"====================================================================== | | SequenceableCollection Method Definitions | | $Revision: 1.7.5$ | $Date: 2000/05/28 16:56:52$ | $Author: pb$ | ======================================================================" "====================================================================== | | Copyright 1988-92, 1994-95, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | Written by Steve Byrne. | | This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it | and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at | your option) any later version. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be | useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser | General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License | along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. | If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite | 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | ======================================================================" Collection subclass: #SequenceableCollection instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Collections-Sequenceable' ! SequenceableCollection comment: 'My instances represent collections of objects that are ordered. I provide some access and manipulation methods.' ! !SequenceableCollection class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! streamContents: aBlock "Create a ReadWriteStream on an empty instance of the receiver; pass the stream to aBlock, then retrieve its contents and answer them." | stream | stream := ReadWriteStream on: (self new: 10). stream truncate. aBlock value: stream. ^stream contents ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'testing'! inspect "Print all the instance variables and context of the receiver on the Transcript" | class instVars i | class := self class. instVars := class allInstVarNames. Transcript nextPutAll: 'An instance of '. class printNl. 1 to: instVars size do: [ :i | Transcript nextPutAll: ' '; nextPutAll: (instVars at: i); nextPutAll: ': '. (self instVarAt: i) printNl ]. Transcript nextPutAll: ' contents: ['; nl. self doWithIndex: [ :obj :i | Transcript nextPutAll: ' ['; print: i; nextPutAll: ']: '; print: obj; nl ]. Transcript nextPutAll: ' ]'; nl ! = aCollection "Answer whether the receiver's items match those in aCollection" self class == aCollection class ifFalse: [^false]. self size = aCollection size ifFalse: [^false]. self with: aCollection do: [ :selfElement :argElement | selfElement = argElement ifFalse: [^false] ]. ^true ! hash "Answer an hash value for the receiver" "Don't like this hash function; it can be made much better" | hash carry | hash := self size. self do: [ :element | carry := (hash bitAnd: 16r20000000) > 0. hash := hash bitAnd: 16r1FFFFFFF. hash := hash bitShift: 1. carry ifTrue: [ hash := hash bitOr: 1 ]. hash := hash bitXor: element hash ]. ^hash ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'basic'! atAll: aCollection put: anObject "Put anObject at every index contained in aCollection" aCollection do: [ :index | self at: index put: anObject ] ! atAllPut: anObject "Put anObject at every index in the receiver" 1 to: self size do: [ :i | self at: i put: anObject ] ! after: oldObject "Return the element after oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no following object is available" self doWithIndex: [ :element :index | element = oldObject ifTrue: [ ^self at: index + 1 ]. ]. ^self error: 'object not found' ! before: oldObject "Return the element before oldObject. Error if oldObject not found or if no preceding object is available" self doWithIndex: [ :element :index | element = oldObject ifTrue: [ ^self at: index - 1 ]. ]. ^self error: 'object not found' ! first "Answer the first item in the receiver" ^self at: 1 ! last "Answer the last item in the receiver" self size < 1 ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'last not defined with no elements' ]. ^self at: self size ! indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock "Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no such sequence is found" | selfSize subSize | subSize := aSubCollection size. selfSize := self size. anIndex + subSize - 1 <= selfSize ifTrue: [ anIndex to: selfSize - subSize + 1 do: [ :index | (self at: index) = (aSubCollection at: 1) ifTrue: [ (self matchSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: index) ifTrue: [^index] ] ] ]. ^exceptionBlock value ! indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex "Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found." ^self indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: [ ^0 ] ! indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock "Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found" anIndex to: self size do: [ :index | (self at: index) = anElement ifTrue: [ ^index ]. ]. ^exceptionBlock value ! indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection "Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found." ^self indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^0 ] ! indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection ifAbsent: exceptionBlock "Answer the first index > anIndex at which starts a sequence of items matching aSubCollection. Answer 0 if no such sequence is found." ^self indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: 1 ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ! indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex "Answer the first index > anIndex which contains anElement. Answer 0 if no item is found" ^self indexOf: anElement startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: [ ^0 ] ! indexOf: anElement ifAbsent: exceptionBlock "Answer the index of the first occurrence of anElement in the receiver. Invoke exceptionBlock and answer its result if no item is found" ^self indexOf: anElement startingAt: 1 ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ! indexOf: anElement "Answer the index of the first occurrence of anElement in the receiver. Answer 0 if no item is found" ^self indexOf: anElement startingAt: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^0 ] ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'replacing items'! replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection startingAt: repStart "Replace the items from start to stop with replacementCollection's items from repStart to repStart+stop-start" "speed this up by making it zero based, otherwise we have to subtract 1 from each use of index. Note that stop - start is not computed on every iteration." 0 to: stop - start do: [ :i | self at: (start + i) put: (replacementCollection at: (repStart + i)) ] ! replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection "Replace the items from start to stop with replacementCollection's items from 1 to stop-start+1" self replaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection startingAt: 1 ! replaceFrom: anIndex to: stopIndex withObject: replacementObject "Replace every item from start to stop with replacementObject." anIndex to: stopIndex do: [ :index | self at: index put: replacementObject. ] ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'copying SequenceableCollections'! copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop withObject: anObject "Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index `start' to index `stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by the single element anObject. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index `start'." | newSize repSize | (stop - start < -1) ifTrue: [ self error: 'to insert, stop must be start - 1' ]. newSize := self size - (stop - start). ^(self copyEmpty: newSize) replaceFrom: 1 to: start - 1 with: self startingAt: 1; at: start put: anObject; replaceFrom: start + 1 to: newSize with: self startingAt: stop + 1; yourself ! , aSequenceableCollection "Append aSequenceableCollection at the end of the receiver (using #add:), and answer a new collection" ^(self copyEmpty: self size + aSequenceableCollection size) addAll: self; addAll: aSequenceableCollection; yourself ! copyFrom: start "Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the start-th." | sz | start > (sz := self size) ifTrue: [^self species new]. ^self copyFrom: (start max: 1) to: sz! copyFrom: start to: stop "Answer a new collection containing all the items in the receiver from the start-th and to the stop-th" | len | stop < start ifTrue: [^self species new]. len := stop - start + 1. ^(self copyEmpty: len) replaceFrom: 1 to: len with: self startingAt: start; yourself ! copyReplaceAll: oldSubCollection with: newSubCollection "Answer a new collection in which all the sequences matching oldSubCollection are replaced with newSubCollection" | numOld newCollection sizeDifference newSubSize oldSubSize newStart oldStart copySize index | numOld := self countSubCollectionOccurrencesOf: oldSubCollection. newSubSize := newSubCollection size. sizeDifference := newSubSize - oldSubCollection size + 1. newCollection := self copyEmpty: (self size - (sizeDifference * numOld)). oldStart := newStart := 1. [ index := self indexOfSubCollection: oldSubCollection startingAt: oldStart ifAbsent: [ "Copy the remaining part of self onto the tail of the new collection." newCollection replaceFrom: newStart to: newCollection size with: self startingAt: oldStart. ^newCollection ]. copySize := index - oldStart + 1. newCollection replaceFrom: newStart to: newStart + copySize - 1 with: self startingAt: oldStart. newStart := newStart + copySize - 1. newCollection replaceFrom: newStart to: newStart + newSubSize - 1 with: newSubCollection startingAt: 1. oldStart := oldStart + copySize. newStart := newStart + newSubSize ] repeat ! copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection "Answer a new collection of the same class as the receiver that contains the same elements as the receiver, in the same order, except for elements from index `start' to index `stop'. If start < stop, these are replaced by the contents of the replacementCollection. Instead, If start = (stop + 1), like in `copyReplaceFrom: 4 to: 3 with: anArray', then every element of the receiver will be present in the answered copy; the operation will be an append if stop is equal to the size of the receiver or, if it is not, an insert before index `start'." | newSize repSize | (stop - start < -1) ifTrue: [ self error: 'to insert, stop must be start - 1' ]. repSize := replacementCollection size. newSize := self size + repSize - (stop - start + 1). ^(self copyEmpty: newSize) replaceFrom: 1 to: start - 1 with: self startingAt: 1; replaceFrom: start to: start + repSize - 1 with: replacementCollection; replaceFrom: start + repSize to: newSize with: self startingAt: stop + 1; yourself ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'enumerating'! anyOne "Answer an unspecified element of the collection. Example usage: ^coll inject: coll anyOne into: [ :max :each | max max: each ] to be used when you don't have a valid lowest-possible-value (which happens in common cases too, such as with arbitrary numbers" ^self at: 1 ! do: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection" 1 to: self size do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]. ! do: aBlock separatedBy: sepBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection. Between each element, evaluate sepBlock without parameters." self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ]. aBlock value: (self at: 1). 2 to: self size do: [ :i | sepBlock value. aBlock value: (self at: i) ]. ! doWithIndex: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection, passing the index of each element as the second parameter" 1 to: self size do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) value: i ]. ! from: startIndex to: stopIndex do: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection whose indices are in the range index to stopIndex" startIndex to: stopIndex do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]. ! from: startIndex to: stopIndex doWithIndex: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all the elements in the sequenceable collection whose indices are in the range index to stopIndex, passing the index of each element as the second parameter" startIndex to: stopIndex do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) value: i ]. ! findFirst: aBlock "Returns the index of the first element of the sequenceable collection for which aBlock returns true, or 0 if none" self doWithIndex: [ :each :i | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [ ^i ]. ]. ^0 ! findLast: aBlock "Returns the index of the last element of the sequenceable collection for which aBlock returns true, or 0 if none does" | i | i := self size. self reverseDo: [ :each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [ ^i ]. i := i - 1 ]. ^0 ! readStream "Answer a ReadStream streaming on the receiver" ^ReadStream on: self ! readWriteStream "Answer a ReadWriteStream which streams on the receiver" ^ReadWriteStream on: self ! reverse "Answer the receivers' contents in reverse order" | result | result := self copyEmpty. self reverseDo: [ :each | result add: each ]. ^result ! reverseDo: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for all elements in the sequenceable collection, from the last to the first." self size to: 1 by: -1 do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]. ! with: aSequenceableCollection do: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for each pair of elements took respectively from the re- ceiver and from aSequenceableCollection. Fail if the receiver has not the same size as aSequenceableCollection." self size = aSequenceableCollection size ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'sequenceable collections must have same size' ]. 1 to: self size do: [ :i | aBlock value: (self at: i) value: (aSequenceableCollection at: i). ] ! with: aSequenceableCollection collect: aBlock "Evaluate aBlock for each pair of elements took respectively from the re- ceiver and from aSequenceableCollection; answer a collection of the same kind of the receiver, made with the block's return values. Fail if the receiver has not the same size as aSequenceableCollection." | newCollection | self size = aSequenceableCollection size ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'sequenceable collections must have same size' ]. newCollection := self copyEmptyForCollect. 1 to: self size do: [ :i | newCollection add: (aBlock value: (self at: i) value: (aSequenceableCollection at: i)). ]. ^newCollection ! writeStream "Answer a WriteStream streaming on the receiver" ^WriteStream on: self ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'private methods'! matchSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: anIndex "Private - Answer whether the items from index anIndex match those in aSubCollection. The first item is ignored" | ourIndex | ourIndex := anIndex. 2 to: aSubCollection size do: [ :index | ourIndex := ourIndex + 1. (self at: ourIndex) = (aSubCollection at: index) ifFalse: [ ^false ]. ]. ^true ! countSubCollectionOccurrencesOf: aSubCollection | colIndex subColIndex count | colIndex := 1. count := 0. [ subColIndex := self indexOfSubCollection: aSubCollection startingAt: colIndex. subColIndex > 0 ] whileTrue: [ count := count + 1. colIndex := colIndex + aSubCollection size ]. ^count ! growSize ^(self size bitShift: -1) bitOr: 1 "a randomly chosen factor" ! !