// -*- C++ -*- /* Copyright (C) 1994-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com) This file is part of groff. groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* TODO devise new names for useful characters option to specify symbol sets to look in put filename in error messages (or fix lib) */ #include "lib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "assert.h" #include "posix.h" #include "errarg.h" #include "error.h" #include "cset.h" #include "nonposix.h" #include "unicode.h" extern "C" const char *Version_string; extern const char *hp_msl_to_unicode_code(const char *); #define SIZEOF(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0])) #define equal(a, b) (strcmp(a, b) == 0) // only valid if is_uname(c) has returned true #define is_decomposed(c) strchr(c, '_') #define NO 0 #define YES 1 #define MSL 0 #define SYMSET 1 #define UNICODE 2 #define UNNAMED "---" static double multiplier = 3.0; // make Agfa-based unitwidth an integer inline int scale(int n) { return int(n * multiplier + 0.5); } // tags in TFM file enum tag_type { min_tag = 400, type_tag = 400, copyright_tag = 401, comment_tag = 402, charcode_tag = 403, // MSL for Intellifont, Unicode for TrueType symbol_set_tag = 404, unique_identifier_tag = 405, inches_per_point_tag = 406, nominal_point_size_tag = 407, design_units_per_em_tag = 408, posture_tag = 409, type_structure_tag = 410, stroke_weight_tag = 411, spacing_tag = 412, slant_tag = 413, appearance_width_tag = 414, serif_style_tag = 415, font_name_tag = 417, typeface_source_tag = 418, average_width_tag = 419, max_width_tag = 420, word_spacing_tag = 421, recommended_line_spacing_tag = 422, cap_height_tag = 423, x_height_tag = 424, max_ascent_tag = 425, max_descent_tag = 426, lower_ascent_tag = 427, lower_descent_tag = 428, underscore_depth_tag = 429, underscore_thickness_tag = 430, uppercase_accent_height_tag = 431, lowercase_accent_height_tag = 432, width_tag = 433, vertical_escapement_tag = 434, left_extent_tag = 435, right_extent_tag = 436, ascent_tag = 437, descent_tag = 438, pair_kern_tag = 439, sector_kern_tag = 440, track_kern_tag = 441, typeface_tag = 442, panose_tag = 443, max_tag = 443 }; const char *tag_name[] = { "Symbol Set", "Font Type" // MSL for Intellifont, Unicode for TrueType }; // types in TFM file enum { BYTE_TYPE = 1, ASCII_TYPE = 2, // NUL-terminated string USHORT_TYPE = 3, LONG_TYPE = 4, // unused RATIONAL_TYPE = 5, // 8-byte numerator + 8-byte denominator SIGNED_BYTE_TYPE = 16, // unused SIGNED_SHORT_TYPE = 17, SIGNED_LONG_TYPE = 18 // unused }; typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef short int16; typedef unsigned int uint32; class File { public: File(const char *); void skip(int n); byte get_byte(); uint16 get_uint16(); uint32 get_uint32(); uint32 get_uint32(char *orig); void seek(uint32 n); private: unsigned char *buf_; const unsigned char *ptr_; const unsigned char *end_; }; struct entry { char present; uint16 type; uint32 count; uint32 value; char orig_value[4]; entry() : present(0) { } }; struct char_info { uint16 charcode; uint16 width; int16 ascent; int16 descent; int16 left_extent; uint16 right_extent; uint16 symbol_set; unsigned char code; }; const uint16 NO_GLYPH = 0xffff; const uint16 NO_SYMBOL_SET = 0; struct name_list { char *name; name_list *next; name_list(const char *s, name_list *p) : name(strsave(s)), next(p) { } ~name_list() { a_delete name; } }; struct symbol_set { uint16 select; uint16 index[256]; }; #define SYMBOL_SET(n, c) ((n) * 32 + ((c) - 64)) uint16 text_symbol_sets[] = { SYMBOL_SET(19, 'U'), // Windows Latin 1 ("ANSI", code page 1252) SYMBOL_SET(9, 'E'), // Windows Latin 2, Code Page 1250 SYMBOL_SET(5, 'T'), // Code Page 1254 SYMBOL_SET(7, 'J'), // Desktop SYMBOL_SET(6, 'J'), // Microsoft Publishing SYMBOL_SET(0, 'N'), // Latin 1 (subset of 19U, // so we should never get here) SYMBOL_SET(2, 'N'), // Latin 2 (subset of 9E, // so we should never get here) SYMBOL_SET(8, 'U'), // HP Roman 8 SYMBOL_SET(10, 'J'), // PS Standard SYMBOL_SET(9, 'U'), // Windows 3.0 "ANSI" SYMBOL_SET(1, 'U'), // U.S. Legal SYMBOL_SET(12, 'J'), // MC Text SYMBOL_SET(10, 'U'), // PC Code Page 437 SYMBOL_SET(11, 'U'), // PC Code Page 437N SYMBOL_SET(17, 'U'), // PC Code Page 852 SYMBOL_SET(12, 'U'), // PC Code Page 850 SYMBOL_SET(9, 'T'), // PC Code Page 437T 0 }; uint16 special_symbol_sets[] = { SYMBOL_SET(8, 'M'), // Math 8 SYMBOL_SET(5, 'M'), // PS Math SYMBOL_SET(15, 'U'), // Pi font SYMBOL_SET(13, 'J'), // Ventura International SYMBOL_SET(19, 'M'), // Symbol font SYMBOL_SET(579, 'L'), // Wingdings 0 }; entry tags[max_tag + 1 - min_tag]; char_info *char_table; uint32 nchars = 0; unsigned int charcode_name_table_size = 0; name_list **charcode_name_table = NULL; symbol_set *symbol_set_table; unsigned int n_symbol_sets; static int debug_flag = NO; static int special_flag = NO; // not a special font static int italic_flag = NO; // don't add italic correction static int italic_sep; static int all_flag = NO; // don't include glyphs not in mapfile static int quiet_flag = NO; // don't suppress warnings about symbols not found static char *hp_msl_to_ucode_name(int); static char *unicode_to_ucode_name(int); static int is_uname(char *); static char *show_symset(unsigned int); static void usage(FILE *); static void usage(); static const char *xbasename(const char *); static void read_tags(File &); static int check_type(); static void check_units(File &, const int, double *, double *); static int read_map(const char *, const int); static void require_tag(tag_type); static void dump_ascii(File &, tag_type); static void dump_tags(File &); static void dump_symbol_sets(File &); static void dump_symbols(int); static void output_font_name(File &); static void output_spacewidth(); static void output_pclweight(); static void output_pclproportional(); static void read_and_output_pcltypeface(File &); static void output_pclstyle(); static void output_slant(); static void output_ligatures(); static void read_symbol_sets(File &); static void read_and_output_kernpairs(File &); static void output_charset(const int); static void read_char_table(File &); inline entry &tag_info(tag_type t) { return tags[t - min_tag]; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { program_name = argv[0]; int opt; int res = 1200; // PCL unit of measure for cursor moves int scalesize = 4; // LaserJet 4 only allows 1/4 point increments int unitwidth = 6350; double ppi; // points per inch double upem; // design units per em static const struct option long_options[] = { { "help", no_argument, 0, CHAR_MAX + 1 }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0 } }; while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "adsqvi:", long_options, NULL)) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'a': all_flag = YES; break; case 'd': debug_flag = YES; break; case 's': special_flag = YES; break; case 'i': italic_flag = YES; italic_sep = atoi(optarg); // design units break; case 'q': quiet_flag = YES; // suppress warnings about symbols not found break; case 'v': printf("GNU hpftodit (groff) version %s\n", Version_string); exit(0); break; case CHAR_MAX + 1: // --help usage(stdout); exit(0); break; case '?': usage(); break; default: assert(0); } } if (debug_flag && argc - optind < 1) usage(); else if (!debug_flag && argc - optind != 3) usage(); File f(argv[optind]); read_tags(f); int tfm_type = check_type(); if (debug_flag) dump_tags(f); if (!debug_flag && !read_map(argv[optind + 1], tfm_type)) exit(1); else if (debug_flag && argc - optind > 1) read_map(argv[optind + 1], tfm_type); current_filename = NULL; current_lineno = -1; // no line numbers if (!debug_flag && !equal(argv[optind + 2], "-")) if (freopen(argv[optind + 2], "w", stdout) == NULL) fatal("cannot open `%1': %2", argv[optind + 2], strerror(errno)); current_filename = argv[optind]; check_units(f, tfm_type, &ppi, &upem); if (tfm_type == UNICODE) // don't calculate for Intellifont TFMs multiplier = double(res) / upem / ppi * unitwidth / scalesize; if (italic_flag) // convert from thousandths of an em to design units italic_sep = int(italic_sep * upem / 1000 + 0.5); read_char_table(f); if (nchars == 0) fatal("no characters"); if (!debug_flag) { output_font_name(f); printf("name %s\n", xbasename(argv[optind + 2])); if (special_flag) printf("special\n"); output_spacewidth(); output_slant(); read_and_output_pcltypeface(f); output_pclproportional(); output_pclweight(); output_pclstyle(); } read_symbol_sets(f); if (debug_flag) dump_symbols(tfm_type); else { output_ligatures(); read_and_output_kernpairs(f); output_charset(tfm_type); } return 0; } static void usage(FILE *stream) { fprintf(stream, "usage: %s [-s] [-a] [-q] [-i n] tfm_file map_file output_font\n" " %s -d tfm_file [map_file]\n", program_name, program_name); } static void usage() { usage(stderr); exit(1); } File::File(const char *s) { // We need to read the file in binary mode because hpftodit relies // on byte counts. int fd = open(s, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if (fd < 0) fatal("cannot open `%1': %2", s, strerror(errno)); current_filename = s; struct stat sb; if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0) fatal("cannot stat: %1", strerror(errno)); if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) fatal("not a regular file"); buf_ = new unsigned char[sb.st_size]; long nread = read(fd, buf_, sb.st_size); if (nread < 0) fatal("read error: %1", strerror(errno)); if (nread != sb.st_size) fatal("read unexpected number of bytes"); ptr_ = buf_; end_ = buf_ + sb.st_size; } void File::skip(int n) { if (end_ - ptr_ < n) fatal("unexpected end of file"); ptr_ += n; } void File::seek(uint32 n) { if (uint32(end_ - buf_) < n) fatal("unexpected end of file"); ptr_ = buf_ + n; } byte File::get_byte() { if (ptr_ >= end_) fatal("unexpected end of file"); return *ptr_++; } uint16 File::get_uint16() { if (end_ - ptr_ < 2) fatal("unexpected end of file"); uint16 n = *ptr_++; return n + (*ptr_++ << 8); } uint32 File::get_uint32() { if (end_ - ptr_ < 4) fatal("unexpected end of file"); uint32 n = *ptr_++; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) n += *ptr_++ << (i + 1)*8; return n; } uint32 File::get_uint32(char *orig) { if (end_ - ptr_ < 4) fatal("unexpected end of file"); unsigned char v = *ptr_++; uint32 n = v; orig[0] = v; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { v = *ptr_++; orig[i] = v; n += v << i*8; } return n; } static void read_tags(File &f) { if (f.get_byte() != 'I' || f.get_byte() != 'I') fatal("not an Intel format TFM file"); f.skip(6); uint16 ntags = f.get_uint16(); entry dummy; for (uint16 i = 0; i < ntags; i++) { uint16 tag = f.get_uint16(); entry *p; if (min_tag <= tag && tag <= max_tag) p = tags + (tag - min_tag); else p = &dummy; p->present = 1; p->type = f.get_uint16(); p->count = f.get_uint32(); p->value = f.get_uint32(p->orig_value); } } static int check_type() { require_tag(type_tag); int tfm_type = tag_info(type_tag).value; switch (tfm_type) { case MSL: case UNICODE: break; case SYMSET: fatal("cannot handle Symbol Set TFM files"); break; default: fatal("unknown type tag %1", tfm_type); } return tfm_type; } static void check_units(File &f, const int tfm_type, double *ppi, double *upem) { require_tag(design_units_per_em_tag); f.seek(tag_info(design_units_per_em_tag).value); uint32 num = f.get_uint32(); uint32 den = f.get_uint32(); if (tfm_type == MSL && (num != 8782 || den != 1)) fatal("design units per em != 8782/1"); *upem = double(num) / den; require_tag(inches_per_point_tag); f.seek(tag_info(inches_per_point_tag).value); num = f.get_uint32(); den = f.get_uint32(); if (tfm_type == MSL && (num != 100 || den != 7231)) fatal("inches per point not 100/7231"); *ppi = double(den) / num; } static void require_tag(tag_type t) { if (!tag_info(t).present) fatal("tag %1 missing", int(t)); } // put a human-readable font name in the file static void output_font_name(File &f) { char *p; if (!tag_info(font_name_tag).present) return; int count = tag_info(font_name_tag).count; char *font_name = new char[count]; if (count > 4) { // value is a file offset to the string f.seek(tag_info(font_name_tag).value); int n = count; p = font_name; while (--n) *p++ = f.get_byte(); } else // orig_value contains the string sprintf(font_name, "%.*s", count, tag_info(font_name_tag).orig_value); // remove any trailing space p = font_name + count - 1; while (csspace(*--p)) ; *(p + 1) = '\0'; printf("# %s\n", font_name); delete font_name; } static void output_spacewidth() { require_tag(word_spacing_tag); printf("spacewidth %d\n", scale(tag_info(word_spacing_tag).value)); } static void read_symbol_sets(File &f) { uint32 symbol_set_dir_length = tag_info(symbol_set_tag).count; uint16 *symbol_set_selectors; n_symbol_sets = symbol_set_dir_length/14; symbol_set_table = new symbol_set[n_symbol_sets]; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) char_table[i].symbol_set = NO_SYMBOL_SET; for (i = 0; i < n_symbol_sets; i++) { f.seek(tag_info(symbol_set_tag).value + i*14); (void)f.get_uint32(); // offset to symbol set name uint32 off1 = f.get_uint32(); // offset to selection string uint32 off2 = f.get_uint32(); // offset to symbol set index array f.seek(off1); uint16 kind = 0; // HP-GL "Kind 1" symbol set value unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < off2 - off1; j++) { unsigned char c = f.get_byte(); if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') // value kind = kind*10 + (c - '0'); else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') // terminator kind = kind*32 + (c - 64); } symbol_set_table[i].select = kind; for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) symbol_set_table[i].index[j] = f.get_uint16(); } symbol_set_selectors = (special_flag ? special_symbol_sets : text_symbol_sets); for (i = 0; symbol_set_selectors[i] != 0; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < n_symbol_sets; j++) if (symbol_set_table[j].select == symbol_set_selectors[i]) break; if (j < n_symbol_sets) { for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) { uint16 idx = symbol_set_table[j].index[k]; if (idx != NO_GLYPH && char_table[idx].symbol_set == NO_SYMBOL_SET) { char_table[idx].symbol_set = symbol_set_table[j].select; char_table[idx].code = k; } } } } if (all_flag) return; symbol_set_selectors = (special_flag ? text_symbol_sets : special_symbol_sets); for (i = 0; symbol_set_selectors[i] != 0; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < n_symbol_sets; j++) if (symbol_set_table[j].select == symbol_set_selectors[i]) break; if (j < n_symbol_sets) { for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) { uint16 idx = symbol_set_table[j].index[k]; if (idx != NO_GLYPH && char_table[idx].symbol_set == NO_SYMBOL_SET) { char_table[idx].symbol_set = symbol_set_table[j].select; char_table[idx].code = k; } } } } return; } static void read_char_table(File &f) { require_tag(charcode_tag); nchars = tag_info(charcode_tag).count; char_table = new char_info[nchars]; f.seek(tag_info(charcode_tag).value); uint32 i; for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) char_table[i].charcode = f.get_uint16(); require_tag(width_tag); f.seek(tag_info(width_tag).value); for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) char_table[i].width = f.get_uint16(); require_tag(ascent_tag); f.seek(tag_info(ascent_tag).value); for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) { char_table[i].ascent = f.get_uint16(); if (char_table[i].ascent < 0) char_table[i].ascent = 0; } require_tag(descent_tag); f.seek(tag_info(descent_tag).value); for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) { char_table[i].descent = f.get_uint16(); if (char_table[i].descent > 0) char_table[i].descent = 0; } require_tag(left_extent_tag); f.seek(tag_info(left_extent_tag).value); for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) char_table[i].left_extent = int16(f.get_uint16()); require_tag(right_extent_tag); f.seek(tag_info(right_extent_tag).value); for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) char_table[i].right_extent = f.get_uint16(); } static void output_pclweight() { require_tag(stroke_weight_tag); int stroke_weight = tag_info(stroke_weight_tag).value; int pcl_stroke_weight; if (stroke_weight < 128) pcl_stroke_weight = -3; else if (stroke_weight == 128) pcl_stroke_weight = 0; else if (stroke_weight <= 145) pcl_stroke_weight = 1; else if (stroke_weight <= 179) pcl_stroke_weight = 3; else pcl_stroke_weight = 4; printf("pclweight %d\n", pcl_stroke_weight); } static void output_pclproportional() { require_tag(spacing_tag); printf("pclproportional %d\n", tag_info(spacing_tag).value == 0); } static void read_and_output_pcltypeface(File &f) { printf("pcltypeface "); require_tag(typeface_tag); if (tag_info(typeface_tag).count > 4) { f.seek(tag_info(typeface_tag).value); for (uint32 i = 0; i < tag_info(typeface_tag).count; i++) { unsigned char c = f.get_byte(); if (c == '\0') break; putchar(c); } } else printf("%.4s", tag_info(typeface_tag).orig_value); printf("\n"); } static void output_pclstyle() { unsigned pcl_style = 0; // older tfms don't have the posture tag if (tag_info(posture_tag).present) { if (tag_info(posture_tag).value) pcl_style |= 1; } else { require_tag(slant_tag); if (tag_info(slant_tag).value != 0) pcl_style |= 1; } require_tag(appearance_width_tag); if (tag_info(appearance_width_tag).value < 100) // guess pcl_style |= 4; printf("pclstyle %d\n", pcl_style); } static void output_slant() { require_tag(slant_tag); int slant = int16(tag_info(slant_tag).value); if (slant != 0) printf("slant %f\n", slant/100.0); } static void output_ligatures() { // don't use ligatures for fixed space font require_tag(spacing_tag); if (tag_info(spacing_tag).value != 0) return; static const char *ligature_names[] = { "fi", "fl", "ff", "ffi", "ffl" }; static const char *ligature_chars[] = { "fi", "fl", "ff", "Fi", "Fl" }; unsigned ligature_mask = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) { uint16 charcode = char_table[i].charcode; if (charcode < charcode_name_table_size && char_table[i].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET) { for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[charcode]; p; p = p->next) for (unsigned int j = 0; j < SIZEOF(ligature_chars); j++) if (strcmp(p->name, ligature_chars[j]) == 0) { ligature_mask |= 1 << j; break; } } } if (ligature_mask) { printf("ligatures"); for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(ligature_names); i++) if (ligature_mask & (1 << i)) printf(" %s", ligature_names[i]); printf(" 0\n"); } } static void read_and_output_kernpairs(File &f) { if (tag_info(pair_kern_tag).present) { printf("kernpairs\n"); f.seek(tag_info(pair_kern_tag).value); uint16 n_pairs = f.get_uint16(); for (int i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) { uint16 i1 = f.get_uint16(); uint16 i2 = f.get_uint16(); int16 val = int16(f.get_uint16()); if (char_table[i1].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET && char_table[i2].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET && char_table[i1].charcode < charcode_name_table_size && char_table[i2].charcode < charcode_name_table_size) { for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[char_table[i1].charcode]; p; p = p->next) for (name_list *q = charcode_name_table[char_table[i2].charcode]; q; q = q->next) if (!equal(p->name, UNNAMED) && !equal(q->name, UNNAMED)) printf("%s %s %d\n", p->name, q->name, scale(val)); } } } } static void output_charset(const int tfm_type) { require_tag(slant_tag); double slant_angle = int16(tag_info(slant_tag).value)*PI/18000.0; double slant = sin(slant_angle)/cos(slant_angle); if (italic_flag) require_tag(x_height_tag); require_tag(lower_ascent_tag); require_tag(lower_descent_tag); printf("charset\n"); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++) { uint16 charcode = char_table[i].charcode; // the glyph is bound to one of the searched symbol sets if (char_table[i].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET) { // the character was in the map file if (charcode < charcode_name_table_size && charcode_name_table[charcode]) printf("%s", charcode_name_table[charcode]->name); else if (!all_flag) continue; else if (tfm_type == MSL) printf("%s", hp_msl_to_ucode_name(charcode)); else printf("%s", unicode_to_ucode_name(charcode)); printf("\t%d,%d", scale(char_table[i].width), scale(char_table[i].ascent)); int depth = scale(-char_table[i].descent); if (depth < 0) depth = 0; int italic_correction = 0; int left_italic_correction = 0; int subscript_correction = 0; if (italic_flag) { italic_correction = scale(char_table[i].right_extent - char_table[i].width + italic_sep); if (italic_correction < 0) italic_correction = 0; subscript_correction = int((tag_info(x_height_tag).value * slant * .8) + .5); if (subscript_correction > italic_correction) subscript_correction = italic_correction; left_italic_correction = scale(italic_sep - char_table[i].left_extent); } if (subscript_correction != 0) printf(",%d,%d,%d,%d", depth, italic_correction, left_italic_correction, subscript_correction); else if (left_italic_correction != 0) printf(",%d,%d,%d", depth, italic_correction, left_italic_correction); else if (italic_correction != 0) printf(",%d,%d", depth, italic_correction); else if (depth != 0) printf(",%d", depth); // This is fairly arbitrary. Fortunately it doesn't much matter. unsigned type = 0; if (char_table[i].ascent > int16(tag_info(lower_ascent_tag).value)*9/10) type |= 2; if (char_table[i].descent < int16(tag_info(lower_descent_tag).value)*9/10) type |= 1; printf("\t%d\t%d", type, char_table[i].symbol_set*256 + char_table[i].code); if (tfm_type == UNICODE) { if (charcode >= 0xE000 && charcode <= 0xF8FF) printf("\t-- HP PUA U+%04X", charcode); else printf("\t-- U+%04X", charcode); } else printf("\t-- MSL %4d", charcode); printf(" (%3s %3d)\n", show_symset(char_table[i].symbol_set), char_table[i].code); if (charcode < charcode_name_table_size && charcode_name_table[charcode]) for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[charcode]->next; p; p = p->next) printf("%s\t\"\n", p->name); } // warnings about characters in mapfile not found in TFM else if (charcode < charcode_name_table_size && charcode_name_table[charcode]) { char *name = charcode_name_table[charcode]->name; // don't warn about Unicode or unnamed glyphs // that aren't in the the TFM file if (tfm_type == UNICODE && !quiet_flag && !equal(name, UNNAMED) && !is_uname(name)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: symbol U+%04X (%s", program_name, charcode, name); for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[charcode]->next; p; p = p->next) fprintf(stderr, ", %s", p->name); fprintf(stderr, ") not in any searched symbol set\n"); } else if (!quiet_flag && !equal(name, UNNAMED) && !is_uname(name)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: symbol MSL %d (%s", program_name, charcode, name); for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[charcode]->next; p; p = p->next) fprintf(stderr, ", %s", p->name); fprintf(stderr, ") not in any searched symbol set\n"); } } } } #define em_fract(a) (upem >= 0 ? double(a)/upem : 0) static void dump_tags(File &f) { double upem = -1.0; printf("TFM tags\n" "\n" "tag# type count value\n" "---------------------\n"); for (int i = min_tag; i <= max_tag; i++) { enum tag_type t = tag_type(i); if (tag_info(t).present) { printf("%4d %4d %5d", i, tag_info(t).type, tag_info(t).count); switch (tag_info(t).type) { case BYTE_TYPE: case USHORT_TYPE: printf(" %5u", tag_info(t).value); switch (i) { case type_tag: printf(" Font Type "); switch (tag_info(t).value) { case MSL: case SYMSET: printf("(Intellifont)"); break; case UNICODE: printf("(TrueType)"); } break; case charcode_tag: printf(" Number of Symbols (%u)", tag_info(t).count); break; case symbol_set_tag: printf(" Symbol Sets (%u): ", tag_info(symbol_set_tag).count / 14); dump_symbol_sets(f); break; case type_structure_tag: printf(" Type Structure (%u)", tag_info(t).value); break; case stroke_weight_tag: printf(" Stroke Weight (%u)", tag_info(t).value); break; case spacing_tag: printf(" Spacing "); switch (tag_info(t).value) { case 0: printf("(Proportional)"); break; case 1: printf("(Fixed Pitch: %u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; } break; case appearance_width_tag: printf(" Appearance Width (%u)", tag_info(t).value); break; case serif_style_tag: printf(" Serif Style (%u)", tag_info(t).value); break; case posture_tag: printf(" Posture (%s)", tag_info(t).value == 0 ? "Upright" : tag_info(t).value == 1 ? "Italic" : "Alternate Italic"); break; case max_width_tag: printf(" Maximum Width (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case word_spacing_tag: printf(" Interword Spacing (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case recommended_line_spacing_tag: printf(" Recommended Line Spacing (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case x_height_tag: printf(" x-Height (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case cap_height_tag: printf(" Cap Height (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case max_ascent_tag: printf(" Maximum Ascent (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case lower_ascent_tag: printf(" Lowercase Ascent (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case underscore_thickness_tag: printf(" Underscore Thickness (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case uppercase_accent_height_tag: printf(" Uppercase Accent Height (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case lowercase_accent_height_tag: printf(" Lowercase Accent Height (%u DU: %.2f em)", tag_info(t).value, em_fract(tag_info(t).value)); break; case width_tag: printf(" Horizontal Escapement array"); break; case vertical_escapement_tag: printf(" Vertical Escapement array"); break; case right_extent_tag: printf(" Right Extent array"); break; case ascent_tag: printf(" Character Ascent array"); break; case pair_kern_tag: f.seek(tag_info(t).value); printf(" Kern Pairs (%u)", f.get_uint16()); break; case panose_tag: printf(" PANOSE Classification array"); break; } break; case SIGNED_SHORT_TYPE: printf(" %5d", int16(tag_info(t).value)); switch (i) { case slant_tag: printf(" Slant (%.2f degrees)", double(tag_info(t).value) / 100); break; case max_descent_tag: printf(" Maximum Descent (%d DU: %.2f em)", int16(tag_info(t).value), em_fract(int16(tag_info(t).value))); break; case lower_descent_tag: printf(" Lowercase Descent (%d DU: %.2f em)", int16(tag_info(t).value), em_fract(int16(tag_info(t).value))); break; case underscore_depth_tag: printf(" Underscore Depth (%d DU: %.2f em)", int16(tag_info(t).value), em_fract(int16(tag_info(t).value))); break; case left_extent_tag: printf(" Left Extent array"); break; // The type of this tag has changed from SHORT to SIGNED SHORT // in TFM version 1.3.0. case ascent_tag: printf(" Character Ascent array"); break; case descent_tag: printf(" Character Descent array"); break; } break; case RATIONAL_TYPE: printf(" %5u", tag_info(t).value); switch (i) { case inches_per_point_tag: printf(" Inches per Point"); break; case nominal_point_size_tag: printf(" Nominal Point Size"); break; case design_units_per_em_tag: printf(" Design Units per Em"); break; case average_width_tag: printf(" Average Width"); break; } if (tag_info(t).count == 1) { f.seek(tag_info(t).value); uint32 num = f.get_uint32(); uint32 den = f.get_uint32(); if (i == design_units_per_em_tag) upem = double(num) / den; printf(" (%u/%u = %g)", num, den, double(num)/den); } break; case ASCII_TYPE: printf(" %5u ", tag_info(t).value); switch (i) { case comment_tag: printf("Comment "); break; case copyright_tag: printf("Copyright "); break; case unique_identifier_tag: printf("Unique ID "); break; case font_name_tag: printf("Typeface Name "); break; case typeface_source_tag: printf("Typeface Source "); break; case typeface_tag: printf("PCL Typeface "); break; } dump_ascii(f, t); } putchar('\n'); } } putchar('\n'); } #undef em_fract static void dump_ascii(File &f, tag_type t) { putchar('"'); if (tag_info(t).count > 4) { int count = tag_info(t).count; f.seek(tag_info(t).value); while (--count) printf("%c", f.get_byte()); } else printf("%.4s", tag_info(t).orig_value); putchar('"'); } static void dump_symbol_sets(File &f) { uint32 symbol_set_dir_length = tag_info(symbol_set_tag).count; uint32 num_symbol_sets = symbol_set_dir_length / 14; for (uint32 i = 0; i < num_symbol_sets; i++) { f.seek(tag_info(symbol_set_tag).value + i * 14); (void)f.get_uint32(); // offset to symbol set name uint32 off1 = f.get_uint32(); // offset to selection string uint32 off2 = f.get_uint32(); // offset to symbol set index array f.seek(off1); for (uint32 j = 0; j < off2 - off1; j++) { unsigned char c = f.get_byte(); if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') putchar(c); else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') printf(i < num_symbol_sets - 1 ? "%c," : "%c", c); } } } static void dump_symbols(int tfm_type) { printf("Symbols:\n" "\n" " glyph id# symbol set name(s)\n" "----------------------------------\n"); for (uint32 i = 0; i < nchars; i++) { uint16 charcode = char_table[i].charcode; if (charcode < charcode_name_table_size && charcode_name_table[charcode]) { if (char_table[i].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET) { printf(tfm_type == UNICODE ? "%4d (U+%04X) (%3s %3d) %s" : "%4d (MSL %4d) (%3s %3d) %s", i, charcode, show_symset(char_table[i].symbol_set), char_table[i].code, charcode_name_table[charcode]->name); for (name_list *p = charcode_name_table[charcode]->next; p; p = p->next) printf(", %s", p->name); putchar('\n'); } } else { printf(tfm_type == UNICODE ? "%4d (U+%04X) " : "%4d (MSL %4d) ", i, charcode); if (char_table[i].symbol_set != NO_SYMBOL_SET) printf("(%3s %3d)", show_symset(char_table[i].symbol_set), char_table[i].code); putchar('\n'); } } putchar('\n'); } static char * show_symset(unsigned int symset) { static char symset_str[8]; sprintf(symset_str, "%d%c", symset / 32, (symset & 31) + 64); return symset_str; } static char * hp_msl_to_ucode_name(int msl) { char codestr[8]; sprintf(codestr, "%d", msl); const char *ustr = hp_msl_to_unicode_code(codestr); if (ustr == NULL) ustr = UNNAMED; else { char *nonum; int ucode = int(strtol(ustr, &nonum, 16)); // don't allow PUA code points as Unicode names if (ucode >= 0xE000 && ucode <= 0xF8FF) ustr = UNNAMED; } if (!equal(ustr, UNNAMED)) { const char *uname_decomposed = decompose_unicode(ustr); if (uname_decomposed) // 1st char is the number of components ustr = uname_decomposed + 1; } char *value = new char[strlen(ustr) + 1]; sprintf(value, equal(ustr, UNNAMED) ? ustr : "u%s", ustr); return value; } static char * unicode_to_ucode_name(int ucode) { const char *ustr; char codestr[8]; // don't allow PUA code points as Unicode names if (ucode >= 0xE000 && ucode <= 0xF8FF) ustr = UNNAMED; else { sprintf(codestr, "%04X", ucode); ustr = codestr; } if (!equal(ustr, UNNAMED)) { const char *uname_decomposed = decompose_unicode(ustr); if (uname_decomposed) // 1st char is the number of components ustr = uname_decomposed + 1; } char *value = new char[strlen(ustr) + 1]; sprintf(value, equal(ustr, UNNAMED) ? ustr : "u%s", ustr); return value; } static int is_uname(char *name) { size_t i; size_t len = strlen(name); if (len % 5) return 0; if (name[0] != 'u') return 0; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) if (!csxdigit(name[i])) return 0; for (i = 5; i < len; i++) if (i % 5 ? !csxdigit(name[i]) : name[i] != '_') return 0; return 1; } static int read_map(const char *file, const int tfm_type) { errno = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { error("can't open `%1': %2", file, strerror(errno)); return 0; } current_filename = file; char buf[512]; current_lineno = 0; char *nonum; while (fgets(buf, int(sizeof(buf)), fp)) { current_lineno++; char *ptr = buf; while (csspace(*ptr)) ptr++; if (*ptr == '\0' || *ptr == '#') continue; ptr = strtok(ptr, " \n\t"); if (!ptr) continue; int msl_code = int(strtol(ptr, &nonum, 10)); if (*nonum != '\0') { if (csxdigit(*nonum)) error("bad MSL map: got hex code (%1)", ptr); else if (ptr == nonum) error("bad MSL map: bad MSL code (%1)", ptr); else error("bad MSL map"); fclose(fp); return 0; } ptr = strtok(NULL, " \n\t"); if (!ptr) continue; int unicode = int(strtol(ptr, &nonum, 16)); if (*nonum != '\0') { if (ptr == nonum) error("bad Unicode value (%1)", ptr); else error("bad Unicode map"); fclose(fp); return 0; } if (strlen(ptr) != 4) { error("bad Unicode value (%1)", ptr); return 0; } int n = tfm_type == MSL ? msl_code : unicode; if (tfm_type == UNICODE && n > 0xFFFF) { // greatest value supported by TFM files error("bad Unicode value (%1): greatest value is 0xFFFF", ptr); fclose(fp); return 0; } else if (n < 0) { error("negative code value (%1)", ptr); fclose(fp); return 0; } ptr = strtok(NULL, " \n\t"); if (!ptr) { // groff name error("missing name(s)"); fclose(fp); return 0; } // leave decomposed Unicode values alone else if (is_uname(ptr) && !is_decomposed(ptr)) ptr = unicode_to_ucode_name(strtol(ptr + 1, &nonum, 16)); if (size_t(n) >= charcode_name_table_size) { size_t old_size = charcode_name_table_size; name_list **old_table = charcode_name_table; charcode_name_table_size = n + 256; charcode_name_table = new name_list *[charcode_name_table_size]; if (old_table) { memcpy(charcode_name_table, old_table, old_size*sizeof(name_list *)); a_delete old_table; } for (size_t i = old_size; i < charcode_name_table_size; i++) charcode_name_table[i] = NULL; } // a '#' that isn't the first groff name begins a comment for (int names = 1; ptr; ptr = strtok(NULL, " \n\t")) { if (names++ > 1 && *ptr == '#') break; charcode_name_table[n] = new name_list(ptr, charcode_name_table[n]); } } fclose(fp); return 1; } static const char * xbasename(const char *s) { // DIR_SEPS[] are possible directory separator characters, see // nonposix.h. We want the rightmost separator of all possible // ones. Example: d:/foo\\bar. const char *b = strrchr(s, DIR_SEPS[0]), *b1; const char *sep = &DIR_SEPS[1]; while (*sep) { b1 = strrchr(s, *sep); if (b1 && (!b || b1 > b)) b = b1; sep++; } return b ? b + 1 : s; }