SHTL-VERSION.TMP(1) GNU Portable Shell Tool SHTL-VERSION.TMP(1) NNAAMMEE sshhttooooll vveerrssiioonn - GGNNUU sshhttooooll maintain version information file SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS sshhttooooll vveerrssiioonn [--ll|----llaanngguuaaggee _l_a_n_g] [--nn|----nnaammee _n_a_m_e] [--pp|----pprreeffiixx _p_r_e_f_i_x] [--ss|----sseett _v_e_r_s_i_o_n] [--ee|----eeddiitt] [--ii|----iinnccrreeaassee _k_n_o_b] [--dd|----ddiissppllaayy _t_y_p_e] _f_i_l_e DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This command displays and maintains version information in _f_i_l_e. The version is always described with a triple <_v_e_r_s_i_o_n,_r_e_v_i_s_i_o_n,_l_e_v_e_l> and is represented by a string which always matches the regular expression ""[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[sabp.][0-9]+"". The hexadecimal format for a version "v.rtl" is "VVRRTLL" where "VV" and "RR" directly correspond to "v" and "r", "T" encodes the level type as 9, 2, 1, 0 (representing "s", "p"/".", "b", "a" in this order) and "LL" is either directly corresponding to "l" or set to 99 if level type is "s". OOPPTTIIOONNSS The following command line options are available. --vv, ----vveerrbboossee Print verbose information during processing. --ll, ----llaanngguuaaggee _l_a_n_g Choose format of version file _f_i_l_e. _l_a_n_g=""txt"", ANSI C (_l_a_n_g="c"), M4 (_l_a_n_g="m4"), Perl (_l_a_n_g="perl") or Python (_l_a_n_g="python"). Default is "txt". --nn, ----nnaammee _n_a_m_e Name the program the version is maintained for. Default is "unknown". --pp, ----pprreeffiixx _p_r_e_f_i_x =item --ss, ----sseett _v_e_r_s_i_o_n Set the version to _v_e_r_s_i_o_n. --ee, ----eeddiitt Interactively enter a new version. --ii, ----iinnccrreeaassee _k_n_o_b When option ``--ii'' is used, the current version in _f_i_l_e is updated by increasing one element of the version where _k_n_o_b can be one of the following: ``"v"'' for increasing the version by 1 (and resetting revision and level to 0), ``"r"'' for increasing the revision by 1 (and resetting level to 0) or ``"l"'' for increasing the level by 1. 18-Jul-2008 shtool 2.0.8 1 SHTL-VERSION.TMP(1) GNU Portable Shell Tool SHTL-VERSION.TMP(1) --dd, ----ddiissppllaayy _t_y_p_e Control the display type: ""short"" for a short version display, ""long"" for a longer version display, ""hex"" for a hexadecimal display of the version and ""libtool"" for a format suitable for use with GNU libtool. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE # shell script shtool version -l c -n FooBar -p foobar -s 1.2b3 version.c # V=`shtool version -l c -d long version.c` echo "Configuring FooBar, Version $V" HHIISSTTOORRYY The GGNNUU sshhttooooll vveerrssiioonn command was originally written by Ralf S. Engelschall in 1994 for OOSSSSPP eeppeerrll. It was later rewritten from scratch for inclusion into GGNNUU sshhttooooll. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_h_t_o_o_l(1). 18-Jul-2008 shtool 2.0.8 2