# -*- makefile -*- cat-summary = concatenate files and print on the standard output cksum-summary = checksum and count the bytes in a file comm-summary = compare two sorted files line by line csplit-summary = split a file into sections determined by context lines cut-summary = remove sections from each line of files expand-summary = convert tabs to spaces fmt-summary = simple optimal text formatter fold-summary = wrap each input line to fit in specified width head-summary = output the first part of files join-summary = join lines of two files on a common field md5sum-summary = compute and check MD5 message digest nl-summary = number lines of files od-summary = dump files in octal and other formats paste-summary = merge lines of files ptx-summary = produce a permuted index of file contents pr-summary = convert text files for printing sort-summary = sort lines of text files split-summary = split a file into pieces sum-summary = checksum and count the blocks in a file tac-summary = concatenate and print files in reverse tail-summary = output the last part of files tr-summary = translate or delete characters tsort-summary = perform topological sort unexpand-summary = convert spaces to tabs uniq-summary = remove duplicate lines from a sorted file wc-summary = print the number of bytes, words, and lines in files