#!perl -Tw BEGIN { if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't'; @INC = ('../lib', 'lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use Test::More tests => 11; BEGIN { use_ok( 'Test::Harness::Point' ); } my $point = Test::Harness::Point->new; isa_ok( $point, 'Test::Harness::Point' ); ok( !$point->ok, "Should start out not OK" ); $point->set_ok( 1 ); ok( $point->ok, "should have turned to true" ); $point->set_ok( 0 ); ok( !$point->ok, "should have turned false" ); $point->set_number( 2112 ); is( $point->number, 2112, "Number is set" ); $point->set_description( "Blah blah" ); is( $point->description, "Blah blah", "Description set" ); $point->set_directive( "Go now" ); is( $point->directive, "Go now", "Directive set" ); $point->add_diagnostic( "# Line 1" ); $point->add_diagnostic( "# Line two" ); $point->add_diagnostic( "# Third line" ); my @diags = $point->diagnostics; is( @diags, 3, "Three lines" ); is_deeply( \@diags, [ "# Line 1", "# Line two", "# Third line" ], "Diagnostics in list context" ); my $diagstr = <diagnostics; is( $string_diagnostics, $diagstr, "Diagnostics in scalar context" );