FFMPEG-FORMATS(1) FFMPEG-FORMATS(1) NNAAMMEE ffmpeg-formats - FFmpeg formats DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN This document describes the supported formats (muxers and demuxers) provided by the libavformat library. FFOORRMMAATT OOPPTTIIOONNSS The libavformat library provides some generic global options, which can be set on all the muxers and demuxers. In addition each muxer or demuxer may support so-called private options, which are specific for that component. Options may be set by specifying -_o_p_t_i_o_n _v_a_l_u_e in the FFmpeg tools, or by setting the value explicitly in the "AVFormatContext" options or using the _l_i_b_a_v_u_t_i_l_/_o_p_t_._h API for programmatic use. The list of supported options follows: aavviiooffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s ((_i_n_p_u_t_/_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Possible values: ddiirreecctt Reduce buffering. pprroobbeessiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set probing size in bytes, i.e. the size of the data to analyze to get stream information. A higher value will enable detecting more information in case it is dispersed into the stream, but will increase latency. Must be an integer not lesser than 32. It is 5000000 by default. mmaaxx__pprroobbee__ppaacckkeettss _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set the maximum number of buffered packets when probing a codec. Default is 2500 packets. ppaacckkeettssiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set packet size. ffffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s Set format flags. Some are implemented for a limited number of for- mats. Possible values for input files: ddiissccaarrddccoorrrruupptt Discard corrupted packets. ffaassttsseeeekk Enable fast, but inaccurate seeks for some formats. ggeennppttss Generate missing PTS if DTS is present. iiggnnddttss Ignore DTS if PTS is set. Inert when nofillin is set. iiggnniiddxx Ignore index. nnoobbuuffffeerr Reduce the latency introduced by buffering during initial input streams analysis. nnooffiilllliinn Do not fill in missing values in packet fields that can be exactly calculated. nnooppaarrssee Disable AVParsers, this needs "+nofillin" too. ssoorrttddttss Try to interleave output packets by DTS. At present, available only for AVIs with an index. Possible values for output files: aauuttoobbssff Automatically apply bitstream filters as required by the output format. Enabled by default. bbiitteexxaacctt Only write platform-, build- and time-independent data. This ensures that file and data checksums are reproducible and match between platforms. Its primary use is for regression testing. fflluusshh__ppaacckkeettss Write out packets immediately. sshhoorrtteesstt Stop muxing at the end of the shortest stream. It may be needed to increase max_interleave_delta to avoid flushing the longer streams before EOF. sseeeekk22aannyy _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Allow seeking to non-keyframes on demuxer level when supported if set to 1. Default is 0. aannaallyyzzeedduurraattiioonn _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Specify how many microseconds are analyzed to probe the input. A higher value will enable detecting more accurate information, but will increase latency. It defaults to 5,000,000 microseconds = 5 seconds. ccrryyppttookkeeyy _h_e_x_a_d_e_c_i_m_a_l _s_t_r_i_n_g ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set decryption key. iinnddeexxmmeemm _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set max memory used for timestamp index (per stream). rrttbbuuffssiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set max memory used for buffering real-time frames. ffddeebbuugg _f_l_a_g_s ((_i_n_p_u_t_/_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Print specific debug info. Possible values: ttss mmaaxx__ddeellaayy _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t_/_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set maximum muxing or demuxing delay in microseconds. ffppsspprroobbeessiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set number of frames used to probe fps. aauuddiioo__pprreellooaadd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set microseconds by which audio packets should be interleaved ear- lier. cchhuunnkk__dduurraattiioonn _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set microseconds for each chunk. cchhuunnkk__ssiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set size in bytes for each chunk. eerrrr__ddeetteecctt,, ff__eerrrr__ddeetteecctt _f_l_a_g_s ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set error detection flags. "f_err_detect" is deprecated and should be used only via the ffffmmppeegg tool. Possible values: ccrrcccchheecckk Verify embedded CRCs. bbiittssttrreeaamm Detect bitstream specification deviations. bbuuffffeerr Detect improper bitstream length. eexxppllooddee Abort decoding on minor error detection. ccaarreeffuull Consider things that violate the spec and have not been seen in the wild as errors. ccoommpplliiaanntt Consider all spec non compliancies as errors. aaggggrreessssiivvee Consider things that a sane encoder should not do as an error. mmaaxx__iinntteerrlleeaavvee__ddeellttaa _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set maximum buffering duration for interleaving. The duration is expressed in microseconds, and defaults to 10000000 (10 seconds). To ensure all the streams are interleaved correctly, libavformat will wait until it has at least one packet for each stream before actually writing any packets to the output file. When some streams are "sparse" (i.e. there are large gaps between successive pack- ets), this can result in excessive buffering. This field specifies the maximum difference between the timestamps of the first and the last packet in the muxing queue, above which libavformat will output a packet regardless of whether it has queued a packet for all the streams. If set to 0, libavformat will continue buffering packets until it has a packet for each stream, regardless of the maximum timestamp difference between the buffered packets. uussee__wwaallllcclloocckk__aass__ttiimmeessttaammppss _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Use wallclock as timestamps if set to 1. Default is 0. aavvooiidd__nneeggaattiivvee__ttss _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Possible values: mmaakkee__nnoonn__nneeggaattiivvee Shift timestamps to make them non-negative. Also note that this affects only leading negative timestamps, and not non- monotonic negative timestamps. mmaakkee__zzeerroo Shift timestamps so that the first timestamp is 0. aauuttoo ((ddeeffaauulltt)) Enables shifting when required by the target format. ddiissaabblleedd Disables shifting of timestamp. When shifting is enabled, all output timestamps are shifted by the same amount. Audio, video, and subtitles desynching and relative timestamp differences are preserved compared to how they would have been without shifting. sskkiipp__iinniittiiaall__bbyytteess _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Set number of bytes to skip before reading header and frames if set to 1. Default is 0. ccoorrrreecctt__ttss__oovveerrffllooww _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Correct single timestamp overflows if set to 1. Default is 1. fflluusshh__ppaacckkeettss _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Flush the underlying I/O stream after each packet. Default is -1 (auto), which means that the underlying protocol will decide, 1 enables it, and has the effect of reducing the latency, 0 disables it and may increase IO throughput in some cases. oouuttppuutt__ttss__ooffffsseett _o_f_f_s_e_t ((_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Set the output time offset. _o_f_f_s_e_t must be a time duration specification, see tthhee TTiimmee dduurraattiioonn sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee _ff_ff_mm_pp_ee_gg_--_uu_tt_ii_ll_ss((11)) mmaannuuaall. The offset is added by the muxer to the output timestamps. Specifying a positive offset means that the corresponding streams are delayed bt the time duration specified in _o_f_f_s_e_t. Default value is 0 (meaning that no offset is applied). ffoorrmmaatt__wwhhiitteelliisstt _l_i_s_t ((_i_n_p_u_t)) "," separated list of allowed demuxers. By default all are allowed. dduummpp__sseeppaarraattoorr _s_t_r_i_n_g ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Separator used to separate the fields printed on the command line about the Stream parameters. For example, to separate the fields with newlines and indentation: ffprobe -dump_separator " " -i ~/videos/matrixbench_mpeg2.mpg mmaaxx__ssttrreeaammss _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Specifies the maximum number of streams. This can be used to reject files that would require too many resources due to a large number of streams. sskkiipp__eessttiimmaattee__dduurraattiioonn__ffrroomm__ppttss _b_o_o_l ((_i_n_p_u_t)) Skip estimation of input duration when calculated using PTS. At present, applicable for MPEG-PS and MPEG-TS. ssttrriicctt,, ff__ssttrriicctt _i_n_t_e_g_e_r ((_i_n_p_u_t_/_o_u_t_p_u_t)) Specify how strictly to follow the standards. "f_strict" is depre- cated and should be used only via the ffffmmppeegg tool. Possible values: vveerryy strictly conform to an older more strict version of the spec or reference software ssttrriicctt strictly conform to all the things in the spec no matter what consequences nnoorrmmaall uunnooffffiicciiaall allow unofficial extensions eexxppeerriimmeennttaall allow non standardized experimental things, experimental (unfinished/work in progress/not well tested) decoders and encoders. Note: experimental decoders can pose a security risk, do not use this for decoding untrusted input. FFoorrmmaatt ssttrreeaamm ssppeecciiffiieerrss Format stream specifiers allow selection of one or more streams that match specific properties. The exact semantics of stream specifiers is defined by the "avfor- mat_match_stream_specifier()" function declared in the _l_i_b_a_v_f_o_r_- _m_a_t_/_a_v_f_o_r_m_a_t_._h header and documented in the SSttrreeaamm ssppeecciiffiieerrss sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee _ff_ff_mm_pp_ee_gg((11)) mmaannuuaall. DDEEMMUUXXEERRSS Demuxers are configured elements in FFmpeg that can read the multimedia streams from a particular type of file. When you configure your FFmpeg build, all the supported demuxers are enabled by default. You can list all available ones using the configure option "--list-demuxers". You can disable all the demuxers using the configure option "--dis- able-demuxers", and selectively enable a single demuxer with the option "--enable-demuxer=_D_E_M_U_X_E_R_", or disable it with the option "--dis- able-demuxer=_D_E_M_U_X_E_R_". The option "-demuxers" of the ff* tools will display the list of enabled demuxers. Use "-formats" to view a combined list of enabled demuxers and muxers. The description of some of the currently available demuxers follows. aaaa Audible Format 2, 3, and 4 demuxer. This demuxer is used to demux Audible Format 2, 3, and 4 (.aa) files. aaaacc Raw Audio Data Transport Stream AAC demuxer. This demuxer is used to demux an ADTS input containing a single AAC stream alongwith any ID3v1/2 or APE tags in it. aappnngg Animated Portable Network Graphics demuxer. This demuxer is used to demux APNG files. All headers, but the PNG signature, up to (but not including) the first fcTL chunk are transmit- ted as extradata. Frames are then split as being all the chunks between two fcTL ones, or between the last fcTL and IEND chunks. --iiggnnoorree__lloooopp _b_o_o_l Ignore the loop variable in the file if set. Default is enabled. --mmaaxx__ffppss _i_n_t Maximum framerate in frames per second. Default of 0 imposes no limit. --ddeeffaauulltt__ffppss _i_n_t Default framerate in frames per second when none is specified in the file (0 meaning as fast as possible). Default is 15. aassff Advanced Systems Format demuxer. This demuxer is used to demux ASF files and MMS network streams. --nnoo__rreessyynncc__sseeaarrcchh _b_o_o_l Do not try to resynchronize by looking for a certain optional start code. ccoonnccaatt Virtual concatenation script demuxer. This demuxer reads a list of files and other directives from a text file and demuxes them one after the other, as if all their packets had been muxed together. The timestamps in the files are adjusted so that the first file starts at 0 and each next file starts where the previous one finishes. Note that it is done globally and may cause gaps if all streams do not have exactly the same length. All files must have the same streams (same codecs, same time base, etc.). The duration of each file is used to adjust the timestamps of the next file: if the duration is incorrect (because it was computed using the bit-rate or because the file is truncated, for example), it can cause artifacts. The "duration" directive can be used to override the dura- tion stored in each file. _S_y_n_t_a_x The script is a text file in extended-ASCII, with one directive per line. Empty lines, leading spaces and lines starting with '#' are ignored. The following directive is recognized: ""ffiillee _pp_aa_tt_hh"" Path to a file to read; special characters and spaces must be escaped with backslash or single quotes. All subsequent file-related directives apply to that file. ""ffffccoonnccaatt vveerrssiioonn 11..00"" Identify the script type and version. To make FFmpeg recognize the format automatically, this directive must appear exactly as is (no extra space or byte-order-mark) on the very first line of the script. ""dduurraattiioonn _dd_uu_rr"" Duration of the file. This information can be specified from the file; specifying it here may be more efficient or help if the information from the file is not available or accurate. If the duration is set for all files, then it is possible to seek in the whole concatenated video. ""iinnppooiinntt _tt_ii_mm_ee_ss_tt_aa_mm_pp"" In point of the file. When the demuxer opens the file it instantly seeks to the specified timestamp. Seeking is done so that all streams can be presented successfully at In point. This directive works best with intra frame codecs, because for non- intra frame ones you will usually get extra packets before the actual In point and the decoded content will most likely contain frames before In point too. For each file, packets before the file In point will have time- stamps less than the calculated start timestamp of the file (nega- tive in case of the first file), and the duration of the files (if not specified by the "duration" directive) will be reduced based on their specified In point. Because of potential packets before the specified In point, packet timestamps may overlap between two concatenated files. ""oouuttppooiinntt _tt_ii_mm_ee_ss_tt_aa_mm_pp"" Out point of the file. When the demuxer reaches the specified decoding timestamp in any of the streams, it handles it as an end of file condition and skips the current and all the remaining pack- ets from all streams. Out point is exclusive, which means that the demuxer will not out- put packets with a decoding timestamp greater or equal to Out point. This directive works best with intra frame codecs and formats where all streams are tightly interleaved. For non-intra frame codecs you will usually get additional packets with presentation timestamp after Out point therefore the decoded content will most likely con- tain frames after Out point too. If your streams are not tightly interleaved you may not get all the packets from all streams before Out point and you may only will be able to decode the earliest stream until Out point. The duration of the files (if not specified by the "duration" directive) will be reduced based on their specified Out point. ""ffiillee__ppaacckkeett__mmeettaaddaattaa _kk_ee_yy_==_vv_aa_ll_uu_ee"" Metadata of the packets of the file. The specified metadata will be set for each file packet. You can specify this directive multiple times to add multiple metadata entries. This directive is depre- cated, use "file_packet_meta" instead. ""ffiillee__ppaacckkeett__mmeettaa _kk_ee_yy vvaalluuee"" Metadata of the packets of the file. The specified metadata will be set for each file packet. You can specify this directive multiple times to add multiple metadata entries. ""ooppttiioonn _kk_ee_yy vvaalluuee"" Option to access, open and probe the file. Can be present multiple times. ""ssttrreeaamm"" Introduce a stream in the virtual file. All subsequent stream- related directives apply to the last introduced stream. Some streams properties must be set in order to allow identifying the matching streams in the subfiles. If no streams are defined in the script, the streams from the first file are copied. ""eexxaacctt__ssttrreeaamm__iidd _ii_dd"" Set the id of the stream. If this directive is given, the string with the corresponding id in the subfiles will be used. This is especially useful for MPEG-PS (VOB) files, where the order of the streams is not reliable. ""ssttrreeaamm__mmeettaa _kk_ee_yy vvaalluuee"" Metadata for the stream. Can be present multiple times. ""ssttrreeaamm__ccooddeecc _vv_aa_ll_uu_ee"" Codec for the stream. ""ssttrreeaamm__eexxttrraaddaattaa _hh_ee_xx____ss_tt_rr_ii_nn_gg"" Extradata for the string, encoded in hexadecimal. ""cchhaapptteerr _ii_dd ssttaarrtt eenndd"" Add a chapter. _i_d is an unique identifier, possibly small and con- secutive. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This demuxer accepts the following option: ssaaffee If set to 1, reject unsafe file paths and directives. A file path is considered safe if it does not contain a protocol specification and is relative and all components only contain characters from the portable character set (letters, digits, period, underscore and hyphen) and have no period at the beginning of a component. If set to 0, any file name is accepted. The default is 1. aauuttoo__ccoonnvveerrtt If set to 1, try to perform automatic conversions on packet data to make the streams concatenable. The default is 1. Currently, the only conversion is adding the h264_mp4toannexb bit- stream filter to H.264 streams in MP4 format. This is necessary in particular if there are resolution changes. sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee__mmeettaaddaattaa If set to 1, every packet will contain the _l_a_v_f_._c_o_n_c_a_t_._s_t_a_r_t___t_i_m_e and the _l_a_v_f_._c_o_n_c_a_t_._d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n packet metadata values which are the start_time and the duration of the respective file segments in the concatenated output expressed in microseconds. The duration meta- data is only set if it is known based on the concat file. The default is 0. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s +o Use absolute filenames and include some comments: # my first filename file /mnt/share/file-1.wav # my second filename including whitespace file '/mnt/share/file 2.wav' # my third filename including whitespace plus single quote file '/mnt/share/file 3'\''.wav' +o Allow for input format auto-probing, use safe filenames and set the duration of the first file: ffconcat version 1.0 file file-1.wav duration 20.0 file subdir/file-2.wav ddaasshh Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP demuxer. This demuxer presents all AVStreams found in the manifest. By setting the discard flags on AVStreams the caller can decide which streams to actually receive. Each stream mirrors the "id" and "bandwidth" proper- ties from the "" as metadata keys named "id" and "vari- ant_bitrate" respectively. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This demuxer accepts the following option: cceenncc__ddeeccrryyppttiioonn__kkeeyy 16-byte key, in hex, to decrypt files encrypted using ISO Common Encryption (CENC/AES-128 CTR; ISO/IEC 23001-7). iimmff Interoperable Master Format demuxer. This demuxer presents audio and video streams found in an IMF Composi- tion. ffllvv,, lliivvee__ffllvv,, kkuuxx Adobe Flash Video Format demuxer. This demuxer is used to demux FLV files and RTMP network streams. In case of live network streams, if you force format, you may use live_flv option instead of flv to survive timestamp discontinuities. KUX is a flv variant used on the Youku platform. ffmpeg -f flv -i myfile.flv ... ffmpeg -f live_flv -i rtmp:///anything/key .... --ffllvv__mmeettaaddaattaa _b_o_o_l Allocate the streams according to the onMetaData array content. --ffllvv__iiggnnoorree__pprreevvttaagg _b_o_o_l Ignore the size of previous tag value. --ffllvv__ffuullll__mmeettaaddaattaa _b_o_o_l Output all context of the onMetadata. ggiiff Animated GIF demuxer. It accepts the following options: mmiinn__ddeellaayy Set the minimum valid delay between frames in hundredths of sec- onds. Range is 0 to 6000. Default value is 2. mmaaxx__ggiiff__ddeellaayy Set the maximum valid delay between frames in hundredth of seconds. Range is 0 to 65535. Default value is 65535 (nearly eleven min- utes), the maximum value allowed by the specification. ddeeffaauulltt__ddeellaayy Set the default delay between frames in hundredths of seconds. Range is 0 to 6000. Default value is 10. iiggnnoorree__lloooopp GIF files can contain information to loop a certain number of times (or infinitely). If iiggnnoorree__lloooopp is set to 1, then the loop setting from the input will be ignored and looping will not occur. If set to 0, then looping will occur and will cycle the number of times according to the GIF. Default value is 1. For example, with the overlay filter, place an infinitely looping GIF over another video: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ignore_loop 0 -i input.gif -filter_complex overlay=shortest=1 out.mkv Note that in the above example the shortest option for overlay filter is used to end the output video at the length of the shortest input file, which in this case is _i_n_p_u_t_._m_p_4 as the GIF in this example loops infinitely. hhllss HLS demuxer Apple HTTP Live Streaming demuxer. This demuxer presents all AVStreams from all variant streams. The id field is set to the bitrate variant index number. By setting the dis- card flags on AVStreams (by pressing 'a' or 'v' in ffplay), the caller can decide which variant streams to actually receive. The total bitrate of the variant that the stream belongs to is available in a metadata key named "variant_bitrate". It accepts the following options: lliivvee__ssttaarrtt__iinnddeexx segment index to start live streams at (negative values are from the end). pprreeffeerr__xx__ssttaarrtt prefer to use #EXT-X-START if it's in playlist instead of live_start_index. aalllloowweedd__eexxtteennssiioonnss ',' separated list of file extensions that hls is allowed to access. mmaaxx__rreellooaadd Maximum number of times a insufficient list is attempted to be reloaded. Default value is 1000. mm33uu88__hhoolldd__ccoouunntteerrss The maximum number of times to load m3u8 when it refreshes without new segments. Default value is 1000. hhttttpp__ppeerrssiisstteenntt Use persistent HTTP connections. Applicable only for HTTP streams. Enabled by default. hhttttpp__mmuullttiippllee Use multiple HTTP connections for downloading HTTP segments. Enabled by default for HTTP/1.1 servers. hhttttpp__sseeeekkaabbllee Use HTTP partial requests for downloading HTTP segments. 0 = dis- able, 1 = enable, -1 = auto, Default is auto. sseegg__ffoorrmmaatt__ooppttiioonnss Set options for the demuxer of media segments using a list of key=value pairs separated by ":". iimmaaggee22 Image file demuxer. This demuxer reads from a list of image files specified by a pattern. The syntax and meaning of the pattern is specified by the option _p_a_t_- _t_e_r_n___t_y_p_e. The pattern may contain a suffix which is used to automatically deter- mine the format of the images contained in the files. The size, the pixel format, and the format of each image must be the same for all the files in the sequence. This demuxer accepts the following options: ffrraammeerraattee Set the frame rate for the video stream. It defaults to 25. lloooopp If set to 1, loop over the input. Default value is 0. ppaatttteerrnn__ttyyppee Select the pattern type used to interpret the provided filename. _p_a_t_t_e_r_n___t_y_p_e accepts one of the following values. nnoonnee Disable pattern matching, therefore the video will only contain the specified image. You should use this option if you do not want to create sequences from multiple images and your file- names may contain special pattern characters. sseeqquueennccee Select a sequence pattern type, used to specify a sequence of files indexed by sequential numbers. A sequence pattern may contain the string "%d" or "%0_Nd", which specifies the position of the characters representing a sequen- tial number in each filename matched by the pattern. If the form "%d0_Nd" is used, the string representing the number in each filename is 0-padded and _N is the total number of 0-padded digits representing the number. The literal character '%' can be specified in the pattern with the string "%%". If the sequence pattern contains "%d" or "%0_Nd", the first filename of the file list specified by the pattern must contain a number inclusively contained between _s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r and _s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r+_s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r___r_a_n_g_e-1, and all the following num- bers must be sequential. For example the pattern "img-%03d.bmp" will match a sequence of filenames of the form _i_m_g_-_0_0_1_._b_m_p, _i_m_g_-_0_0_2_._b_m_p, ..., _i_m_g_-_0_1_0_._b_m_p, etc.; the pattern "i%%m%%g-%d.jpg" will match a sequence of filenames of the form _i_%_m_%_g_-_1_._j_p_g, _i_%_m_%_g_-_2_._j_p_g, ..., _i_%_m_%_g_-_1_0_._j_p_g, etc. Note that the pattern must not necessarily contain "%d" or "%0_Nd", for example to convert a single image file _i_m_g_._j_p_e_g you can employ the command: ffmpeg -i img.jpeg img.png gglloobb Select a glob wildcard pattern type. The pattern is interpreted like a "glob()" pattern. This is only selectable if libavformat was compiled with globbing sup- port. gglloobb__sseeqquueennccee _(_d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d_, _w_i_l_l _b_e _r_e_m_o_v_e_d_) Select a mixed glob wildcard/sequence pattern. If your version of libavformat was compiled with globbing sup- port, and the provided pattern contains at least one glob meta character among "%*?[]{}" that is preceded by an unescaped "%", the pattern is interpreted like a "glob()" pattern, otherwise it is interpreted like a sequence pattern. All glob special characters "%*?[]{}" must be prefixed with "%". To escape a literal "%" you shall use "%%". For example the pattern "foo-%*.jpeg" will match all the file- names prefixed by "foo-" and terminating with ".jpeg", and "foo-%?%?%?.jpeg" will match all the filenames prefixed with "foo-", followed by a sequence of three characters, and termi- nating with ".jpeg". This pattern type is deprecated in favor of _g_l_o_b and _s_e_q_u_e_n_c_e. Default value is _g_l_o_b___s_e_q_u_e_n_c_e. ppiixxeell__ffoorrmmaatt Set the pixel format of the images to read. If not specified the pixel format is guessed from the first image file in the sequence. ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr Set the index of the file matched by the image file pattern to start to read from. Default value is 0. ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr__rraannggee Set the index interval range to check when looking for the first image file in the sequence, starting from _s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r. Default value is 5. ttss__ffrroomm__ffiillee If set to 1, will set frame timestamp to modification time of image file. Note that monotonity of timestamps is not provided: images go in the same order as without this option. Default value is 0. If set to 2, will set frame timestamp to the modification time of the image file in nanosecond precision. vviiddeeoo__ssiizzee Set the video size of the images to read. If not specified the video size is guessed from the first image file in the sequence. eexxppoorrtt__ppaatthh__mmeettaaddaattaa If set to 1, will add two extra fields to the metadata found in input, making them also available for other filters (see _d_r_a_w_t_e_x_t filter for examples). Default value is 0. The extra fields are described below: llaavvff..iimmaaggee22ddeecc..ssoouurrccee__ppaatthh Corresponds to the full path to the input file being read. llaavvff..iimmaaggee22ddeecc..ssoouurrccee__bbaasseennaammee Corresponds to the name of the file being read. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s +o Use ffffmmppeegg for creating a video from the images in the file sequence _i_m_g_-_0_0_1_._j_p_e_g, _i_m_g_-_0_0_2_._j_p_e_g, ..., assuming an input frame rate of 10 frames per second: ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i 'img-%03d.jpeg' out.mkv +o As above, but start by reading from a file with index 100 in the sequence: ffmpeg -framerate 10 -start_number 100 -i 'img-%03d.jpeg' out.mkv +o Read images matching the "*.png" glob pattern , that is all the files terminating with the ".png" suffix: ffmpeg -framerate 10 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" out.mkv lliibbggmmee The Game Music Emu library is a collection of video game music file emulators. See for more information. It accepts the following options: ttrraacckk__iinnddeexx Set the index of which track to demux. The demuxer can only export one track. Track indexes start at 0. Default is to pick the first track. Number of tracks is exported as _t_r_a_c_k_s metadata entry. ssaammppllee__rraattee Set the sampling rate of the exported track. Range is 1000 to 999999. Default is 44100. mmaaxx__ssiizzee _(_b_y_t_e_s_) The demuxer buffers the entire file into memory. Adjust this value to set the maximum buffer size, which in turn, acts as a ceiling for the size of files that can be read. Default is 50 MiB. lliibbmmooddpplluugg ModPlug based module demuxer See It will export one 2-channel 16-bit 44.1 kHz audio stream. Optionally, a "pal8" 16-color video stream can be exported with or without printed metadata. It accepts the following options: nnooiissee__rreedduuccttiioonn Apply a simple low-pass filter. Can be 1 (on) or 0 (off). Default is 0. rreevveerrbb__ddeepptthh Set amount of reverb. Range 0-100. Default is 0. rreevveerrbb__ddeellaayy Set delay in ms, clamped to 40-250 ms. Default is 0. bbaassss__aammoouunntt Apply bass expansion a.k.a. XBass or megabass. Range is 0 (quiet) to 100 (loud). Default is 0. bbaassss__rraannggee Set cutoff i.e. upper-bound for bass frequencies. Range is 10-100 Hz. Default is 0. ssuurrrroouunndd__ddeepptthh Apply a Dolby Pro-Logic surround effect. Range is 0 (quiet) to 100 (heavy). Default is 0. ssuurrrroouunndd__ddeellaayy Set surround delay in ms, clamped to 5-40 ms. Default is 0. mmaaxx__ssiizzee The demuxer buffers the entire file into memory. Adjust this value to set the maximum buffer size, which in turn, acts as a ceiling for the size of files that can be read. Range is 0 to 100 MiB. 0 removes buffer size limit (not recommended). Default is 5 MiB. vviiddeeoo__ssttrreeaamm__eexxpprr String which is evaluated using the eval API to assign colors to the generated video stream. Variables which can be used are "x", "y", "w", "h", "t", "speed", "tempo", "order", "pattern" and "row". vviiddeeoo__ssttrreeaamm Generate video stream. Can be 1 (on) or 0 (off). Default is 0. vviiddeeoo__ssttrreeaamm__ww Set video frame width in 'chars' where one char indicates 8 pixels. Range is 20-512. Default is 30. vviiddeeoo__ssttrreeaamm__hh Set video frame height in 'chars' where one char indicates 8 pix- els. Range is 20-512. Default is 30. vviiddeeoo__ssttrreeaamm__ppttxxtt Print metadata on video stream. Includes "speed", "tempo", "order", "pattern", "row" and "ts" (time in ms). Can be 1 (on) or 0 (off). Default is 1. lliibbooppeennmmpptt libopenmpt based module demuxer See for more information. Some files have multiple subsongs (tracks) this can be set with the ssuubbssoonngg option. It accepts the following options: ssuubbssoonngg Set the subsong index. This can be either 'all', 'auto', or the index of the subsong. Subsong indexes start at 0. The default is 'auto'. The default value is to let libopenmpt choose. llaayyoouutt Set the channel layout. Valid values are 1, 2, and 4 channel lay- outs. The default value is STEREO. ssaammppllee__rraattee Set the sample rate for libopenmpt to output. Range is from 1000 to INT_MAX. The value default is 48000. mmoovv//mmpp44//33ggpp Demuxer for Quicktime File Format & ISO/IEC Base Media File Format (ISO/IEC 14496-12 or MPEG-4 Part 12, ISO/IEC 15444-12 or JPEG 2000 Part 12). Registered extensions: mov, mp4, m4a, 3gp, 3g2, mj2, psp, m4b, ism, ismv, isma, f4v _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This demuxer accepts the following options: eennaabbllee__ddrreeffss Enable loading of external tracks, disabled by default. Enabling this can theoretically leak information in some use cases. uussee__aabbssoolluuttee__ppaatthh Allows loading of external tracks via absolute paths, disabled by default. Enabling this poses a security risk. It should only be enabled if the source is known to be non-malicious. sseeeekk__ssttrreeaammss__iinnddiivviidduuaallllyy When seeking, identify the closest point in each stream individu- ally and demux packets in that stream from identified point. This can lead to a different sequence of packets compared to demuxing linearly from the beginning. Default is true. iiggnnoorree__eeddiittlliisstt Ignore any edit list atoms. The demuxer, by default, modifies the stream index to reflect the timeline described by the edit list. Default is false. aaddvvaanncceedd__eeddiittlliisstt Modify the stream index to reflect the timeline described by the edit list. "ignore_editlist" must be set to false for this option to be effective. If both "ignore_editlist" and this option are set to false, then only the start of the stream index is modified to reflect initial dwell time or starting timestamp described by the edit list. Default is true. iiggnnoorree__cchhaapptteerrss Don't parse chapters. This includes GoPro 'HiLight' tags/moments. Note that chapters are only parsed when input is seekable. Default is false. uussee__mmffrraa__ffoorr For seekable fragmented input, set fragment's starting timestamp from media fragment random access box, if present. Following options are available: aauuttoo Auto-detect whether to set mfra timestamps as PTS or DTS _(_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_) ddttss Set mfra timestamps as DTS ppttss Set mfra timestamps as PTS 00 Don't use mfra box to set timestamps uussee__ttffddtt For fragmented input, set fragment's starting timestamp to "baseMe- diaDecodeTime" from the "tfdt" box. Default is enabled, which will prefer to use the "tfdt" box to set DTS. Disable to use the "earli- est_presentation_time" from the "sidx" box. In either case, the timestamp from the "mfra" box will be used if it's available and "use_mfra_for" is set to pts or dts. eexxppoorrtt__aallll Export unrecognized boxes within the _u_d_t_a box as metadata entries. The first four characters of the box type are set as the key. Default is false. eexxppoorrtt__xxmmpp Export entire contents of _X_M_P__ box and _u_u_i_d box as a string with key "xmp". Note that if "export_all" is set and this option isn't, the contents of _X_M_P__ box are still exported but with key "XMP_". Default is false. aaccttiivvaattiioonn__bbyytteess 4-byte key required to decrypt Audible AAX and AAX+ files. See Audible AAX subsection below. aauuddiibbllee__ffiixxeedd__kkeeyy Fixed key used for handling Audible AAX/AAX+ files. It has been pre-set so should not be necessary to specify. ddeeccrryyppttiioonn__kkeeyy 16-byte key, in hex, to decrypt files encrypted using ISO Common Encryption (CENC/AES-128 CTR; ISO/IEC 23001-7). mmaaxx__ssttttss__ddeellttaa Very high sample deltas written in a trak's stts box may occasion- ally be intended but usually they are written in error or used to store a negative value for dts correction when treated as signed 32-bit integers. This option lets the user set an upper limit, beyond which the delta is clamped to 1. Values greater than the limit if negative when cast to int32 are used to adjust onward dts. Unit is the track time scale. Range is 0 to UINT_MAX. Default is "UINT_MAX - 48000*10" which allows upto a 10 second dts correction for 48 kHz audio streams while accommodating 99.9% of "uint32" range. _A_u_d_i_b_l_e _A_A_X Audible AAX files are encrypted M4B files, and they can be decrypted by specifying a 4 byte activation secret. ffmpeg -activation_bytes 1CEB00DA -i test.aax -vn -c:a copy output.mp4 mmppeeggttss MPEG-2 transport stream demuxer. This demuxer accepts the following options: rreessyynncc__ssiizzee Set size limit for looking up a new synchronization. Default value is 65536. sskkiipp__uunnkknnoowwnn__ppmmtt Skip PMTs for programs not defined in the PAT. Default value is 0. ffiixx__tteelleetteexxtt__ppttss Override teletext packet PTS and DTS values with the timestamps calculated from the PCR of the first program which the teletext stream is part of and is not discarded. Default value is 1, set this option to 0 if you want your teletext packet PTS and DTS val- ues untouched. ttss__ppaacckkeettssiizzee Output option carrying the raw packet size in bytes. Show the detected raw packet size, cannot be set by the user. ssccaann__aallll__ppmmttss Scan and combine all PMTs. The value is an integer with value from -1 to 1 (-1 means automatic setting, 1 means enabled, 0 means dis- abled). Default value is -1. mmeerrggee__ppmmtt__vveerrssiioonnss Re-use existing streams when a PMT's version is updated and elemen- tary streams move to different PIDs. Default value is 0. mmaaxx__ppaacckkeett__ssiizzee Set maximum size, in bytes, of packet emitted by the demuxer. Pay- loads above this size are split across multiple packets. Range is 1 to INT_MAX/2. Default is 204800 bytes. mmppjjppeegg MJPEG encapsulated in multi-part MIME demuxer. This demuxer allows reading of MJPEG, where each frame is represented as a part of multipart/x-mixed-replace stream. ssttrriicctt__mmiimmee__bboouunnddaarryy Default implementation applies a relaxed standard to multi-part MIME boundary detection, to prevent regression with numerous exist- ing endpoints not generating a proper MIME MJPEG stream. Turning this option on by setting it to 1 will result in a stricter check of the boundary value. rraawwvviiddeeoo Raw video demuxer. This demuxer allows one to read raw video data. Since there is no header specifying the assumed video parameters, the user must specify them in order to be able to decode the data correctly. This demuxer accepts the following options: ffrraammeerraattee Set input video frame rate. Default value is 25. ppiixxeell__ffoorrmmaatt Set the input video pixel format. Default value is "yuv420p". vviiddeeoo__ssiizzee Set the input video size. This value must be specified explicitly. For example to read a rawvideo file _i_n_p_u_t_._r_a_w with ffffppllaayy, assuming a pixel format of "rgb24", a video size of "320x240", and a frame rate of 10 images per second, use the command: ffplay -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 320x240 -framerate 10 input.raw ssbbgg SBaGen script demuxer. This demuxer reads the script language used by SBaGen to generate binaural beats sessions. A SBG script looks like that: -SE a: 300-2.5/3 440+4.5/0 b: 300-2.5/0 440+4.5/3 off: - NOW == a +0:07:00 == b +0:14:00 == a +0:21:00 == b +0:30:00 off A SBG script can mix absolute and relative timestamps. If the script uses either only absolute timestamps (including the script start time) or only relative ones, then its layout is fixed, and the conversion is straightforward. On the other hand, if the script mixes both kind of timestamps, then the _N_O_W reference for relative timestamps will be taken from the current time of day at the time the script is read, and the script layout will be frozen according to that reference. That means that if the script is directly played, the actual times will match the absolute timestamps up to the sound controller's clock accu- racy, but if the user somehow pauses the playback or seeks, all times will be shifted accordingly. tteeddccaappttiioonnss JSON captions used for . TED does not provide links to the captions, but they can be guessed from the page. The file _t_o_o_l_s_/_b_o_o_k_m_a_r_k_l_e_t_s_._h_t_m_l from the FFmpeg source tree contains a bookmarklet to expose them. This demuxer accepts the following option: ssttaarrtt__ttiimmee Set the start time of the TED talk, in milliseconds. The default is 15000 (15s). It is used to sync the captions with the downloadable videos, because they include a 15s intro. Example: convert the captions to a format most players understand: ffmpeg -i http://www.ted.com/talks/subtitles/id/1/lang/en talk1-en.srt vvaappoouurrssyynntthh Vapoursynth wrapper. Due to security concerns, Vapoursynth scripts will not be autodetected so the input format has to be forced. For ff* CLI tools, add "-f vapoursynth" before the input "-i yourscript.vpy". This demuxer accepts the following option: mmaaxx__ssccrriipptt__ssiizzee The demuxer buffers the entire script into memory. Adjust this value to set the maximum buffer size, which in turn, acts as a ceiling for the size of scripts that can be read. Default is 1 MiB. MMUUXXEERRSS Muxers are configured elements in FFmpeg which allow writing multimedia streams to a particular type of file. When you configure your FFmpeg build, all the supported muxers are enabled by default. You can list all available muxers using the config- ure option "--list-muxers". You can disable all the muxers with the configure option "--dis- able-muxers" and selectively enable / disable single muxers with the options "--enable-muxer=_M_U_X_E_R_" / "--disable-muxer=_M_U_X_E_R_". The option "-muxers" of the ff* tools will display the list of enabled muxers. Use "-formats" to view a combined list of enabled demuxers and muxers. A description of some of the currently available muxers follows. aa6644 A64 muxer for Commodore 64 video. Accepts a single "a64_multi" or "a64_multi5" codec video stream. aaddttss Audio Data Transport Stream muxer. It accepts a single AAC stream. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s It accepts the following options: wwrriittee__iidd33vv22 _b_o_o_l Enable to write ID3v2.4 tags at the start of the stream. Default is disabled. wwrriittee__aappeettaagg _b_o_o_l Enable to write APE tags at the end of the stream. Default is dis- abled. wwrriittee__mmppeegg22 _b_o_o_l Enable to set MPEG version bit in the ADTS frame header to 1 which indicates MPEG-2. Default is 0, which indicates MPEG-4. aaiiffff Audio Interchange File Format muxer. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s It accepts the following options: wwrriittee__iidd33vv22 Enable ID3v2 tags writing when set to 1. Default is 0 (disabled). iidd33vv22__vveerrssiioonn Select ID3v2 version to write. Currently only version 3 and 4 (aka. ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4) are supported. The default is version 4. aallpp Muxer for audio of High Voltage Software's Lego Racers game. It accepts a single ADPCM_IMA_ALP stream with no more than 2 channels nor a sample rate greater than 44100 Hz. Extensions: tun, pcm _O_p_t_i_o_n_s It accepts the following options: ttyyppee _t_y_p_e Set file type. ttuunn Set file type as music. Must have a sample rate of 22050 Hz. ppccmm Set file type as sfx. aauuttoo Set file type as per output file extension. ".pcm" results in type "pcm" else type "tun" is set. _(_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_) aassff Advanced Systems Format muxer. Note that Windows Media Audio (wma) and Windows Media Video (wmv) use this muxer too. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s It accepts the following options: ppaacckkeett__ssiizzee Set the muxer packet size. By tuning this setting you may reduce data fragmentation or muxer overhead depending on your source. Default value is 3200, minimum is 100, maximum is 64k. aavvii Audio Video Interleaved muxer. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s It accepts the following options: rreesseerrvvee__iinnddeexx__ssppaaccee Reserve the specified amount of bytes for the OpenDML master index of each stream within the file header. By default additional master indexes are embedded within the data packets if there is no space left in the first master index and are linked together as a chain of indexes. This index structure can cause problems for some use cases, e.g. third-party software strictly relying on the OpenDML index specification or when file seeking is slow. Reserving enough index space in the file header avoids these problems. The required index space depends on the output file size and should be about 16 bytes per gigabyte. When this option is omitted or set to zero the necessary index space is guessed. wwrriittee__cchhaannnneell__mmaasskk Write the channel layout mask into the audio stream header. This option is enabled by default. Disabling the channel mask can be useful in specific scenarios, e.g. when merging multiple audio streams into one for compatibility with software that only supports a single audio stream in AVI (see tthhee ""aammeerrggee"" sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee ffffmm-- ppeegg--ffiilltteerrss mmaannuuaall). fflliippppeedd__rraaww__rrggbb If set to true, store positive height for raw RGB bitmaps, which indicates bitmap is stored bottom-up. Note that this option does not flip the bitmap which has to be done manually beforehand, e.g. by using the vflip filter. Default is _f_a_l_s_e and indicates bitmap is stored top down. cchhrroommaapprriinntt Chromaprint fingerprinter. This muxer feeds audio data to the Chromaprint library, which generates a fingerprint for the provided audio data. See It takes a single signed native-endian 16-bit raw audio stream of at most 2 channels. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s ssiilleennccee__tthhrreesshhoolldd Threshold for detecting silence. Range is from -1 to 32767, where -1 disables silence detection. Silence detection can only be used with version 3 of the algorithm. Silence detection must be dis- abled for use with the AcoustID service. Default is -1. aallggoorriitthhmm Version of algorithm to fingerprint with. Range is 0 to 4. Version 3 enables silence detection. Default is 1. ffpp__ffoorrmmaatt Format to output the fingerprint as. Accepts the following options: rraaww Binary raw fingerprint ccoommpprreesssseedd Binary compressed fingerprint bbaassee6644 Base64 compressed fingerprint _(_d_e_f_a_u_l_t_) ccrrcc CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) testing format. This muxer computes and prints the Adler-32 CRC of all the input audio and video frames. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the CRC. The output of the muxer consists of a single line of the form: CRC=0x_C_R_C, where _C_R_C is a hexadecimal number 0-padded to 8 digits con- taining the CRC for all the decoded input frames. See also the ffrraammeeccrrcc muxer. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s For example to compute the CRC of the input, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._c_r_c: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f crc out.crc You can print the CRC to stdout with the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f crc - You can select the output format of each frame with ffffmmppeegg by specify- ing the audio and video codec and format. For example to compute the CRC of the input audio converted to PCM unsigned 8-bit and the input video converted to MPEG-2 video, use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -c:a pcm_u8 -c:v mpeg2video -f crc - ddaasshh Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) muxer that creates segments and manifest files according to the MPEG-DASH standard ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014. For more information see: +o ISO DASH Specification: +o WebM DASH Specification: It creates a MPD manifest file and segment files for each stream. The segment filename might contain pre-defined identifiers used with SegmentTemplate as defined in section of the standard. Avail- able identifiers are "$RepresentationID$", "$Number$", "$Bandwidth$" and "$Time$". In addition to the standard identifiers, an ffmpeg-spe- cific "$ext$" identifier is also supported. When specified ffmpeg will replace $ext$ in the file name with muxing format's extensions such as mp4, webm etc., ffmpeg -re -i -map 0 -map 0 -c:a libfdk_aac -c:v libx264 \ -b:v:0 800k -b:v:1 300k -s:v:1 320x170 -profile:v:1 baseline \ -profile:v:0 main -bf 1 -keyint_min 120 -g 120 -sc_threshold 0 \ -b_strategy 0 -ar:a:1 22050 -use_timeline 1 -use_template 1 \ -window_size 5 -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=v id=1,streams=a" \ -f dash /path/to/out.mpd sseegg__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Set the segment length in seconds (fractional value can be set). The value is treated as average segment duration when _u_s_e___t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e is enabled and _u_s_e___t_i_m_e_l_i_n_e is disabled and as minimum segment duration for all the other use cases. ffrraagg__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Set the length in seconds of fragments within segments (fractional value can be set). ffrraagg__ttyyppee _t_y_p_e Set the type of interval for fragmentation. wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee _s_i_z_e Set the maximum number of segments kept in the manifest. eexxttrraa__wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee _s_i_z_e Set the maximum number of segments kept outside of the manifest before removing from disk. rreemmoovvee__aatt__eexxiitt _r_e_m_o_v_e Enable (1) or disable (0) removal of all segments when finished. uussee__tteemmppllaattee _t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e Enable (1) or disable (0) use of SegmentTemplate instead of Seg- mentList. uussee__ttiimmeelliinnee _t_i_m_e_l_i_n_e Enable (1) or disable (0) use of SegmentTimeline in SegmentTem- plate. ssiinnggllee__ffiillee _s_i_n_g_l_e___f_i_l_e Enable (1) or disable (0) storing all segments in one file, accessed using byte ranges. ssiinnggllee__ffiillee__nnaammee _f_i_l_e___n_a_m_e DASH-templated name to be used for baseURL. Implies _s_i_n_g_l_e___f_i_l_e set to "1". In the template, "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment format. iinniitt__sseegg__nnaammee _i_n_i_t___n_a_m_e DASH-templated name to used for the initialization segment. Default is "init-stream$RepresentationID$.$ext$". "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment format. mmeeddiiaa__sseegg__nnaammee _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___n_a_m_e DASH-templated name to used for the media segments. Default is "chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.$ext$". "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment for- mat. uuttcc__ttiimmiinngg__uurrll _u_t_c___u_r_l URL of the page that will return the UTC timestamp in ISO format. Example: "https://time.akamai.com/?iso" mmeetthhoodd _m_e_t_h_o_d Use the given HTTP method to create output files. Generally set to PUT or POST. hhttttpp__uusseerr__aaggeenntt _u_s_e_r___a_g_e_n_t Override User-Agent field in HTTP header. Applicable only for HTTP output. hhttttpp__ppeerrssiisstteenntt _h_t_t_p___p_e_r_s_i_s_t_e_n_t Use persistent HTTP connections. Applicable only for HTTP output. hhllss__ppllaayylliisstt _h_l_s___p_l_a_y_l_i_s_t Generate HLS playlist files as well. The master playlist is gener- ated with the filename _h_l_s___m_a_s_t_e_r___n_a_m_e. One media playlist file is generated for each stream with filenames media_0.m3u8, media_1.m3u8, etc. hhllss__mmaasstteerr__nnaammee _f_i_l_e___n_a_m_e HLS master playlist name. Default is "master.m3u8". ssttrreeaammiinngg _s_t_r_e_a_m_i_n_g Enable (1) or disable (0) chunk streaming mode of output. In chunk streaming mode, each frame will be a moof fragment which forms a chunk. aaddaappttaattiioonn__sseettss _a_d_a_p_t_a_t_i_o_n___s_e_t_s Assign streams to AdaptationSets. Syntax is "id=x,streams=a,b,c id=y,streams=d,e" with x and y being the IDs of the adaptation sets and a,b,c,d and e are the indices of the mapped streams. To map all video (or audio) streams to an AdaptationSet, "v" (or "a") can be used as stream identifier instead of IDs. When no assignment is defined, this defaults to an AdaptationSet for each stream. Optional syntax is "id=x,seg_duration=x,frag_dura- tion=x,frag_type=type,descriptor=descriptor_string,streams=a,b,c id=y,seg_duration=y,frag_type=type,streams=d,e" and so on, descrip- tor is useful to the scheme defined by ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014/Amd.2:2015. For example, -adaptation_sets "id=0,descriptor=,streams=v". Please note that descriptor string should be a self-closing xml tag. seg_duration, frag_dura- tion and frag_type override the global option values for each adap- tation set. For example, -adaptation_sets "id=0,seg_dura- tion=2,frag_duration=1,frag_type=duration,streams=v id=1,seg_dura- tion=2,frag_type=none,streams=a" type_id marks an adaptation set as containing streams meant to be used for Trick Mode for the refer- enced adaptation set. For example, -adaptation_sets "id=0,seg_duration=2,frag_type=none,streams=0 id=1,seg_dura- tion=10,frag_type=none,trick_id=0,streams=1" ttiimmeeoouutt _t_i_m_e_o_u_t Set timeout for socket I/O operations. Applicable only for HTTP output. iinnddeexx__ccoorrrreeccttiioonn _i_n_d_e_x___c_o_r_r_e_c_t_i_o_n Enable (1) or Disable (0) segment index correction logic. Applica- ble only when _u_s_e___t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e is enabled and _u_s_e___t_i_m_e_l_i_n_e is disabled. When enabled, the logic monitors the flow of segment indexes. If a streams's segment index value is not at the expected real time position, then the logic corrects that index value. Typically this logic is needed in live streaming use cases. The network bandwidth fluctuations are common during long run stream- ing. Each fluctuation can cause the segment indexes fall behind the expected real time position. ffoorrmmaatt__ooppttiioonnss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s___l_i_s_t Set container format (mp4/webm) options using a ":" separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing ":" special characters must be escaped. gglloobbaall__ssiiddxx _g_l_o_b_a_l___s_i_d_x Write global SIDX atom. Applicable only for single file, mp4 out- put, non-streaming mode. ddaasshh__sseeggmmeenntt__ttyyppee _d_a_s_h___s_e_g_m_e_n_t___t_y_p_e Possible values: aauuttoo If this flag is set, the dash segment files format will be selected based on the stream codec. This is the default mode. mmpp44 If this flag is set, the dash segment files will be in in ISOBMFF format. wweebbmm If this flag is set, the dash segment files will be in in WebM format. iiggnnoorree__iioo__eerrrroorrss _i_g_n_o_r_e___i_o___e_r_r_o_r_s Ignore IO errors during open and write. Useful for long-duration runs with network output. llhhllss _l_h_l_s Enable Low-latency HLS(LHLS). Adds #EXT-X-PREFETCH tag with current segment's URI. hls.js player folks are trying to standardize an open LHLS spec. The draft spec is available in https://github.com/video-dev/hlsjs-rfcs/blob/lhls-spec/propos- als/0001-lhls.md This option tries to comply with the above open spec. It enables _s_t_r_e_a_m_i_n_g and _h_l_s___p_l_a_y_l_i_s_t options automatically. This is an experimental feature. Note: This is not Apple's version LHLS. See llddaasshh _l_d_a_s_h Enable Low-latency Dash by constraining the presence and values of some elements. mmaasstteerr__mm33uu88__ppuubblliisshh__rraattee _m_a_s_t_e_r___m_3_u_8___p_u_b_l_i_s_h___r_a_t_e Publish master playlist repeatedly every after specified number of segment intervals. wwrriittee__pprrfftt _w_r_i_t_e___p_r_f_t Write Producer Reference Time elements on supported streams. This also enables writing prft boxes in the underlying muxer. Applicable only when the _u_t_c___u_r_l option is enabled. It's set to auto by default, in which case the muxer will attempt to enable it only in modes that require it. mmppdd__pprrooffiillee _m_p_d___p_r_o_f_i_l_e Set one or more manifest profiles. hhttttpp__ooppttss _h_t_t_p___o_p_t_s A :-separated list of key=value options to pass to the underlying HTTP protocol. Applicable only for HTTP output. ttaarrggeett__llaatteennccyy _t_a_r_g_e_t___l_a_t_e_n_c_y Set an intended target latency in seconds (fractional value can be set) for serving. Applicable only when _s_t_r_e_a_m_i_n_g and _w_r_i_t_e___p_r_f_t options are enabled. This is an informative fields clients can use to measure the latency of the service. mmiinn__ppllaayybbaacckk__rraattee _m_i_n___p_l_a_y_b_a_c_k___r_a_t_e Set the minimum playback rate indicated as appropriate for the pur- poses of automatically adjusting playback latency and buffer occu- pancy during normal playback by clients. mmaaxx__ppllaayybbaacckk__rraattee _m_a_x___p_l_a_y_b_a_c_k___r_a_t_e Set the maximum playback rate indicated as appropriate for the pur- poses of automatically adjusting playback latency and buffer occu- pancy during normal playback by clients. uuppddaattee__ppeerriioodd _u_p_d_a_t_e___p_e_r_i_o_d Set the mpd update period ,for dynamic content. The unit is second. ffiiffoo The fifo pseudo-muxer allows the separation of encoding and muxing by using first-in-first-out queue and running the actual muxer in a sepa- rate thread. This is especially useful in combination with the tteeee muxer and can be used to send data to several destinations with differ- ent reliability/writing speed/latency. API users should be aware that callback functions (interrupt_callback, io_open and io_close) used within its AVFormatContext must be thread-safe. The behavior of the fifo muxer if the queue fills up or if the output fails is selectable, +o output can be transparently restarted with configurable delay between retries based on real time or time of the processed stream. +o encoding can be blocked during temporary failure, or continue transparently dropping packets in case fifo queue fills up. ffiiffoo__ffoorrmmaatt Specify the format name. Useful if it cannot be guessed from the output name suffix. qquueeuuee__ssiizzee Specify size of the queue (number of packets). Default value is 60. ffoorrmmaatt__ooppttss Specify format options for the underlying muxer. Muxer options can be specified as a list of _k_e_y=_v_a_l_u_e pairs separated by ':'. ddrroopp__ppkkttss__oonn__oovveerrffllooww _b_o_o_l If set to 1 (true), in case the fifo queue fills up, packets will be dropped rather than blocking the encoder. This makes it possible to continue streaming without delaying the input, at the cost of omitting part of the stream. By default this option is set to 0 (false), so in such cases the encoder will be blocked until the muxer processes some of the packets and none of them is lost. aatttteemmpptt__rreeccoovveerryy _b_o_o_l If failure occurs, attempt to recover the output. This is espe- cially useful when used with network output, since it makes it pos- sible to restart streaming transparently. By default this option is set to 0 (false). mmaaxx__rreeccoovveerryy__aatttteemmppttss Sets maximum number of successive unsuccessful recovery attempts after which the output fails permanently. By default this option is set to 0 (unlimited). rreeccoovveerryy__wwaaiitt__ttiimmee _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Waiting time before the next recovery attempt after previous unsuc- cessful recovery attempt. Default value is 5 seconds. rreeccoovveerryy__wwaaiitt__ssttrreeaammttiimmee _b_o_o_l If set to 0 (false), the real time is used when waiting for the recovery attempt (i.e. the recovery will be attempted after at least recovery_wait_time seconds). If set to 1 (true), the time of the processed stream is taken into account instead (i.e. the recov- ery will be attempted after at least _r_e_c_o_v_e_r_y___w_a_i_t___t_i_m_e seconds of the stream is omitted). By default, this option is set to 0 (false). rreeccoovveerr__aannyy__eerrrroorr _b_o_o_l If set to 1 (true), recovery will be attempted regardless of type of the error causing the failure. By default this option is set to 0 (false) and in case of certain (usually permanent) errors the recovery is not attempted even when _a_t_t_e_m_p_t___r_e_c_o_v_e_r_y is set to 1. rreessttaarrtt__wwiitthh__kkeeyyffrraammee _b_o_o_l Specify whether to wait for the keyframe after recovering from queue overflow or failure. This option is set to 0 (false) by default. ttiimmeesshhiifftt _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Buffer the specified amount of packets and delay writing the out- put. Note that _q_u_e_u_e___s_i_z_e must be big enough to store the packets for timeshift. At the end of the input the fifo buffer is flushed at realtime speed. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s +o Stream something to rtmp server, continue processing the stream at real-time rate even in case of temporary failure (network outage) and attempt to recover streaming every second indefinitely. ffmpeg -re -i ... -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -f fifo -fifo_format flv -map 0:v -map 0:a -drop_pkts_on_overflow 1 -attempt_recovery 1 -recovery_wait_time 1 rtmp://example.com/live/stream_name ffllvv Adobe Flash Video Format muxer. This muxer accepts the following options: ffllvvffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s Possible values: aaaacc__sseeqq__hheeaaddeerr__ddeetteecctt Place AAC sequence header based on audio stream data. nnoo__sseeqquueennccee__eenndd Disable sequence end tag. nnoo__mmeettaaddaattaa Disable metadata tag. nnoo__dduurraattiioonn__ffiilleessiizzee Disable duration and filesize in metadata when they are equal to zero at the end of stream. (Be used to non-seekable living stream). aadddd__kkeeyyffrraammee__iinnddeexx Used to facilitate seeking; particularly for HTTP pseudo streaming. ffrraammeeccrrcc Per-packet CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) testing format. This muxer computes and prints the Adler-32 CRC for each audio and video packet. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the CRC. The output of the muxer consists of a line for each audio and video packet of the form: , , , , , 0x _C_R_C is a hexadecimal number 0-padded to 8 digits containing the CRC of the packet. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s For example to compute the CRC of the audio and video frames in _I_N_P_U_T, converted to raw audio and video packets, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._c_r_c: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framecrc out.crc To print the information to stdout, use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framecrc - With ffffmmppeegg, you can select the output format to which the audio and video frames are encoded before computing the CRC for each packet by specifying the audio and video codec. For example, to compute the CRC of each decoded input audio frame converted to PCM unsigned 8-bit and of each decoded input video frame converted to MPEG-2 video, use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -c:a pcm_u8 -c:v mpeg2video -f framecrc - See also the ccrrcc muxer. ffrraammeehhaasshh Per-packet hash testing format. This muxer computes and prints a cryptographic hash for each audio and video packet. This can be used for packet-by-packet equality checks without having to individually do a binary comparison on each. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the hash, but the output of explicit conversions to other codecs can also be used. It uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function by default, but supports several other algorithms. The output of the muxer consists of a line for each audio and video packet of the form: , , , , , _h_a_s_h is a hexadecimal number representing the computed hash for the packet. hhaasshh _a_l_g_o_r_i_t_h_m Use the cryptographic hash function specified by the string _a_l_g_o_- _r_i_t_h_m. Supported values include "MD5", "murmur3", "RIPEMD128", "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD256", "RIPEMD320", "SHA160", "SHA224", "SHA256" (default), "SHA512/224", "SHA512/256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "CRC32" and "adler32". _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s To compute the SHA-256 hash of the audio and video frames in _I_N_P_U_T, converted to raw audio and video packets, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._s_h_a_2_5_6: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framehash out.sha256 To print the information to stdout, using the MD5 hash function, use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framehash -hash md5 - See also the hhaasshh muxer. ffrraammeemmdd55 Per-packet MD5 testing format. This is a variant of the ffrraammeehhaasshh muxer. Unlike that muxer, it defaults to using the MD5 hash function. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s To compute the MD5 hash of the audio and video frames in _I_N_P_U_T, con- verted to raw audio and video packets, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._m_d_5: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framemd5 out.md5 To print the information to stdout, use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f framemd5 - See also the ffrraammeehhaasshh and mmdd55 muxers. ggiiff Animated GIF muxer. It accepts the following options: lloooopp Set the number of times to loop the output. Use "-1" for no loop, 0 for looping indefinitely (default). ffiinnaall__ddeellaayy Force the delay (expressed in centiseconds) after the last frame. Each frame ends with a delay until the next frame. The default is "-1", which is a special value to tell the muxer to re-use the pre- vious delay. In case of a loop, you might want to customize this value to mark a pause for instance. For example, to encode a gif looping 10 times, with a 5 seconds delay between the loops: ffmpeg -i INPUT -loop 10 -final_delay 500 out.gif Note 1: if you wish to extract the frames into separate GIF files, you need to force the iimmaaggee22 muxer: ffmpeg -i INPUT -c:v gif -f image2 "out%d.gif" Note 2: the GIF format has a very large time base: the delay between two frames can therefore not be smaller than one centi second. hhaasshh Hash testing format. This muxer computes and prints a cryptographic hash of all the input audio and video frames. This can be used for equality checks without having to do a complete binary comparison. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the hash, but the output of explicit conversions to other codecs can also be used. Timestamps are ignored. It uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function by default, but supports several other algorithms. The output of the muxer consists of a single line of the form: _a_l_g_o=_h_a_s_h, where _a_l_g_o is a short string representing the hash function used, and _h_a_s_h is a hexadecimal number representing the computed hash. hhaasshh _a_l_g_o_r_i_t_h_m Use the cryptographic hash function specified by the string _a_l_g_o_- _r_i_t_h_m. Supported values include "MD5", "murmur3", "RIPEMD128", "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD256", "RIPEMD320", "SHA160", "SHA224", "SHA256" (default), "SHA512/224", "SHA512/256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "CRC32" and "adler32". _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s To compute the SHA-256 hash of the input converted to raw audio and video, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._s_h_a_2_5_6: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f hash out.sha256 To print an MD5 hash to stdout use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f hash -hash md5 - See also the ffrraammeehhaasshh muxer. hhllss Apple HTTP Live Streaming muxer that segments MPEG-TS according to the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) specification. It creates a playlist file, and one or more segment files. The output filename specifies the playlist filename. By default, the muxer creates a file for each segment produced. These files have the same name as the playlist, followed by a sequential num- ber and a .ts extension. Make sure to require a closed GOP when encoding and to set the GOP size to fit your segment time constraint. For example, to convert an input file with ffffmmppeegg: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -c:v h264 -flags +cgop -g 30 -hls_time 1 out.m3u8 This example will produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _o_u_t_0_._t_s, _o_u_t_1_._t_s, _o_u_t_2_._t_s, etc. See also the sseeggmmeenntt muxer, which provides a more generic and flexible implementation of a segmenter, and can be used to perform HLS segmenta- tion. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This muxer supports the following options: hhllss__iinniitt__ttiimmee _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Set the initial target segment length. Default value is _0. _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n must be a time duration specification, see tthhee TTiimmee dduurraa-- ttiioonn sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee _ff_ff_mm_pp_ee_gg_--_uu_tt_ii_ll_ss((11)) mmaannuuaall. Segment will be cut on the next key frame after this time has passed on the first m3u8 list. After the initial playlist is filled ffffmmppeegg will cut segments at duration equal to "hls_time" hhllss__ttiimmee _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Set the target segment length. Default value is 2. _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n must be a time duration specification, see tthhee TTiimmee dduurraa-- ttiioonn sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee _ff_ff_mm_pp_ee_gg_--_uu_tt_ii_ll_ss((11)) mmaannuuaall. Segment will be cut on the next key frame after this time has passed. hhllss__lliisstt__ssiizzee _s_i_z_e Set the maximum number of playlist entries. If set to 0 the list file will contain all the segments. Default value is 5. hhllss__ddeelleettee__tthhrreesshhoolldd _s_i_z_e Set the number of unreferenced segments to keep on disk before "hls_flags delete_segments" deletes them. Increase this to allow continue clients to download segments which were recently refer- enced in the playlist. Default value is 1, meaning segments older than "hls_list_size+1" will be deleted. hhllss__ttss__ooppttiioonnss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s___l_i_s_t Set output format options using a :-separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing ":" special characters must be escaped. "hls_ts_options" is deprecated, use hls_segment_options instead of it.. hhllss__ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr__ssoouurrccee Start the playlist sequence number ("#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE") according to the specified source. Unless "hls_flags single_file" is set, it also specifies source of starting sequence numbers of segment and subtitle filenames. In any case, if "hls_flags append_list" is set and read playlist sequence number is greater than the specified start sequence number, then that value will be used as start value. It accepts the following values: ggeenneerriicc ((ddeeffaauulltt)) Set the starting sequence numbers according to _s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r option value. eeppoocchh The start number will be the seconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00) eeppoocchh__uuss The start number will be the microseconds since epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00) ddaatteettiimmee The start number will be based on the current date/time as YYYYmmddHHMMSS. e.g. 20161231235759. ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr _n_u_m_b_e_r Start the playlist sequence number ("#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE") from the specified _n_u_m_b_e_r when _h_l_s___s_t_a_r_t___n_u_m_b_e_r___s_o_u_r_c_e value is _g_e_n_e_r_i_c. (This is the default case.) Unless "hls_flags single_file" is set, it also specifies starting sequence numbers of segment and subtitle filenames. Default value is 0. hhllss__aallllooww__ccaacchhee _a_l_l_o_w_c_a_c_h_e Explicitly set whether the client MAY (1) or MUST NOT (0) cache media segments. hhllss__bbaassee__uurrll _b_a_s_e_u_r_l Append _b_a_s_e_u_r_l to every entry in the playlist. Useful to generate playlists with absolute paths. Note that the playlist sequence number must be unique for each seg- ment and it is not to be confused with the segment filename sequence number which can be cyclic, for example if the wwrraapp option is specified. hhllss__sseeggmmeenntt__ffiilleennaammee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e Set the segment filename. Unless "hls_flags single_file" is set, _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e is used as a string format with the segment number: ffmpeg -i in.nut -hls_segment_filename 'file%03d.ts' out.m3u8 This example will produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _f_i_l_e_0_0_0_._t_s, _f_i_l_e_0_0_1_._t_s, _f_i_l_e_0_0_2_._t_s, etc. _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e may contain full path or relative path specification, but only the file name part without any path info will be contained in the m3u8 segment list. Should a relative path be specified, the path of the created segment files will be relative to the current working directory. When strftime_mkdir is set, the whole expanded value of _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e will be written into the m3u8 segment list. When "var_stream_map" is set with two or more variant streams, the _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e pattern must contain the string "%v", this string speci- fies the position of variant stream index in the generated segment file names. ffmpeg -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1" \ -hls_segment_filename 'file_%v_%03d.ts' out_%v.m3u8 This example will produce the playlists segment file sets: _f_i_l_e___0___0_0_0_._t_s, _f_i_l_e___0___0_0_1_._t_s, _f_i_l_e___0___0_0_2_._t_s, etc. and _f_i_l_e___1___0_0_0_._t_s, _f_i_l_e___1___0_0_1_._t_s, _f_i_l_e___1___0_0_2_._t_s, etc. The string "%v" may be present in the filename or in the last directory name containing the file, but only in one of them. (Addi- tionally, %v may appear multiple times in the last sub-directory or filename.) If the string %v is present in the directory name, then sub-directories are created after expanding the directory name pat- tern. This enables creation of segments corresponding to different variant streams in subdirectories. ffmpeg -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1" \ -hls_segment_filename 'vs%v/file_%03d.ts' vs%v/out.m3u8 This example will produce the playlists segment file sets: _v_s_0_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_0_._t_s, _v_s_0_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_1_._t_s, _v_s_0_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_2_._t_s, etc. and _v_s_1_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_0_._t_s, _v_s_1_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_1_._t_s, _v_s_1_/_f_i_l_e___0_0_2_._t_s, etc. ssttrrffttiimmee Use _s_t_r_f_t_i_m_e_(_) on _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e to expand the segment filename with localtime. The segment number is also available in this mode, but to use it, you need to specify second_level_segment_index hls_flag and %%d will be the specifier. ffmpeg -i in.nut -strftime 1 -hls_segment_filename 'file-%Y%m%d-%s.ts' out.m3u8 This example will produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_3_._t_s, _f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_4_._t_s, etc. Note: On some systems/environments, the %s specifier is not available. See "strftime()" documentation. ffmpeg -i in.nut -strftime 1 -hls_flags second_level_segment_index -hls_segment_filename 'file-%Y%m%d-%%04d.ts' out.m3u8 This example will produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_0_0_0_1_._t_s, _f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_0_0_0_2_._t_s, etc. ssttrrffttiimmee__mmkkddiirr Used together with -strftime_mkdir, it will create all subdirecto- ries which is expanded in _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e. ffmpeg -i in.nut -strftime 1 -strftime_mkdir 1 -hls_segment_filename '%Y%m%d/file-%Y%m%d-%s.ts' out.m3u8 This example will create a directory 201560215 (if it does not exist), and then produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_/_f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_3_._t_s, _2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_/_f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_4_._t_s, etc. ffmpeg -i in.nut -strftime 1 -strftime_mkdir 1 -hls_segment_filename '%Y/%m/%d/file-%Y%m%d-%s.ts' out.m3u8 This example will create a directory hierarchy 2016/02/15 (if any of them do not exist), and then produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and segment files: _2_0_1_6_/_0_2_/_1_5_/_f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_3_._t_s, _2_0_1_6_/_0_2_/_1_5_/_f_i_l_e_-_2_0_1_6_0_2_1_5_-_1_4_5_5_5_6_9_0_2_4_._t_s, etc. hhllss__sseeggmmeenntt__ooppttiioonnss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s___l_i_s_t Set output format options using a :-separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing ":" special characters must be escaped. hhllss__kkeeyy__iinnffoo__ffiillee _k_e_y___i_n_f_o___f_i_l_e Use the information in _k_e_y___i_n_f_o___f_i_l_e for segment encryption. The first line of _k_e_y___i_n_f_o___f_i_l_e specifies the key URI written to the playlist. The key URL is used to access the encryption key during playback. The second line specifies the path to the key file used to obtain the key during the encryption process. The key file is read as a single packed array of 16 octets in binary format. The optional third line specifies the initialization vector (IV) as a hexadecimal string to be used instead of the segment sequence num- ber (default) for encryption. Changes to _k_e_y___i_n_f_o___f_i_l_e will result in segment encryption with the new key/IV and an entry in the playlist for the new key URI/IV if "hls_flags periodic_rekey" is enabled. Key info file format: (optional) Example key URIs: http://server/file.key /path/to/file.key file.key Example key file paths: file.key /path/to/file.key Example IV: 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Key info file example: http://server/file.key /path/to/file.key 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF Example shell script: #!/bin/sh BASE_URL=${1:-'.'} openssl rand 16 > file.key echo $BASE_URL/file.key > file.keyinfo echo file.key >> file.keyinfo echo $(openssl rand -hex 16) >> file.keyinfo ffmpeg -f lavfi -re -i testsrc -c:v h264 -hls_flags delete_segments \ -hls_key_info_file file.keyinfo out.m3u8 --hhllss__eenncc _e_n_c Enable (1) or disable (0) the AES128 encryption. When enabled every segment generated is encrypted and the encryption key is saved as _p_l_a_y_l_i_s_t _n_a_m_e.key. --hhllss__eenncc__kkeeyy _k_e_y 16-octet key to encrypt the segments, by default it is randomly generated. --hhllss__eenncc__kkeeyy__uurrll _k_e_y_u_r_l If set, _k_e_y_u_r_l is prepended instead of _b_a_s_e_u_r_l to the key filename in the playlist. --hhllss__eenncc__iivv _i_v 16-octet initialization vector for every segment instead of the autogenerated ones. hhllss__sseeggmmeenntt__ttyyppee _f_l_a_g_s Possible values: mmppeeggttss Output segment files in MPEG-2 Transport Stream format. This is compatible with all HLS versions. ffmmpp44 Output segment files in fragmented MP4 format, similar to MPEG-DASH. fmp4 files may be used in HLS version 7 and above. hhllss__ffmmpp44__iinniitt__ffiilleennaammee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e Set filename to the fragment files header file, default filename is _i_n_i_t_._m_p_4. Use "-strftime 1" on _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e to expand the segment filename with localtime. ffmpeg -i in.nut -hls_segment_type fmp4 -strftime 1 -hls_fmp4_init_filename "%s_init.mp4" out.m3u8 This will produce init like this _1_6_0_2_6_7_8_7_4_1___i_n_i_t_._m_p_4 hhllss__ffmmpp44__iinniitt__rreesseenndd Resend init file after m3u8 file refresh every time, default is _0. When "var_stream_map" is set with two or more variant streams, the _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e pattern must contain the string "%v", this string speci- fies the position of variant stream index in the generated init file names. The string "%v" may be present in the filename or in the last directory name containing the file. If the string is present in the directory name, then sub-directories are created after expanding the directory name pattern. This enables creation of init files corresponding to different variant streams in subdi- rectories. hhllss__ffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s Possible values: ssiinnggllee__ffiillee If this flag is set, the muxer will store all segments in a single MPEG-TS file, and will use byte ranges in the playlist. HLS playlists generated with this way will have the version number 4. For example: ffmpeg -i in.nut -hls_flags single_file out.m3u8 Will produce the playlist, _o_u_t_._m_3_u_8, and a single segment file, _o_u_t_._t_s. ddeelleettee__sseeggmmeennttss Segment files removed from the playlist are deleted after a period of time equal to the duration of the segment plus the duration of the playlist. aappppeenndd__lliisstt Append new segments into the end of old segment list, and remove the "#EXT-X-ENDLIST" from the old segment list. rroouunndd__dduurraattiioonnss Round the duration info in the playlist file segment info to integer values, instead of using floating point. If there are no other features requiring higher HLS versions be used, then this will allow ffmpeg to output a HLS version 2 m3u8. ddiissccoonntt__ssttaarrtt Add the "#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY" tag to the playlist, before the first segment's information. oommiitt__eennddlliisstt Do not append the "EXT-X-ENDLIST" tag at the end of the playlist. ppeerriiooddiicc__rreekkeeyy The file specified by "hls_key_info_file" will be checked peri- odically and detect updates to the encryption info. Be sure to replace this file atomically, including the file containing the AES encryption key. iinnddeeppeennddeenntt__sseeggmmeennttss Add the "#EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS" to playlists that has video segments and when all the segments of that playlist are guaranteed to start with a Key frame. iiffrraammeess__oonnllyy Add the "#EXT-X-I-FRAMES-ONLY" to playlists that has video seg- ments and can play only I-frames in the "#EXT-X-BYTERANGE" mode. sspplliitt__bbyy__ttiimmee Allow segments to start on frames other than keyframes. This improves behavior on some players when the time between keyframes is inconsistent, but may make things worse on others, and can cause some oddities during seeking. This flag should be used with the "hls_time" option. pprrooggrraamm__ddaattee__ttiimmee Generate "EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME" tags. sseeccoonndd__lleevveell__sseeggmmeenntt__iinnddeexx Makes it possible to use segment indexes as %%d in hls_seg- ment_filename expression besides date/time values when strftime is on. To get fixed width numbers with trailing zeroes, %%0xd format is available where x is the required width. sseeccoonndd__lleevveell__sseeggmmeenntt__ssiizzee Makes it possible to use segment sizes (counted in bytes) as %%s in hls_segment_filename expression besides date/time values when strftime is on. To get fixed width numbers with trailing zeroes, %%0xs format is available where x is the required width. sseeccoonndd__lleevveell__sseeggmmeenntt__dduurraattiioonn Makes it possible to use segment duration (calculated in microseconds) as %%t in hls_segment_filename expression besides date/time values when strftime is on. To get fixed width num- bers with trailing zeroes, %%0xt format is available where x is the required width. ffmpeg -i sample.mpeg \ -f hls -hls_time 3 -hls_list_size 5 \ -hls_flags second_level_segment_index+second_level_segment_size+second_level_segment_duration \ -strftime 1 -strftime_mkdir 1 -hls_segment_filename "segment_%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%%04d_%%08s_%%013t.ts" stream.m3u8 This will produce segments like this: _s_e_g_- _m_e_n_t___2_0_1_7_0_1_0_2_1_9_4_3_3_4___0_0_0_3___0_0_1_2_2_2_0_0___0_0_0_0_0_0_3_0_0_0_0_0_0_._t_s, _s_e_g_- _m_e_n_t___2_0_1_7_0_1_0_2_1_9_4_3_3_4___0_0_0_4___0_0_1_2_0_0_7_2___0_0_0_0_0_0_3_0_0_0_0_0_0_._t_s etc. tteemmpp__ffiillee Write segment data to filename.tmp and rename to filename only once the segment is complete. A webserver serving up segments can be configured to reject requests to *.tmp to prevent access to in-progress segments before they have been added to the m3u8 playlist. This flag also affects how m3u8 playlist files are created. If this flag is set, all playlist files will written into temporary file and renamed after they are complete, simi- larly as segments are handled. But playlists with "file" pro- tocol and with type ("hls_playlist_type") other than "vod" are always written into temporary file regardless of this flag. Master playlist files ("master_pl_name"), if any, with "file" protocol, are always written into temporary file regardless of this flag if "master_pl_publish_rate" value is other than zero. hhllss__ppllaayylliisstt__ttyyppee eevveenntt Emit "#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT" in the m3u8 header. Forces hhllss__lliisstt__ssiizzee to 0; the playlist can only be appended to. hhllss__ppllaayylliisstt__ttyyppee vvoodd Emit "#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD" in the m3u8 header. Forces hhllss__lliisstt__ssiizzee to 0; the playlist must not change. mmeetthhoodd Use the given HTTP method to create the hls files. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -f hls -method PUT http://example.com/live/out.m3u8 This example will upload all the mpegts segment files to the HTTP server using the HTTP PUT method, and update the m3u8 files every "refresh" times using the same method. Note that the HTTP server must support the given method for uploading files. hhttttpp__uusseerr__aaggeenntt Override User-Agent field in HTTP header. Applicable only for HTTP output. vvaarr__ssttrreeaamm__mmaapp Map string which specifies how to group the audio, video and subti- tle streams into different variant streams. The variant stream groups are separated by space. Expected string format is like this "a:0,v:0 a:1,v:1 ....". Here a:, v:, s: are the keys to specify audio, video and subtitle streams respectively. Allowed values are 0 to 9 (limited just based on practical usage). When there are two or more variant streams, the output filename pattern must contain the string "%v", this string specifies the position of variant stream index in the output media playlist file- names. The string "%v" may be present in the filename or in the last directory name containing the file. If the string is present in the directory name, then sub-directories are created after expanding the directory name pattern. This enables creation of variant streams in subdirectories. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1" \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates two hls variant streams. The first variant stream will contain video stream of bitrate 1000k and audio stream of bitrate 64k and the second variant stream will contain video stream of bitrate 256k and audio stream of bitrate 32k. Here, two media playlist with file names out_0.m3u8 and out_1.m3u8 will be created. If you want something meaningful text instead of indexes in result names, you may specify names for each or some of the variants as in the following example. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,name:my_hd v:1,a:1,name:my_sd" \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates two hls variant streams as in the previous one. But here, the two media playlist with file names out_my_hd.m3u8 and out_my_sd.m3u8 will be created. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0 a:0 v:1" \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates three hls variant streams. The first variant stream will be a video only stream with video bitrate 1000k, the second variant stream will be an audio only stream with bitrate 64k and the third variant stream will be a video only stream with bitrate 256k. Here, three media playlist with file names out_0.m3u8, out_1.m3u8 and out_2.m3u8 will be created. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0 v:1,a:1" \ http://example.com/live/vs_%v/out.m3u8 This example creates the variant streams in subdirectories. Here, the first media playlist is created at _h_t_t_p_:_/_/_e_x_a_m_- _p_l_e_._c_o_m_/_l_i_v_e_/_v_s___0_/_o_u_t_._m_3_u_8 and the second one at _h_t_t_p_:_/_/_e_x_a_m_- _p_l_e_._c_o_m_/_l_i_v_e_/_v_s___1_/_o_u_t_._m_3_u_8. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:a:0 32k -b:a:1 64k -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 3000k \ -map 0:a -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:v -f hls \ -var_stream_map "a:0,agroup:aud_low a:1,agroup:aud_high v:0,agroup:aud_low v:1,agroup:aud_high" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates two audio only and two video only variant streams. In addition to the #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag for each variant stream in the master playlist, #EXT-X-MEDIA tag is also added for the two audio only variant streams and they are mapped to the two video only variant streams with audio group names 'aud_low' and 'aud_high'. By default, a single hls variant containing all the encoded streams is created. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:a:0 32k -b:a:1 64k -b:v:0 1000k \ -map 0:a -map 0:a -map 0:v -f hls \ -var_stream_map "a:0,agroup:aud_low,default:yes a:1,agroup:aud_low v:0,agroup:aud_low" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates two audio only and one video only variant streams. In addition to the #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag for each variant stream in the master playlist, #EXT-X-MEDIA tag is also added for the two audio only variant streams and they are mapped to the one video only variant streams with audio group name 'aud_low', and the audio group have default stat is NO or YES. By default, a single hls variant containing all the encoded streams is created. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:a:0 32k -b:a:1 64k -b:v:0 1000k \ -map 0:a -map 0:a -map 0:v -f hls \ -var_stream_map "a:0,agroup:aud_low,default:yes,language:ENG a:1,agroup:aud_low,language:CHN v:0,agroup:aud_low" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example creates two audio only and one video only variant streams. In addition to the #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag for each variant stream in the master playlist, #EXT-X-MEDIA tag is also added for the two audio only variant streams and they are mapped to the one video only variant streams with audio group name 'aud_low', and the audio group have default stat is NO or YES, and one audio have and language is named ENG, the other audio language is named CHN. By default, a single hls variant containing all the encoded streams is created. ffmpeg -y -i input_with_subtitle.mkv \ -b:v:0 5250k -c:v h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v main -level 4.1 \ -b:a:0 256k \ -c:s webvtt -c:a mp2 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -map 0:v -map 0:a:0 -map 0:s:0 \ -f hls -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,s:0,sgroup:subtitle" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 -t 300 -hls_time 10 -hls_init_time 4 -hls_list_size \ 10 -master_pl_publish_rate 10 -hls_flags \ delete_segments+discont_start+split_by_time ./tmp/video.m3u8 This example adds "#EXT-X-MEDIA" tag with "TYPE=SUBTITLES" in the master playlist with webvtt subtitle group name 'subtitle'. Please make sure the input file has one text subtitle stream at least. cccc__ssttrreeaamm__mmaapp Map string which specifies different closed captions groups and their attributes. The closed captions stream groups are separated by space. Expected string format is like this "ccgroup:,instreamid:,language: ....". 'ccgroup' and 'instreamid' are mandatory attributes. 'language' is an optional attribute. The closed captions groups configured using this option are mapped to different variant streams by providing the same 'ccgroup' name in the "var_stream_map" string. If "var_stream_map" is not set, then the first available ccgroup in "cc_stream_map" is mapped to the output variant stream. The exam- ples for these two use cases are given below. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v 1000k -b:a 64k -a53cc 1 -f hls \ -cc_stream_map "ccgroup:cc,instreamid:CC1,language:en" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ http://example.com/live/out.m3u8 This example adds "#EXT-X-MEDIA" tag with "TYPE=CLOSED-CAPTIONS" in the master playlist with group name 'cc', language 'en' (english) and INSTREAM-ID 'CC1'. Also, it adds "CLOSED-CAPTIONS" attribute with group name 'cc' for the output variant stream. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -b:v:0 1000k -b:v:1 256k -b:a:0 64k -b:a:1 32k \ -a53cc:0 1 -a53cc:1 1\ -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:v -map 0:a -f hls \ -cc_stream_map "ccgroup:cc,instreamid:CC1,language:en ccgroup:cc,instreamid:CC2,language:sp" \ -var_stream_map "v:0,a:0,ccgroup:cc v:1,a:1,ccgroup:cc" \ -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ http://example.com/live/out_%v.m3u8 This example adds two "#EXT-X-MEDIA" tags with "TYPE=CLOSED-CAP- TIONS" in the master playlist for the INSTREAM-IDs 'CC1' and 'CC2'. Also, it adds "CLOSED-CAPTIONS" attribute with group name 'cc' for the two output variant streams. mmaasstteerr__ppll__nnaammee Create HLS master playlist with the given name. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -f hls -master_pl_name master.m3u8 http://example.com/live/out.m3u8 This example creates HLS master playlist with name master.m3u8 and it is published at http://example.com/live/ mmaasstteerr__ppll__ppuubblliisshh__rraattee Publish master play list repeatedly every after specified number of segment intervals. ffmpeg -re -i in.ts -f hls -master_pl_name master.m3u8 \ -hls_time 2 -master_pl_publish_rate 30 http://example.com/live/out.m3u8 This example creates HLS master playlist with name master.m3u8 and keep publishing it repeatedly every after 30 segments i.e. every after 60s. hhttttpp__ppeerrssiisstteenntt Use persistent HTTP connections. Applicable only for HTTP output. ttiimmeeoouutt Set timeout for socket I/O operations. Applicable only for HTTP output. --iiggnnoorree__iioo__eerrrroorrss Ignore IO errors during open, write and delete. Useful for long- duration runs with network output. hheeaaddeerrss Set custom HTTP headers, can override built in default headers. Applicable only for HTTP output. iiccoo ICO file muxer. Microsoft's icon file format (ICO) has some strict limitations that should be noted: +o Size cannot exceed 256 pixels in any dimension +o Only BMP and PNG images can be stored +o If a BMP image is used, it must be one of the following pixel for- mats: BMP Bit Depth FFmpeg Pixel Format 1bit pal8 4bit pal8 8bit pal8 16bit rgb555le 24bit bgr24 32bit bgra +o If a BMP image is used, it must use the BITMAPINFOHEADER DIB header +o If a PNG image is used, it must use the rgba pixel format iimmaaggee22 Image file muxer. The image file muxer writes video frames to image files. The output filenames are specified by a pattern, which can be used to produce sequentially numbered series of files. The pattern may contain the string "%d" or "%0_Nd", this string specifies the position of the characters representing a numbering in the filenames. If the form "%0_Nd" is used, the string representing the number in each filename is 0-padded to _N digits. The literal character '%' can be specified in the pattern with the string "%%". If the pattern contains "%d" or "%0_Nd", the first filename of the file list specified will contain the number 1, all the following numbers will be sequential. The pattern may contain a suffix which is used to automatically deter- mine the format of the image files to write. For example the pattern "img-%03d.bmp" will specify a sequence of file- names of the form _i_m_g_-_0_0_1_._b_m_p, _i_m_g_-_0_0_2_._b_m_p, ..., _i_m_g_-_0_1_0_._b_m_p, etc. The pattern "img%%-%d.jpg" will specify a sequence of filenames of the form _i_m_g_%_-_1_._j_p_g, _i_m_g_%_-_2_._j_p_g, ..., _i_m_g_%_-_1_0_._j_p_g, etc. The image muxer supports the .Y.U.V image file format. This format is special in that that each image frame consists of three files, for each of the YUV420P components. To read or write this image file format, specify the name of the '.Y' file. The muxer will automatically open the '.U' and '.V' files as required. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s ffrraammee__ppttss If set to 1, expand the filename with pts from pkt->pts. Default value is 0. ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr Start the sequence from the specified number. Default value is 1. uuppddaattee If set to 1, the filename will always be interpreted as just a filename, not a pattern, and the corresponding file will be contin- uously overwritten with new images. Default value is 0. ssttrrffttiimmee If set to 1, expand the filename with date and time information from "strftime()". Default value is 0. aattoommiicc__wwrriittiinngg Write output to a temporary file, which is renamed to target file- name once writing is completed. Default is disabled. pprroottooccooll__ooppttss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s___l_i_s_t Set protocol options as a :-separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing the ":" special character must be escaped. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s The following example shows how to use ffffmmppeegg for creating a sequence of files _i_m_g_-_0_0_1_._j_p_e_g, _i_m_g_-_0_0_2_._j_p_e_g, ..., taking one image every second from the input video: ffmpeg -i in.avi -vsync cfr -r 1 -f image2 'img-%03d.jpeg' Note that with ffffmmppeegg, if the format is not specified with the "-f" option and the output filename specifies an image file format, the image2 muxer is automatically selected, so the previous command can be written as: ffmpeg -i in.avi -vsync cfr -r 1 'img-%03d.jpeg' Note also that the pattern must not necessarily contain "%d" or "%0_Nd", for example to create a single image file _i_m_g_._j_p_e_g from the start of the input video you can employ the command: ffmpeg -i in.avi -f image2 -frames:v 1 img.jpeg The ssttrrffttiimmee option allows you to expand the filename with date and time information. Check the documentation of the "strftime()" function for the syntax. For example to generate image files from the "strftime()" "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S" pattern, the following ffffmmppeegg command can be used: ffmpeg -f v4l2 -r 1 -i /dev/video0 -f image2 -strftime 1 "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.jpg" You can set the file name with current frame's PTS: ffmpeg -f v4l2 -r 1 -i /dev/video0 -copyts -f image2 -frame_pts true %d.jpg" A more complex example is to publish contents of your desktop directly to a WebDAV server every second: ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 1 -i :0.0 -q:v 6 -update 1 -protocol_opts method=PUT http://example.com/desktop.jpg mmaattrroosskkaa Matroska container muxer. This muxer implements the matroska and webm container specs. _M_e_t_a_d_a_t_a The recognized metadata settings in this muxer are: ttiittllee Set title name provided to a single track. This gets mapped to the FileDescription element for a stream written as attachment. llaanngguuaaggee Specify the language of the track in the Matroska languages form. The language can be either the 3 letters bibliographic ISO-639-2 (ISO 639-2/B) form (like "fre" for French), or a language code mixed with a country code for specialities in languages (like "fre-ca" for Canadian French). sstteerreeoo__mmooddee Set stereo 3D video layout of two views in a single video track. The following values are recognized: mmoonnoo video is not stereo lleefftt__rriigghhtt Both views are arranged side by side, Left-eye view is on the left bboottttoomm__ttoopp Both views are arranged in top-bottom orientation, Left-eye view is at bottom ttoopp__bboottttoomm Both views are arranged in top-bottom orientation, Left-eye view is on top cchheecckkeerrbbooaarrdd__rrll Each view is arranged in a checkerboard interleaved pattern, Left-eye view being first cchheecckkeerrbbooaarrdd__llrr Each view is arranged in a checkerboard interleaved pattern, Right-eye view being first rrooww__iinntteerrlleeaavveedd__rrll Each view is constituted by a row based interleaving, Right-eye view is first row rrooww__iinntteerrlleeaavveedd__llrr Each view is constituted by a row based interleaving, Left-eye view is first row ccooll__iinntteerrlleeaavveedd__rrll Both views are arranged in a column based interleaving manner, Right-eye view is first column ccooll__iinntteerrlleeaavveedd__llrr Both views are arranged in a column based interleaving manner, Left-eye view is first column aannaaggllyypphh__ccyyaann__rreedd All frames are in anaglyph format viewable through red-cyan filters rriigghhtt__lleefftt Both views are arranged side by side, Right-eye view is on the left aannaaggllyypphh__ggrreeeenn__mmaaggeennttaa All frames are in anaglyph format viewable through green- magenta filters bblloocckk__llrr Both eyes laced in one Block, Left-eye view is first bblloocckk__rrll Both eyes laced in one Block, Right-eye view is first For example a 3D WebM clip can be created using the following command line: ffmpeg -i sample_left_right_clip.mpg -an -c:v libvpx -metadata stereo_mode=left_right -y stereo_clip.webm _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This muxer supports the following options: rreesseerrvvee__iinnddeexx__ssppaaccee By default, this muxer writes the index for seeking (called cues in Matroska terms) at the end of the file, because it cannot know in advance how much space to leave for the index at the beginning of the file. However for some use cases -- e.g. streaming where seek- ing is possible but slow -- it is useful to put the index at the beginning of the file. If this option is set to a non-zero value, the muxer will reserve a given amount of space in the file header and then try to write the cues there when the muxing finishes. If the reserved space does not suffice, no Cues will be written, the file will be finalized and writing the trailer will return an error. A safe size for most use cases should be about 50kB per hour of video. Note that cues are only written if the output is seekable and this option will have no effect if it is not. ccuueess__ttoo__ffrroonntt If set, the muxer will write the index at the beginning of the file by shifting the main data if necessary. This can be combined with reserve_index_space in which case the data is only shifted if the initially reserved space turns out to be insufficient. This option is ignored if the output is unseekable. ddeeffaauulltt__mmooddee This option controls how the FlagDefault of the output tracks will be set. It influences which tracks players should play by default. The default mode is ppaasssstthhrroouugghh. iinnffeerr Every track with disposition default will have the FlagDefault set. Additionally, for each type of track (audio, video or subtitle), if no track with disposition default of this type exists, then the first track of this type will be marked as default (if existing). This ensures that the default flag is set in a sensible way even if the input originated from con- tainers that lack the concept of default tracks. iinnffeerr__nnoo__ssuubbss This mode is the same as infer except that if no subtitle track with disposition default exists, no subtitle track will be marked as default. ppaasssstthhrroouugghh In this mode the FlagDefault is set if and only if the AV_DIS- POSITION_DEFAULT flag is set in the disposition of the corre- sponding stream. fflliippppeedd__rraaww__rrggbb If set to true, store positive height for raw RGB bitmaps, which indicates bitmap is stored bottom-up. Note that this option does not flip the bitmap which has to be done manually beforehand, e.g. by using the vflip filter. Default is _f_a_l_s_e and indicates bitmap is stored top down. mmdd55 MD5 testing format. This is a variant of the hhaasshh muxer. Unlike that muxer, it defaults to using the MD5 hash function. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s To compute the MD5 hash of the input converted to raw audio and video, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._m_d_5: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f md5 out.md5 You can print the MD5 to stdout with the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f md5 - See also the hhaasshh and ffrraammeemmdd55 muxers. mmoovv,, mmpp44,, iissmmvv MOV/MP4/ISMV (Smooth Streaming) muxer. The mov/mp4/ismv muxer supports fragmentation. Normally, a MOV/MP4 file has all the metadata about all packets stored in one location (written at the end of the file, it can be moved to the start for better play- back by adding _f_a_s_t_s_t_a_r_t to the _m_o_v_f_l_a_g_s, or using the qqtt--ffaassttssttaarrtt tool). A fragmented file consists of a number of fragments, where pack- ets and metadata about these packets are stored together. Writing a fragmented file has the advantage that the file is decodable even if the writing is interrupted (while a normal MOV/MP4 is undecodable if it is not properly finished), and it requires less memory when writing very long files (since writing normal MOV/MP4 files stores info about every single packet in memory until the file is closed). The downside is that it is less compatible with other applications. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s Fragmentation is enabled by setting one of the AVOptions that define how to cut the file into fragments: --mmoooovv__ssiizzee _b_y_t_e_s Reserves space for the moov atom at the beginning of the file instead of placing the moov atom at the end. If the space reserved is insufficient, muxing will fail. --mmoovvffllaaggss ffrraagg__kkeeyyffrraammee Start a new fragment at each video keyframe. --ffrraagg__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Create fragments that are _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n microseconds long. --ffrraagg__ssiizzee _s_i_z_e Create fragments that contain up to _s_i_z_e bytes of payload data. --mmoovvffllaaggss ffrraagg__ccuussttoomm Allow the caller to manually choose when to cut fragments, by call- ing "av_write_frame(ctx, NULL)" to write a fragment with the pack- ets written so far. (This is only useful with other applications integrating libavformat, not from ffffmmppeegg.) --mmiinn__ffrraagg__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Don't create fragments that are shorter than _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n microseconds long. If more than one condition is specified, fragments are cut when one of the specified conditions is fulfilled. The exception to this is "-min_frag_duration", which has to be fulfilled for any of the other conditions to apply. Additionally, the way the output file is written can be adjusted through a few other options: --mmoovvffllaaggss eemmppttyy__mmoooovv Write an initial moov atom directly at the start of the file, with- out describing any samples in it. Generally, an mdat/moov pair is written at the start of the file, as a normal MOV/MP4 file, con- taining only a short portion of the file. With this option set, there is no initial mdat atom, and the moov atom only describes the tracks but has a zero duration. This option is implicitly set when writing ismv (Smooth Streaming) files. --mmoovvffllaaggss sseeppaarraattee__mmooooff Write a separate moof (movie fragment) atom for each track. Nor- mally, packets for all tracks are written in a moof atom (which is slightly more efficient), but with this option set, the muxer writes one moof/mdat pair for each track, making it easier to sepa- rate tracks. This option is implicitly set when writing ismv (Smooth Streaming) files. --mmoovvffllaaggss sskkiipp__ssiiddxx Skip writing of sidx atom. When bitrate overhead due to sidx atom is high, this option could be used for cases where sidx atom is not mandatory. When global_sidx flag is enabled, this option will be ignored. --mmoovvffllaaggss ffaassttssttaarrtt Run a second pass moving the index (moov atom) to the beginning of the file. This operation can take a while, and will not work in various situations such as fragmented output, thus it is not enabled by default. --mmoovvffllaaggss rrttpphhiinntt Add RTP hinting tracks to the output file. --mmoovvffllaaggss ddiissaabbllee__cchhppll Disable Nero chapter markers (chpl atom). Normally, both Nero chapters and a QuickTime chapter track are written to the file. With this option set, only the QuickTime chapter track will be written. Nero chapters can cause failures when the file is repro- cessed with certain tagging programs, like mp3Tag 2.61a and iTunes 11.3, most likely other versions are affected as well. --mmoovvffllaaggss oommiitt__ttffhhdd__ooffffsseett Do not write any absolute base_data_offset in tfhd atoms. This avoids tying fragments to absolute byte positions in the file/streams. --mmoovvffllaaggss ddeeffaauulltt__bbaassee__mmooooff Similarly to the omit_tfhd_offset, this flag avoids writing the absolute base_data_offset field in tfhd atoms, but does so by using the new default-base-is-moof flag instead. This flag is new from 14496-12:2012. This may make the fragments easier to parse in cer- tain circumstances (avoiding basing track fragment location calcu- lations on the implicit end of the previous track fragment). --wwrriittee__ttmmccdd Specify "on" to force writing a timecode track, "off" to disable it and "auto" to write a timecode track only for mov and mp4 output (default). --mmoovvffllaaggss nneeggaattiivvee__ccttss__ooffffsseettss Enables utilization of version 1 of the CTTS box, in which the CTS offsets can be negative. This enables the initial sample to have DTS/CTS of zero, and reduces the need for edit lists for some cases such as video tracks with B-frames. Additionally, eases conformance with the DASH-IF interoperability guidelines. This option is implicitly set when writing ismv (Smooth Streaming) files. --wwrriittee__bbttrrtt _b_o_o_l Force or disable writing bitrate box inside stsd box of a track. The box contains decoding buffer size (in bytes), maximum bitrate and average bitrate for the track. The box will be skipped if none of these values can be computed. Default is "-1" or "auto", which will write the box only in MP4 mode. --wwrriittee__pprrfftt Write producer time reference box (PRFT) with a specified time source for the NTP field in the PRFT box. Set value as wwaallllcclloocckk to specify timesource as wallclock time and ppttss to specify timesource as input packets' PTS values. Setting value to ppttss is applicable only for a live encoding use case, where PTS values are set as as wallclock time at the source. For example, an encoding use case with decklink capture source where vviiddeeoo__ppttss and aauuddiioo__ppttss are set to aabbss__wwaallllcclloocckk. --eemmppttyy__hhddllrr__nnaammee _b_o_o_l Enable to skip writing the name inside a "hdlr" box. Default is "false". --mmoovviiee__ttiimmeessccaallee _s_c_a_l_e Set the timescale written in the movie header box ("mvhd"). Range is 1 to INT_MAX. Default is 1000. --vviiddeeoo__ttrraacckk__ttiimmeessccaallee _s_c_a_l_e Set the timescale used for video tracks. Range is 0 to INT_MAX. If set to 0, the timescale is automatically set based on the native stream time base. Default is 0. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e Smooth Streaming content can be pushed in real time to a publishing point on IIS with this muxer. Example: ffmpeg -re <> -movflags isml+frag_keyframe -f ismv http://server/publishingpoint.isml/Streams(Encoder1) mmpp33 The MP3 muxer writes a raw MP3 stream with the following optional fea- tures: +o An ID3v2 metadata header at the beginning (enabled by default). Versions 2.3 and 2.4 are supported, the "id3v2_version" private option controls which one is used (3 or 4). Setting "id3v2_version" to 0 disables the ID3v2 header completely. The muxer supports writing attached pictures (APIC frames) to the ID3v2 header. The pictures are supplied to the muxer in form of a video stream with a single packet. There can be any number of those streams, each will correspond to a single APIC frame. The stream metadata tags _t_i_t_l_e and _c_o_m_m_e_n_t map to APIC _d_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n and _p_i_c_t_u_r_e _t_y_p_e respectively. See for allowed picture types. Note that the APIC frames must be written at the beginning, so the muxer will buffer the audio frames until it gets all the pictures. It is therefore advised to provide the pictures as soon as possible to avoid excessive buffering. +o A Xing/LAME frame right after the ID3v2 header (if present). It is enabled by default, but will be written only if the output is seek- able. The "write_xing" private option can be used to disable it. The frame contains various information that may be useful to the decoder, like the audio duration or encoder delay. +o A legacy ID3v1 tag at the end of the file (disabled by default). It may be enabled with the "write_id3v1" private option, but as its capabilities are very limited, its usage is not recommended. Examples: Write an mp3 with an ID3v2.3 header and an ID3v1 footer: ffmpeg -i INPUT -id3v2_version 3 -write_id3v1 1 out.mp3 To attach a picture to an mp3 file select both the audio and the pic- ture stream with "map": ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -i cover.png -c copy -map 0 -map 1 -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (Front)" out.mp3 Write a "clean" MP3 without any extra features: ffmpeg -i input.wav -write_xing 0 -id3v2_version 0 out.mp3 mmppeeggttss MPEG transport stream muxer. This muxer implements ISO 13818-1 and part of ETSI EN 300 468. The recognized metadata settings in mpegts muxer are "service_provider" and "service_name". If they are not set the default for "ser- vice_provider" is FFFFmmppeegg and the default for "service_name" is SSeerr-- vviiccee0011. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s The muxer options are: mmppeeggttss__ttrraannssppoorrtt__ssttrreeaamm__iidd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the ttrraannssppoorrtt__ssttrreeaamm__iidd. This identifies a transponder in DVB. Default is 0x0001. mmppeeggttss__oorriiggiinnaall__nneettwwoorrkk__iidd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the oorriiggiinnaall__nneettwwoorrkk__iidd. This is unique identifier of a network in DVB. Its main use is in the unique identification of a service through the path OOrriiggiinnaall__NNeettwwoorrkk__IIDD,, TTrraannssppoorrtt__SSttrreeaamm__IIDD. Default is 0x0001. mmppeeggttss__sseerrvviiccee__iidd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the sseerrvviiccee__iidd, also known as program in DVB. Default is 0x0001. mmppeeggttss__sseerrvviiccee__ttyyppee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the program sseerrvviiccee__ttyyppee. Default is "digital_tv". Accepts the following options: hheexx__vvaalluuee Any hexadecimal value between 0x01 and 0xff as defined in ETSI 300 468. ddiiggiittaall__ttvv Digital TV service. ddiiggiittaall__rraaddiioo Digital Radio service. tteelleetteexxtt Teletext service. aaddvvaanncceedd__ccooddeecc__ddiiggiittaall__rraaddiioo Advanced Codec Digital Radio service. mmppeegg22__ddiiggiittaall__hhddttvv MPEG2 Digital HDTV service. aaddvvaanncceedd__ccooddeecc__ddiiggiittaall__ssddttvv Advanced Codec Digital SDTV service. aaddvvaanncceedd__ccooddeecc__ddiiggiittaall__hhddttvv Advanced Codec Digital HDTV service. mmppeeggttss__ppmmtt__ssttaarrtt__ppiidd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the first PID for PMTs. Default is 0x1000, minimum is 0x0020, maximum is 0x1ffa. This option has no effect in m2ts mode where the PMT PID is fixed 0x0100. mmppeeggttss__ssttaarrtt__ppiidd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set the first PID for elementary streams. Default is 0x0100, mini- mum is 0x0020, maximum is 0x1ffa. This option has no effect in m2ts mode where the elementary stream PIDs are fixed. mmppeeggttss__mm22ttss__mmooddee _b_o_o_l_e_a_n Enable m2ts mode if set to 1. Default value is "-1" which disables m2ts mode. mmuuxxrraattee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set a constant muxrate. Default is VBR. ppeess__ppaayyllooaadd__ssiizzee _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set minimum PES packet payload in bytes. Default is 2930. mmppeeggttss__ffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s Set mpegts flags. Accepts the following options: rreesseenndd__hheeaaddeerrss Reemit PAT/PMT before writing the next packet. llaattmm Use LATM packetization for AAC. ppaatt__ppmmtt__aatt__ffrraammeess Reemit PAT and PMT at each video frame. ssyysstteemm__bb Conform to System B (DVB) instead of System A (ATSC). iinniittiiaall__ddiissccoonnttiinnuuiittyy Mark the initial packet of each stream as discontinuity. nniitt Emit NIT table. mmppeeggttss__ccooppyyttss _b_o_o_l_e_a_n Preserve original timestamps, if value is set to 1. Default value is "-1", which results in shifting timestamps so that they start from 0. oommiitt__vviiddeeoo__ppeess__lleennggtthh _b_o_o_l_e_a_n Omit the PES packet length for video packets. Default is 1 (true). ppccrr__ppeerriioodd _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Override the default PCR retransmission time in milliseconds. Default is "-1" which means that the PCR interval will be deter- mined automatically: 20 ms is used for CBR streams, the highest multiple of the frame duration which is less than 100 ms is used for VBR streams. ppaatt__ppeerriioodd _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Maximum time in seconds between PAT/PMT tables. Default is 0.1. ssddtt__ppeerriioodd _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Maximum time in seconds between SDT tables. Default is 0.5. nniitt__ppeerriioodd _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Maximum time in seconds between NIT tables. Default is 0.5. ttaabblleess__vveerrssiioonn _i_n_t_e_g_e_r Set PAT, PMT, SDT and NIT version (default 0, valid values are from 0 to 31, inclusively). This option allows updating stream struc- ture so that standard consumer may detect the change. To do so, reopen output "AVFormatContext" (in case of API usage) or restart ffffmmppeegg instance, cyclically changing ttaabblleess__vveerrssiioonn value: ffmpeg -i source1.ts -codec copy -f mpegts -tables_version 0 udp:// ffmpeg -i source2.ts -codec copy -f mpegts -tables_version 1 udp:// ... ffmpeg -i source3.ts -codec copy -f mpegts -tables_version 31 udp:// ffmpeg -i source1.ts -codec copy -f mpegts -tables_version 0 udp:// ffmpeg -i source2.ts -codec copy -f mpegts -tables_version 1 udp:// ... _E_x_a_m_p_l_e ffmpeg -i file.mpg -c copy \ -mpegts_original_network_id 0x1122 \ -mpegts_transport_stream_id 0x3344 \ -mpegts_service_id 0x5566 \ -mpegts_pmt_start_pid 0x1500 \ -mpegts_start_pid 0x150 \ -metadata service_provider="Some provider" \ -metadata service_name="Some Channel" \ out.ts mmxxff,, mmxxff__dd1100,, mmxxff__ooppaattoomm MXF muxer. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s The muxer options are: ssttoorree__uusseerr__ccoommmmeennttss _b_o_o_l Set if user comments should be stored if available or never. IRT D-10 does not allow user comments. The default is thus to write them for mxf and mxf_opatom but not for mxf_d10 nnuullll Null muxer. This muxer does not generate any output file, it is mainly useful for testing or benchmarking purposes. For example to benchmark decoding with ffffmmppeegg you can use the command: ffmpeg -benchmark -i INPUT -f null out.null Note that the above command does not read or write the _o_u_t_._n_u_l_l file, but specifying the output file is required by the ffffmmppeegg syntax. Alternatively you can write the command as: ffmpeg -benchmark -i INPUT -f null - nnuutt --ssyynnccppooiinnttss _f_l_a_g_s Change the syncpoint usage in nut: _d_e_f_a_u_l_t uussee tthhee nnoorrmmaall llooww--oovveerrhheeaadd sseeeekkiinngg aaiiddss.. _n_o_n_e ddoo nnoott uussee tthhee ssyynnccppooiinnttss aatt aallll,, rreedduucciinngg tthhee oovveerrhheeaadd bbuutt mmaakkiinngg tthhee ssttrreeaamm nnoonn--sseeeekkaabbllee;; Use of this option is not recommended, as the resulting files are very damage sensitive and seeking is not possible. Also in general the overhead from syncpoints is negligible. Note, -C 0 can be used to disable all growing data tables, allowing to mux endless streams with limited memory and without these disadvantages. _t_i_m_e_s_t_a_m_p_e_d eexxtteenndd tthhee ssyynnccppooiinntt wwiitthh aa wwaallllcclloocckk ffiieelldd.. The _n_o_n_e and _t_i_m_e_s_t_a_m_p_e_d flags are experimental. --wwrriittee__iinnddeexx _b_o_o_l Write index at the end, the default is to write an index. ffmpeg -i INPUT -f_strict experimental -syncpoints none - | processor oogggg Ogg container muxer. --ppaaggee__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Preferred page duration, in microseconds. The muxer will attempt to create pages that are approximately _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n microseconds long. This allows the user to compromise between seek granularity and container overhead. The default is 1 second. A value of 0 will fill all segments, making pages as large as possible. A value of 1 will effectively use 1 packet-per-page in most situations, giving a small seek granularity at the cost of additional container over- head. --sseerriiaall__ooffffsseett _v_a_l_u_e Serial value from which to set the streams serial number. Setting it to different and sufficiently large values ensures that the pro- duced ogg files can be safely chained. rraaww mmuuxxeerrss Raw muxers accept a single stream matching the designated codec. They do not store timestamps or metadata. The recognized extension is the same as the muxer name unless indicated otherwise. _a_c_3 Dolby Digital, also known as AC-3, audio. _a_d_x CRI Middleware ADX audio. This muxer will write out the total sample count near the start of the first packet when the output is seekable and the count can be stored in 32 bits. _a_p_t_x aptX (Audio Processing Technology for Bluetooth) audio. _a_p_t_x___h_d aptX HD (Audio Processing Technology for Bluetooth) audio. Extensions: aptxhd _a_v_s_2 AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video. Extensions: avs, avs2 _c_a_v_s_v_i_d_e_o Chinese AVS (Audio Video Standard) video. Extensions: cavs _c_o_d_e_c_2_r_a_w Codec 2 audio. No extension is registered so format name has to be supplied e.g. with the ffmpeg CLI tool "-f codec2raw". _d_a_t_a Data muxer accepts a single stream with any codec of any type. The input stream has to be selected using the "-map" option with the ffmpeg CLI tool. No extension is registered so format name has to be supplied e.g. with the ffmpeg CLI tool "-f data". _d_i_r_a_c BBC Dirac video. The Dirac Pro codec is a subset and is standardized as SMPTE VC-2. Extensions: drc, vc2 _d_n_x_h_d Avid DNxHD video. It is standardized as SMPTE VC-3. Accepts DNxHR streams. Extensions: dnxhd, dnxhr _d_t_s DTS Coherent Acoustics (DCA) audio. _e_a_c_3 Dolby Digital Plus, also known as Enhanced AC-3, audio. _g_7_2_2 ITU-T G.722 audio. _g_7_2_3___1 ITU-T G.723.1 audio. Extensions: tco, rco _g_7_2_6 ITU-T G.726 big-endian ("left-justified") audio. No extension is registered so format name has to be supplied e.g. with the ffmpeg CLI tool "-f g726". _g_7_2_6_l_e ITU-T G.726 little-endian ("right-justified") audio. No extension is registered so format name has to be supplied e.g. with the ffmpeg CLI tool "-f g726le". _g_s_m Global System for Mobile Communications audio. _h_2_6_1 ITU-T H.261 video. _h_2_6_3 ITU-T H.263 / H.263-1996, H.263+ / H.263-1998 / H.263 version 2 video. _h_2_6_4 ITU-T H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 AVC video. Bitstream shall be converted to Annex B syntax if it's in length-prefixed mode. Extensions: h264, 264 _h_e_v_c ITU-T H.265 / MPEG-H Part 2 HEVC video. Bitstream shall be converted to Annex B syntax if it's in length-prefixed mode. Extensions: hevc, h265, 265 _m_4_v MPEG-4 Part 2 video. _m_j_p_e_g Motion JPEG video. Extensions: mjpg, mjpeg _m_l_p Meridian Lossless Packing, also known as Packed PCM, audio. _m_p_2 MPEG-1 Audio Layer II audio. Extensions: mp2, m2a, mpa _m_p_e_g_1_v_i_d_e_o MPEG-1 Part 2 video. Extensions: mpg, mpeg, m1v _m_p_e_g_2_v_i_d_e_o ITU-T H.262 / MPEG-2 Part 2 video. Extensions: m2v _o_b_u AV1 low overhead Open Bitstream Units muxer. Temporal delimiter OBUs will be inserted in all temporal units of the stream. _r_a_w_v_i_d_e_o Raw uncompressed video. Extensions: yuv, rgb _s_b_c Bluetooth SIG low-complexity subband codec audio. Extensions: sbc, msbc _t_r_u_e_h_d Dolby TrueHD audio. Extensions: thd _v_c_1 SMPTE 421M / VC-1 video. sseeggmmeenntt,, ssttrreeaamm__sseeggmmeenntt,, sssseeggmmeenntt Basic stream segmenter. This muxer outputs streams to a number of separate files of nearly fixed duration. Output filename pattern can be set in a fashion similar to iimmaaggee22, or by using a "strftime" template if the ssttrrffttiimmee option is enabled. "stream_segment" is a variant of the muxer used to write to streaming output formats, i.e. which do not require global headers, and is recom- mended for outputting e.g. to MPEG transport stream segments. "sseg- ment" is a shorter alias for "stream_segment". Every segment starts with a keyframe of the selected reference stream, which is set through the rreeffeerreennccee__ssttrreeaamm option. Note that if you want accurate splitting for a video file, you need to make the input key frames correspond to the exact splitting times expected by the segmenter, or the segment muxer will start the new seg- ment with the key frame found next after the specified start time. The segment muxer works best with a single constant frame rate video. Optionally it can generate a list of the created segments, by setting the option _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___l_i_s_t. The list type is specified by the _s_e_g_- _m_e_n_t___l_i_s_t___t_y_p_e option. The entry filenames in the segment list are set by default to the basename of the corresponding segment files. See also the hhllss muxer, which provides a more specific implementation for HLS segmentation. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s The segment muxer supports the following options: iinnccrreemmeenntt__ttcc _1_|_0 if set to 1, increment timecode between each segment If this is selected, the input need to have a timecode in the first video stream. Default value is 0. rreeffeerreennccee__ssttrreeaamm _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_r Set the reference stream, as specified by the string _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_r. If _s_p_e_c_i_f_i_e_r is set to "auto", the reference is chosen automatically. Otherwise it must be a stream specifier (see the ``Stream speci- fiers'' chapter in the ffmpeg manual) which specifies the reference stream. The default value is "auto". sseeggmmeenntt__ffoorrmmaatt _f_o_r_m_a_t Override the inner container format, by default it is guessed by the filename extension. sseeggmmeenntt__ffoorrmmaatt__ooppttiioonnss _o_p_t_i_o_n_s___l_i_s_t Set output format options using a :-separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing the ":" special character must be escaped. sseeggmmeenntt__lliisstt _n_a_m_e Generate also a listfile named _n_a_m_e. If not specified no listfile is generated. sseeggmmeenntt__lliisstt__ffllaaggss _f_l_a_g_s Set flags affecting the segment list generation. It currently supports the following flags: ccaacchhee Allow caching (only affects M3U8 list files). lliivvee Allow live-friendly file generation. sseeggmmeenntt__lliisstt__ssiizzee _s_i_z_e Update the list file so that it contains at most _s_i_z_e segments. If 0 the list file will contain all the segments. Default value is 0. sseeggmmeenntt__lliisstt__eennttrryy__pprreeffiixx _p_r_e_f_i_x Prepend _p_r_e_f_i_x to each entry. Useful to generate absolute paths. By default no prefix is applied. sseeggmmeenntt__lliisstt__ttyyppee _t_y_p_e Select the listing format. The following values are recognized: ffllaatt Generate a flat list for the created segments, one segment per line. ccssvv,, eexxtt Generate a list for the created segments, one segment per line, each line matching the format (comma-separated values): ,, _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e is the name of the output file generated by the muxer according to the provided pattern. CSV escaping (according to RFC4180) is applied if required. _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___s_t_a_r_t___t_i_m_e and _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___e_n_d___t_i_m_e specify the segment start and end time expressed in seconds. A list file with the suffix ".csv" or ".ext" will auto-select this format. eexxtt is deprecated in favor or ccssvv. ffffccoonnccaatt Generate an ffconcat file for the created segments. The result- ing file can be read using the FFmpeg ccoonnccaatt demuxer. A list file with the suffix ".ffcat" or ".ffconcat" will auto- select this format. mm33uu88 Generate an extended M3U8 file, version 3, compliant with . A list file with the suffix ".m3u8" will auto-select this for- mat. If not specified the type is guessed from the list file name suf- fix. sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee _t_i_m_e Set segment duration to _t_i_m_e, the value must be a duration specifi- cation. Default value is "2". See also the sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmeess option. Note that splitting may not be accurate, unless you force the ref- erence stream key-frames at the given time. See the introductory notice and the examples below. sseeggmmeenntt__aattcclloocckkttiimmee _1_|_0 If set to "1" split at regular clock time intervals starting from 00:00 o'clock. The _t_i_m_e value specified in sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee is used for setting the length of the splitting interval. For example with sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee set to "900" this makes it possible to create files at 12:00 o'clock, 12:15, 12:30, etc. Default value is "0". sseeggmmeenntt__cclloocckkttiimmee__ooffffsseett _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Delay the segment splitting times with the specified duration when using sseeggmmeenntt__aattcclloocckkttiimmee. For example with sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee set to "900" and sseeggmmeenntt__cclloocckk-- ttiimmee__ooffffsseett set to "300" this makes it possible to create files at 12:05, 12:20, 12:35, etc. Default value is "0". sseeggmmeenntt__cclloocckkttiimmee__wwrraapp__dduurraattiioonn _d_u_r_a_t_i_o_n Force the segmenter to only start a new segment if a packet reaches the muxer within the specified duration after the segmenting clock time. This way you can make the segmenter more resilient to back- ward local time jumps, such as leap seconds or transition to stan- dard time from daylight savings time. Default is the maximum possible duration which means starting a new segment regardless of the elapsed time since the last clock time. sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee__ddeellttaa _d_e_l_t_a Specify the accuracy time when selecting the start time for a seg- ment, expressed as a duration specification. Default value is "0". When delta is specified a key-frame will start a new segment if its PTS satisfies the relation: PTS >= start_time - time_delta This option is useful when splitting video content, which is always split at GOP boundaries, in case a key frame is found just before the specified split time. In particular may be used in combination with the _f_f_m_p_e_g option _f_o_r_c_e___k_e_y___f_r_a_m_e_s. The key frame times specified by _f_o_r_c_e___k_e_y___f_r_a_m_e_s may not be set accurately because of rounding issues, with the con- sequence that a key frame time may result set just before the spec- ified time. For constant frame rate videos a value of 1/(2*_f_r_a_m_e___r_a_t_e) should address the worst case mismatch between the specified time and the time set by _f_o_r_c_e___k_e_y___f_r_a_m_e_s. sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmeess _t_i_m_e_s Specify a list of split points. _t_i_m_e_s contains a list of comma sep- arated duration specifications, in increasing order. See also the sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee option. sseeggmmeenntt__ffrraammeess _f_r_a_m_e_s Specify a list of split video frame numbers. _f_r_a_m_e_s contains a list of comma separated integer numbers, in increasing order. This option specifies to start a new segment whenever a reference stream key frame is found and the sequential number (starting from 0) of the frame is greater or equal to the next value in the list. sseeggmmeenntt__wwrraapp _l_i_m_i_t Wrap around segment index once it reaches _l_i_m_i_t. sseeggmmeenntt__ssttaarrtt__nnuummbbeerr _n_u_m_b_e_r Set the sequence number of the first segment. Defaults to 0. ssttrrffttiimmee _1_|_0 Use the "strftime" function to define the name of the new segments to write. If this is selected, the output segment name must contain a "strftime" function template. Default value is 0. bbrreeaakk__nnoonn__kkeeyyffrraammeess _1_|_0 If enabled, allow segments to start on frames other than keyframes. This improves behavior on some players when the time between keyframes is inconsistent, but may make things worse on others, and can cause some oddities during seeking. Defaults to 0. rreesseett__ttiimmeessttaammppss _1_|_0 Reset timestamps at the beginning of each segment, so that each segment will start with near-zero timestamps. It is meant to ease the playback of the generated segments. May not work with some com- binations of muxers/codecs. It is set to 0 by default. iinniittiiaall__ooffffsseett _o_f_f_s_e_t Specify timestamp offset to apply to the output packet timestamps. The argument must be a time duration specification, and defaults to 0. wwrriittee__eemmppttyy__sseeggmmeennttss _1_|_0 If enabled, write an empty segment if there are no packets during the period a segment would usually span. Otherwise, the segment will be filled with the next packet written. Defaults to 0. Make sure to require a closed GOP when encoding and to set the GOP size to fit your segment time constraint. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s +o Remux the content of file _i_n_._m_k_v to a list of segments _o_u_t_-_0_0_0_._n_u_t, _o_u_t_-_0_0_1_._n_u_t, etc., and write the list of generated segments to _o_u_t_._l_i_s_t: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -codec hevc -flags +cgop -g 60 -map 0 -f segment -segment_list out.list out%03d.nut +o Segment input and set output format options for the output seg- ments: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format_options movflags=+faststart out%03d.mp4 +o Segment the input file according to the split points specified by the _s_e_g_m_e_n_t___t_i_m_e_s option: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -codec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_list out.csv -segment_times 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 out%03d.nut +o Use the ffffmmppeegg ffoorrccee__kkeeyy__ffrraammeess option to force key frames in the input at the specified location, together with the segment option sseeggmmeenntt__ttiimmee__ddeellttaa to account for possible roundings operated when setting key frame times. ffmpeg -i in.mkv -force_key_frames 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 -codec:v mpeg4 -codec:a pcm_s16le -map 0 \ -f segment -segment_list out.csv -segment_times 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 -segment_time_delta 0.05 out%03d.nut In order to force key frames on the input file, transcoding is required. +o Segment the input file by splitting the input file according to the frame numbers sequence specified with the sseeggmmeenntt__ffrraammeess option: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -codec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_list out.csv -segment_frames 100,200,300,500,800 out%03d.nut +o Convert the _i_n_._m_k_v to TS segments using the "libx264" and "aac" encoders: ffmpeg -i in.mkv -map 0 -codec:v libx264 -codec:a aac -f ssegment -segment_list out.list out%03d.ts +o Segment the input file, and create an M3U8 live playlist (can be used as live HLS source): ffmpeg -re -i in.mkv -codec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_list playlist.m3u8 \ -segment_list_flags +live -segment_time 10 out%03d.mkv ssmmooootthhssttrreeaammiinngg Smooth Streaming muxer generates a set of files (Manifest, chunks) suitable for serving with conventional web server. wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee Specify the number of fragments kept in the manifest. Default 0 (keep all). eexxttrraa__wwiinnddooww__ssiizzee Specify the number of fragments kept outside of the manifest before removing from disk. Default 5. llooookkaahheeaadd__ccoouunntt Specify the number of lookahead fragments. Default 2. mmiinn__ffrraagg__dduurraattiioonn Specify the minimum fragment duration (in microseconds). Default 5000000. rreemmoovvee__aatt__eexxiitt Specify whether to remove all fragments when finished. Default 0 (do not remove). ssttrreeaammhhaasshh Per stream hash testing format. This muxer computes and prints a cryptographic hash of all the input frames, on a per-stream basis. This can be used for equality checks without having to do a complete binary comparison. By default audio frames are converted to signed 16-bit raw audio and video frames to raw video before computing the hash, but the output of explicit conversions to other codecs can also be used. Timestamps are ignored. It uses the SHA-256 cryptographic hash function by default, but supports several other algorithms. The output of the muxer consists of one line per stream of the form: _s_t_r_e_a_m_i_n_d_e_x,_s_t_r_e_a_m_t_y_p_e,_a_l_g_o=_h_a_s_h, where _s_t_r_e_a_m_i_n_d_e_x is the index of the mapped stream, _s_t_r_e_a_m_t_y_p_e is a single character indicating the type of stream, _a_l_g_o is a short string representing the hash function used, and _h_a_s_h is a hexadecimal number representing the computed hash. hhaasshh _a_l_g_o_r_i_t_h_m Use the cryptographic hash function specified by the string _a_l_g_o_- _r_i_t_h_m. Supported values include "MD5", "murmur3", "RIPEMD128", "RIPEMD160", "RIPEMD256", "RIPEMD320", "SHA160", "SHA224", "SHA256" (default), "SHA512/224", "SHA512/256", "SHA384", "SHA512", "CRC32" and "adler32". _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s To compute the SHA-256 hash of the input converted to raw audio and video, and store it in the file _o_u_t_._s_h_a_2_5_6: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f streamhash out.sha256 To print an MD5 hash to stdout use the command: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f streamhash -hash md5 - See also the hhaasshh and ffrraammeehhaasshh muxers. tteeee The tee muxer can be used to write the same data to several outputs, such as files or streams. It can be used, for example, to stream a video over a network and save it to disk at the same time. It is different from specifying several outputs to the ffffmmppeegg command- line tool. With the tee muxer, the audio and video data will be encoded only once. With conventional multiple outputs, multiple encoding oper- ations in parallel are initiated, which can be a very expensive process. The tee muxer is not useful when using the libavformat API directly because it is then possible to feed the same packets to sev- eral muxers directly. Since the tee muxer does not represent any particular output format, ffmpeg cannot auto-select output streams. So all streams intended for output must be specified using "-map". See the examples below. Some encoders may need different options depending on the output for- mat; the auto-detection of this can not work with the tee muxer, so they need to be explicitly specified. The main example is the gglloobbaall__hheeaaddeerr flag. The slave outputs are specified in the file name given to the muxer, separated by '|'. If any of the slave name contains the '|' separator, leading or trailing spaces or any special character, those must be escaped (see tthhee ""QQuuoottiinngg aanndd eessccaappiinngg"" sseeccttiioonn iinn tthhee _ff_ff_mm_pp_ee_gg_--_uu_tt_ii_ll_ss((11)) mmaannuuaall). _O_p_t_i_o_n_s uussee__ffiiffoo _b_o_o_l If set to 1, slave outputs will be processed in separate threads using the ffiiffoo muxer. This allows to compensate for different speed/latency/reliability of outputs and setup transparent recov- ery. By default this feature is turned off. ffiiffoo__ooppttiioonnss Options to pass to fifo pseudo-muxer instances. See ffiiffoo. Muxer options can be specified for each slave by prepending them as a list of _k_e_y=_v_a_l_u_e pairs separated by ':', between square brackets. If the options values contain a special character or the ':' separator, they must be escaped; note that this is a second level escaping. The following special options are also recognized: ff Specify the format name. Required if it cannot be guessed from the output URL. bbssffss[[//_s_p_e_c]] Specify a list of bitstream filters to apply to the specified out- put. It is possible to specify to which streams a given bitstream filter applies, by appending a stream specifier to the option separated by "/". _s_p_e_c must be a stream specifier (see FFoorrmmaatt ssttrreeaamm ssppeeccii-- ffiieerrss). If the stream specifier is not specified, the bitstream filters will be applied to all streams in the output. This will cause that output operation to fail if the output contains streams to which the bitstream filter cannot be applied e.g. "h264_mp4toannexb" being applied to an output containing an audio stream. Options for a bitstream filter must be specified in the form of "opt=value". Several bitstream filters can be specified, separated by ",". uussee__ffiiffoo _b_o_o_l This allows to override tee muxer use_fifo option for individual slave muxer. ffiiffoo__ooppttiioonnss This allows to override tee muxer fifo_options for individual slave muxer. See ffiiffoo. sseelleecctt Select the streams that should be mapped to the slave output, spec- ified by a stream specifier. If not specified, this defaults to all the mapped streams. This will cause that output operation to fail if the output format does not accept all mapped streams. You may use multiple stream specifiers separated by commas (",") e.g.: "a:0,v" oonnffaaiill Specify behaviour on output failure. This can be set to either "abort" (which is default) or "ignore". "abort" will cause whole process to fail in case of failure on this slave output. "ignore" will ignore failure on this output, so other outputs will continue without being affected. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s +o Encode something and both archive it in a WebM file and stream it as MPEG-TS over UDP: ffmpeg -i ... -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "archive-20121107.mkv|[f=mpegts]udp://" +o As above, but continue streaming even if output to local file fails (for example local drive fills up): ffmpeg -i ... -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "[onfail=ignore]archive-20121107.mkv|[f=mpegts]udp://" +o Use ffffmmppeegg to encode the input, and send the output to three dif- ferent destinations. The "dump_extra" bitstream filter is used to add extradata information to all the output video keyframes pack- ets, as requested by the MPEG-TS format. The select option is applied to _o_u_t_._a_a_c in order to make it contain only audio packets. ffmpeg -i ... -map 0 -flags +global_header -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -f tee "[bsfs/v=dump_extra=freq=keyframe]out.ts|[movflags=+faststart]out.mp4|[select=a]out.aac" +o As above, but select only stream "a:1" for the audio output. Note that a second level escaping must be performed, as ":" is a special character used to separate options. ffmpeg -i ... -map 0 -flags +global_header -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -f tee "[bsfs/v=dump_extra=freq=keyframe]out.ts|[movflags=+faststart]out.mp4|[select=\'a:1\']out.aac" wweebbmm__cchhuunnkk WebM Live Chunk Muxer. This muxer writes out WebM headers and chunks as separate files which can be consumed by clients that support WebM Live streams via DASH. _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This muxer supports the following options: cchhuunnkk__ssttaarrtt__iinnddeexx Index of the first chunk (defaults to 0). hheeaaddeerr Filename of the header where the initialization data will be writ- ten. aauuddiioo__cchhuunnkk__dduurraattiioonn Duration of each audio chunk in milliseconds (defaults to 5000). _E_x_a_m_p_l_e ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 \ -f alsa -i hw:0 \ -map 0:0 \ -c:v libvpx-vp9 \ -s 640x360 -keyint_min 30 -g 30 \ -f webm_chunk \ -header webm_live_video_360.hdr \ -chunk_start_index 1 \ webm_live_video_360_%d.chk \ -map 1:0 \ -c:a libvorbis \ -b:a 128k \ -f webm_chunk \ -header webm_live_audio_128.hdr \ -chunk_start_index 1 \ -audio_chunk_duration 1000 \ webm_live_audio_128_%d.chk wweebbmm__ddaasshh__mmaanniiffeesstt WebM DASH Manifest muxer. This muxer implements the WebM DASH Manifest specification to generate the DASH manifest XML. It also supports manifest generation for DASH live streams. For more information see: +o WebM DASH Specification: +o ISO DASH Specification: _O_p_t_i_o_n_s This muxer supports the following options: aaddaappttaattiioonn__sseettss This option has the following syntax: "id=x,streams=a,b,c id=y,streams=d,e" where x and y are the unique identifiers of the adaptation sets and a,b,c,d and e are the indices of the corre- sponding audio and video streams. Any number of adaptation sets can be added using this option. lliivvee Set this to 1 to create a live stream DASH Manifest. Default: 0. cchhuunnkk__ssttaarrtt__iinnddeexx Start index of the first chunk. This will go in the ssttaarrttNNuummbbeerr attribute of the SSeeggmmeennttTTeemmppllaattee element in the manifest. Default: 0. cchhuunnkk__dduurraattiioonn__mmss Duration of each chunk in milliseconds. This will go in the dduurraa-- ttiioonn attribute of the SSeeggmmeennttTTeemmppllaattee element in the manifest. Default: 1000. uuttcc__ttiimmiinngg__uurrll URL of the page that will return the UTC timestamp in ISO format. This will go in the vvaalluuee attribute of the UUTTCCTTiimmiinngg element in the manifest. Default: None. ttiimmee__sshhiifftt__bbuuffffeerr__ddeepptthh Smallest time (in seconds) shifting buffer for which any Represen- tation is guaranteed to be available. This will go in the ttiimmeeSShhiiffttBBuuffffeerrDDeepptthh attribute of the MMPPDD element. Default: 60. mmiinniimmuumm__uuppddaattee__ppeerriioodd Minimum update period (in seconds) of the manifest. This will go in the mmiinniimmuummUUppddaatteePPeerriioodd attribute of the MMPPDD element. Default: 0. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e ffmpeg -f webm_dash_manifest -i video1.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i video2.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i audio1.webm \ -f webm_dash_manifest -i audio2.webm \ -map 0 -map 1 -map 2 -map 3 \ -c copy \ -f webm_dash_manifest \ -adaptation_sets "id=0,streams=0,1 id=1,streams=2,3" \ manifest.xml MMEETTAADDAATTAA FFmpeg is able to dump metadata from media files into a simple UTF-8-encoded INI-like text file and then load it back using the meta- data muxer/demuxer. The file format is as follows: 1. A file consists of a header and a number of metadata tags divided into sections, each on its own line. 2. The header is a ;;FFFFMMEETTAADDAATTAA string, followed by a version number (now 1). 3. Metadata tags are of the form kkeeyy==vvaalluuee 4. Immediately after header follows global metadata 5. After global metadata there may be sections with per-stream/per-chapter metadata. 6. A section starts with the section name in uppercase (i.e. STREAM or CHAPTER) in brackets ([[, ]]) and ends with next section or end of file. 7. At the beginning of a chapter section there may be an optional timebase to be used for start/end values. It must be in form TTIIMMEE-- BBAASSEE==_n_u_m//_d_e_n, where _n_u_m and _d_e_n are integers. If the timebase is missing then start/end times are assumed to be in nanoseconds. Next a chapter section must contain chapter start and end times in form SSTTAARRTT==_n_u_m, EENNDD==_n_u_m, where _n_u_m is a positive integer. 8. Empty lines and lines starting with ;; or ## are ignored. 9. Metadata keys or values containing special characters (==, ;;, ##, \\ and a newline) must be escaped with a backslash \\. 10. Note that whitespace in metadata (e.g. ffoooo == bbaarr) is considered to be a part of the tag (in the example above key is ffoooo , value is bbaarr). A ffmetadata file might look like this: ;FFMETADATA1 title=bike\\shed ;this is a comment artist=FFmpeg troll team [CHAPTER] TIMEBASE=1/1000 START=0 #chapter ends at 0:01:00 END=60000 title=chapter \#1 [STREAM] title=multi\ line By using the ffmetadata muxer and demuxer it is possible to extract metadata from an input file to an ffmetadata file, and then transcode the file into an output file with the edited ffmetadata file. Extracting an ffmetadata file with _f_f_m_p_e_g goes as follows: ffmpeg -i INPUT -f ffmetadata FFMETADATAFILE Reinserting edited metadata information from the FFMETADATAFILE file can be done as: ffmpeg -i INPUT -i FFMETADATAFILE -map_metadata 1 -codec copy OUTPUT SSEEEE AALLSSOO _f_f_m_p_e_g(1), _f_f_p_l_a_y(1), _f_f_p_r_o_b_e(1), _l_i_b_a_v_f_o_r_m_a_t(3) AAUUTTHHOORRSS The FFmpeg developers. For details about the authorship, see the Git history of the project (git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg), e.g. by typing the command ggiitt lloogg in the FFmpeg source directory, or browsing the online repository at . Maintainers for the specific components are listed in the file _M_A_I_N_- _T_A_I_N_E_R_S in the source code tree. FFMPEG-FORMATS(1)