#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't'; @INC = ('../lib', 'lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use Test::More tests => 18; use TieOut; BEGIN { $^W = 1; } my $warnings = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join '', @_ }; my $TB = Test::Builder->new; sub no_warnings { $TB->is_eq($warnings, '', ' no warnings'); $warnings = ''; } sub warnings_is { $TB->is_eq($warnings, $_[0]); $warnings = ''; } sub warnings_like { $TB->like($warnings, "/$_[0]/"); $warnings = ''; } my $Filename = quotemeta $0; is( undef, undef, 'undef is undef'); no_warnings; isnt( undef, 'foo', 'undef isnt foo'); no_warnings; isnt( undef, '', 'undef isnt an empty string' ); isnt( undef, 0, 'undef isnt zero' ); #line 45 like( undef, '/.*/', 'undef is like anything' ); warnings_like("Use of uninitialized value.* at $Filename line 45\\.\n"); eq_array( [undef, undef], [undef, 23] ); no_warnings; eq_hash ( { foo => undef, bar => undef }, { foo => undef, bar => 23 } ); no_warnings; eq_set ( [undef, undef, 12], [29, undef, undef] ); no_warnings; eq_hash ( { foo => undef, bar => { baz => undef, moo => 23 } }, { foo => undef, bar => { baz => undef, moo => 23 } } ); no_warnings; #line 64 cmp_ok( undef, '<=', 2, ' undef <= 2' ); warnings_like("Use of uninitialized value.* at $Filename line 64\\.\n"); my $tb = Test::More->builder; use TieOut; my $caught = tie *CATCH, 'TieOut'; my $old_fail = $tb->failure_output; $tb->failure_output(\*CATCH); diag(undef); $tb->failure_output($old_fail); is( $caught->read, "# undef\n" ); no_warnings; $tb->maybe_regex(undef); is( $caught->read, '' ); no_warnings;