/**************************************************************************** Intensity Stereo Copyright (C) 2017 Krzysztof Nikiel This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #include #include "stereo.h" #include "huff2.h" static void stereo(CoderInfo *cl, CoderInfo *cr, double *sl0, double *sr0, int *sfcnt, int wstart, int wend, double phthr ) { int sfb; int win; int sfmin; if (!phthr) return; phthr = 1.0 / phthr; if (cl->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) sfmin = 1; else sfmin = 8; (*sfcnt) += sfmin; for (sfb = sfmin; sfb < cl->sfbn; sfb++) { int l, start, end; double sum, diff; double enrgs, enrgd, enrgl, enrgr; int hcb = HCB_NONE; const double step = 10/1.50515; double ethr; double vfix, efix; start = cl->sfb_offset[sfb]; end = cl->sfb_offset[sfb + 1]; enrgs = enrgd = enrgl = enrgr = 0.0; for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++) { double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; for (l = start; l < end; l++) { double lx = sl[l]; double rx = sr[l]; sum = lx + rx; diff = lx - rx; enrgs += sum * sum; enrgd += diff * diff; enrgl += lx * lx; enrgr += rx * rx; } } ethr = sqrt(enrgl) + sqrt(enrgr); ethr *= ethr; ethr *= phthr; efix = enrgl + enrgr; if (enrgs >= ethr) { hcb = HCB_INTENSITY; vfix = sqrt(efix / enrgs); } else if (enrgd >= ethr) { hcb = HCB_INTENSITY2; vfix = sqrt(efix / enrgd); } if (hcb != HCB_NONE) { int sf = lrint(log10(enrgl / efix) * step); int pan = lrint(log10(enrgr/efix) * step) - sf; if (pan > 30) { cl->book[*sfcnt] = HCB_ZERO; (*sfcnt)++; continue; } if (pan < -30) { cr->book[*sfcnt] = HCB_ZERO; (*sfcnt)++; continue; } cl->sf[*sfcnt] = sf; cr->sf[*sfcnt] = -pan; cr->book[*sfcnt] = hcb; for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++) { double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; for (l = start; l < end; l++) { if (hcb == HCB_INTENSITY) sum = sl[l] + sr[l]; else sum = sl[l] - sr[l]; sl[l] = sum * vfix; } } } (*sfcnt)++; } } static void midside(CoderInfo *coder, ChannelInfo *channel, double *sl0, double *sr0, int *sfcnt, int wstart, int wend, double thrmid, double thrside ) { int sfb; int win; int sfmin; if (coder->block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) sfmin = 1; else sfmin = 8; for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfmin; sfb++) { channel->msInfo.ms_used[*sfcnt] = 0; (*sfcnt)++; } for (sfb = sfmin; sfb < coder->sfbn; sfb++) { int ms = 0; int l, start, end; double sum, diff; double enrgs, enrgd, enrgl, enrgr; start = coder->sfb_offset[sfb]; end = coder->sfb_offset[sfb + 1]; enrgs = enrgd = enrgl = enrgr = 0.0; for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++) { double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; for (l = start; l < end; l++) { double lx = sl[l]; double rx = sr[l]; sum = 0.5 * (lx + rx); diff = 0.5 * (lx - rx); enrgs += sum * sum; enrgd += diff * diff; enrgl += lx * lx; enrgr += rx * rx; } } if ((min(enrgl, enrgr) * thrmid) >= max(enrgs, enrgd)) { enum {PH_NONE, PH_IN, PH_OUT}; int phase = PH_NONE; if ((enrgs * thrmid * 2.0) >= (enrgl + enrgr)) { ms = 1; phase = PH_IN; } else if ((enrgd * thrmid * 2.0) >= (enrgl + enrgr)) { ms = 1; phase = PH_OUT; } if (ms) { for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++) { double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; for (l = start; l < end; l++) { if (phase == PH_IN) { sum = sl[l] + sr[l]; diff = 0; } else { sum = 0; diff = sl[l] - sr[l]; } sl[l] = 0.5 * sum; sr[l] = 0.5 * diff; } } } } if (min(enrgl, enrgr) <= (thrside * max(enrgl, enrgr))) { for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++) { double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT; for (l = start; l < end; l++) { if (enrgl < enrgr) sl[l] = 0.0; else sr[l] = 0.0; } } } channel->msInfo.ms_used[*sfcnt] = ms; (*sfcnt)++; } } void AACstereo(CoderInfo *coder, ChannelInfo *channel, double *s[MAX_CHANNELS], int maxchan, double quality, int mode ) { int chn; static const double thr075 = 1.09 /* ~0.75dB */ - 1.0; static const double thrmax = 1.25 /* ~2dB */ - 1.0; static const double sidemin = 0.1; /* -20dB */ static const double sidemax = 0.3; /* ~-10.5dB */ static const double isthrmax = M_SQRT2 - 1.0; double thrmid, thrside; double isthr; thrmid = 1.0; thrside = 0.0; isthr = 1.0; switch (mode) { case JOINT_MS: thrmid = thr075 / quality; if (thrmid > thrmax) thrmid = thrmax; thrside = sidemin / quality; if (thrside > sidemax) thrside = sidemax; thrmid += 1.0; break; case JOINT_IS: isthr = 0.18 / (quality * quality); if (isthr > isthrmax) isthr = isthrmax; isthr += 1.0; break; } // convert into energy thrmid *= thrmid; thrside *= thrside; isthr *= isthr; for (chn = 0; chn < maxchan; chn++) { int group; int bookcnt = 0; CoderInfo *cp = coder + chn; if (!channel[chn].present) continue; for (group = 0; group < cp->groups.n; group++) { int band; for (band = 0; band < cp->sfbn; band++) { cp->book[bookcnt] = HCB_NONE; cp->sf[bookcnt] = 0; bookcnt++; } } } for (chn = 0; chn < maxchan; chn++) { int rch; int cnt; int group; int sfcnt = 0; int start = 0; if (!channel[chn].present) continue; if (!((channel[chn].cpe) && (channel[chn].ch_is_left))) continue; rch = channel[chn].paired_ch; channel[chn].common_window = 0; channel[chn].msInfo.is_present = 0; channel[rch].msInfo.is_present = 0; if (coder[chn].block_type != coder[rch].block_type) continue; if (coder[chn].groups.n != coder[rch].groups.n) continue; channel[chn].common_window = 1; for (cnt = 0; cnt < coder[chn].groups.n; cnt++) if (coder[chn].groups.len[cnt] != coder[rch].groups.len[cnt]) { channel[chn].common_window = 0; goto skip; } if (mode == JOINT_MS) { channel[chn].common_window = 1; channel[chn].msInfo.is_present = 1; channel[rch].msInfo.is_present = 1; } for (group = 0; group < coder->groups.n; group++) { int end = start + coder->groups.len[group]; switch(mode) { case JOINT_MS: midside(coder + chn, channel + chn, s[chn], s[rch], &sfcnt, start, end, thrmid, thrside); break; case JOINT_IS: stereo(coder + chn, coder + rch, s[chn], s[rch], &sfcnt, start, end, isthr); break; } start = end; } skip:; } }