INSTALL-INFO(1) User Commands INSTALL-INFO(1) NNAAMMEE install-info - update info/dir entries SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS iinnssttaallll--iinnffoo [_O_P_T_I_O_N]... [_I_N_F_O_-_F_I_L_E [_D_I_R_-_F_I_L_E]] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Add or remove entries in INFO-FILE from the Info directory DIR-FILE. OOPPTTIIOONNSS ----ddeebbuugg report what is being done. ----ddeelleettee delete existing entries for INFO-FILE from DIR-FILE; don't insert any new entries. ----ddeessccrriippttiioonn=_T_E_X_T the description of the entry is TEXT; used with the ----nnaammee option to become synonymous with the ----eennttrryy option. ----ddiirr--ffiillee=_N_A_M_E specify file name of Info directory file; equiva- lent to using the DIR-FILE argument. ----ddrryy--rruunn same as ----tteesstt. ----eennttrryy=_T_E_X_T insert TEXT as an Info directory entry. TEXT is written as an Info menu item line followed by zero or more extra lines starting with whites- pace. If you specify more than one entry, all are added. If you don't specify any entries, they are deter- mined from information in the Info file itself. When removing, TEXT specifies the entry to remove. TEXT is only removed as a last resort, if the entry as determined from the Info file is not present, and the basename of the Info file isn't found either. ----hheellpp display this help and exit. ----iinnffoo--ddiirr=_D_I_R same as ----ddiirr--ffiillee=_D_I_R/dir. install-info 4.13 September 2008 1 INSTALL-INFO(1) User Commands INSTALL-INFO(1) ----iinnffoo--ffiillee=_F_I_L_E specify Info file to install in the directory; equivalent to using the INFO-FILE argument. ----iitteemm=_T_E_X_T same as ----eennttrryy=_T_E_X_T. ----kkeeeepp--oolldd do not replace entries, or remove empty sections. ----mmeennuueennttrryy=_T_E_X_T same as ----nnaammee=_T_E_X_T. ----nnaammee=_T_E_X_T the name of the entry is TEXT; used with ----ddeessccrriipp-- ttiioonn to become synonymous with the ----eennttrryy option. ----nnoo--iinnddeenntt do not format new entries in the DIR file. ----qquuiieett suppress warnings. ----rreeggeexx=_R put this file's entries in all sections that match the regular expression R (ignoring case). ----rreemmoovvee same as ----ddeelleettee. ----rreemmoovvee--eexxaaccttllyy only remove if the info file name matches exactly; suffixes such as .info and .gz are not ignored. ----sseeccttiioonn=_S_E_C put entries in section SEC of the directory. If you specify more than one section, all the entries are added in each of the sections. If you don't specify any sections, they are deter- mined from information in the Info file itself. ----sseeccttiioonn R SEC equivalent to ----rreeggeexx=_R ----sseeccttiioonn=_S_E_C ----aadddd--oonnccee. ----ssiilleenntt suppress warnings. ----tteesstt suppress updating of DIR-FILE. install-info 4.13 September 2008 2 INSTALL-INFO(1) User Commands INSTALL-INFO(1) ----vveerrssiioonn display version information and exit. RREEPPOORRTTIINNGG BBUUGGSS Email bug reports to, general ques- tions and discussion to Texinfo home page: CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redis- tribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SSEEEE AALLSSOO The full documentation for iinnssttaallll--iinnffoo is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the iinnffoo and iinnssttaallll--iinnffoo programs are properly installed at your site, the command iinnffoo iinnssttaallll--iinnffoo should give you access to the complete manual. install-info 4.13 September 2008 3