Here are versions of uuencode and uudecode that will work on an IBM PC. There is a version for Turbo Pascal and one for Microsoft C. Porting them into other machines, languages or dialects should not pose a large problem. Sorry about the lack of documentation, but the programs are easy to use, so you should not have a problem. I don't know why a UNIX site would not have these in the first place, but at least your manual should tell you how to use them. If you are not using UNIX at all, you have my sympathy. The Pascal programs' author is unknown. The C programs were provided by Don Kneller. Tom Reingold Rockefeller University New York City UUCP: {seismo | harvard | ihnp4}!cmcl2!rna!rocky2!reintom BITNET: REINTOM@ROCKVAX ARPANET: ====================================================================== Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site hoptoad.uucp From: darmon@polaris.UUCP (Pierre Darmon) Newsgroups: net.sources Subject: Modified Turbo Pascal uudecode/encode. More user-friendly. Date: 30 Oct 86 01:12:40 GMT Date-Received: Reply-To: darmon@polaris.UUCP (Pierre Darmon) Organization: IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, N.Y. The following are the Turbo Pascal source files for uudecode and uuencode, modified from the net posting to display the remaining bytes to be processed, instead of filling up the screen with periods. It also displays the percentage left. See my previous posting to net.micro,net.micro.pc and net.sources for details. Enjoy! -- Pierre Darmon, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. .....seismo!philabs!polaris!darmon.