# Functions that handle calling dialog(1) -*-perl-*- # Return values are 1 for success and 0 for failure (or cancel) # Resultant text (if any) is in dialog_result # Unfortunately, the gauge requires use of /bin/sh to get going. # I didn't bother to make the others shell-free, although it # would be simple to do. # Note that dialog generally returns 0 for success, so I invert the # sense of the return code for more readable boolean expressions. $scr_lines = 24; require "flush.pl"; sub rhs_clear { return system("dialog --clear"); } sub rhs_textbox { local ( $title, $file, $width, $height ) = @_; system("dialog --title \"$title\" --textbox $file $height $width"); return 1; } sub rhs_msgbox { local ( $title, $message, $width ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $height, $message_len ); $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = 4 + $message_len; $tmp = system("dialog --title \"$title\" --msgbox \"$message\" $height $width"); if ($tmp) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub rhs_infobox { local ( $title, $message, $width ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $height, $message_len ); $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = 2 + $message_len; return system("dialog --title \"$title\" --infobox \"$message\" $height $width"); } sub rhs_yesno { local ( $title, $message, $width ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $height, $message_len ); $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = 4 + $message_len; $tmp = system("dialog --title \"$title\" --yesno \"$message\" $height $width"); # Dumb: dialog returns 0 for "yes" and 1 for "no" if (! $tmp) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub rhs_gauge { local ( $title, $message, $width, $percent ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $height, $message_len ); $gauge_width = $width; $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = 5 + $message_len; open(GAUGE, "|dialog --title \"$title\" --gauge \"$message\" $height $width $percent"); } sub rhs_update_gauge { local ( $percent ) = @_; &printflush(GAUGE, "$percent\n"); } sub rhs_update_gauge_and_message { local ( $message, $percent ) = @_; $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $gauge_width); $message =~ s/\n/\\n/g; &printflush(GAUGE, "XXX\n$percent\n$message\nXXX\n"); } sub rhs_stop_gauge { close GAUGE; } sub rhs_inputbox { local ( $title, $message, $width, $instr ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $height, $message_len ); $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = 7 + $message_len; return &return_output(0, "dialog --title \"$title\" --inputbox \"$message\" $height $width \"$instr\""); } sub rhs_menu { local ( $title, $message, $width, $numitems ) = @_; local ( $i, $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $numitems; $i++) { $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output(0, "dialog --title \"$title\" --menu \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_menul { local ( $title, $message, $width, $numitems ) = @_; local ( $i, $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $numitems; $i++) { $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $list[@list] = "\"\""; } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output(0, "dialog --title \"$title\" --menu \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_menua { local ( $title, $message, $width, %items ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); @list = (); foreach $ent (sort keys (%items)) { $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $list[@list] = "\"$items{$ent}\""; } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $numitems = keys(%items); $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output(0, "dialog --title \"$title\" --menu \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_checklist { local ( $title, $message, $width, $numitems ) = @_; local ( $i, $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $numitems; $i++) { $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $ent = shift; if ($ent) { $list[@list] = "ON"; } else { $list[@list] = "OFF"; } } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output("list", "dialog --title \"$title\" --separate-output --checklist \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_checklistl { local ( $title, $message, $width, $numitems ) = @_; local ( $i, $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $numitems; $i++) { $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $list[@list] = "\"\""; $list[@list] = "OFF"; } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output("list", "dialog --title \"$title\" --separate-output --checklist \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_checklista { local ( $title, $message, $width, %items ) = @_; local ( $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); foreach $ent (sort keys (%items)) { $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $list[@list] = "\"$items{$ent}\""; $list[@list] = "OFF"; } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $numitems = keys(%items); $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output("list", "dialog --title \"$title\" --separate-output --checklist \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub rhs_radiolist { local ( $title, $message, $width, $numitems ) = @_; local ( $i, $tmp, $ent, $height, $menuheight, @list, $message_len ); shift; shift; shift; shift; @list = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $numitems; $i++) { $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $ent = shift; $list[@list] = "\"$ent\""; $ent = shift; if ($ent) { $list[@list] = "ON"; } else { $list[@list] = "OFF"; } } $message = &rhs_wordwrap($message, $width); $message_len = split(/^/, $message); $tmp = $message; if (chop($tmp) eq "\n") { $message_len++; } $height = $message_len + 6 + $numitems; if ($height <= $scr_lines) { $menuheight = $numitems; } else { $height = $scr_lines; $menuheight = $scr_lines - $message_len - 6; } return &return_output(0 , "dialog --title \"$title\" --radiolist \"$message\" $height $width $menuheight @list"); } sub return_output { local ( $listp, $command ) = @_; local ( $res ); open(SAVESTDERR, ">&STDERR"); open(STDERR, ">/tmp/dialogout"); $res = system($command); close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">&SAVESTDERR"); open(IN, "/tmp/dialogout"); if ($listp) { @dialog_result = (); while () { chop; $dialog_result[@dialog_result] = $_; } } else { $dialog_result = ; } close(IN); unlink("/tmp/dialogout"); # Again, dialog returns results backwards if (! $res) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub rhs_wordwrap { local ( $intext, $width ) = @_; local ( $outtext, $i, $j, @lines, $wrap, @words, $pos, $pad ); $outtext = ""; $pad = 3; # leave 3 spaces around each line $pos = $pad; # current insert position $wrap = 0; # 1 if we have been auto wraping $insert_nl = 0; # 1 if we just did an absolute # and we should preface any new text # with a new line @lines = split(/\n/, $intext); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines; $i++) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /^>/) { $outtext .= "\n" if ($insert_nl); $outtext .= "\n" if ($wrap); $lines[$i] =~ /^>(.*)$/; $outtext .= $1; $insert_nl = 1; $wrap = 0; $pos = $pad; } else { $wrap = 1; @words = split(/\s+/,$lines[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j <= $#words; $j++) { if ($insert_nl) { $outtext .= "\n"; $insert_nl = 0; } if ((length($words[$j]) + $pos) > $width - $pad) { $outtext .= "\n"; $pos = $pad; } $outtext .= $words[$j] . " "; $pos += length($words[$j]) + 1; } } } return $outtext; } ############ 1;