#!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } } chdir 't'; use Config; use ExtUtils::Embed; use File::Spec; open(my $fh,">embed_test.c") || die "Cannot open embed_test.c:$!"; print $fh ; close($fh); $| = 1; print "1..9\n"; my $cc = $Config{'cc'}; my $cl = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $cc eq 'cl'); my $borl = ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $cc eq 'bcc32'); my $skip_exe = $^O eq 'os2' && $Config{ldflags} =~ /(?updir; my $lib = File::Spec->updir; my $libperl_copied; my $testlib; my @cmd; my (@cmd2) if $^O eq 'VMS'; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { push(@cmd,$cc,"/Obj=$obj"); my (@incs) = ($inc); my $crazy = ccopts(); if ($crazy =~ s#/inc[^=/]*=([\w\$\_\-\.\[\]\:]+)##i) { push(@incs,$1); } if ($crazy =~ s/-I([a-zA-Z0-9\$\_\-\.\[\]\:]*)//) { push(@incs,$1); } $crazy =~ s#/Obj[^=/]*=[\w\$\_\-\.\[\]\:]+##i; push(@cmd,"/Include=(".join(',',@incs).")"); push(@cmd,$crazy); push(@cmd,"embed_test.c"); push(@cmd2,$Config{'ld'}, $Config{'ldflags'}, "/exe=$exe"); push(@cmd2,"$obj,[-]perlshr.opt/opt,[-]perlshr_attr.opt/opt"); } else { if ($cl) { push(@cmd,$cc,"-Fe$exe"); } elsif ($borl) { push(@cmd,$cc,"-o$exe"); } else { push(@cmd,$cc,'-o' => $exe); } push(@cmd,"-I$inc",ccopts(),'embed_test.c'); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $inc = File::Spec->catdir($inc,'win32'); push(@cmd,"-I$inc"); $inc = File::Spec->catdir($inc,'include'); push(@cmd,"-I$inc"); if ($cc eq 'cl') { push(@cmd,'-link',"-libpath:$lib",$Config{'libperl'},$Config{'libs'}); } else { push(@cmd,"-L$lib",File::Spec->catfile($lib,$Config{'libperl'}),$Config{'libc'}); } } else { # Not MSWin32. push(@cmd,"-L$lib",'-lperl'); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /No library found for .*perl/ }; push(@cmd, '-Zlinker', '/PM:VIO') # Otherwise puts a warning to STDOUT! if $^O eq 'os2' and $Config{ldflags} =~ /(?catfile($lib, $testlib); $srclib = File::Spec::->catfile($lib, $srclib); if (-f $srclib) { unlink $testlib if -f $testlib; my $ln_or_cp = $Config{'ln'} || $Config{'cp'}; my $lncmd = "$ln_or_cp $srclib $testlib"; #print "# $lncmd\n"; $libperl_copied = 1 unless system($lncmd); } } } my $status; # On OS/2 the linker will always emit an empty line to STDOUT; filter these my $cmd = join ' ', @cmd; chomp($cmd); # where is the newline coming from? ldopts()? print "# $cmd\n"; my @out = `$cmd`; $status = $?; print "# $_\n" foreach @out; if ($^O eq 'VMS' && !$status) { print "# @cmd2\n"; $status = system(join(' ',@cmd2)); } print (($status? 'not ': '')."ok 1\n"); my $embed_test = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->curdir, $exe); $embed_test = "run/nodebug $exe" if $^O eq 'VMS'; print "# embed_test = $embed_test\n"; $status = system($embed_test); print (($status? 'not ':'')."ok 9 # system returned $status\n"); unlink($exe,"embed_test.c",$obj); unlink("$exe$Config{exe_ext}") if $skip_exe; unlink("embed_test.map","embed_test.lis") if $^O eq 'VMS'; unlink(glob("./*.dll")) if $^O eq 'cygwin'; unlink($testlib) if $libperl_copied; # gcc -g -I.. -L../ -o perl_test perl_test.c -lperl `../perl -I../lib -MExtUtils::Embed -I../ -e ccopts -e ldopts` __END__ /* perl_test.c */ #include #include #define my_puts(a) if(puts(a) < 0) exit(666) static char *cmds[] = { "perl","-e", "$|=1; print qq[ok 5\\n]", NULL }; #ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_PRIVATE static struct perl_vars *my_plvarsp; struct perl_vars* Perl_GetVarsPrivate(void) { return my_plvarsp; } #endif int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { PerlInterpreter *my_perl; #ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT dVAR; struct perl_vars *plvarsp = init_global_struct(); # ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT_PRIVATE my_vars = my_plvarsp = plvarsp; # endif #endif /* PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT */ (void)argc; /* PERL_SYS_INIT3 may #define away their use */ (void)argv; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); my_puts("ok 2"); perl_construct(my_perl); my_puts("ok 3"); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, (sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(char *))-1, cmds, env); my_puts("ok 4"); fflush(stdout); perl_run(my_perl); my_puts("ok 6"); perl_destruct(my_perl); my_puts("ok 7"); perl_free(my_perl); #ifdef PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT free_global_struct(plvarsp); #endif /* PERL_GLOBAL_STRUCT */ my_puts("ok 8"); PERL_SYS_TERM(); return 0; }