/* makeinfo.h -- declarations for Makeinfo.
$Id: makeinfo.h,v 1.31 2008/03/26 23:57:12 karl Exp $
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
Written by Brian Fox (bfox@ai.mit.edu). */
#ifndef MAKEINFO_H
#define MAKEINFO_H
# define DECLARE(type,var,init) type var = init
# define DECLARE(type,var,init) extern type var
/* Hardcoded per GNU standards, not dependent on argv[0]. */
DECLARE (char *, progname, "makeinfo");
/* Nonzero means a string is in execution, as opposed to a file. */
DECLARE (int, executing_string, 0);
/* Nonzero means to inhibit writing macro expansions to the output
stream, because it has already been written. */
DECLARE (int, me_inhibit_expansion, 0);
/* Current output stream. */
DECLARE (FILE *, output_stream, NULL);
DECLARE (char *, pretty_output_filename, NULL);
/* Current output file name. */
DECLARE (char *, current_output_filename, NULL);
/* Output paragraph buffer and its length. */
DECLARE (unsigned char *, output_paragraph, NULL);
DECLARE (int, paragraph_buffer_len, INITIAL_PARAGRAPH_BUFFER_LEN);
/* Offset into OUTPUT_PARAGRAPH. */
DECLARE (int, output_paragraph_offset, 0);
/* Position in the output file. */
DECLARE (int, output_position, 0);
/* Number of lines in the output. */
DECLARE (int, output_line_number, 1);
DECLARE (int, node_line_number, 0);
/* The offset into OUTPUT_PARAGRAPH where we have a meta character
produced by a markup such as @code or @dfn. */
DECLARE (int, meta_char_pos, -1);
/* Nonzero means output_paragraph contains text. */
DECLARE (int, paragraph_is_open, 0);
/* Nonzero means that `start_paragraph' MUST be called before we pay
any attention to `close_paragraph' calls. */
DECLARE (int, must_start_paragraph, 0);
/* Nonzero if we have output the topmatter of the output file. */
DECLARE (int, output_head_p, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we have seen "@top" once already. */
DECLARE (int, top_node_seen, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we have seen a non-"@top" node already. */
DECLARE (int, non_top_node_seen, 0);
/* Nonzero indicates that indentation is temporarily turned off. */
DECLARE (int, no_indent, 1);
/* The amount of indentation to apply at the start of each line. */
DECLARE (int, current_indent, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we suppress the indentation of the first paragraph
following any section heading. */
DECLARE (int, do_first_par_indent, 0);
/* Amount by which @example indentation increases/decreases. */
DECLARE (int, example_indentation_increment, 5);
/* Amount by which @table, @defun, etc. indentation increases/decreases. */
DECLARE (int, default_indentation_increment, 5);
/* Amount by which xml indentation increases/decreases.
Zero means unnecessary whitespace is compressed. */
DECLARE (int, xml_indentation_increment, 2);
/* Nonzero indicates that filling a line also indents the new line. */
DECLARE (int, indented_fill, 0);
/* Nonzero means forcing output text to be flushright. */
DECLARE (int, force_flush_right, 0);
/* The column at which long lines are broken. */
DECLARE (int, fill_column, 72);
/* Nonzero means we're doing one space after sentences (@frenchspacing). */
DECLARE (int, french_spacing, 0);
/* Nonzero means that words are not to be split, even in long lines. This
gets changed for cm_w (). */
DECLARE (int, non_splitting_words, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we are currently hacking the insides of an
insertion which would use a fixed width font. */
DECLARE (int, in_fixed_width_font, 0);
/* Nonzero if we are currently processing a multitable command */
DECLARE (int, multitable_active, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we're generating HTML. (--html) */
DECLARE (int, html, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we're generating XML. (--xml) */
DECLARE (int, xml, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we're generating DocBook. (--docbook) */
DECLARE (int, docbook, 0);
/* Nonzero means 8-bit output for Info and plain text, according to
@documentencoding. (--enable-encoding) */
DECLARE (int, enable_encoding, 1);
/* Nonzero means escape characters in HTML output. */
DECLARE (int, escape_html, 1);
/* Access key number for next menu entry to be generated (1 to 9, or 10 to
mean no access key) */
DECLARE (int, next_menu_item_number, 1);
/* Nonzero means that the use of paragraph_start_indent is inhibited.
@example uses this to line up the left columns of the example text.
A negative value for this variable is incremented each time it is used.
@noindent uses this to inhibit indentation for a single paragraph. */
DECLARE (int, inhibit_paragraph_indentation, 0);
/* Nonzero indicates that filling will take place on long lines. */
DECLARE (int, filling_enabled, 1);
/* The current node's node name. */
DECLARE (char *, current_node, NULL);
/* Command name in the process of being hacked. */
DECLARE (char *, command, NULL);
/* Nonzero if we have seen an @titlepage command. */
DECLARE (int, titlepage_cmd_present, 0);
/* @copying ... @end copying. */
DECLARE (char *, copying_text, NULL);
/* @documentdescription ... @end documentdescription. */
DECLARE (const char *, document_description, NULL);
/* Nonzero if the last character inserted has the syntax class of NEWLINE. */
DECLARE (int, last_char_was_newline, 1);
/* The current input file state. */
DECLARE (char *, input_filename, (char *)NULL);
DECLARE (char *, input_text, (char *)NULL);
DECLARE (int, input_text_length, 0);
DECLARE (int, input_text_offset, 0);
DECLARE (int, line_number, 0);
DECLARE (char *, toplevel_output_filename, NULL);
#define curchar() input_text[input_text_offset]
/* A colon separated list of directories to search for files included
with @include. This can be controlled with the `-I' option to makeinfo. */
DECLARE (char *, include_files_path, NULL);
/* The filename of the current input file. This is never freed. */
DECLARE (char *, node_filename, NULL);
/* Name of CSS file to include, if any. (--css-include). */
DECLARE (char *, css_include, NULL);
/* Name of CSS to reference, if any. (--css-ref). */
DECLARE (char *, css_ref, NULL);
/* Transliterate file names into ASCII */
DECLARE (int, transliterate_file_names, 0);
/* Nonzero means do not output "Node: Foo" for node separations, that
is, generate plain text. (--no-headers) */
DECLARE (int, no_headers, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we process @docbook and @ifdocbook. (--ifdocbook) */
DECLARE (int, process_docbook, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we process @html and @rawhtml even when not
generating HTML. (--ifhtml) */
DECLARE (int, process_html, 0);
/* Positive means process @ifinfo (even if not generating Info);
zero means don't process @ifinfo (even if we are);
-1 means we don't know yet. (--ifinfo) */
DECLARE (int, process_info, -1);
/* Positive means process @ifplaintext (even if not generating plain text);
zero means we don't process @ifplaintext (even if we are);
-1 means we don't know yet. (--ifplaintext) */
DECLARE (int, process_plaintext, -1);
/* Nonzero means that we process @tex and @iftex. (--iftex) */
DECLARE (int, process_tex, 0);
/* Nonzero means that we process @xml and @ifxml. (--ifxml) */
DECLARE (int, process_xml, 0);
/* Default is to check node references. (--no-validate) */
DECLARE (int, validating, 1);
/* Nonzero means print information about what is going on. (--verbose) */
DECLARE (int, verbose_mode, 0);
/* Nonzero means prefix each @chapter, ... with a number like
1, 1.1, etc. (--number-sections) */
DECLARE (int, number_sections, 1);
/* Nonzero means split size. When zero, DEFAULT_SPLIT_SIZE is used. */
DECLARE (int, split_size, 0);
/* Nonzero means expand node names and references while validating.
This will avoid errors when the Texinfo document uses features
like @@ and @value inconsistently in node names, but will slow
the program by about 80%. You HAVE been warned. */
DECLARE (int, expensive_validation, 0);
/* C's standard macros don't check to make sure that the characters being
changed are within range. So I have to check explicitly. */
#define coerce_to_upper(c) ((islower(c) ? toupper(c) : (c)))
#define coerce_to_lower(c) ((isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : (c)))
#define whitespace(c) ((c) == '\t' || (c) == ' ')
#define sentence_ender(c) ((c) == '.' || (c) == '?' || (c) == '!')
#define cr_or_whitespace(c) (whitespace(c) || (c) == '\r' || (c) == '\n')
#ifndef isletter
#define isletter(c) (((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'z'))
#ifndef isupper
#define isupper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z')
#ifndef isdigit
#define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
#ifndef digit_value
#define digit_value(c) ((c) - '0')
/* These characters are not really HTML-safe (with strict XHTML),
and also there are possible collisions. That's the whole reason we
designed a new conversion scheme in the first place. But we
nevertheless need to generate the old names. See
`add_escaped_anchor_name' in html.c. */
#define OLD_HTML_SAFE "$-_.+!*'()"
#define OLD_URL_SAFE_CHAR(ch) (strchr (OLD_HTML_SAFE, ch))
/* For the current/stable scheme. */
#define URL_SAFE_CHAR(ch) (((unsigned char)ch)<128 && isalnum (ch))
#define COMMAND_PREFIX '@'
/* A byte value to represent a non-breaking space until flush_output (). */
#define END_VERBATIM "end verbatim"
/* Stuff for splitting large files. The numbers for Emacs
texinfo-format-buffer are much smaller, but memory capacities have
increased so much, 50k info files seem a bit tiny these days. */
#define DEFAULT_SPLIT_SIZE 300000
DECLARE (int, splitting, 1); /* Defaults to true for now. */
#define skip_whitespace() \
while ((input_text_offset != input_text_length) && \
whitespace (curchar())) \
#define skip_whitespace_and_newlines() \
do { \
while (input_text_offset != input_text_length \
&& cr_or_whitespace (curchar ())) \
{ \
if (curchar () == '\n') \
line_number++; \
input_text_offset++; \
} \
} while (0)
/* Return nonzero if STRING is the text at input_text + input_text_offset,
else zero. */
#define looking_at(string) \
(strncmp (input_text + input_text_offset, string, strlen (string)) == 0)
/* Any list with a member named `next'. */
typedef struct generic_list {
struct generic_list *next;
/* Use `gdt' instead of `_' to translate strings that end up in the
output document. */
extern char *getdocumenttext (const char *msgid);
#define gdt(s) getdocumenttext(s)
/* Reverse the order of a list. */
extern GENERIC_LIST * reverse_list (GENERIC_LIST *list);
/* Possibly return Local Variables trailer for Info output. */
extern char *info_trailer (void),
*expansion (char *str, int implicit_code),
*text_expansion (char *str),
*maybe_escaped_expansion (char *str, int implicit_code, int do_escape_html),
*full_expansion (char *str, int implicit_code);
extern void free_and_clear (char **pointer),
add_word (char *string),
add_char (int character),
add_meta_char (int character),
close_single_paragraph (void),
insert_string (const char *),
insert (int character),
get_rest_of_line (int expand, char **string),
add_html_block_elt (char *string),
get_until_in_braces (char *match, char **string),
get_until_in_line (int expand, char *match, char **string),
canon_white (char *string),
discard_until (char *string),
indent (int amount),
kill_self_indent (int count),
backup_input_pointer (void),
inhibit_output_flushing (void),
uninhibit_output_flushing (void),
flush_output (void),
start_paragraph (void),
close_paragraph (void),
close_insertion_paragraph (void),
init_paragraph (void),
ignore_blank_line (void),
reader_loop (void),
discard_braces (void),
replace_with_expansion (int from, int *to),
fix_whitespace (char *string),
output_head (void),
add_html_elt (char *string);
extern int get_until (char *match, char **string),
set_paragraph_indent (char *string),
self_delimiting (int character),
search_forward (const char *string, int from),
search_forward_until_pos (char *string, int from, int end_pos),
next_nonwhitespace_character (void),
current_output_column (void),
fs_error (char *filename);
#if defined (VA_FPRINTF) && __STDC__
/* Unfortunately we must use prototypes if we are to use . */
extern void add_word_args (const char *, ...),
add_html_block_elt_args (const char *, ...),
execute_string (char *, ...),
warning (const char *format, ...),
error (const char *format, ...),
line_error (const char *format, ...),
file_line_error (char *infile, int lno, const char *format, ...);
extern void add_word_args (),
add_html_block_elt_args (),
execute_string (),
warning (),
error (),
line_error (),
file_line_error ();
#endif /* no prototypes */
#endif /* not MAKEINFO_H */