program uudecode; CONST defaultSuffix = '.uue'; offset = 32; TYPE string80 = string[80]; VAR infile: text; fi : file of byte; outfile: file of byte; lineNum: integer; line: string80; size,remaining :real; procedure Abort(message: string80); begin {abort} writeln; if lineNum > 0 then write('Line ', lineNum, ': '); writeln(message); halt end; {Abort} procedure NextLine(var s: string80); begin {NextLine} LineNum := succ(LineNum); {write('.');} readln(infile, s); remaining:=remaining-length(s)-2; {-2 is for CR/LF} write('bytes remaining: ',remaining:7:0,' (', remaining/size*100.0:3:0,'%)',chr(13)); end; {NextLine} procedure Init; procedure GetInFile; VAR infilename: string80; begin {GetInFile} if ParamCount = 0 then abort ('Usage: uudecode '); infilename := ParamStr(1); if pos('.', infilename) = 0 then infilename := concat(infilename, defaultSuffix); assign(infile, infilename); {$i-} reset(infile); {$i+} if IOresult > 0 then abort (concat('Can''t open ', infilename)); writeln ('Decoding ', infilename); assign(fi,infilename); reset(fi); size:=FileSize(fi); close(fi); if size < 0 then size:=size+65536.0; remaining:=size; end; {GetInFile} procedure GetOutFile; var header, mode, outfilename: string80; ch: char; procedure ParseHeader; VAR index: integer; Procedure NextWord(var word:string80; var index: integer); begin {nextword} word := ''; while header[index] = ' ' do begin index := succ(index); if index > length(header) then abort ('Incomplete header') end; while header[index] <> ' ' do begin word := concat(word, header[index]); index := succ(index) end end; {NextWord} begin {ParseHeader} header := concat(header, ' '); index := 7; NextWord(mode, index); NextWord(outfilename, index) end; {ParseHeader} begin {GetOutFile} if eof(infile) then abort('Nothing to decode.'); NextLine (header); while not ((copy(header, 1, 6) = 'begin ') or eof(infile)) do NextLine(header); writeln; if eof(infile) then abort('Nothing to decode.'); ParseHeader; assign(outfile, outfilename); writeln ('Destination is ', outfilename); {$i-} reset(outfile); {$i+} if IOresult = 0 then begin write ('Overwrite current ', outfilename, '? [Y/N] '); repeat read (kbd, ch); ch := UpCase(ch) until ch in ['Y', 'N']; writeln(ch); if ch = 'N' then abort ('Overwrite cancelled.') end; rewrite (outfile); end; {GetOutFile} begin {init} lineNum := 0; GetInFile; GetOutFile; end; { init} Function CheckLine: boolean; begin {CheckLine} if line = '' then abort ('Blank line in file'); CheckLine := not (line[1] in [' ', '`']) end; {CheckLine} procedure DecodeLine; VAR lineIndex, byteNum, count, i: integer; chars: array [0..3] of byte; hunk: array [0..2] of byte; { procedure debug; var i: integer; procedure writebin(x: byte); var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to 8 do begin write ((x and $80) shr 7); x := x shl 1 end; write (' ') end; begin writeln; for i := 0 to 3 do writebin(chars[i]); writeln; for i := 0 to 2 do writebin(hunk[i]); writeln end; } function nextch: char; begin {nextch} lineIndex := succ(lineIndex); if lineIndex > length(line) then abort('Line too short.'); if not (line[lineindex] in [' '..'`']) then abort('Illegal character in line.'); { write(line[lineindex]:2);} if line[lineindex] = '`' then nextch := ' ' else nextch := line[lineIndex] end; {nextch} procedure DecodeByte; procedure GetNextHunk; VAR i: integer; begin {GetNextHunk} for i := 0 to 3 do chars[i] := ord(nextch) - offset; hunk[0] := (chars[0] shl 2) + (chars[1] shr 4); hunk[1] := (chars[1] shl 4) + (chars[2] shr 2); hunk[2] := (chars[2] shl 6) + chars[3]; byteNum := 0 {; debug } end; {GetNextHunk} begin {DecodeByte} if byteNum = 3 then GetNextHunk; write (outfile, hunk[byteNum]); {writeln(bytenum, ' ', hunk[byteNum]);} byteNum := succ(byteNum) end; {DecodeByte} begin {DecodeLine} lineIndex := 0; byteNum := 3; count := (ord(nextch) - offset); for i := 1 to count do DecodeByte end; {DecodeLine} procedure terminate; var trailer: string80; begin {terminate} if eof(infile) then abort ('Abnormal end.'); NextLine (trailer); if length (trailer) < 3 then abort ('Abnormal end.'); if copy (trailer, 1, 3) <> 'end' then abort ('Abnormal end.'); close (infile); close (outfile) end; begin {uudecode} init; NextLine(line); while CheckLine do begin DecodeLine; NextLine(line) end; terminate end.