\entry{archive}{1}{archive} \entry{tar archive}{1}{tar archive} \entry{member}{2}{member} \entry{archive member}{2}{archive member} \entry{file name}{2}{file name} \entry{member name}{2}{member name} \entry{extraction}{2}{extraction} \entry{unpacking}{2}{unpacking} \entry{tar}{2}{tar} \entry{tar file}{3}{tar file} \entry{entry}{3}{entry} \entry{tar entry}{3}{tar entry} \entry{bug reports}{4}{bug reports} \entry{reporting bugs}{4}{reporting bugs} \entry{Archiving Directories}{13}{Archiving Directories} \entry{Directories, Archiving}{13}{Directories, Archiving} \entry{Name Prefixes,}{14}{Name Prefixes,} \entry{Prefixes, Name}{14}{Prefixes, Name} \entry{File name arguments, using --list with}{15}{File name arguments, using \code {--list} with} \entry{--list with file name arguments}{15}{\code {--list} with file name arguments} \entry{Extraction}{16}{Extraction} \entry{Retrieving files from an archive}{16}{Retrieving files from an archive} \entry{Resurrecting files from an archive}{16}{Resurrecting files from an archive} \entry{Filenames, illegal characters on MS-DOS}{23}{Filenames, illegal characters on MS-DOS} \entry{Extracting files on MS-DOS, illegal characters}{23}{Extracting files on MS-DOS, illegal characters} \entry{Members, replacing with other members}{25}{Members, replacing with other members} \entry{Replacing members with other members}{25}{Replacing members with other members} \entry{Adding files to an Archive}{25}{Adding files to an Archive} \entry{Appending files to an Archive}{25}{Appending files to an Archive} \entry{Archives, Appending files to}{25}{Archives, Appending files to} \entry{Updating an archive}{27}{Updating an archive} \entry{Adding archives to an archive}{28}{Adding archives to an archive} \entry{Concatenating Archives}{28}{Concatenating Archives} \entry{concatenate vs cat}{29}{\code {concatenate} vs \code {cat}} \entry{cat vs concatenate}{29}{\code {cat} vs \code {concatenate}} \entry{Deleting files from an archive}{29}{Deleting files from an archive} \entry{Removing files from an archive}{29}{Removing files from an archive} \entry{Tapes, using --delete and}{30}{Tapes, using \code {--delete} and} \entry{Deleting from tape archives}{30}{Deleting from tape archives} \entry{Verifying the currency of an archive}{30}{Verifying the currency of an archive} \entry{Timestamp differences, on MS-DOS/MS-Windows filesystems}{31}{Timestamp differences, on MS-DOS/MS-Windows filesystems} \entry{Mod time differs message on MS-DOS disks}{31}{Mod time differs message on MS-DOS disks} \entry{Options when reading archives}{31}{Options when reading archives} \entry{Reading incomplete records}{31}{Reading incomplete records} \entry{Records, incomplete}{31}{Records, incomplete} \entry{End-of-archive entries, ignoring}{31}{End-of-archive entries, ignoring} \entry{Ignoring end-of-archive entries}{31}{Ignoring end-of-archive entries} \entry{Large lists of file names on small machines}{31}{Large lists of file names on small machines} \entry{Small memory}{31}{Small memory} \entry{Running out of space}{31}{Running out of space} \entry{Overwriting old files, prevention}{33}{Overwriting old files, prevention} \entry{Protecting old files}{33}{Protecting old files} \entry{Modification times of extracted files}{33}{Modification times of extracted files} \entry{Permissions of extracted files}{33}{Permissions of extracted files} \entry{Modes of extracted files}{33}{Modes of extracted files} \entry{Writing extracted files to standard output}{33}{Writing extracted files to standard output} \entry{Standard output, writing extracted files to}{33}{Standard output, writing extracted files to} \entry{Removing existing files on MS-DOS}{34}{Removing existing files on MS-DOS} \entry{Overwriting prevention on MS-DOS and MS-Windows}{34}{Overwriting prevention on MS-DOS and MS-Windows} \entry{Middle of the archive, starting in the}{36}{Middle of the archive, starting in the} \entry{Running out of space during extraction}{36}{Running out of space during extraction} \entry{Disk space, running out of}{36}{Disk space, running out of} \entry{Space on the disk, recovering from lack of}{36}{Space on the disk, recovering from lack of} \entry{backup options}{37}{backup options} \entry{--backup}{37}{\code {--backup}} \entry{backups, making}{37}{backups, making} \entry{--suffix}{38}{\code {--suffix}} \entry{backup suffix}{38}{backup suffix} \entry{SIMPLE{\_}BACKUP{\_}SUFFIX}{38}{\code {SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX}} \entry{--version-control}{38}{\code {--version-control}} \entry{VERSION{\_}CONTROL}{38}{\code {VERSION_CONTROL}} \entry{backup files, type made}{38}{backup files, type made} \entry{version-control Emacs variable}{38}{\code {version-control \r {Emacs variable}}} \entry{numbered backup method}{38}{\code {numbered \r {backup method}}} \entry{existing backup method}{38}{\code {existing \r {backup method}}} \entry{simple backup method}{38}{\code {simple \r {backup method}}} \entry{uuencode}{38}{\code {uuencode}} \entry{full dumps}{42}{full dumps} \entry{dumps, full}{42}{dumps, full} \entry{corrupted archives}{42}{corrupted archives} \entry{incremental dumps}{44}{incremental dumps} \entry{dumps, incremental}{44}{dumps, incremental} \entry{Naming an archive}{51}{Naming an archive} \entry{Archive Name}{51}{Archive Name} \entry{Directing output}{51}{Directing output} \entry{Choosing an archive file}{51}{Choosing an archive file} \entry{Where is the archive?}{51}{Where is the archive?} \entry{Writing new archives}{51}{Writing new archives} \entry{Archive creation}{51}{Archive creation} \entry{Standard input and output}{52}{Standard input and output} \entry{tar to standard input and output}{52}{tar to standard input and output} \entry{Remote archives specification}{52}{Remote archives specification} \entry{Archives, on remote machines}{52}{Archives, on remote machines} \entry{Remote archives and MS-DOS file names}{52}{Remote archives and MS-DOS file names} \entry{Specifying files to act on}{52}{Specifying files to act on} \entry{Specifying archive members}{52}{Specifying archive members} \entry{Reading file names from a file}{53}{Reading file names from a file} \entry{Lists of file names}{53}{Lists of file names} \entry{File Name arguments, alternatives}{53}{File Name arguments, alternatives} \entry{File names, terminated by NUL}{54}{File names, terminated by \kbd {NUL}} \entry{NUL terminated file names}{54}{\kbd {NUL} terminated file names} \entry{File names, excluding files by}{54}{File names, excluding files by} \entry{Excluding files by name and pattern}{54}{Excluding files by name and pattern} \entry{Excluding files by file system}{54}{Excluding files by file system} \entry{exclude}{54}{\code {exclude}} \entry{exclude-from}{55}{\code {exclude-from}} \entry{Excluding characters from a character class}{56}{Excluding characters from a character class} \entry{Character class, excluding characters from}{56}{Character class, excluding characters from} \entry{Excluding file by age}{57}{Excluding file by age} \entry{Modification time, excluding files by}{57}{Modification time, excluding files by} \entry{Age, excluding files by}{57}{Age, excluding files by} \entry{File time stamp on MS-DOS/MS-Windows}{57}{File time stamp on MS-DOS/MS-Windows} \entry{Modification time, on MS-DOS}{57}{Modification time, on MS-DOS} \entry{Avoiding recursion in directories}{58}{Avoiding recursion in directories} \entry{Descending directories, avoiding}{58}{Descending directories, avoiding} \entry{Directories, avoiding recursion}{58}{Directories, avoiding recursion} \entry{Recursion in directories, avoiding}{58}{Recursion in directories, avoiding} \entry{File system boundaries, not crossing}{59}{File system boundaries, not crossing} \entry{Changing directory mid-stream}{59}{Changing directory mid-stream} \entry{Directory, changing mid-stream}{59}{Directory, changing mid-stream} \entry{Working directory, specifying}{59}{Working directory, specifying} \entry{date input formats}{63}{date input formats} \entry{getdate}{63}{\code {getdate}} \entry{beginning of time, for Unix}{63}{beginning of time, for Unix} \entry{epoch, for Unix}{63}{epoch, for Unix} \entry{General date syntax}{63}{General date syntax} \entry{items in date strings}{63}{items in date strings} \entry{numbers, written-out}{64}{numbers, written-out} \entry{ordinal numbers}{64}{ordinal numbers} \entry{first in date strings}{64}{\code {first \r {in date strings}}} \entry{next in date strings}{64}{\code {next \r {in date strings}}} \entry{last in date strings}{64}{\code {last \r {in date strings}}} \entry{months, written-out}{64}{months, written-out} \entry{case, ignored in dates}{64}{case, ignored in dates} \entry{comments, in dates}{64}{comments, in dates} \entry{Calendar date item}{64}{Calendar date item} \entry{ISO 8601 date format}{64}{ISO 8601 date format} \entry{date format, ISO 8601}{64}{date format, ISO 8601} \entry{month names in date strings}{65}{month names in date strings} \entry{abbreviations for months}{65}{abbreviations for months} \entry{Time of day item}{65}{Time of day item} \entry{am in date strings}{65}{\code {am \r {in date strings}}} \entry{pm in date strings}{65}{\code {pm \r {in date strings}}} \entry{midnight in date strings}{65}{\code {midnight \r {in date strings}}} \entry{noon in date strings}{65}{\code {noon \r {in date strings}}} \entry{timezone correction}{65}{timezone correction} \entry{minutes, timezone correction by}{65}{minutes, timezone correction by} \entry{Timezone item}{66}{Timezone item} \entry{Greenwich Mean Time}{66}{Greenwich Mean Time} \entry{Universal Coordinated Time}{66}{Universal Coordinated Time} \entry{Western European Time}{66}{Western European Time} \entry{West African Time}{66}{West African Time} \entry{Azores Time}{66}{Azores Time} \entry{Atlantic Standard Time}{66}{Atlantic Standard Time} \entry{Eastern Standard Time}{66}{Eastern Standard Time} \entry{Central Standard Time}{66}{Central Standard Time} \entry{Mountain Standard Time}{66}{Mountain Standard Time} \entry{Pacific Standard Time}{66}{Pacific Standard Time} \entry{Yukon Standard Time}{66}{Yukon Standard Time} \entry{Alaska-Hawaii Time}{66}{Alaska-Hawaii Time} \entry{Central Alaska Time}{66}{Central Alaska Time} \entry{Hawaii Standard Time}{66}{Hawaii Standard Time} \entry{Nome Standard Time}{66}{Nome Standard Time} \entry{International Date Line West}{66}{International Date Line West} \entry{Central European Time}{66}{Central European Time} \entry{Middle European Time}{66}{Middle European Time} \entry{Middle European Winter Time}{66}{Middle European Winter Time} \entry{French Winter Time}{66}{French Winter Time} \entry{Swedish Winter Time}{66}{Swedish Winter Time} \entry{Eastern European Time}{66}{Eastern European Time} \entry{USSR Zone}{66}{USSR Zone} \entry{Baghdad Time}{66}{Baghdad Time} \entry{West Australian Standard Time}{66}{West Australian Standard Time} \entry{China Coast Time}{66}{China Coast Time} \entry{Japan Standard Time}{67}{Japan Standard Time} \entry{East Australian Standard Time}{67}{East Australian Standard Time} \entry{Guam Standard Time}{67}{Guam Standard Time} \entry{International Date Line East}{67}{International Date Line East} \entry{New Zealand Standard Time}{67}{New Zealand Standard Time} \entry{daylight savings time}{67}{daylight savings time} \entry{Day of week item}{67}{Day of week item} \entry{next day}{67}{\code {next \var {day}}} \entry{last day}{67}{\code {last \var {day}}} \entry{Relative items in date strings}{68}{Relative items in date strings} \entry{Displacement of dates}{68}{Displacement of dates} \entry{year in date strings}{68}{\code {year \r {in date strings}}} \entry{month in date strings}{68}{\code {month \r {in date strings}}} \entry{fortnight in date strings}{68}{\code {fortnight \r {in date strings}}} \entry{week in date strings}{68}{\code {week \r {in date strings}}} \entry{day in date strings}{68}{\code {day \r {in date strings}}} \entry{hour in date strings}{68}{\code {hour \r {in date strings}}} \entry{minute in date strings}{68}{\code {minute \r {in date strings}}} \entry{ago in date strings}{68}{\code {ago \r {in date strings}}} \entry{day in date strings}{68}{\code {day \r {in date strings}}} \entry{tomorrow in date strings}{68}{\code {tomorrow \r {in date strings}}} \entry{yesterday in date strings}{68}{\code {yesterday \r {in date strings}}} \entry{now in date strings}{68}{\code {now \r {in date strings}}} \entry{today in date strings}{68}{\code {today \r {in date strings}}} \entry{this in date strings}{68}{\code {this \r {in date strings}}} \entry{Pure numbers in date strings}{68}{Pure numbers in date strings} \entry{Authors of getdate}{69}{Authors of \code {getdate}} \entry{Bellovin, Steven M.}{69}{Bellovin, Steven M.} \entry{Salz, Rich}{69}{Salz, Rich} \entry{Berets, Jim}{69}{Berets, Jim} \entry{MacKenzie, David}{69}{MacKenzie, David} \entry{Meyering, Jim}{69}{Meyering, Jim} \entry{Pinard, F.}{69}{Pinard, F.} \entry{Berry, K.}{69}{Berry, K.} \entry{File names, using symbolic links}{71}{File names, using symbolic links} \entry{Symbolic link as file name}{71}{Symbolic link as file name} \entry{Format, old style}{72}{Format, old style} \entry{Old style format}{72}{Old style format} \entry{Old style archives}{72}{Old style archives} \entry{Compressed archives}{76}{Compressed archives} \entry{Storing archives in compressed format}{76}{Storing archives in compressed format} \entry{corrupted archives}{78}{corrupted archives} \entry{Sparse Files}{80}{Sparse Files} \entry{remote tape drive}{101}{remote tape drive} \entry{rmt}{101}{\code {rmt}} \entry{absolute file names}{101}{absolute file names} \entry{Ultrix 3.1 and write failure}{102}{Ultrix 3.1 and write failure} \entry{Format Parameters}{105}{Format Parameters} \entry{Format Options}{105}{Format Options} \entry{Options, archive format specifying}{105}{Options, archive format specifying} \entry{Options, format specifying}{105}{Options, format specifying} \entry{Blocking Factor}{106}{Blocking Factor} \entry{Record Size}{106}{Record Size} \entry{Number of blocks per record}{106}{Number of blocks per record} \entry{Number of bytes per record}{106}{Number of bytes per record} \entry{Bytes per record}{106}{Bytes per record} \entry{Blocks per record}{106}{Blocks per record} \entry{blocking factor}{109}{blocking factor} \entry{tape blocking}{109}{tape blocking} \entry{Exabyte blocking}{109}{Exabyte blocking} \entry{DAT blocking}{109}{DAT blocking} \entry{ntape device}{110}{\code {ntape \r {device}}} \entry{tape positioning}{110}{tape positioning} \entry{tape marks}{111}{tape marks} \entry{Multi-volume archives}{115}{Multi-volume archives} \entry{Labelling multi-volume archives}{116}{Labelling multi-volume archives} \entry{Labeling an archive}{117}{Labeling an archive} \entry{Labels on the archive media}{117}{Labels on the archive media} \entry{Verifying a write operation}{118}{Verifying a write operation} \entry{Double-checking a write operation}{118}{Double-checking a write operation} \entry{exit status}{122}{exit status} \entry{return status}{122}{return status} \entry{option syntax, traditional}{126}{option syntax, traditional} \entry{Progress information}{142}{Progress information} \entry{Status information}{142}{Status information} \entry{Information on progress and status of subcommands}{142}{Information on progress and status of subcommands} \entry{Verbose subcommand}{142}{Verbose subcommand} \entry{Block number where error occured}{142}{Block number where error occured} \entry{Error message, block number of}{142}{Error message, block number of} \entry{Version of the tar program}{142}{Version of the \code {tar} program} \entry{Getting more information}{142}{Getting more information} \entry{Information during operation}{142}{Information during operation} \entry{Feedback from tar}{142}{Feedback from \code {tar}} \entry{Interactive action}{143}{Interactive action} \entry{Acting interactively}{143}{Acting interactively}