tld_check_4z(3) libidn tld_check_4z(3) NNAAMMEE tld_check_4z - API function SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ##iinncclluuddee <> iinntt ttlldd__cchheecckk__44zz((ccoonnsstt uuiinntt3322__tt ** _i_n,, ssiizzee__tt ** _e_r_r_p_o_s,, ccoonnsstt TTlldd__ttaabbllee **** _o_v_e_r_r_i_d_e_s));; AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS const uint32_t * in Zero-terminated array of unicode code points to process. size_t * errpos Position of offending character is returned here. const Tld_table ** overrides A TTlldd__ttaabbllee array of additional domain restriction struc- tures that complement and supersede the built-in informa- tion. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Test each of the code points in _i_n for whether or not they are allowed by the information in _o_v_e_r_r_i_d_e_s or by the built-in TLD restriction data. When data for the same TLD is available both internally and in _o_v_e_r_r_i_d_e_s , the information in _o_v_e_r_r_i_d_e_s takes precedence. If several entries for a specific TLD are found, the first one is used. If _o_v_e_r_- _r_i_d_e_s is NNUULLLL, only the built-in information is used. The position of the first offending character is returned in _e_r_r_p_o_s . Return value: Returns the TTlldd__rrcc value TTLLDD__SSUUCCCCEESSSS if all code points are valid or when _t_l_d is null, TTLLDD__IINNVVAALLIIDD if a character is not allowed, or additional error codes on general failure conditions. RREEPPOORRTTIINNGG BBUUGGSS Report bugs to . General guidelines for reporting bugs: GNU Libidn home page: CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Simon Josefsson. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. SSEEEE AALLSSOO The full documentation for lliibbiiddnn is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the iinnffoo and lliibbiiddnn programs are properly installed at your site, the command iinnffoo lliibbiiddnn should give you access to the complete manual. As an alternative you may obtain the manual from: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..ggnnuu..oorrgg//ssooffttwwaarree//lliibbiiddnn//mmaannuuaall// libidn 1.38 tld_check_4z(3)