// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ // A function of this type can be registered to define the semantics of // arbitrary commands in a font DESC file. typedef void (*FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER)(const char *, // command const char *, // arg const char *, // file int); // lineno // A glyph is represented by a font-independent `glyph *' pointer. // The functions name_to_glyph and number_to_glyph return such a pointer. // // There are two types of glyphs: // // - those with a name, and among these in particular: // `charNNN' denoting a single `char' in the input character set, // `uXXXX' denoting a Unicode character, // // - those with a number, referring to the the font-dependent glyph with // the given number. // The statically allocated information about a glyph. // // This is an abstract class; only its subclass `charinfo' is instantiated. // `charinfo' exists in two versions: one in roff/troff/input.cpp for troff, // and one in libs/libgroff/nametoindex.cpp for the preprocessors and the // postprocessors. struct glyph { int index; // A font-independent integer value. int number; // Glyph number or -1. friend class character_indexer; }; #define UNDEFINED_GLYPH ((glyph *) NULL) // The next three functions exist in two versions: one in // roff/troff/input.cpp for troff, and one in // libs/libgroff/nametoindex.cpp for the preprocessors and the // postprocessors. extern glyph *name_to_glyph(const char *); // Convert the glyph with // the given name (arg1) to a `glyph' object. This // has the same semantics as the groff escape sequence // \C'name'. If such a `glyph' object does not yet // exist, a new one is allocated. extern glyph *number_to_glyph(int); // Convert the font-dependent glyph // with the given number (in the font) to a `glyph' // object. This has the same semantics as the groff // escape sequence \N'number'. If such a `glyph' // object does not yet exist, a new one is allocated. extern const char *glyph_to_name(glyph *); // Convert the given glyph // back to its name. Return NULL if the glyph // doesn't have a name. inline int glyph_to_number(glyph *); // Convert the given glyph back to // its number. Return -1 if it does not designate // a numbered character. inline int glyph_to_index(glyph *); // Return the unique index that is // associated with the given glyph. It is >= 0. extern int glyph_to_unicode(glyph *); // Convert the given glyph to its // Unicode codepoint. Return -1 if it does not // designate a Unicode character. inline int glyph_to_number(glyph *g) { return g->number; } inline int glyph_to_index(glyph *g) { return g->index; } // Types used in non-public members of `class font'. struct font_kern_list; struct font_char_metric; struct font_widths_cache; // A `class font' instance represents the relevant information of a font of // the given device. This includes the set of glyphs represented by the // font, and metrics for each glyph. class font { public: enum { // The valid argument values of `has_ligature'. LIG_ff = 1, LIG_fi = 2, LIG_fl = 4, LIG_ffi = 8, LIG_ffl = 16 }; virtual ~font(); // Destructor. int contains(glyph *); // Return 1 if this font contains the given // glyph, 0 otherwise. int is_special(); // Return 1 if this font is special, 0 otherwise. // See section `Special Fonts' in the info file of // groff. Used by make_glyph_node(). int get_width(glyph *, int); // A rectangle represents the shape of the // given glyph (arg1) at the given point size // (arg2). Return the horizontal dimension of this // rectangle. int get_height(glyph *, int); // A rectangle represents the shape of the // given glyph (arg1) at the given point size // (arg2). Return the distance between the base // line and the top of this rectangle. // This is often also called the `ascent' of the // glyph. If the top is above the base line, this // value is positive. int get_depth(glyph *, int); // A rectangle represents the shape of the // given glyph (arg1) at the given point size // (arg2). Return the distance between the base // line and the bottom of this rectangle. // This is often also called the `descent' of the // glyph. If the bottom is below the base line, // this value is positive. int get_space_width(int); // Return the normal width of a space at the // given point size. int get_character_type(glyph *); // Return a bit mask describing the // shape of the given glyph. Bit 0 is set if the // character has a descender. Bit 1 is set if the // character has a tall glyph. See groff manual, // description of \w and the `ct' register. int get_kern(glyph *, glyph *, int); // Return the kerning between the // given glyphs (arg1 and arg2), both at the given // point size (arg3). int get_skew(glyph *, int, int); // A rectangle represents the shape // of the given glyph (arg1) at the given point size // (arg2). For slanted fonts like Times-Italic, the // optical vertical axis is naturally slanted. The // natural slant value (measured in degrees; // positive values mean aslant to the right) is // specified in the font's description file (see // member variable SLANT below). In addition to // this, any font can be artificially slanted. This // artificial slant value (arg3, measured in // degrees; positive values mean a slant to the // right) is specified with the \S escape. // // Return the skew value which is the horizontal // distance between the upper left corner of the // glyph box and the upper left corner of the glyph // box thought to be slanted by the sum of the // natural and artificial slant. It basically means // how much an accent must be shifted horizontally // to put it on the optical axis of the glyph. int has_ligature(int); // Return a non-zero value if this font has // the given ligature type (one of LIG_ff, LIG_fi, // etc.), 0 otherwise. int get_italic_correction(glyph *, int); // If the given glyph (arg1) // at the given point size (arg2) is followed by an // unslanted glyph, some horizontal white space may // need to be inserted in between. See the groff // manual, description of \/. Return the amount // (width) of this white space. int get_left_italic_correction(glyph *, int); // If the given glyph (arg1) // at the given point size (arg2) is preceded by an // unslanted roman glyph, some horizontal white // space may need to be inserted in between. See // the groff manual, description of \,. Return the // amount (width) of this white space. int get_subscript_correction(glyph *, int); // If the given glyph (arg1) // at the given point size (arg2)is followed by a // subscript glyph, the horizontal position may need // to be advanced by some (possibly negative) // amount. See groff manual, description of \w and // the `ssc' register. Return this amount. void set_zoom(int); // Set the font's zoom factor * 1000. Must be a // non-negative value. int get_zoom(); // Return the font's zoom factor * 1000. int get_code(glyph *); // Return the code point in the physical // font of the given glyph. const char *get_special_device_encoding(glyph *); // Return special // device dependent information about the given // glyph. Return NULL if there is no special // information. const char *get_name(); // Return the name of this font. const char *get_internal_name(); // Return the `internalname' // attribute of this font. Return NULL if it has // none. const char *get_image_generator(); // Return the `image_generator' // attribute of this font. Return NULL if it has // none. static int scan_papersize(const char *, const char **, double *, double *); // Parse the // `papersize' attribute in a DESC file (given in // arg1). Return the name of the size (in arg2), // and the length and width (in arg3 and arg4). // Return 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise. static font *load_font(const char *, int * = 0, int = 0); // Load the // font description file with the given name (arg1) // and return it as a `font' class. If arg2 points // to an integer variable, set it to 1 if the file // is not found, without emitting an error message. // If arg2 is NULL, print an error message if the // file is not found. If arg3 is nonzero, only the // part of the font description file before the // `charset' and `kernpairs' sections is loaded. // Return NULL in case of failure. static void command_line_font_dir(const char *); // Prepend given // path (arg1) to the list of directories in which // to look up fonts. static FILE *open_file(const char *, char **); // Open a font file // with the given name (arg1), searching along the // current font path. If arg2 points to a string // pointer, set it to the found file name (this // depends on the device also). Return the opened // file. If not found, arg2 is unchanged, and NULL // is returned. static int load_desc(); // Open the DESC file (depending on the // device) and initialize some static variables with // info from there. static FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER set_unknown_desc_command_handler(FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER); // Register // a function which defines the semantics of // arbitrary commands in the font DESC file. // Now the variables from the DESC file, shared by all fonts. static int res; // The `res' attribute given in the DESC file. static int hor; // The `hor' attribute given in the DESC file. static int vert; // The `vert' attribute given in the DESC file. static int unitwidth; // The `unitwidth' attribute given in the DESC file. static int paperwidth; // The `paperwidth' attribute given in the // DESC file, or derived from the `papersize' // attribute given in the DESC file. static int paperlength; // The `paperlength' attribute given in the // DESC file, or derived from the `papersize' // attribute given in the DESC file. static const char *papersize; static int biggestfont; // The `biggestfont' attribute given in the // DESC file. static int spare2; static int sizescale; // The `sizescale' attribute given in the DESC file. static int tcommand; // Nonzero if the DESC file has the `tcommand' // attribute. static int unscaled_charwidths; // Nonzero if the DESC file has the // `unscaled_charwidths' attribute. static int pass_filenames; // Nonzero if the DESC file has the // `pass_filenames' attribute. static int use_charnames_in_special; // Nonzero if the DESC file has the // `use_charnames_in_special' attribute. static int is_unicode; // Nonzero if the DESC file has the `unicode' // attribute. static const char *image_generator; // The `image_generator' attribute // given in the DESC file. static const char **font_name_table; // The `fonts' attribute given in // the DESC file, as a NULL-terminated array of // strings. static const char **style_table; // The `styles' attribute given in // the DESC file, as a NULL-terminated array of // strings. static const char *family; // The `family' attribute given in the DESC // file. static int *sizes; // The `sizes' attribute given in the DESC file, as // an array of intervals of the form { lower1, // upper1, ... lowerN, upperN, 0 }. private: unsigned ligatures; // Bit mask of available ligatures. Used by // has_ligature(). font_kern_list **kern_hash_table; // Hash table of kerning pairs. // Used by get_kern(). int space_width; // The normal width of a space. Used by // get_space_width(). int special; // 1 if this font is special, 0 otherwise. Used by // is_special(). char *name; // The name of this font. Used by get_name(). char *internalname; // The `internalname' attribute of this font, or // NULL. Used by get_internal_name(). double slant; // The natural slant angle (in degrees) of this font. int zoom; // The font's magnification, multiplied by 1000. // Used by scale(). A zero value means `no zoom'. int *ch_index; // Conversion table from font-independent character // indices to indices for this particular font. int nindices; font_char_metric *ch; // Metrics information for every character in this // font (if !is_unicode) or for just some characters // (if is_unicode). The indices of this array are // font-specific, found as values in ch_index[]. int ch_used; int ch_size; font_widths_cache *widths_cache; // A cache of scaled character // widths. Used by the get_width() function. static FONT_COMMAND_HANDLER unknown_desc_command_handler; // A // function defining the semantics of arbitrary // commands in the DESC file. enum { KERN_HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 503 }; // Size of the hash table of kerning // pairs. // These methods add new characters to the ch_index[] and ch[] arrays. void add_entry(glyph *, // glyph const font_char_metric &); // metric void copy_entry(glyph *, // new_glyph glyph *); // old_glyph void alloc_ch_index(int); // index void extend_ch(); void compact(); void add_kern(glyph *, glyph *, int); // Add to the kerning table a // kerning amount (arg3) between two given glyphs // (arg1 and arg2). static int hash_kern(glyph *, glyph *); // Return a hash code for // the pair of glyphs (arg1 and arg2). /* Returns w * pointsize / unitwidth, rounded to the nearest integer. */ int scale(int w, int pointsize); static int unit_scale(double *, char); // Convert value in arg1 from the // given unit (arg2; possible values are `i', `c', // `p', and `P' as documented in the info file of // groff, section `Measurements') to inches. Store // the result in arg1 and return 1. If the unit is // invalid, return 0. virtual void handle_unknown_font_command(const char *, // command const char *, // arg const char *, // file int); // lineno protected: font(const char *); // Initialize a font with the given name. int load(int * = 0, int = 0); // Load the font description file with the // given name (in member variable NAME) into this // object. If arg1 points to an integer variable, // set it to 1 if the file is not found, without // emitting an error message. If arg1 is NULL, // print an error message if the file is not found. // If arg2 is nonzero, only the part of the font // description file before the `charset' and // `kernpairs' sections is loaded. Return NULL in // case of failure. }; // end of font.h