# A list of common abbreviations in talk and live chat electronic # communication. # Provided by Francois Pinard . # # Abbrev : Expansion (word)p: (word)? -o-: over -oo-: over and out a*: any* awh: anywhere bcnu: be seeing you bfn: bye for now btw: by the way bye: quitting bye?: ready to quit? cu: see you cul: cu later diy: do it yourself dtn: downtown foo?: r u there? ga: go ahead ga: good afternoon ge: good evening gfi: go for it gfy: good for you gm: good morning gn: good night gz: ``g[aenm]'' + ``z'' hellop: ``ru'' there? mtfbwy: may the force be with you nil: no obtw: oh, by the way ru: are you s*: some* sb: some{one,body} sec: wait a second shw: somehow so: someone sth: something stm: sometime swh: somewhere t: yes tnx: thanks tnx 1.0e6: thanks a million ttyl: talk to you later ty: thank you wth: {who,what,where} the hell wthau: ``wth'' are you wthay: ``wth'' are you yr?: you rang? z: I'm sleepy