Long file name API services INTRO This short note describes API calls supported by LFN Services Both Windows 9X LFN API as well as private API are documented Windows 9X LFN API The following API calls are handled GET_LAST_ACCESS_DATE AX = 5704h supported SET_LAST_ACCESS_DATE AX = 5705h supported GET_CREATION_DATE AX = 5706h supported SET_CREATION_DATE AX = 5707h supported LONG_RESET_DRIVE AX = 710Dh supported LONG_CREATE_DIRECTORY AX = 7139h supported LONG_REMOVE_DIRECTORY AX = 713Ah supported LONG_SET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY AX = 713Bh supported LONG_DELETE_FILE AX = 7141h supported LONG_GET_SET_FILE_ATTR AX = 7143h supported LONG_GET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY AX = 7147h supported LONG_FIND_FIRST AX = 714Eh supported LONG_FIND_NEXT AX = 714Fh supported LONG_RENAME_FILE AX = 7156h supported LONG_TRUENAME AX = 7160h supported LONG_CREATE_FILE AX = 716Ch supported LONG_GET_VOLUME_INFORMATION AX = 71A0h supported LONG_FIND_CLOSE AX = 71A1h supported LONG_FIND_NEXT_EXT AX = 71A2h supported LONG_GET_FILE_INFORMATION AX = 71A6h supported LONG_CONVERT_TIME AX = 71A7h supported LONG_GENERATE_SHORT_NAME AX = 71A8h supported LONG_SERVER_CREATE_FILE AX = 71A9h supported LONG_HANDLE_SUBST AX = 71AAh supported These calls are also supported W95_GET_COMPRESSED_FILE_SIZE AX = 4302h W95_EXT_LENGTH_FILENAME_OPERATIONS AX = 43FFh CREATE_DIRECTORY CL = 39h RENAME_FILE CL = 56h Auxillary calls SET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY AX = 3B00h sets current working directory Private API Do not rely on this API as it may be changed in the future LFNSRV_API AX = 7171h LFNSRV_GET_LOADER_INFO BX = 0001h AX handle to lfnsrv VDD BX loader build info (same as build of lfnsrv VDD) CX magic value DS:DX old int 21h entry (before hooked by the loader) LFNSRV_SET_SFT_INFO BX = 0003h ES:DI pointer to SFT table