicalex --- T{ square root continuation T} \[lc] \e[lc] uni2308 u2308 left ceiling \[rc] \e[rc] uni2309 u2309 right ceiling \[lf] \e[lf] uni230A u230A left floor \[rf] \e[rf] uni230B u230B right floor \[if] \e[if] infinity u221E infinity \[Ah] \e[Ah] aleph u2135 aleph \[Im] \e[Im] Ifraktur u2111 Gothic I, imaginary \[Re] \e[Re] Rfraktur u211C Gothic R, real \[wp] \e[wp] weierstrass u2118 Weierstrass\~p \[pd] \e[pd] partialdiff u2202 T{ partial differentiation T} \[-h] \e[-h] uni210F u210F T{ Planck\ constant\ /\ 2pi (h-bar) T} \[hbar] \e[hbar] uni210F u210F T{ Planck\ constant\ /\ 2pi (h-bar) T} .TE .ad . .P .I Greek glyphs .P These glyphs are intended for technical use, not for real Greek; normally, the uppercase letters have upright shape, and the lowercase ones are slanted. . There is a problem with the mapping of letter phi to Unicode. . Prior to Unicode version\ 3.0, the difference between U+03C6, GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI, and U+03D5, GREEK PHI SYMBOL, was not clearly described; only the glyph shapes in the Unicode book could be used as a reference. . Starting with Unicode\ 3.0, the reference glyphs have been exchanged and described verbally also: In mathematical context, U+03D5 is the stroked variant and U+03C6 the curly glyph. . Unfortunately, most font vendors didn\[aq]t update their fonts to this (incompatible) change in Unicode. . At the time of this writing (January 2006), it is not clear yet whether the Adobe Glyph Names \[oq]phi\[cq] and \[oq]phi1\[cq] also change its meaning if used for mathematics, thus compatibility problems are likely to happen \[en] being conservative, groff currently assumes that \[oq]phi\[cq] in a PostScript symbol font is the stroked version. .P In groff, symbol \[oq]\f(CW\e[*f]\fP\[cq] always denotes the stroked version of phi, and \[oq]\f(CW\e[+f]\fP\[cq] the curly variant. .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[*A] \e[*A] Alpha u0391 Alpha \[*B] \e[*B] Beta u0392 Beta \[*G] \e[*G] Gamma u0393 Gamma \[*D] \e[*D] Delta u0394 Delta \[*E] \e[*E] Epsilon u0395 Epsilon \[*Z] \e[*Z] Zeta u0396 Zeta \[*Y] \e[*Y] Eta u0397 Eta \[*H] \e[*H] Theta u0398 Theta \[*I] \e[*I] Iota u0399 Iota \[*K] \e[*K] Kappa u039A Kappa \[*L] \e[*L] Lambda u039B Lamda \[*M] \e[*M] Mu u039C Mu \[*N] \e[*N] Nu u039D Nu \[*C] \e[*C] Xi u039E Xi \[*O] \e[*O] Omicron u039F Omicron \[*P] \e[*P] Pi u03A0 Pi \[*R] \e[*R] Rho u03A1 Rho \[*S] \e[*S] Sigma u03A3 Sigma \[*T] \e[*T] Tau u03A4 Tau \[*U] \e[*U] Upsilon u03A5 Upsilon \[*F] \e[*F] Phi u03A6 Phi \[*X] \e[*X] Chi u03A7 Chi \[*Q] \e[*Q] Psi u03A8 Psi \[*W] \e[*W] Omega u03A9 Omega \[*a] \e[*a] alpha u03B1 alpha \[*b] \e[*b] beta u03B2 beta \[*g] \e[*g] gamma u03B3 gamma \[*d] \e[*d] delta u03B4 delta \[*e] \e[*e] epsilon u03B5 epsilon \[*z] \e[*z] zeta u03B6 zeta \[*y] \e[*y] eta u03B7 eta \[*h] \e[*h] theta u03B8 theta \[*i] \e[*i] iota u03B9 iota \[*k] \e[*k] kappa u03BA kappa \[*l] \e[*l] lambda u03BB lambda \[*m] \e[*m] mu u03BC mu \[*n] \e[*n] nu u03BD nu \[*c] \e[*c] xi u03BE xi \[*o] \e[*o] omicron u03BF omicron \[*p] \e[*p] pi u03C0 pi \[*r] \e[*r] rho u03C1 rho \[ts] \e[ts] sigma1 u03C2 terminal sigma \[*s] \e[*s] sigma u03C3 sigma \[*t] \e[*t] tau u03C4 tau \[*u] \e[*u] upsilon u03C5 upsilon \[*f] \e[*f] phi u03D5 phi oked glyph) \[*x] \e[*x] chi u03C7 chi \[*q] \e[*q] psi u03C8 psi \[*w] \e[*w] omega u03C9 omega \[+h] \e[+h] theta1 u03D1 variant theta \[+f] \e[+f] phi1 u03C6 variant phi (curly shape) \[+p] \e[+p] omega1 u03D6 variant pi, looking like omega \[+e] \e[+e] uni03F5 u03F5 variant epsilon .TE .ad . .P .I Card symbols .P .na .TS l l l l lx. Output Input PostScript Unicode Notes _ \[CL] \e[CL] club u2663 black club suit \[SP] \e[SP] spade u2660 black spade suit \[HE] \e[HE] heart u2665 black heart suit \[u2661] \e[u2661] uni2661 u2661 white heart suit \[DI] \e[DI] diamond u2666 black diamond suit \[u2662] \e[u2662] uni2662 u2662 white diamond suit .TE .ad . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "SEE ALSO" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- . .TP .BR groff (@MAN1EXT@) the GNU roff formatter . .TP .BR groff (@MAN7EXT@) a short reference of the groff formatting language . . .P .IR "An extension to the troff character set for Europe" , E.G.\& Keizer, K.J.\& Simonsen, J.\& Akkerhuis; EUUG Newsletter, Volume 9, No.\& 2, Summer 1989 . . .P .UR http://\:www.unicode.org The Unicode Standard .UE . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "COPYING" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .co .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "AUTHORS" .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .au . . .cp \n[groff_char_C] . . .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Emacs settings .\" -------------------------------------------------------------------- .\" Local Variables: .\" mode: nroff .\" tab-width: 20 .\" End: