# NOTE: this file tests how large files (>2GB) work with raw system IO. # stdio: open(), tell(), seek(), print(), read() is tested in t/op/lfs.t. # If you modify/add tests here, remember to update also t/op/lfs.t. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; # Don't bother if there are no quad offsets. if ($Config{lseeksize} < 8) { print "1..0 # Skip: no 64-bit file offsets\n"; exit(0); } require Fcntl; import Fcntl qw(/^O_/ /^SEEK_/); } use strict; $| = 1; our @s; our $fail; sub zap { close(BIG); unlink("big"); unlink("big1"); unlink("big2"); } sub bye { zap(); exit(0); } my $explained; sub explain { unless ($explained++) { print <big"); # truncate close(BIG); 1 while unlink "big"; # standard portable idiom } # eof