"====================================================================== | | OrderedCollection Method Definitions | | $Revision: 1.7.5$ | $Date: 2000/05/28 16:56:52$ | $Author: pb$ | ======================================================================" "====================================================================== | | Copyright 1988-92, 1994-95, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | Written by Steve Byrne. | | This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it | and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at | your option) any later version. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be | useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser | General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License | along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. | If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite | 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | ======================================================================" SequenceableCollection variableSubclass: #OrderedCollection instanceVariableNames: 'firstIndex lastIndex' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Collections-Sequenceable' ! OrderedCollection comment: 'My instances represent ordered collections of arbitrary typed objects which are not directly accessible by an index. They can be accessed indirectly through an index, and can be manipulated by adding to the end or based on content (such as add:after:)' ! !OrderedCollection class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new: anInteger "Answer an OrderedCollection of size anInteger" ^(self basicNew: anInteger) initIndices ! new "Answer an OrderedCollection of default size" ^self new: 16 ! ! !OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'accessing'! at: anIndex "Answer the anIndex-th item of the receiver" | index | index := anIndex + firstIndex - 1. (index >= firstIndex and: [ index <= lastIndex ]) ifTrue: [ ^self basicAt: index ] ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'index out of bounds for ordered collection' ] ! at: anIndex put: anObject "Store anObject at the anIndex-th item of the receiver, answer anObject" | index | index := anIndex + firstIndex - 1. (index >= firstIndex and: [ index <= lastIndex ]) ifTrue: [ ^self basicAt: index put: anObject ] ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'index out of bounds for ordered collection' ] ! after: oldObject "Return the element after oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no following object is available" firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index | "should we use '=' or '==' here?" (self basicAt: index) = oldObject ifTrue: [ index < lastIndex ifTrue: [ ^self basicAt: index + 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'no following object' ] ] ]. ^self error: 'object not found' ! before: oldObject "Return the element after oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no following object is available" firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index | "should we use '=' or '==' here?" (self basicAt: index) = oldObject ifTrue: [ index > firstIndex ifTrue: [ ^self basicAt: index - 1 ] ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'no preceding object' ] ] ]. ^self error: 'object not found' ! size "Return the number of objects in the receiver" ^lastIndex - firstIndex + 1 ! ! !OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'adding'! add: anObject "Add anObject in the receiver, answer it" self makeRoomLastFor: 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. ^self basicAt: lastIndex put: anObject ! add: newObject after: oldObject "Add newObject in the receiver just after oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject can't be found" ^self add: newObject afterIndex: (self indexOf: oldObject ifAbsent: [^self error: 'object not found in collection' ]) ! add: newObject before: oldObject "Add newObject in the receiver just before oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject can't be found" ^self add: newObject afterIndex: (self indexOf: oldObject ifAbsent: [^self error: 'object not found in collection' ]) - 1 ! add: newObject afterIndex: i "Add newObject in the receiver just after the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 0 or i > self size " | index | index := i + firstIndex. self makeRoomLastFor: 1. lastIndex to: index by: -1 do: [ :i | self basicAt: i + 1 put: (self basicAt: i) ]. lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. ^self basicAt: index put: newObject ! add: newObject beforeIndex: i "Add newObject in the receiver just before the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 1 or i > self size + 1" ^self add: newObject afterIndex: i - 1 ! addAll: aCollection "Add every item of aCollection to the receiver, answer it" | index | self makeRoomLastFor: aCollection size. index := lastIndex + 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + aCollection size. aCollection do: [ :element | self basicAt: index put: element. index := index + 1 ]. ^aCollection ! addAll: newCollection after: oldObject "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just after oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject is not found" ^self addAll: newCollection afterIndex: (self indexOf: oldObject ifAbsent: [^self error: 'object not found in collection' ]) ! addAll: newCollection afterIndex: i "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just after the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 0 or i > self size" | index | index := i + firstIndex. self makeRoomLastFor: newCollection size. lastIndex to: index by: -1 do: [ :i | self basicAt: i + newCollection size put: (self basicAt: i) ]. lastIndex := lastIndex + newCollection size. newCollection doWithIndex: [:each :i | self basicAt: index + i - 1 put: each ]. ^newCollection ! addAll: newCollection before: oldObject "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just before oldObject, answer it. Fail if oldObject is not found" ^self addAll: newCollection afterIndex: (self indexOf: oldObject ifAbsent: [^self error: 'object not found in collection' ]) - 1 ! addAll: newCollection beforeIndex: i "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver just before the i-th, answer it. Fail if i < 1 or i > self size + 1" ^self add: newCollection afterIndex: i - 1 ! addAllFirst: aCollection "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver right at the start of the receiver. Answer aCollection" | index | self makeRoomFirstFor: aCollection size. index := firstIndex := firstIndex - aCollection size. aCollection do: [ :element | self basicAt: index put: element. index := index + 1 ]. ^aCollection ! addAllLast: aCollection "Add every item of newCollection to the receiver right at the end of the receiver. Answer aCollection" | index | self makeRoomLastFor: aCollection size. index := lastIndex + 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + aCollection size. aCollection do: [ :element | self basicAt: index put: element. index := index + 1 ]. ^aCollection ! addFirst: newObject "Add newObject to the receiver right at the start of the receiver. Answer newObject" self makeRoomFirstFor: 1. firstIndex := firstIndex - 1. ^self basicAt: firstIndex put: newObject ! addLast: newObject "Add newObject to the receiver right at the end of the receiver. Answer newObject" self makeRoomLastFor: 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. ^self basicAt: lastIndex put: newObject ! ! !OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'removing'! removeFirst "Remove an object from the start of the receiver. Fail if the receiver is empty" | answer | lastIndex < firstIndex ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'attempted to remove from an empty collection' ]. answer := self basicAt: firstIndex. "Get the element" self basicAt: firstIndex put: nil. "Leave it to be garbage collected" firstIndex := firstIndex + 1. ^answer ! removeLast "Remove an object from the end of the receiver. Fail if the receiver is empty" | answer | lastIndex < firstIndex ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'attempted to remove from an empty collection' ]. answer := self basicAt: lastIndex. "Get the element" self basicAt: lastIndex put: nil. "Allow it to be garbage collected" lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^answer ! remove: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock "Remove anObject from the receiver. If it can't be found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock" ^self removeAtIndex: (self indexOf: anObject startingAt: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^aBlock value ]) ! removeAtIndex: anIndex "Remove the object at index anIndex from the receiver. Fail if the index is out of bounds" | answer | lastIndex < firstIndex ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'attempted to remove from an empty collection' ]. (anIndex < 1 or: [anIndex > self size]) ifTrue: [^self error: 'index out of bounds' ]. answer := self basicAt: anIndex + firstIndex - 1. anIndex + firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index | self basicAt: index - 1 put: (self basicAt: index) ]. self basicAt: lastIndex put: nil. lastIndex := lastIndex - 1. ^answer ! ! !OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'private methods'! basicAddLast: newObject "Private - Add to the end of the receiver newObject, answer newObject. Don't override this method!" self makeRoomLastFor: 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + 1. ^self basicAt: lastIndex put: newObject ! basicAddAllLast: aCollection "Private - Add to the end of the receiver all the items in aCollection, answer newObject. Don't override this method!" | index | self makeRoomLastFor: aCollection size. index := lastIndex + 1. lastIndex := lastIndex + aCollection size. aCollection do: [ :element | self basicAt: index put: element. index := index + 1 ]. ^aCollection ! initIndices firstIndex := self basicSize // 2 max: 1. lastIndex := firstIndex - 1 ! firstIndex: first lastIndex: last firstIndex := first. lastIndex := last ! makeRoomFirstFor: n "Private - Make room for n elements at the start of the collection" firstIndex <= n ifTrue: [ self growBy: (n max: self growSize) shiftBy: (n max: self growSize) ] ! makeRoomLastFor: n "Private - Make room for n elements at the end of the collection" (lastIndex + n) > self basicSize ifTrue: [ self growBy: (n max: self growSize) shiftBy: 0 ] ! grow "Make growSize room in the collection, putting the old contents in the middle." self growBy: self growSize shiftBy: self growSize // 2 ! growBy: delta shiftBy: shiftCount "Make room for delta more places in the collection, shifting the old contents by shiftCount places" | newOrderedCollection | newOrderedCollection := self copyEmpty: self basicSize + delta. firstIndex to: lastIndex do: [ :index | newOrderedCollection basicAt: index + shiftCount put: (self basicAt: index) ]. newOrderedCollection firstIndex: firstIndex + shiftCount lastIndex: lastIndex + shiftCount. self become: newOrderedCollection ! !