#!./perl # ** DO NOT ADD ANY MORE TESTS HERE ** # Instead, put the test in the appropriate test file and use the # fresh_perl_is()/fresh_perl_like() functions in t/test.pl. # This is for tests that used to abnormally cause segfaults, and other nasty # errors that might kill the interpreter and for some reason you can't # use an eval(). BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; # for which_perl() etc } use strict; my $Perl = which_perl(); $|=1; my @prgs = (); while() { if(m/^#{8,}\s*(.*)/) { push @prgs, ['', $1]; } else { $prgs[-1][0] .= $_; } } plan tests => scalar @prgs; foreach my $prog (@prgs) { my($raw_prog, $name) = @$prog; my $switch; if ($raw_prog =~ s/^\s*(-\w.*)\n//){ $switch = $1; } my($prog,$expected) = split(/\nEXPECT\n/, $raw_prog); $prog .= "\n"; $expected = '' unless defined $expected; if ($prog =~ /^\# SKIP: (.+)/m) { if (eval $1) { ok(1, "Skip: $1"); next; } } $expected =~ s/\n+$//; fresh_perl_is($prog, $expected, { switches => [$switch || ''] }, $name); } __END__ ######## $a = ":="; split /($a)/o, "a:=b:=c"; print "@_" EXPECT a := b := c ######## $cusp = ~0 ^ (~0 >> 1); use integer; $, = " "; print +($cusp - 1) % 8, $cusp % 8, -$cusp % 8, 8 | (($cusp + 1) % 8 + 7), "!\n"; EXPECT 7 0 0 8 ! ######## $foo=undef; $foo->go; EXPECT Can't call method "go" on an undefined value at - line 1. ######## BEGIN { "foo"; } ######## $array[128]=1 ######## $x=0x0eabcd; print $x->ref; EXPECT Can't call method "ref" without a package or object reference at - line 1. ######## chop ($str .= ); ######## close ($banana); ######## $x=2;$y=3;$x<$y ? $x : $y += 23;print $x; EXPECT 25 ######## eval 'sub bar {print "In bar"}'; ######## system './perl -ne "print if eof" /dev/null' unless $^O eq 'MacOS' ######## chop($file = ); ######## package N; sub new {my ($obj,$n)=@_; bless \$n} $aa=new N 1; $aa=12345; print $aa; EXPECT 12345 ######## $_="foo"; printf(STDOUT "%s\n", $_); EXPECT foo ######## push(@a, 1, 2, 3,) ######## quotemeta "" ######## for ("ABCDE") { ⊂ s/./&sub($&)/eg; print;} sub sub {local($_) = @_; $_ x 4;} EXPECT Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 3. ######## package FOO;sub new {bless {FOO => BAR}}; package main; use strict vars; my $self = new FOO; print $$self{FOO}; EXPECT BAR ######## $_="foo"; s/.{1}//s; print; EXPECT oo ######## print scalar ("foo","bar") EXPECT bar ######## sub by_number { $a <=> $b; };# inline function for sort below $as_ary{0}="a0"; @ordered_array=sort by_number keys(%as_ary); ######## sub NewShell { local($Host) = @_; my($m2) = $#Shells++; $Shells[$m2]{HOST} = $Host; return $m2; } sub ShowShell { local($i) = @_; } &ShowShell(&NewShell(beach,Work,"+0+0")); &ShowShell(&NewShell(beach,Work,"+0+0")); &ShowShell(&NewShell(beach,Work,"+0+0")); ######## { package FAKEARRAY; sub TIEARRAY { print "TIEARRAY @_\n"; die "bomb out\n" unless $count ++ ; bless ['foo'] } sub FETCH { print "fetch @_\n"; $_[0]->[$_[1]] } sub STORE { print "store @_\n"; $_[0]->[$_[1]] = $_[2] } sub DESTROY { print "DESTROY \n"; undef @{$_[0]}; } } eval 'tie @h, FAKEARRAY, fred' ; tie @h, FAKEARRAY, fred ; EXPECT TIEARRAY FAKEARRAY fred TIEARRAY FAKEARRAY fred DESTROY ######## BEGIN { die "phooey\n" } EXPECT phooey BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 1. ######## BEGIN { 1/$zero } EXPECT Illegal division by zero at - line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 1. ######## BEGIN { undef = 0 } EXPECT Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 1. ######## { package foo; sub PRINT { shift; print join(' ', reverse @_)."\n"; } sub PRINTF { shift; my $fmt = shift; print sprintf($fmt, @_)."\n"; } sub TIEHANDLE { bless {}, shift; } sub READLINE { "Out of inspiration"; } sub DESTROY { print "and destroyed as well\n"; } sub READ { shift; print STDOUT "foo->can(READ)(@_)\n"; return 100; } sub GETC { shift; print STDOUT "Don't GETC, Get Perl\n"; return "a"; } } { local(*FOO); tie(*FOO,'foo'); print FOO "sentence.", "reversed", "a", "is", "This"; print "-- ", , " --\n"; my($buf,$len,$offset); $buf = "string"; $len = 10; $offset = 1; read(FOO, $buf, $len, $offset) == 100 or die "foo->READ failed"; getc(FOO) eq "a" or die "foo->GETC failed"; printf "%s is number %d\n", "Perl", 1; } EXPECT This is a reversed sentence. -- Out of inspiration -- foo->can(READ)(string 10 1) Don't GETC, Get Perl Perl is number 1 and destroyed as well ######## my @a; $a[2] = 1; for (@a) { $_ = 2 } print "@a\n" EXPECT 2 2 2 ######## # used to attach defelem magic to all immortal values, # which made restore of local $_ fail. foo(2>1); sub foo { bar() for @_; } sub bar { local $_; } print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## @a = ($a, $b, $c, $d) = (5, 6); print "ok\n" if ($a[0] == 5 and $a[1] == 6 and !defined $a[2] and !defined $a[3]); EXPECT ok ######## print "ok\n" if (1E2<<1 == 200 and 3E4<<3 == 240000); EXPECT ok ######## print "ok\n" if ("\0" lt "\xFF"); EXPECT ok ######## open(H,$^O eq 'MacOS' ? ':run:fresh_perl.t' : 'run/fresh_perl.t'); # must be in the 't' directory stat(H); print "ok\n" if (-e _ and -f _ and -r _); EXPECT ok ######## sub thing { 0 || return qw(now is the time) } print thing(), "\n"; EXPECT nowisthetime ######## $ren = 'joy'; $stimpy = 'happy'; { local $main::{ren} = *stimpy; print $ren, ' ' } print $ren, "\n"; EXPECT happy joy ######## $stimpy = 'happy'; { local $main::{ren} = *stimpy; print ${'ren'}, ' ' } print +(defined(${'ren'}) ? 'oops' : 'joy'), "\n"; EXPECT happy joy ######## package p; sub func { print 'really ' unless wantarray; 'p' } sub groovy { 'groovy' } package main; print p::func()->groovy(), "\n" EXPECT really groovy ######## @list = ([ 'one', 1 ], [ 'two', 2 ]); sub func { $num = shift; (grep $_->[1] == $num, @list)[0] } print scalar(map &func($_), 1 .. 3), " ", scalar(map scalar &func($_), 1 .. 3), "\n"; EXPECT 2 3 ######## ($k, $s) = qw(x 0); @{$h{$k}} = qw(1 2 4); for (@{$h{$k}}) { $s += $_; delete $h{$k} if ($_ == 2) } print "bogus\n" unless $s == 7; ######## my $a = 'outer'; eval q[ my $a = 'inner'; eval q[ print "$a " ] ]; eval { my $x = 'peace'; eval q[ print "$x\n" ] } EXPECT inner peace ######## -w $| = 1; sub foo { print "In foo1\n"; eval 'sub foo { print "In foo2\n" }'; print "Exiting foo1\n"; } foo; foo; EXPECT In foo1 Subroutine foo redefined at (eval 1) line 1. Exiting foo1 In foo2 ######## $s = 0; map {#this newline here tickles the bug $s += $_} (1,2,4); print "eat flaming death\n" unless ($s == 7); ######## sub foo { local $_ = shift; split; @_ } @x = foo(' x y z '); print "you die joe!\n" unless "@x" eq 'x y z'; ######## /(?{"{"})/ # Check it outside of eval too EXPECT Sequence (?{...}) not terminated or not {}-balanced in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(?{ <-- HERE "{"})/ at - line 1. ######## /(?{"{"}})/ # Check it outside of eval too EXPECT Unmatched right curly bracket at (re_eval 1) line 1, at end of line syntax error at (re_eval 1) line 1, near ""{"}" Compilation failed in regexp at - line 1. ######## BEGIN { @ARGV = qw(a b c d e) } BEGIN { print "argv <@ARGV>\nbegin <",shift,">\n" } END { print "end <",shift,">\nargv <@ARGV>\n" } INIT { print "init <",shift,">\n" } CHECK { print "check <",shift,">\n" } EXPECT argv begin check init end argv ######## -l # fdopen from a system descriptor to a system descriptor used to close # the former. open STDERR, '>&=STDOUT' or die $!; select STDOUT; $| = 1; print fileno STDOUT or die $!; select STDERR; $| = 1; print fileno STDERR or die $!; EXPECT 1 2 ######## -w sub testme { my $a = "test"; { local $a = "new test"; print $a }} EXPECT Can't localize lexical variable $a at - line 1. ######## package X; sub ascalar { my $r; bless \$r } sub DESTROY { print "destroyed\n" }; package main; *s = ascalar X; EXPECT destroyed ######## package X; sub anarray { bless [] } sub DESTROY { print "destroyed\n" }; package main; *a = anarray X; EXPECT destroyed ######## package X; sub ahash { bless {} } sub DESTROY { print "destroyed\n" }; package main; *h = ahash X; EXPECT destroyed ######## package X; sub aclosure { my $x; bless sub { ++$x } } sub DESTROY { print "destroyed\n" }; package main; *c = aclosure X; EXPECT destroyed ######## package X; sub any { bless {} } my $f = "FH000"; # just to thwart any future optimisations sub afh { select select ++$f; my $r = *{$f}{IO}; delete $X::{$f}; bless $r } sub DESTROY { print "destroyed\n" } package main; $x = any X; # to bump sv_objcount. IO objs aren't counted?? *f = afh X; EXPECT destroyed destroyed ######## BEGIN { $| = 1; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { eval { print $_[0] }; die "bar\n"; }; warn "foo\n"; } EXPECT foo bar BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at - line 8. ######## package X; @ISA='Y'; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { }; bless $self, $class; my $init = shift; $self->foo($init); print "new", $init; return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; print "DESTROY", $self->foo; } package Y; sub attribute { my $self = shift; my $var = shift; if (@_ == 0) { return $self->{$var}; } elsif (@_ == 1) { $self->{$var} = shift; } } sub AUTOLOAD { $AUTOLOAD =~ /::([^:]+)$/; my $method = $1; splice @_, 1, 0, $method; goto &attribute; } package main; my $x = X->new(1); for (2..3) { my $y = X->new($_); print $y->foo; } print $x->foo; EXPECT new1new22DESTROY2new33DESTROY31DESTROY1 ######## re(); sub re { my $re = join '', eval 'qr/(??{ $obj->method })/'; $re; } EXPECT ######## use strict; my $foo = "ZZZ\n"; END { print $foo } EXPECT ZZZ ######## eval ' use strict; my $foo = "ZZZ\n"; END { print $foo } '; EXPECT ZZZ ######## -w if (@ARGV) { print "" } else { if ($x == 0) { print "" } else { print $x } } EXPECT Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at - line 3. ######## $x = sub {}; foo(); sub foo { eval { return }; } print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## # moved to op/lc.t EXPECT ######## sub f { my $a = 1; my $b = 2; my $c = 3; my $d = 4; next } my $x = "foo"; { f } continue { print $x, "\n" } EXPECT foo ######## sub C () { 1 } sub M { $_[0] = 2; } eval "C"; M(C); EXPECT Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 2. ######## print qw(ab a\b a\\b); EXPECT aba\ba\b ######## # lexicals declared after the myeval() definition should not be visible # within it sub myeval { eval $_[0] } my $foo = "ok 2\n"; myeval('sub foo { local $foo = "ok 1\n"; print $foo; }'); die $@ if $@; foo(); print $foo; EXPECT ok 1 ok 2 ######## # lexicals outside an eval"" should be visible inside subroutine definitions # within it eval <<'EOT'; die $@ if $@; { my $X = "ok\n"; eval 'sub Y { print $X }'; die $@ if $@; Y(); } EOT EXPECT ok ######## # This test is here instead of lib/locale.t because # the bug depends on in the internal state of the locale # settings and pragma/locale messes up that state pretty badly. # We need a "fresh run". BEGIN { eval { require POSIX }; if ($@) { exit(0); # running minitest? } } use Config; my $have_setlocale = $Config{d_setlocale} eq 'define'; $have_setlocale = 0 if $@; # Visual C's CRT goes silly on strings of the form "en_US.ISO8859-1" # and mingw32 uses said silly CRT $have_setlocale = 0 if (($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'NetWare') && $Config{cc} =~ /^(cl|gcc)/i); exit(0) unless $have_setlocale; my @locales; if (-x "/usr/bin/locale" && open(LOCALES, "/usr/bin/locale -a 2>/dev/null|")) { while() { chomp; push(@locales, $_); } close(LOCALES); } exit(0) unless @locales; for (@locales) { use POSIX qw(locale_h); use locale; setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $_) or next; my $s = sprintf "%g %g", 3.1, 3.1; next if $s eq '3.1 3.1' || $s =~ /^(3.+1) \1$/; print "$_ $s\n"; } EXPECT ######## # [ID 20001202.002] and change #8066 added 'at -e line 1'; # reversed again as a result of [perl #17763] die qr(x) EXPECT (?-xism:x) ######## # 20001210.003 mjd@plover.com format REMITOUT_TOP = FOO . format REMITOUT = BAR . # This loop causes a segv in 5.6.0 for $lineno (1..61) { write REMITOUT; } print "It's OK!"; EXPECT It's OK! ######## # Inaba Hiroto reset; if (0) { if ("" =~ //) { } } ######## # Nicholas Clark $ENV{TERM} = 0; reset; // if 0; ######## # Vadim Konovalov use strict; sub new_pmop($) { my $pm = shift; return eval "sub {shift=~/$pm/}"; } new_pmop "abcdef"; reset; new_pmop "abcdef"; reset; new_pmop "abcdef"; reset; new_pmop "abcdef"; reset; ######## # David Dyck # coredump in 5.7.1 close STDERR; die; EXPECT ######## # core dump in 20000716.007 -w "x" =~ /(\G?x)?/; ######## # Bug 20010515.004 my @h = 1 .. 10; bad(@h); sub bad { undef @h; print "O"; print for @_; print "K"; } EXPECT OK ######## # Bug 20010506.041 "abcd\x{1234}" =~ /(a)(b[c])(d+)?/i and print "ok\n"; EXPECT ok ######## my $foo = Bar->new(); my @dst; END { ($_ = "@dst") =~ s/\(0x.+?\)/(0x...)/; print $_, "\n"; } package Bar; sub new { my Bar $self = bless [], Bar; eval '$self'; return $self; } sub DESTROY { push @dst, "$_[0]"; } EXPECT Bar=ARRAY(0x...) ######## (?{...}) compilation bounces on PL_rs -0 { /(?{ $x })/; # { } BEGIN { print "ok\n" } EXPECT ok ######## scalar ref to file test operator segfaults on 5.6.1 [ID 20011127.155] # This only happens if the filename is 11 characters or less. $foo = \-f "blah"; print "ok" if ref $foo && !$$foo; EXPECT ok ######## [ID 20011128.159] 'X' =~ /\X/ segfault in 5.6.1 print "ok" if 'X' =~ /\X/; EXPECT ok ######## segfault in 5.6.1 within peep() @a = (1..9); @b = sort { @c = sort { @d = sort { 0 } @a; @d; } @a; } @a; print join '', @a, "\n"; EXPECT 123456789 ######## [ID 20020104.007] "coredump on dbmclose" package Foo; eval { require AnyDBM_File }; # not all places have dbm* functions if ($@) { print "ok\n"; exit 0; } package Foo; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless($self,$class); my %LT; dbmopen(%LT, "dbmtest", 0666) || die "Can't open dbmtest because of $!\n"; $self->{'LT'} = \%LT; return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; dbmclose(%{$self->{'LT'}}); 1 while unlink 'dbmtest'; 1 while unlink ; print "ok\n"; } package main; $test = Foo->new(); # must be package var EXPECT ok ######## example from Camel 5, ch. 15, pp.406 (with my) # SKIP: ord "A" == 193 # EBCDIC use strict; use utf8; my $人 = 2; # 0xe4 0xba 0xba: U+4eba, "human" in CJK ideograph $人++; # a child is born print $人, "\n"; EXPECT 3 ######## example from Camel 5, ch. 15, pp.406 (with our) # SKIP: ord "A" == 193 # EBCDIC use strict; use utf8; our $人 = 2; # 0xe4 0xba 0xba: U+4eba, "human" in CJK ideograph $人++; # a child is born print $人, "\n"; EXPECT 3 ######## example from Camel 5, ch. 15, pp.406 (with package vars) # SKIP: ord "A" == 193 # EBCDIC use utf8; $人 = 2; # 0xe4 0xba 0xba: U+4eba, "human" in CJK ideograph $人++; # a child is born print $人, "\n"; EXPECT 3 ######## example from Camel 5, ch. 15, pp.406 (with use vars) # SKIP: ord "A" == 193 # EBCDIC use strict; use utf8; use vars qw($人); $人 = 2; # 0xe4 0xba 0xba: U+4eba, "human" in CJK ideograph $人++; # a child is born print $人, "\n"; EXPECT 3 ######## # test that closures generated by eval"" hold on to the CV of the eval"" # for their entire lifetime $code = eval q[ sub { eval '$x = "ok 1\n"'; } ]; &{$code}(); print $x; EXPECT ok 1 ######## [ID 20020623.009] nested eval/sub segfaults $eval = eval 'sub { eval "sub { %S }" }'; $eval->({}); ######## [perl #17951] Strange UTF error -W # From: "John Kodis" # Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.moderated # Subject: Strange UTF error # Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 16:19:58 -0400 # Message-ID: $_ = "foobar\n"; utf8::upgrade($_); # the original code used a UTF-8 locale (affects STDIN) # matching is actually irrelevant: avoiding several dozen of these # Illegal hexadecimal digit ' ' ignored at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/utf8_heavy.pl line 152 # is what matters. /^([[:digit:]]+)/; EXPECT ######## [perl #20667] unicode regex vs non-unicode regex $toto = 'Hello'; $toto =~ /\w/; # this line provokes the problem! $name = 'A B'; # utf8::upgrade($name) if @ARGV; if ($name =~ /(\p{IsUpper}) (\p{IsUpper})/){ print "It's good! >$1< >$2<\n"; } else { print "It's not good...\n"; } EXPECT It's good! >A< >B< ######## [perl #8760] strangness with utf8 and warn $_="foo";utf8::upgrade($_);/bar/i,warn$_; EXPECT foo at - line 1. ######## glob() bug Mon, 01 Sep 2003 02:25:41 -0700 <200309010925.h819Pf0X011457@smtp3.ActiveState.com> -lw BEGIN { eval 'require Fcntl'; if ($@) { print qq[./"TEST"\n./"TEST"\n]; exit 0 } # running minitest? } if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # VMS is not *that* kind of a glob. print qq[./"TEST"\n./"TEST"\n]; } else { print glob(q(./"TEST")); use File::Glob; print glob(q(./"TEST")); } EXPECT ./"TEST" ./"TEST" ######## glob() bug Mon, 01 Sep 2003 02:25:41 -0700 <200309010925.h819Pf0X011457@smtp3.ActiveState.com> -lw BEGIN { eval 'require Fcntl'; if ($@) { print qq[./"TEST"\n./"TEST"\n]; exit 0 } # running minitest? } if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # VMS is not *that* kind of a glob. print qq[./"TEST"\n./"TEST"\n]; } else { use File::Glob; print glob(q(./"TEST")); use File::Glob; print glob(q(./"TEST")); } EXPECT ./"TEST" ./"TEST" ######## "Segfault using HTML::Entities", Richard Jolly , in perl-unicode@perl.org -lw # SKIP: use Config; $ENV{PERL_CORE_MINITEST} or " $Config::Config{'extensions'} " !~ m[ Encode ] # Perl configured without Encode module BEGIN { eval 'require Encode'; if ($@) { exit 0 } # running minitest? } # Test case cut down by jhi $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $@ = shift }; use Encode; my $t = "\xE9"; Encode::_utf8_on($t); $t =~ s/([^a])//ge; $@ =~ s/ at .*/ at/; print $@ EXPECT Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected end of string) in substitution (s///) at