#!./perl BEGIN { if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}){ chdir('t') if -d 't'; @INC = ('.', '../lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't'; } require Config; if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bB\b/) ){ print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without B module\n"; exit 0; } } use Test::More tests => 16; use_ok( 'B::Terse' ); # indent should return a string indented four spaces times the argument is( B::Terse::indent(2), ' ' x 8, 'indent with an argument' ); is( B::Terse::indent(), '', 'indent with no argument' ); # this should fail without a reference eval { B::Terse::terse('scalar') }; like( $@, qr/not a reference/, 'terse() fed bad parameters' ); # now point it at a sub and see what happens sub foo {} my $sub; eval{ $sub = B::Terse::compile('', 'foo') }; is( $@, '', 'compile()' ); ok( defined &$sub, 'valid subref back from compile()' ); # and point it at a real sub and hope the returned ops look alright my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut'; $sub = B::Terse::compile('', 'bar'); $sub->(); # now build some regexes that should match the dumped ops my ($hex, $op) = ('\(0x[a-f0-9]+\)', '\s+\w+'); my %ops = map { $_ => qr/$_ $hex$op/ } qw ( OP COP LOOP PMOP UNOP BINOP LOGOP LISTOP PVOP ); # split up the output lines into individual ops (terse is, well, terse!) # use an array here so $_ is modifiable my @lines = split(/\n+/, $out->read); foreach (@lines) { next unless /\S/; s/^\s+//; if (/^([A-Z]+)\s+/) { my $op = $1; next unless exists $ops{$op}; like( $_, $ops{$op}, "$op " ); s/$ops{$op}//; delete $ops{$op}; redo if $_; } } warn "# didn't find " . join(' ', keys %ops) if keys %ops; # XXX: # this tries to get at all tersified optypes in B::Terse # if you can think of a way to produce AV, NULL, PADOP, or SPECIAL, # add it to the regex above too. (PADOPs are currently only produced # under ithreads, though). # use vars qw( $a $b ); sub bar { # OP SVOP COP IV here or in sub definition my @bar = (1, 2, 3); # got a GV here my $foo = $a + $b; # NV here $a = 1.234; # this is awful, but it gives a PMOP our @ary = split('', $foo); # PVOP, LOOP LOOP: for (1 .. 10) { last LOOP if $_ % 2; } # make a PV $foo = "a string"; # make an OP_SUBSTCONT $foo =~ s/(a)/$1/; } # Schwern's example of finding an RV my $path = join " ", map { qq["-I$_"] } @INC; $path = '-I::lib -MMac::err=unix' if $^O eq 'MacOS'; my $redir = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? '' : "2>&1"; my $items = qx{$^X $path "-MO=Terse" -le "print \\42" $redir}; like( $items, qr/RV $hex \\42/, 'RV' ); package TieOut; sub TIEHANDLE { bless( \(my $out), $_[0] ); } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; $$self .= join('', @_); } sub PRINTF { my $self = shift; $$self .= sprintf(@_); } sub read { my $self = shift; return substr($$self, 0, length($$self), ''); }