FFMPEG-SCALER(1) FFMPEG-SCALER(1) NNAAMMEE ffmpeg-scaler - FFmpeg video scaling and pixel format converter DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The FFmpeg rescaler provides a high-level interface to the libswscale library image conversion utilities. In particular it allows one to per- form image rescaling and pixel format conversion. SSCCAALLEERR OOPPTTIIOONNSS The video scaler supports the following named options. Options may be set by specifying -_o_p_t_i_o_n _v_a_l_u_e in the FFmpeg tools, with a few API-only exceptions noted below. For programmatic use, they can be set explicitly in the "SwsContext" options or through the _l_i_b_a_v_u_t_i_l_/_o_p_t_._h API. sswwss__ffllaaggss Set the scaler flags. This is also used to set the scaling algo- rithm. Only a single algorithm should be selected. Default value is bbiiccuubbiicc. It accepts the following values: ffaasstt__bbiilliinneeaarr Select fast bilinear scaling algorithm. bbiilliinneeaarr Select bilinear scaling algorithm. bbiiccuubbiicc Select bicubic scaling algorithm. eexxppeerriimmeennttaall Select experimental scaling algorithm. nneeiigghhbboorr Select nearest neighbor rescaling algorithm. aarreeaa Select averaging area rescaling algorithm. bbiiccuubblliinn Select bicubic scaling algorithm for the luma component, bilin- ear for chroma components. ggaauussss Select Gaussian rescaling algorithm. ssiinncc Select sinc rescaling algorithm. llaanncczzooss Select Lanczos rescaling algorithm. The default width (alpha) is 3 and can be changed by setting "param0". sspplliinnee Select natural bicubic spline rescaling algorithm. pprriinntt__iinnffoo Enable printing/debug logging. aaccccuurraattee__rrnndd Enable accurate rounding. ffuullll__cchhrroommaa__iinntt Enable full chroma interpolation. ffuullll__cchhrroommaa__iinnpp Select full chroma input. bbiitteexxaacctt Enable bitexact output. ssrrccww _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set source width. ssrrcchh _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set source height. ddssttww _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set destination width. ddsstthh _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set destination height. ssrrcc__ffoorrmmaatt _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set source pixel format (must be expressed as an integer). ddsstt__ffoorrmmaatt _(_A_P_I _o_n_l_y_) Set destination pixel format (must be expressed as an integer). ssrrcc__rraannggee _(_b_o_o_l_e_a_n_) If value is set to 1, indicates source is full range. Default value is 0, which indicates source is limited range. ddsstt__rraannggee _(_b_o_o_l_e_a_n_) If value is set to 1, enable full range for destination. Default value is 0, which enables limited range. ppaarraamm00,, ppaarraamm11 Set scaling algorithm parameters. The specified values are specific of some scaling algorithms and ignored by others. The specified values are floating point number values. sswwss__ddiitthheerr Set the dithering algorithm. Accepts one of the following values. Default value is aauuttoo. aauuttoo automatic choice nnoonnee no dithering bbaayyeerr bayer dither eedd error diffusion dither aa__ddiitthheerr arithmetic dither, based using addition xx__ddiitthheerr arithmetic dither, based using xor (more random/less apparent patterning that a_dither). aallpphhaabblleenndd Set the alpha blending to use when the input has alpha but the out- put does not. Default value is nnoonnee. uunniiffoorrmm__ccoolloorr Blend onto a uniform background color cchheecckkeerrbbooaarrdd Blend onto a checkerboard nnoonnee No blending SSEEEE AALLSSOO _f_f_m_p_e_g(1), _f_f_p_l_a_y(1), _f_f_p_r_o_b_e(1), _l_i_b_s_w_s_c_a_l_e(3) AAUUTTHHOORRSS The FFmpeg developers. For details about the authorship, see the Git history of the project (git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg), e.g. by typing the command ggiitt lloogg in the FFmpeg source directory, or browsing the online repository at . Maintainers for the specific components are listed in the file _M_A_I_N_- _T_A_I_N_E_R_S in the source code tree. FFMPEG-SCALER(1)