SHTL-MKSHADOW.TMP(1) GNU Portable Shell Tool SHTL-MKSHADOW.TMP(1) NNAAMMEE sshhttooooll mmkksshhaaddooww - GGNNUU sshhttooooll create shadow tree using symlinks SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS sshhttooooll mmkksshhaaddooww [--vv|----vveerrbboossee] [--tt|----ttrraaccee] [--aa|----aallll] _s_r_c_-_d_i_r _d_s_t_-_d_i_r DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This command creates a shadow tree of _s_r_c_-_d_i_r under _d_s_t_- _d_i_r by recreating the directory hierarchy of _s_r_c_-_d_i_r under _d_s_t_-_d_i_r and by creating the files of _s_r_c_-_d_i_r by linking them into the corresponding directories under _d_s_t_-_d_i_r via symbolic links. When _s_r_c_-_d_i_r can be reached via relative paths from _d_s_t_-_d_i_r, relative symbolic links are used, too. This high-level functionality is originally designed for developers to create copies of source trees. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The following command line options are available. --vv, ----vveerrbboossee Display some processing information. --tt, ----ttrraaccee Enable the output of the essential shell commands which are executed. --aa, ----aallll Really shadow all files and directories in _s_r_c_-_d_i_r. Default is to skip CVS related files and directories, backup files, object files, etc. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE # shell script shtool mkshadow -v -a . /tmp/shadow HHIISSTTOORRYY The GGNNUU sshhttooooll mmkksshhaaddooww command was originally written by Ralf S. Engelschall in 1998 for AAppaacchhee. It was later revised and taken over into GGNNUU sshhttooooll. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_h_t_o_o_l(1), _l_n(1). 18-Jul-2008 shtool 2.0.8 1