@subheading stringprep_4i @anchor{stringprep_4i} @deftypefun {int} {stringprep_4i} (uint32_t * @var{ucs4}, size_t * @var{len}, size_t @var{maxucs4len}, Stringprep_profile_flags @var{flags}, const Stringprep_profile * @var{profile}) @var{ucs4}: input/output array with string to prepare. @var{len}: on input, length of input array with Unicode code points, on exit, length of output array with Unicode code points. @var{maxucs4len}: maximum length of input/output array. @var{flags}: a @code{Stringprep_profile_flags} value, or 0. @var{profile}: pointer to @code{Stringprep_profile} to use. Prepare the input UCS-4 string according to the stringprep profile, and write back the result to the input string. The input is not required to be zero terminated ( @code{ucs4} [ @code{len} ] = 0). The output will not be zero terminated unless @code{ucs4} [ @code{len} ] = 0. Instead, see @code{stringprep_4zi()} if your input is zero terminated or if you want the output to be. Since the stringprep operation can expand the string, @code{maxucs4len} indicate how large the buffer holding the string is. This function will not read or write to code points outside that size. The @code{flags} are one of @code{Stringprep_profile_flags} values, or 0. The @code{profile} contain the @code{Stringprep_profile} instructions to perform. Your application can define new profiles, possibly re-using the generic stringprep tables that always will be part of the library, or use one of the currently supported profiles. Return value: Returns @code{STRINGPREP_OK} iff successful, or an @code{Stringprep_rc} error code. Prepare the input UCS-4 string according to the stringprep profile, and write back the result to the input string. The input is not required to be zero terminated ( @code{ucs4} [ @code{len} ] = 0). The output will not be zero terminated unless @code{ucs4} [ @code{len} ] = 0. Instead, see @code{stringprep_4zi()} if your input is zero terminated or if you want the output to be. Since the stringprep operation can expand the string, @code{maxucs4len} indicate how large the buffer holding the string is. This function will not read or write to code points outside that size. The @code{flags} are one of @code{Stringprep_profile_flags} values, or 0. The @code{profile} contain the @code{Stringprep_profile} instructions to perform. Your application can define new profiles, possibly re-using the generic stringprep tables that always will be part of the library, or use one of the currently supported profiles. Return value: Returns @code{STRINGPREP_OK} iff successful, or an @code{Stringprep_rc} error code. @end deftypefun