#!./perl my %Expect_File = (); # what we expect for $_ my %Expect_Name = (); # what we expect for $File::Find::name/fullname my %Expect_Dir = (); # what we expect for $File::Find::dir my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 }; my $warn_msg; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC => '../lib'; $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $warn_msg = $_[0]; warn "# $_[0]"; } } if ( $symlink_exists ) { print "1..199\n"; } else { print "1..85\n"; } # Uncomment this to see where File::Find is chdir'ing to. Helpful for # debugging its little jaunts around the filesystem. # BEGIN { # use Cwd; # *CORE::GLOBAL::chdir = sub ($) { # my($file, $line) = (caller)[1,2]; # # printf "# cwd: %s\n", cwd(); # print "# chdir: @_ from $file at $line\n"; # my($return) = CORE::chdir($_[0]); # printf "# newcwd: %s\n", cwd(); # # return $return; # }; # } BEGIN { use File::Spec; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'VMS') { # This is a hack - at present File::Find does not produce native names on # Win32 or VMS, so force File::Spec to use Unix names. # must be set *before* importing File::Find require File::Spec::Unix; @File::Spec::ISA = 'File::Spec::Unix'; } require File::Find; import File::Find; } cleanup(); $::count_commonsense = 0; find({wanted => sub { ++$::count_commonsense if $_ eq 'commonsense.t'; } }, File::Spec->curdir); if ($::count_commonsense == 1) { print "ok 1\n"; } else { print "not ok 1 # found $::count_commonsense files named 'commonsense.t'\n"; } $::count_commonsense = 0; finddepth({wanted => sub { ++$::count_commonsense if $_ eq 'commonsense.t'; } }, File::Spec->curdir); if ($::count_commonsense == 1) { print "ok 2\n"; } else { print "not ok 2 # found $::count_commonsense files named 'commonsense.t'\n"; } my $case = 2; my $FastFileTests_OK = 0; sub cleanup { if (-d dir_path('for_find')) { chdir(dir_path('for_find')); } if (-d dir_path('fa')) { unlink file_path('fa', 'fa_ord'), file_path('fa', 'fsl'), file_path('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord'), file_path('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord'), file_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord'), file_path('fb', 'fb_ord'), file_path('fb', 'fba', 'fba_ord'); rmdir dir_path('fa', 'faa'); rmdir dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba'); rmdir dir_path('fa', 'fab'); rmdir dir_path('fa'); rmdir dir_path('fb', 'fba'); rmdir dir_path('fb'); } chdir(File::Spec->updir); if (-d dir_path('for_find')) { rmdir dir_path('for_find') or print "# Can't rmdir for_find: $!\n"; } } END { cleanup(); } sub Check($) { $case++; if ($_[0]) { print "ok $case\n"; } else { print "not ok $case\n"; } } sub CheckDie($) { $case++; if ($_[0]) { print "ok $case\n"; } else { print "not ok $case\n $!\n"; exit 0; } } sub touch { CheckDie( open(my $T,'>',$_[0]) ); } sub MkDir($$) { CheckDie( mkdir($_[0],$_[1]) ); } sub wanted_File_Dir { printf "# \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir'\t\$_ => '$_'\n"; s#\.$## if ($^O eq 'VMS' && $_ ne '.'); Check( $Expect_File{$_} ); if ( $FastFileTests_OK ) { delete $Expect_File{ $_} unless ( $Expect_Dir{$_} && ! -d _ ); } else { delete $Expect_File{$_} unless ( $Expect_Dir{$_} && ! -d $_ ); } } sub wanted_File_Dir_prune { &wanted_File_Dir; $File::Find::prune=1 if $_ eq 'faba'; } sub wanted_Name { my $n = $File::Find::name; $n =~ s#\.$## if ($^O eq 'VMS' && $n ne '.'); print "# \$File::Find::name => '$n'\n"; my $i = rindex($n,'/'); my $OK = exists($Expect_Name{$n}); unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') { if ( $OK ) { $OK= exists($Expect_Name{substr($n,0,$i)}) if $i >= 0; } } Check($OK); delete $Expect_Name{$n}; } sub wanted_File { print "# \$_ => '$_'\n"; s#\.$## if ($^O eq 'VMS' && $_ ne '.'); my $i = rindex($_,'/'); my $OK = exists($Expect_File{ $_}); unless ($^O eq 'MacOS') { if ( $OK ) { $OK= exists($Expect_File{ substr($_,0,$i)}) if $i >= 0; } } Check($OK); delete $Expect_File{ $_}; } sub simple_wanted { print "# \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir'\n"; print "# \$_ => '$_'\n"; } sub noop_wanted {} sub my_preprocess { @files = @_; print "# --preprocess--\n"; print "# \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir' \n"; foreach $file (@files) { $file =~ s/\.(dir)?$// if $^O eq 'VMS'; print "# $file \n"; delete $Expect_Dir{ $File::Find::dir }->{$file}; } print "# --end preprocess--\n"; Check(scalar(keys %{$Expect_Dir{ $File::Find::dir }}) == 0); if (scalar(keys %{$Expect_Dir{ $File::Find::dir }}) == 0) { delete $Expect_Dir{ $File::Find::dir } } return @files; } sub my_postprocess { print "# postprocess: \$File::Find::dir => '$File::Find::dir' \n"; delete $Expect_Dir{ $File::Find::dir}; } # Use dir_path() to specify a directory path that's expected for # $File::Find::dir (%Expect_Dir). Also use it in file operations like # chdir, rmdir etc. # # dir_path() concatenates directory names to form a *relative* # directory path, independent from the platform it's run on, although # there are limitations. Don't try to create an absolute path, # because that may fail on operating systems that have the concept of # volume names (e.g. Mac OS). As a special case, you can pass it a "." # as first argument, to create a directory path like "./fa/dir" on # operating systems other than Mac OS (actually, Mac OS will ignore # the ".", if it's the first argument). If there's no second argument, # this function will return the empty string on Mac OS and the string # "./" otherwise. sub dir_path { my $first_arg = shift @_; if ($first_arg eq '.') { if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { return '' unless @_; # ignore first argument; return a relative path # with leading ":" and with trailing ":" return File::Spec->catdir(@_); } else { # other OS return './' unless @_; my $path = File::Spec->catdir(@_); # add leading "./" $path = "./$path"; return $path; } } else { # $first_arg ne '.' return $first_arg unless @_; # return plain filename return File::Spec->catdir($first_arg, @_); # relative path } } # Use topdir() to specify a directory path that you want to pass to # find/finddepth. Basically, topdir() does the same as dir_path() (see # above), except that there's no trailing ":" on Mac OS. sub topdir { my $path = dir_path(@_); $path =~ s/:$// if ($^O eq 'MacOS'); return $path; } # Use file_path() to specify a file path that's expected for $_ # (%Expect_File). Also suitable for file operations like unlink etc. # # file_path() concatenates directory names (if any) and a filename to # form a *relative* file path (the last argument is assumed to be a # file). It's independent from the platform it's run on, although # there are limitations. As a special case, you can pass it a "." as # first argument, to create a file path like "./fa/file" on operating # systems other than Mac OS (actually, Mac OS will ignore the ".", if # it's the first argument). If there's no second argument, this # function will return the empty string on Mac OS and the string "./" # otherwise. sub file_path { my $first_arg = shift @_; if ($first_arg eq '.') { if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { return '' unless @_; # ignore first argument; return a relative path # with leading ":", but without trailing ":" return File::Spec->catfile(@_); } else { # other OS return './' unless @_; my $path = File::Spec->catfile(@_); # add leading "./" $path = "./$path"; return $path; } } else { # $first_arg ne '.' return $first_arg unless @_; # return plain filename return File::Spec->catfile($first_arg, @_); # relative path } } # Use file_path_name() to specify a file path that's expected for # $File::Find::Name (%Expect_Name). Note: When the no_chdir => 1 # option is in effect, $_ is the same as $File::Find::Name. In that # case, also use this function to specify a file path that's expected # for $_. # # Basically, file_path_name() does the same as file_path() (see # above), except that there's always a leading ":" on Mac OS, even for # plain file/directory names. sub file_path_name { my $path = file_path(@_); $path = ":$path" if (($^O eq 'MacOS') && ($path !~ /:/)); return $path; } MkDir( dir_path('for_find'), 0770 ); CheckDie(chdir( dir_path('for_find'))); MkDir( dir_path('fa'), 0770 ); MkDir( dir_path('fb'), 0770 ); touch( file_path('fb', 'fb_ord') ); MkDir( dir_path('fb', 'fba'), 0770 ); touch( file_path('fb', 'fba', 'fba_ord') ); if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { CheckDie( symlink(':fb',':fa:fsl') ) if $symlink_exists; } else { CheckDie( symlink('../fb','fa/fsl') ) if $symlink_exists; } touch( file_path('fa', 'fa_ord') ); MkDir( dir_path('fa', 'faa'), 0770 ); touch( file_path('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') ); MkDir( dir_path('fa', 'fab'), 0770 ); touch( file_path('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') ); MkDir( dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba'), 0770 ); touch( file_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') ); %Expect_File = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path('fsl') => 1, file_path('fa_ord') => 1, file_path('fab') => 1, file_path('fab_ord') => 1, file_path('faba') => 1, file_path('faa') => 1, file_path('faa_ord') => 1); delete $Expect_File{ file_path('fsl') } unless $symlink_exists; %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = ( dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('faa') => 1, dir_path('fab') => 1, dir_path('faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fba') => 1); delete @Expect_Dir{ dir_path('fb'), dir_path('fba') } unless $symlink_exists; File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir_prune}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); print "# check re-entrancy\n"; %Expect_File = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path('fsl') => 1, file_path('fa_ord') => 1, file_path('fab') => 1, file_path('fab_ord') => 1, file_path('faba') => 1, file_path('faa') => 1, file_path('faa_ord') => 1); delete $Expect_File{ file_path('fsl') } unless $symlink_exists; %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = ( dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('faa') => 1, dir_path('fab') => 1, dir_path('faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fba') => 1); delete @Expect_Dir{ dir_path('fb'), dir_path('fba') } unless $symlink_exists; File::Find::find( {wanted => sub { wanted_File_Dir_prune(); File::Find::find( {wanted => sub {} }, File::Spec->curdir ); } }, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify the expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1,); delete $Expect_File{ file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') } unless $symlink_exists; %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'faa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fb', 'fba') => 1); delete @Expect_Dir{ dir_path('fb'), dir_path('fb', 'fba') } unless $symlink_exists; File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); %Expect_File = (); %Expect_Name = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fb_ord') => 1); delete $Expect_Name{ file_path('.', 'fa', 'fsl') } unless $symlink_exists; %Expect_Dir = (); File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&wanted_Name}, File::Spec->curdir ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_Name) == 0 ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify the # expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('.', 'fb', 'fb_ord') => 1); delete $Expect_File{ file_path_name('.', 'fa', 'fsl') } unless $symlink_exists; %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (); File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&wanted_File, no_chdir => 1}, File::Spec->curdir ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); print "# check preprocess\n"; %Expect_File = (); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = ( File::Spec->curdir => {fa => 1, fb => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fa') => {faa => 1, fab => 1, fa_ord => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'faa') => {faa_ord => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'fab') => {faba => 1, fab_ord => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba') => {faba_ord => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fb') => {fba => 1, fb_ord => 1}, dir_path('.', 'fb', 'fba') => {fba_ord => 1} ); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&noop_wanted, preprocess => \&my_preprocess}, File::Spec->curdir ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_Dir) == 0 ); print "# check postprocess\n"; %Expect_File = (); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = ( File::Spec->curdir => 1, dir_path('.', 'fa') => 1, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'faa') => 1, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'fab') => 1, dir_path('.', 'fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, dir_path('.', 'fb') => 1, dir_path('.', 'fb', 'fba') => 1 ); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&noop_wanted, postprocess => \&my_postprocess}, File::Spec->curdir ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_Dir) == 0 ); { print "# checking argument localization\n"; ### this checks the fix of perlbug [19977] ### my @foo = qw( a b c d e f ); my %pre = map { $_ => } @foo; File::Find::find( sub { } , 'fa' ) for @foo; delete $pre{$_} for @foo; Check( scalar( keys %pre ) == 0 ); } # see thread starting # http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/perl5-porters/2004-02/msg00351.html { print "# checking that &_ and %_ are still accessible and that\n", "# tie magic on \$_ is not triggered\n"; my $true_count; my $sub = 0; sub _ { ++$sub; } my $tie_called = 0; package Foo; sub STORE { ++$tie_called; } sub FETCH {return 'N'}; sub TIESCALAR {bless []}; package main; Check( scalar( keys %_ ) == 0 ); my @foo = 'n'; tie $foo[0], "Foo"; File::Find::find( sub { $true_count++; $_{$_}++; &_; } , 'fa' ) for @foo; untie $_; Check( $tie_called == 0); Check( scalar( keys %_ ) == $true_count ); Check( $sub == $true_count ); Check( scalar( @foo ) == 1); Check( $foo[0] eq 'N' ); } if ( $symlink_exists ) { print "# --- symbolic link tests --- \n"; $FastFileTests_OK= 1; # Verify that File::Find::find will call wanted even if the topdir of # is a symlink to a directory, and it shouldn't follow the link # unless follow is set, which it isn't in this case %Expect_File = ( file_path('fsl') => 1 ); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir}, topdir('fa', 'fsl') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); %Expect_File = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path('fa_ord') => 1, file_path('fsl') => 1, file_path('fb_ord') => 1, file_path('fba') => 1, file_path('fba_ord') => 1, file_path('fab') => 1, file_path('fab_ord') => 1, file_path('faba') => 1, file_path('faa') => 1, file_path('faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('faa') => 1, dir_path('fab') => 1, dir_path('faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fba') => 1); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir_prune, follow_fast => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify # the expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fb_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'faa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fb', 'fba') => 1); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir, follow_fast => 1, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); %Expect_File = (); %Expect_Name = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fb_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Dir = (); File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&wanted_Name, follow_fast => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_Name) == 0 ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify # the expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fb_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (); File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&wanted_File, follow_fast => 1, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); print "# check dangling symbolic links\n"; MkDir( dir_path('dangling_dir'), 0770 ); CheckDie( symlink( dir_path('dangling_dir'), file_path('dangling_dir_sl') ) ); rmdir dir_path('dangling_dir'); touch(file_path('dangling_file')); if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { CheckDie( symlink('dangling_file', ':fa:dangling_file_sl') ); } else { CheckDie( symlink('../dangling_file','fa/dangling_file_sl') ); } unlink file_path('dangling_file'); { # these tests should also emit a warning use warnings; %Expect_File = (File::Spec->curdir => 1, file_path('dangling_file_sl') => 1, file_path('fa_ord') => 1, file_path('fsl') => 1, file_path('fb_ord') => 1, file_path('fba') => 1, file_path('fba_ord') => 1, file_path('fab') => 1, file_path('fab_ord') => 1, file_path('faba') => 1, file_path('faba_ord') => 1, file_path('faa') => 1, file_path('faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (); undef $warn_msg; File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File, follow => 1, dangling_symlinks => sub { $warn_msg = "$_[0] is a dangling symbolic link" } }, topdir('dangling_dir_sl'), topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); Check( $warn_msg =~ m|dangling_file_sl is a dangling symbolic link| ); unlink file_path('fa', 'dangling_file_sl'), file_path('dangling_dir_sl'); } print "# check recursion\n"; if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { CheckDie( symlink(':fa:faa',':fa:faa:faa_sl') ); } else { CheckDie( symlink('../faa','fa/faa/faa_sl') ); } undef $@; eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, follow => 1, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); }; Check( $@ =~ m|for_find[:/]fa[:/]faa[:/]faa_sl is a recursive symbolic link| ); unlink file_path('fa', 'faa', 'faa_sl'); print "# check follow_skip (file)\n"; if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { CheckDie( symlink(':fa:fa_ord',':fa:fa_ord_sl') ); # symlink to a file } else { CheckDie( symlink('./fa_ord','fa/fa_ord_sl') ); # symlink to a file } undef $@; eval {File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, follow => 1, follow_skip => 0, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') );}; Check( $@ =~ m|for_find[:/]fa[:/]fa_ord encountered a second time| ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify # the expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 2, # We may encounter the symlink first file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord_sl') => 2, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fb_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'faa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fb','fba') => 1); File::Find::finddepth( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir, follow => 1, follow_skip => 1, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); Check( scalar(keys %Expect_File) == 0 ); unlink file_path('fa', 'fa_ord_sl'); print "# check follow_skip (directory)\n"; if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { CheckDie( symlink(':fa:faa',':fa:faa_sl') ); # symlink to a directory } else { CheckDie( symlink('./faa','fa/faa_sl') ); # symlink to a directory } undef $@; eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, follow => 1, follow_skip => 0, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') );}; Check( $@ =~ m|for_find[:/]fa[:/]faa[:/]? encountered a second time| ); undef $@; eval {File::Find::find( {wanted => \&simple_wanted, follow => 1, follow_skip => 1, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') );}; Check( $@ =~ m|for_find[:/]fa[:/]faa[:/]? encountered a second time| ); # no_chdir is in effect, hence we use file_path_name to specify # the expected paths for %Expect_File %Expect_File = (file_path_name('fa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fa_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fb_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fsl', 'fba', 'fba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'fab_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'fab', 'faba', 'faba_ord') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord') => 1, # We may actually encounter the symlink first. file_path_name('fa', 'faa_sl') => 1, file_path_name('fa', 'faa_sl', 'faa_ord') => 1); %Expect_Name = (); %Expect_Dir = (dir_path('fa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'faa') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab') => 1, dir_path('fa', 'fab', 'faba') => 1, dir_path('fb') => 1, dir_path('fb', 'fba') => 1); File::Find::find( {wanted => \&wanted_File_Dir, follow => 1, follow_skip => 2, no_chdir => 1}, topdir('fa') ); # If we encountered the symlink first, then the entries corresponding to # the real name remain, if the real name first then the symlink my @names = sort keys %Expect_File; Check( @names == 1 ); # Normalise both to the original name s/_sl// foreach @names; Check ($names[0] eq file_path_name('fa', 'faa', 'faa_ord')); unlink file_path('fa', 'faa_sl'); }