#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Test; BEGIN { $| = 1; chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually plan tests => 51; } # test whether Math::BigInt->config() and Math::BigFloat->config() works use Math::BigInt lib => 'Calc'; use Math::BigFloat; my $mbi = 'Math::BigInt'; my $mbf = 'Math::BigFloat'; ############################################################################## # BigInt ok ($mbi->can('config')); my $cfg = $mbi->config(); ok (ref($cfg),'HASH'); ok ($cfg->{lib},'Math::BigInt::Calc'); ok ($cfg->{lib_version}, $Math::BigInt::Calc::VERSION); ok ($cfg->{class},$mbi); ok ($cfg->{upgrade}||'',''); ok ($cfg->{div_scale},40); ok ($cfg->{precision}||0,0); # should test for undef ok ($cfg->{accuracy}||0,0); ok ($cfg->{round_mode},'even'); ok ($cfg->{trap_nan},0); ok ($cfg->{trap_inf},0); ############################################################################## # BigFloat ok ($mbf->can('config')); $cfg = $mbf->config(); ok (ref($cfg),'HASH'); ok ($cfg->{lib},'Math::BigInt::Calc'); ok ($cfg->{with},'Math::BigInt::Calc'); ok ($cfg->{lib_version}, $Math::BigInt::Calc::VERSION); ok ($cfg->{class},$mbf); ok ($cfg->{upgrade}||'',''); ok ($cfg->{div_scale},40); ok ($cfg->{precision}||0,0); # should test for undef ok ($cfg->{accuracy}||0,0); ok ($cfg->{round_mode},'even'); ok ($cfg->{trap_nan},0); ok ($cfg->{trap_inf},0); ############################################################################## # test setting values my $test = { trap_nan => 1, trap_inf => 1, accuracy => 2, precision => 3, round_mode => 'zero', div_scale => '100', upgrade => 'Math::BigInt::SomeClass', downgrade => 'Math::BigInt::SomeClass', }; my $c; foreach my $key (keys %$test) { # see if setting in MBI works eval ( "$mbi\->config( $key => '$test->{$key}' );" ); $c = $mbi->config(); ok ("$key = $c->{$key}", "$key = $test->{$key}"); $c = $mbf->config(); # see if setting it in MBI leaves MBF alone if (($c->{$key}||0) ne $test->{$key}) { ok (1,1); } else { ok ("$key eq $c->{$key}","$key ne $test->{$key}"); } # see if setting in MBF works eval ( "$mbf\->config( $key => '$test->{$key}' );" ); $c = $mbf->config(); ok ("$key = $c->{$key}", "$key = $test->{$key}"); } ############################################################################## # test setting illegal keys (should croak) $@ = ""; my $never_reached = 0; eval ("$mbi\->config( 'some_garbage' => 1 ); $never_reached = 1;"); ok ($never_reached,0); $@ = ""; $never_reached = 0; eval ("$mbf\->config( 'some_garbage' => 1 ); $never_reached = 1;"); ok ($never_reached,0); # this does not work. Why? #ok ($@ eq "Illegal keys 'some_garbage' passed to Math::BigInt->config() at ./config.t line 104", 1); # all tests done