\chapentry {Introduction to this toolset}{1}{1} \chapentry {The basic \code {shar} utilities}{2}{2} \secentry {Invoking the \code {shar} program}{2}{1}{2} \subsecentry {Selecting files}{2}{1}{1}{2} \subsecentry {Splitting output}{2}{1}{2}{3} \subsecentry {Controlling the shar headers}{2}{1}{3}{3} \subsecentry {Selecting how files are stocked}{2}{1}{4}{4} \subsecentry {Protecting against transmission errors}{2}{1}{5}{5} \subsecentry {Producing different kinds of shars}{2}{1}{6}{6} \secentry {Invoking the \code {unshar} program}{2}{2}{7} \secentry {Miscellaneous considerations}{2}{3}{8} \chapentry {Simple wrappers around \code {shar}}{3}{10} \secentry {The \code {mailshar} command and arguments}{3}{1}{10} \secentry {The \code {mail-files} command and arguments}{3}{2}{10} \secentry {The \code {find-mailer} command and arguments}{3}{3}{10} \chapentry {Remote synchronisation of directories}{4}{11} \secentry {Quick start at using \code {remsync}}{4}{1}{11} \secentry {The \code {remsync} command and arguments}{4}{2}{14} \secentry {Automatic mechanisms in the \code {remsync} program}{4}{3}{14} \secentry {Commands for \code {remsync}}{4}{4}{15} \secentry {How \code {remsync} works}{4}{5}{17} \secentry {Related file formats}{4}{6}{18} \secentry {Format of the \file {.remsync} file}{4}{7}{18} \secentry {Format of synchronisation packages}{4}{8}{19} \secentry {Other means to synchronization}{4}{9}{21} \secentry {Documentation for obsolete scripts}{4}{10}{21} \subsecentry {mailsync}{4}{10}{1}{21} \subsecentry {resync}{4}{10}{2}{22}