#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } chdir 't'; BEGIN { use Test::More; if( $^O =~ /^VMS|os2|MacOS|MSWin32|cygwin|beos|netware$/i ) { plan skip_all => 'Non-Unix platform'; } else { plan tests => 110; } } BEGIN { use_ok( 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix' ); } use strict; use File::Spec; my $class = 'ExtUtils::MM_Unix'; # only one of the following can be true # test should be removed if MM_Unix ever stops handling other OS than Unix my $os = ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is_OS2 || 0) + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is_Win32 || 0) + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is_Dos || 0) + ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Is_VMS || 0); ok ( $os <= 1, 'There can be only one (or none)'); cmp_ok ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::VERSION, '>=', '1.12606', 'Should be at least version 1.12606'); # when the following calls like canonpath, catdir etc are replaced by # File::Spec calls, the test's become a bit pointless foreach ( qw( xx/ ./xx/ xx/././xx xx///xx) ) { is ($class->canonpath($_), File::Spec->canonpath($_), "canonpath $_"); } is ($class->catdir('xx','xx'), File::Spec->catdir('xx','xx'), 'catdir(xx, xx) => xx/xx'); is ($class->catfile('xx','xx','yy'), File::Spec->catfile('xx','xx','yy'), 'catfile(xx, xx) => xx/xx'); is ($class->file_name_is_absolute('Bombdadil'), File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute('Bombdadil'), 'file_name_is_absolute()'); is ($class->path(), File::Spec->path(), 'path() same as File::Spec->path()'); foreach (qw/updir curdir rootdir/) { is ($class->$_(), File::Spec->$_(), $_ ); } foreach ( qw / c_o clean const_cccmd const_config const_loadlibs constants depend dist dist_basics dist_ci dist_core distdir dist_test dlsyms dynamic dynamic_bs dynamic_lib exescan extliblist find_perl fixin force guess_name init_dirscan init_main init_others install installbin linkext lsdir macro makeaperl makefile manifypods needs_linking pasthru perldepend pm_to_blib ppd prefixify processPL quote_paren realclean static static_lib staticmake subdir_x subdirs test test_via_harness test_via_script tool_autosplit tool_xsubpp tools_other top_targets writedoc xs_c xs_cpp xs_o / ) { can_ok($class, $_); } ############################################################################### # some more detailed tests for the methods above ok ( join (' ', $class->dist_basics()), 'distclean :: realclean distcheck'); ############################################################################### # has_link_code tests my $t = bless { NAME => "Foo" }, $class; $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 1; is ($t->has_link_code(),1,'has_link_code'); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},1); $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE} = 0; is ($t->has_link_code(),0); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},0); delete $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; delete $t->{OBJECT}; is ($t->has_link_code(),0); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},0); delete $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; $t->{OBJECT} = 1; is ($t->has_link_code(),1); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},1); delete $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; delete $t->{OBJECT}; $t->{MYEXTLIB} = 1; is ($t->has_link_code(),1); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},1); delete $t->{HAS_LINK_CODE}; delete $t->{MYEXTLIB}; $t->{C} = [ 'Gloin' ]; is ($t->has_link_code(),1); is ($t->{HAS_LINK_CODE},1); ############################################################################### # libscan is ($t->libscan('foo/RCS/bar'), '', 'libscan on RCS'); is ($t->libscan('CVS/bar/car'), '', 'libscan on CVS'); is ($t->libscan('SCCS'), '', 'libscan on SCCS'); is ($t->libscan('.svn/something'), '', 'libscan on Subversion'); is ($t->libscan('foo/b~r'), 'foo/b~r', 'libscan on file with ~'); is ($t->libscan('foo/RCS.pm'), 'foo/RCS.pm', 'libscan on file with RCS'); is ($t->libscan('Fatty'), 'Fatty', 'libscan on something not a VC file' ); ############################################################################### # maybe_command open(FILE, ">command"); print FILE "foo"; close FILE; ok (!$t->maybe_command('command') ,"non executable file isn't a command"); chmod 0755, "command"; ok ($t->maybe_command('command'), "executable file is a command"); unlink "command"; ############################################################################### # nicetext (dummy method) is ($t->nicetext('LOTR'),'LOTR','nicetext'); ############################################################################### # perl_script (on unix any ordinary, readable file) my $self_name = $ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../lib/ExtUtils/t/MM_Unix.t' : 'MM_Unix.t'; is ($t->perl_script($self_name),$self_name, 'we pass as a perl_script()'); ############################################################################### # perm_rw perm_rwx $t->init_PERM; is ($t->perm_rw(),'644', 'perm_rw() is 644'); is ($t->perm_rwx(),'755', 'perm_rwx() is 755'); ############################################################################### # post_constants, postamble, post_initialize foreach (qw/ post_constants postamble post_initialize/) { is ($t->$_(),'', "$_() is an empty string"); } ############################################################################### # replace_manpage_separator is ($t->replace_manpage_separator('Foo/Bar'),'Foo::Bar','manpage_separator'); ############################################################################### $t->init_linker; foreach (qw/ EXPORT_LIST PERL_ARCHIVE PERL_ARCHIVE_AFTER /) { ok( exists $t->{$_}, "$_ was defined" ); is( $t->{$_}, '', "$_ is empty on Unix"); } { $t->{CCFLAGS} = '-DMY_THING'; $t->{LIBPERL_A} = 'libperl.a'; $t->{LIB_EXT} = '.a'; local $t->{NEEDS_LINKING} = 1; $t->cflags(); # Brief bug where CCFLAGS was being blown away is( $t->{CCFLAGS}, '-DMY_THING', 'cflags retains CCFLAGS' ); }