#!/usr/bin/perl -w my $Has_PH; BEGIN { $Has_PH = $] < 5.009; } my $W; BEGIN { $W = 0; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field '.*?' in base class/) { $W++; } else { warn $_[0]; } }; } use strict; use Test::More tests => 27; BEGIN { use_ok('base'); } package B1; use fields qw(b1 b2 b3); package B2; use fields '_b1'; use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2); sub new { fields::new(shift) } package B3; use fields qw(b4 _b5 b6 _b7); package D1; use base 'B1'; use fields qw(d1 d2 d3); package D2; use base 'B1'; use fields qw(_d1 _d2); use fields qw(d1 d2); package D3; use base 'B2'; use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1 package D4; use base 'D3'; use fields qw(_d3 d3); package M; sub m {} package D5; use base qw(M B2); # Test that multiple inheritance fails. package D6; eval { 'base'->import(qw(B2 M B3)); }; ::like($@, qr/can't multiply inherit %FIELDS/i, 'No multiple field inheritance'); package Foo::Bar; use base 'B1'; package Foo::Bar::Baz; use base 'Foo::Bar'; use fields qw(foo bar baz); # Test repeatability for when modules get reloaded. package B1; use fields qw(b1 b2 b3); package D3; use base 'B2'; use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1 # Test that a package with only private fields gets inherited properly package B7; use fields qw(_b1); package D7; use base qw(B7); use fields qw(b1); # Test that an intermediate package with no fields doesn't cause a problem. package B8; use fields qw(_b1); package D8; use base qw(B8); package D8A; use base qw(D8); use fields qw(b1); package main; my %EXPECT = ( B1 => [qw(b1 b2 b3)], D1 => [qw(b1 b2 b3 d1 d2 d3)], D2 => [qw(b1 b2 b3 _d1 _d2 d1 d2)], M => [qw()], B2 => [qw(_b1 b1 _b2 b2)], D3 => [(undef,undef,undef, qw(b2 b1 d1 _b1 _d1))], # b1 is hidden D4 => [(undef,undef,undef, qw(b2 b1 d1),undef,undef,qw(_d3 d3))], D5 => [undef, 'b1', undef, 'b2'], B3 => [qw(b4 _b5 b6 _b7)], B7 => [qw(_b1)], D7 => [undef, 'b1'], B8 => [qw(_b1)], D8 => [undef], D8A => [undef, 'b1'], 'Foo::Bar' => [qw(b1 b2 b3)], 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => [qw(b1 b2 b3 foo bar baz)], ); while(my($class, $efields) = each %EXPECT) { no strict 'refs'; my %fields = %{$class.'::FIELDS'}; my %expected_fields; foreach my $idx (1..@$efields) { my $key = $efields->[$idx-1]; next unless $key; $expected_fields{$key} = $idx; } ::is_deeply(\%fields, \%expected_fields, "%FIELDS check: $class"); } # Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings? is( $W, 1, 'right warnings' ); # A simple object creation and attribute access test my B2 $obj1 = D3->new; $obj1->{b1} = "B2"; my D3 $obj2 = $obj1; $obj2->{b1} = "D3"; # We should get compile time failures field name typos eval q(my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; $obj3->{notthere} = ""); if( $Has_PH ) { like $@, qr/^No such pseudo-hash field "notthere" in variable \$obj3 of type D3/; } else { like $@, qr/^Attempt to access disallowed key 'notthere' in a restricted hash/; } # Slices @$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29); is( $obj1->{_b1}, 17 ); is( $obj1->{b1}, 29 ); @$obj1{'_b1', 'b1'} = (44,28); is( $obj1->{_b1}, 44 ); is( $obj1->{b1}, 28 ); # Break multiple inheritance with a field name clash. package E1; use fields qw(yo this _lah meep 42); package E2; use fields qw(_yo ahhh this); eval { package Broken; # The error must occur at run time for the eval to catch it. require base; 'base'->import(qw(E1 E2)); }; ::like( $@, qr/Can't multiply inherit %FIELDS/i, 'Again, no multi inherit' ); # Test that a package with no fields can inherit from a package with # fields, and that pseudohash messages don't show up package B9; use fields qw(b1); sub _mk_obj { fields::new($_[0])->{'b1'} }; package D9; use base qw(B9); package main; { my $w = 0; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w++ }; B9->_mk_obj(); # used tp emit a warning that pseudohashes are deprecated, because # %FIELDS wasn't blessed. D9->_mk_obj(); is ($w, 0, "pseudohash warnings in derived class with no fields of it's own"); } # [perl #31078] an intermediate class with no additional fields caused # hidden fields in base class to get stomped on { package X; use fields qw(X1 _X2); sub new { my X $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->{X1} = "x1"; # FIXME. This code is dead on blead becase the test is skipped. # The test states that it's being skipped becaues restricted hashes # don't support a feature. Presumably we need to make that feature # supported. Bah. # use Devel::Peek; Dump($self); $self->{_X2} = "_x2"; return $self; } sub get_X2 { my X $self = shift; $self->{_X2} } package Y; use base qw(X); sub new { my Y $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->SUPER::new(); return $self; } package Z; use base qw(Y); use fields qw(Z1); sub new { my Z $self = shift; $self = fields::new($self) unless ref $self; $self->SUPER::new(); $self->{Z1} = 'z1'; return $self; } package main; if ($Has_PH) { my Z $c = Z->new(); is($c->get_X2, '_x2', "empty intermediate class"); } else { SKIP: { skip "restricted hashes don't support private fields properly", 1; } } }