"====================================================================== | | RunArray Method Definitions | | $Revision: 1.7.5$ | $Date: 2000/05/28 16:56:52$ | $Author: pb$ | ======================================================================" "====================================================================== | | Copyright 1988-92, 1994-95, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | Written by Paolo Bonzini. | | This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it | and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at | your option) any later version. | | The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be | useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser | General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License | along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. | If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite | 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. | ======================================================================" "Some of the methods I define (first, last, indexOf:startingAt:ifAbsent:, shallowCopy, deepCopy, =, hash) are here only for performance purposes (their inherited implementation works, but it is slow)" OrderedCollection subclass: #RunArray instanceVariableNames: 'map mapIndex firstInRun lastInRun size' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Collection-Sequenceable'! RunArray comment: 'My instances are OrderedCollections that automatically apply Run Length Encoding compression to the things they store. Be careful when using me: I can provide great space savings, but my instances don''t grant linear access time. RunArray''s behavior currently is similar to that of OrderedCollection (you can add elements to RunArrays); maybe it should behave like an ArrayedCollection.' ! !Collection methodsFor: 'converting'! asRunArray "Answer the receiver converted to a RunArray. If the receiver is not ordered the order of the elements in the RunArray might not be the #do: order." ^(RunArray basicNew) map: (self asRunArrayMap); initialize ! ! !Collection methodsFor: 'private'! asRunArrayMap "Private - Answer the receiver converted to an OrderedCollection of Asso- ciations whose keys are the actual objects and whose values are the number of consecutive copies of them" "Bags can be easily packed, because they are made of runs of unordered elements like RunArrays. As the #do: order of non-sequenceable collections is undefined, we choose the ordering which yields the best map." ^self asBag asRunArrayMap ! ! !Bag methodsFor: 'private'! asRunArrayMap "Private - Answer the receiver converted to an OrderedCollection of Asso- ciations whose keys are the actual objects and whose values are the number of consecutive copies of them" | map | map := OrderedCollection new: contents size. contents associationsDo: [:assoc | map addLast: assoc ]. ^map ! ! !SequenceableCollection methodsFor: 'private'! asRunArrayMap "Private - Answer the receiver converted to an OrderedCollection of Asso- ciations whose keys are the actual objects and whose values are the number of consecutive copies of them" | map prev startIndex | map := OrderedCollection new. prev := self at: 1. startIndex := 1. self from: 2 to: self size doWithIndex: [ :each :currIndex | each = prev ifFalse: [ map addLast: (Association key: prev value: currIndex - startIndex). prev := each. startIndex := currIndex ] ]. map addLast: (Association key: prev value: self size + 1 - startIndex). ^map ! ! !RunArray class methodsFor: 'instance creation'! new "Answer an empty RunArray" ^(self basicNew) map: OrderedCollection new; initialize ! new: aSize "Answer a RunArray with space for aSize runs" ^(self basicNew) map: (OrderedCollection new: aSize); initialize ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'accessing'! at: anIndex "Answer the element at index anIndex" self updateMapIndexFor: anIndex. ^(map at: mapIndex) key ! at: anIndex put: anObject "Replace the element at index anIndex with anObject and answer anObject" ^self at: anIndex splitAndPut: anObject decrementBy: 1 ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'basic'! first "Answer the first element in the receiver" ^(map at: 1) key ! last "Answer the last element of the receiver" ^(map at: map size) key ! size "Answer the number of elements in the receiver" ^size ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'adding'! addAll: aCollection afterIndex: anIndex "Add all the elements of aCollection after the one at index anIndex. If aCollection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order" | newMap | aCollection isEmpty ifTrue: [^self]. newMap := aCollection asRunArrayMap. self updateMapIndexFor: anIndex. self splitAt: anIndex decrementBy: 0. map addAll: newMap afterIndex: mapIndex. self packTwoRuns: mapIndex + newMap size - 1; packTwoRuns: mapIndex. size := size + aCollection size ! addAllFirst: aCollection "Add all the elements of aCollection at the beginning of the receiver. If aCollection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order" ^self addAll: aCollection afterIndex: 0 ! addAllLast: aCollection "Add all the elements of aCollection at the end of the receiver. If aCol- lection is unordered, its elements could be added in an order which is not the #do: order" ^self addAll: aCollection afterIndex: self size ! addFirst: anObject "Add anObject at the beginning of the receiver. Watch out: this operation can cause serious performance pitfalls" ^self add: anObject afterIndex: 0 ! addLast: anObject "Add anObject at the end of the receiver" ^self add: anObject afterIndex: self size ! add: anObject afterIndex: anIndex "Add anObject after the element at index anIndex" size := size + 1. ^self at: anIndex splitAndPut: anObject decrementBy: 0 ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'copying'! shallowCopy "Answer a copy of the receiver. The elements are not copied" ^(self species basicNew) map: (map collect: [:assoc | assoc shallowCopy ]); initialize ! deepCopy "Answer a copy of the receiver containing copies of the receiver's elements (#copy is used to obtain them)" ^(self species basicNew) map: (map collect: [:assoc | assoc deepCopy ]); initialize ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'enumerating'! objectsAndRunLengthsDo: aBlock "Enumerate all the runs in the receiver, passing to aBlock two parameters for every run: the first is the repeated object, the second is the number of copies" map do: [ :each | aBlock value: each key value: each value ] ! do: aBlock "Enumerate all the objects in the receiver, passing each one to aBlock" map do: [ :each | each value timesRepeat: [ aBlock value: each key ] ] ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'private'! afterMapIndexAdd: n copiesOf: anObject "Private - Add a run of n copies of anObject after the mapIndex-th run. Answer anObject" map add: (Association key: anObject value: n) afterIndex: mapIndex. ^anObject ! at: anIndex splitAndPut: anObject decrementBy: i "Private - Split the run at index anIndex (say it's made of n elements) into two runs for a total of n-i elements; between them, put a one ele- ment run for anObject. Answer anObject" | run | (self at: (1 max: anIndex)) = anObject ifTrue: [ "No need to split, simply update the current run" run := map at: mapIndex. run value: run value + (1 - i) ] ifFalse: [ self splitAt: anIndex decrementBy: i; afterMapIndexAdd: 1 copiesOf: anObject ]. ^anObject ! initialize "Private - Initialize mapIndex, firstInRun, lastInRun" map isEmpty ifTrue: [ mapIndex := firstInRun := lastInRun := 0 ] ifFalse: [ mapIndex := firstInRun := 1. lastInRun := (map at: 1) value ] ! map "Private - Answer the receiver's map" ^map ! map: anOrderedCollection "Private - Initialize size and set the map to anOrderedCollection" map := anOrderedCollection. size := map inject: 0 into: [:sz :assoc | sz + assoc value] ! packTwoRuns: indexInMap "Private - Check if the two runs at indexes indexInMap and indexInMap + 1 are runs for equal elements. If so, pack them in a single run" | run nextRun | indexInMap < 1 ifTrue: [^self]. indexInMap > self size ifTrue: [^self]. run := map at: indexInMap. nextRun := map at: indexInMap + 1. run key = nextRun key ifTrue: [ run value: run value + nextRun value. map removeAtIndex: indexInMap + 1 ]. ! splitAt: anIndex decrementBy: i "Private - Split the run at index anIndex (say it's made of n elements) into two runs for a total of n-i elements. You must have already called #at: or #updateMapIndexFor: passing them anIndex" | run | anIndex < 1 ifTrue: [^self]. anIndex > self size ifTrue: [^self]. run := map at: mapIndex. anIndex = firstInRun ifTrue: [ run value: run value - i. "Decrement mapIndex, update firstInRun and lastInRun" self updateMapIndexFor: anIndex - 1 ]. anIndex = lastInRun ifTrue: [ run value: run value - i ]. run value: anIndex - firstInRun + (1 - i). self afterMapIndexAdd: lastInRun - anIndex copiesOf: run key. ! updateMapIndexFor: anIndex "Private - Update mapIndex so that it points to the run containing the object at index anIndex. To set mapIndex to 0, set anIndex to 0" (anIndex >= firstInRun and: [anIndex <= lastInRun]) ifTrue: [^self]. anIndex < 0 ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'index out of bounds' ]. anIndex > self size ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'index out of bounds' ]. "anIndex = 0 is used internally by RunArray" anIndex = 0 ifTrue: [ mapIndex := firstInRun := lastInRun := 0. ^self ]. anIndex < firstInRun ifTrue: [ [ mapIndex := mapIndex - 1. lastInRun := firstInRun - 1. firstInRun := firstInRun - (map at: mapIndex) value. anIndex < firstInRun ] whileTrue ] ifFalse: [ [ mapIndex := mapIndex + 1. firstInRun := lastInRun + 1. lastInRun := lastInRun + (map at: mapIndex) value. lastInRun < anIndex ] whileTrue ] ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'searching'! indexOf: anObject startingAt: anIndex ifAbsent: aBlock "Answer the index of the first copy of anObject in the receiver, starting the search at the element at index anIndex. If no equal object is found, answer the result of evaluating aBlock" | first last | last := 0. map do: [ :each | first := last + 1. last := last + each value. (first >= anIndex and: [each key = anIndex]) ifTrue: [^first] ]. ^aBlock value ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'removing'! removeAtIndex: anIndex "Remove the object at index anIndex from the receiver and answer the removed object" | run | self updateMapIndexFor: anIndex. run := map at: mapIndex. size := size - 1. run value = 1 ifFalse: [ run value: run value - 1. lastInRun := lastInRun - 1. ^run key ]. map removeAtIndex: mapIndex. mapIndex > map size ifTrue: [ mapIndex := map size. lastInRun := self size. firstInRun := lastInRun - (map at: map size) value + 1 ] ifFalse: [ lastInRun := firstInRun + (map at: mapIndex) value - 1. ]. ^run key ! removeFirst "Remove the first object from the receiver and answer the removed object" ^self removeAtIndex: 1 ! removeLast "Remove the last object from the receiver and answer the removed object" ^self removeAtIndex: self size ! ! !RunArray methodsFor: 'testing'! = anObject "Answer true if the receiver is equal to anObject" ^anObject class == self class and: [anObject map = self map] ! hash "Answer an hash value for the receiver" ^map hash ! !