/* makedoc.c -- make doc.c and funs.h from input files. $Id: makedoc.c,v 1.10 2008/06/11 09:55:42 gray Exp $ Copyright (C) 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Originally written by Brian Fox (bfox@ai.mit.edu). */ /* This program grovels the contents of the source files passed as arguments and writes out a file of function pointers and documentation strings, and a header file which describes the contents. This only does the functions declared with DECLARE_INFO_COMMAND. */ #include "info.h" #include "infokey.h" char *program_name = "makedoc"; static void fatal_file_error (char *filename); /* Name of the header file which receives the declarations of functions. */ static char *funs_filename = "funs.h"; /* Name of the documentation to function pointer file. */ static char *doc_filename = "doc.c"; static char *key_filename = "key.c"; static char *doc_header[] = { "/* doc.c -- Generated structure containing function names and doc strings.", "", " This file was automatically made from various source files with the", " command `%s'. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, only `%s.c'.", NULL }; static char *doc_header_1[] = { " An entry in the array FUNCTION_DOC_ARRAY is made for each command", " found in the above files; each entry consists of a function pointer,", #if defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) " a string which is the user-visible name of the function,", #endif /* NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ " and a string which documents its purpose. */", "", "#include \"info.h\"", "#include \"funs.h\"", "", "FUNCTION_DOC function_doc_array[] = {", "", NULL }; static char *key_header[] = { "/* key.c -- Generated array containing function names.", "", " This file was automatically made from various source files with the", " command \"%s\". DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, only \"%s.c\".", "", NULL }; static char *key_header_1[] = { " An entry in the array FUNCTION_KEY_ARRAY is made for each command", " found in the above files; each entry consists of", " a string which is the user-visible name of the function. */", "", "#include \"key.h\"", "#include \"funs.h\"", "", "FUNCTION_KEY function_key_array[] = {", "", NULL }; /* How to remember the locations of the functions found so that Emacs can use the information in a tag table. */ typedef struct { char *name; /* Name of the tag. */ int line; /* Line number at which it appears. */ long char_offset; /* Character offset at which it appears. */ } EMACS_TAG; typedef struct { char *filename; /* Name of the file containing entries. */ long entrylen; /* Total number of characters in tag block. */ EMACS_TAG **entries; /* Entries found in FILENAME. */ int entries_index; int entries_slots; } EMACS_TAG_BLOCK; EMACS_TAG_BLOCK **emacs_tags = NULL; int emacs_tags_index = 0; int emacs_tags_slots = 0; #define DECLARATION_STRING "\nDECLARE_INFO_COMMAND" static void process_one_file (char *filename, FILE *doc_stream, FILE *key_stream, FILE *funs_stream); static void maybe_dump_tags (FILE *stream); static FILE *must_fopen (char *filename, char *mode); static void init_func_key (unsigned int val); static unsigned int next_func_key (void); int main (int argc, char **argv) { register int i; int tags_only = 0; FILE *funs_stream, *doc_stream; FILE *key_stream; #if STRIP_DOT_EXE { char *dot = strrchr (argv[0], '.'); if (dot && FILENAME_CMP (dot, ".exe") == 0) *dot = 0; } #endif for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) if (strcmp (argv[i], "-tags") == 0) { tags_only++; break; } if (tags_only) { funs_filename = NULL_DEVICE; doc_filename = NULL_DEVICE; key_filename = NULL_DEVICE; } /* The order of these calls depends exactly on the order in the Makefile.{in,am}, or they might fail on filesystems with high-precision times; see also the fclose calls below. */ funs_stream = must_fopen (funs_filename, "w"); key_stream = must_fopen (key_filename, "w"); doc_stream = must_fopen (doc_filename, "w"); fprintf (funs_stream, "/* %s -- Generated declarations for Info commands. */\n\n\ #include \"info.h\"\n", funs_filename); for (i = 0; doc_header[i]; i++) { fprintf (doc_stream, doc_header[i], argv[0], argv[0]); fprintf (doc_stream, "\n"); } fprintf (doc_stream, _(" Source files groveled to make this file include:\n\n")); for (i = 0; key_header[i]; i++) { fprintf (key_stream, key_header[i], argv[0], argv[0]); fprintf (key_stream, "\n"); } fprintf (key_stream, _(" Source files groveled to make this file include:\n\n")); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { fprintf (doc_stream, "\t%s\n", argv[i]); fprintf (key_stream, "\t%s\n", argv[i]); } fprintf (doc_stream, "\n"); for (i = 0; doc_header_1[i]; i++) fprintf (doc_stream, "%s\n", doc_header_1[i]); fprintf (key_stream, "\n"); for (i = 0; key_header_1[i]; i++) fprintf (key_stream, "%s\n", key_header_1[i]); init_func_key(0); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *curfile; curfile = argv[i]; if (*curfile == '-') continue; fprintf (doc_stream, "/* Commands found in \"%s\". */\n", curfile); fprintf (key_stream, "/* Commands found in \"%s\". */\n", curfile); fprintf (funs_stream, "\n/* Functions declared in \"%s\". */\n", curfile); process_one_file (curfile, doc_stream, key_stream, funs_stream); } #if defined (INFOKEY) #if defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) fprintf (doc_stream, " { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }\n};\n"); #else /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ fprintf (doc_stream, " { NULL, NULL, NULL }\n};\n"); #endif /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ #else /* !INFOKEY */ #if defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) fprintf (doc_stream, " { NULL, NULL, NULL }\n};\n"); #else /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ fprintf (doc_stream, " { NULL, NULL }\n};\n"); #endif /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ #endif /* !INFOKEY */ fprintf (key_stream, " { NULL, 0 }\n};\n"); fprintf (funs_stream, "\n#define A_NCOMMANDS %u\n", next_func_key()); /* The order of these calls also depends exactly on the order in the * Makefile.{in,am}; see the must_fopen calls above. */ fclose (funs_stream); fclose (key_stream); fclose (doc_stream); if (tags_only) maybe_dump_tags (stdout); return 0; } /* Dumping out the contents of an Emacs tags table. */ static void maybe_dump_tags (FILE *stream) { register int i; /* Emacs needs its TAGS file to be in Unix text format (i.e., only newline at end of every line, no CR), so when we generate a TAGS table, we must switch the output stream to binary mode. (If the table is written to a terminal, this is obviously not needed.) */ SET_BINARY (fileno (stream)); /* Print out the information for each block. */ for (i = 0; i < emacs_tags_index; i++) { register int j; register EMACS_TAG_BLOCK *block; register EMACS_TAG *etag; long block_len; block_len = 0; block = emacs_tags[i]; /* Calculate the length of the dumped block first. */ for (j = 0; j < block->entries_index; j++) { char digits[30]; etag = block->entries[j]; block_len += 3 + strlen (etag->name); sprintf (digits, "%d,%ld", etag->line, etag->char_offset); block_len += strlen (digits); } /* Print out the defining line. */ fprintf (stream, "\f\n%s,%ld\n", block->filename, block_len); /* Print out the individual tags. */ for (j = 0; j < block->entries_index; j++) { etag = block->entries[j]; fprintf (stream, "%s,\177%d,%ld\n", etag->name, etag->line, etag->char_offset); } } } /* Keeping track of names, line numbers and character offsets of functions found in source files. */ static EMACS_TAG_BLOCK * make_emacs_tag_block (char *filename) { EMACS_TAG_BLOCK *block; block = xmalloc (sizeof (EMACS_TAG_BLOCK)); block->filename = xstrdup (filename); block->entrylen = 0; block->entries = NULL; block->entries_index = 0; block->entries_slots = 0; return block; } static void add_tag_to_block (EMACS_TAG_BLOCK *block, char *name, int line, long int char_offset) { EMACS_TAG *tag; tag = xmalloc (sizeof (EMACS_TAG)); tag->name = name; tag->line = line; tag->char_offset = char_offset; add_pointer_to_array (tag, block->entries_index, block->entries, block->entries_slots, 50, EMACS_TAG *); } /* Read the file represented by FILENAME into core, and search it for Info function declarations. Output the declarations in various forms to the DOC_STREAM, KEY_STREAM, and FUNS_STREAM. */ static void process_one_file (char *filename, FILE *doc_stream, FILE *key_stream, FILE *funs_stream) { int descriptor, decl_len; char *buffer, *decl_str; struct stat finfo; long offset; long file_size; EMACS_TAG_BLOCK *block; if (stat (filename, &finfo) == -1) fatal_file_error (filename); descriptor = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0666); if (descriptor == -1) fatal_file_error (filename); file_size = (long) finfo.st_size; buffer = xmalloc (1 + file_size); /* On some systems, the buffer will actually contain less characters than the full file's size, because the CR characters are removed from line endings. */ file_size = read (descriptor, buffer, file_size); close (descriptor); offset = 0; decl_str = DECLARATION_STRING; decl_len = strlen (decl_str); block = make_emacs_tag_block (filename); while (1) { long point = 0; long line_start = 0; int line_number = 0; char *func, *doc; #if defined (INFOKEY) || defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) char *func_name; #endif /* INFOKEY || NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ for (; offset < (file_size - decl_len); offset++) { if (buffer[offset] == '\n') { line_number++; line_start = offset + 1; } if (strncmp (buffer + offset, decl_str, decl_len) == 0) { offset += decl_len; point = offset; break; } } if (!point) break; /* Skip forward until we find the open paren. */ while (point < file_size) { if (buffer[point] == '\n') { line_number++; line_start = point + 1; } else if (buffer[point] == '(') break; point++; } while (point++ < file_size) { if (!whitespace_or_newline (buffer[point])) break; else if (buffer[point] == '\n') { line_number++; line_start = point + 1; } } if (point >= file_size) break; /* Now looking at name of function. Get it. */ for (offset = point; buffer[offset] != ','; offset++); func = xmalloc (1 + (offset - point)); strncpy (func, buffer + point, offset - point); func[offset - point] = '\0'; /* Remember this tag in the current block. */ { char *tag_name; tag_name = xmalloc (1 + (offset - line_start)); strncpy (tag_name, buffer + line_start, offset - line_start); tag_name[offset - line_start] = '\0'; add_tag_to_block (block, tag_name, line_number, point); } #if defined (INFOKEY) || defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) /* Generate the user-visible function name from the function's name. */ { register int i; char *name_start; name_start = func; if (strncmp (name_start, "info_", 5) == 0) name_start += 5; func_name = xstrdup (name_start); /* Fix up "ea" commands. */ if (strncmp (func_name, "ea_", 3) == 0) { char *temp_func_name; temp_func_name = xmalloc (10 + strlen (func_name)); strcpy (temp_func_name, "echo_area_"); strcat (temp_func_name, func_name + 3); free (func_name); func_name = temp_func_name; } for (i = 0; func_name[i]; i++) if (func_name[i] == '_') func_name[i] = '-'; } #endif /* INFOKEY || NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ /* Find doc string. */ point = offset + 1; while (point < file_size) { if (buffer[point] == '\n') { line_number++; line_start = point + 1; } if (buffer[point] == '"') break; else point++; } offset = point + 1; while (offset < file_size) { if (buffer[offset] == '\n') { line_number++; line_start = offset + 1; } if (buffer[offset] == '\\') offset += 2; else if (buffer[offset] == '"') break; else offset++; } offset++; if (offset >= file_size) break; doc = xmalloc (1 + (offset - point)); strncpy (doc, buffer + point, offset - point); doc[offset - point] = '\0'; #if defined (INFOKEY) #if defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) fprintf (doc_stream, " { (VFunction *)%s, \"%s\", (FUNCTION_KEYSEQ *)0, %s },\n", func, func_name, doc); #else /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ fprintf (doc_stream, " { (VFunction *) %s, (FUNCTION_KEYSEQ *)0, %s },\n", func, doc); #endif /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ fprintf (key_stream, " { \"%s\", A_%s },\n", func_name, func); #else /* !INFOKEY */ #if defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) fprintf (doc_stream, " { %s, \"%s\", %s },\n", func, func_name, doc); #else /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ fprintf (doc_stream, " { %s, %s },\n", func, doc); #endif /* !NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ #endif /* !INFOKEY */ #if defined (INFOKEY) || defined (NAMED_FUNCTIONS) free (func_name); #endif /* INFOKEY || NAMED_FUNCTIONS */ #if defined (INFOKEY) fprintf (funs_stream, "#define A_%s %u\n", func, next_func_key()); #endif /* INFOKEY */ fprintf (funs_stream, "extern void %s (WINDOW *window, int count, unsigned char key);\n", func); free (func); free (doc); } free (buffer); /* If we created any tags, remember this file on our global list. Otherwise, free the memory already allocated to it. */ if (block->entries) add_pointer_to_array (block, emacs_tags_index, emacs_tags, emacs_tags_slots, 10, EMACS_TAG_BLOCK *); else { free (block->filename); free (block); } } static void fatal_file_error (char *filename) { fprintf (stderr, _("Couldn't manipulate the file %s.\n"), filename); xexit (2); } static FILE * must_fopen (char *filename, char *mode) { FILE *stream; stream = fopen (filename, mode); if (!stream) fatal_file_error (filename); return stream; } static unsigned int func_key; static void init_func_key(unsigned int val) { func_key = val; } static unsigned int next_func_key(void) { return func_key++; }