GNU Smalltalk Ready Execution begins... returned value is nil Execution begins... returned value is nil Execution begins... returned value is nil Execution begins... b finalized, surviving a finalized b finalized c finalized returned value is nil Execution begins... returned value is true Execution begins... ('abc' an Object nil nil 1 ) ('abc' an Object nil nil 1 ) ('abc' nil nil nil 1 ) ('abc' nil nil nil 1 ) (true false true true true ) (true true true true true ) (true false true true true ) returned value is nil Execution begins... New instance of Behavior created Superclass assigned First method compiled Second method compiled An instance of Behavior superClass: Object subClasses: nil methodDictionary: MethodDictionary ( #new->>>#new #printTestMessage->>>#printTestMessage ) instanceSpec: 8 instanceVariables: nil Instance created 'test message' an {Object} Well it seems to work fine returned value is nil