; Copyright (C) 1995,1996 CW Sandmann (sandmann@clio.rice.edu) 1206 Braelinn, Sugarland, TX 77479 ; Copyright (C) 1993 DJ Delorie, 24 Kirsten Ave, Rochester NH 03867-2954 ; ; This file is distributed under the terms listed in the document ; "copying.cws", available from CW Sandmann at the address above. ; A copy of "copying.cws" should accompany this file; if not, a copy ; should be available from where this file was obtained. This file ; may not be distributed without a verbatim copy of "copying.cws". ; ; This file is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; .386p DGROUP group _DATA,_BSS ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ start_code16 macro ;_TEXT segment byte public 'code' use16 _TEXT segment dword public 'code' use16 assume cs:_TEXT,ds:DGROUP,ss:DGROUP endm end_code16 macro ; align 10h _TEXT ends endm start_code16 end_code16 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ start_data16 macro _DATA segment word public 'DATA' use16 endm end_data16 macro ; align 10h _DATA ends endm start_data16 end_data16 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ start_bss macro _BSS segment word public 'BSS' endm end_bss macro ; align 10h _BSS ends endm start_bss end_bss .386p jmpt macro sel db 0eah dw 0,sel endm