This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2) (format=tex 1998.10.22) 18 OCT 2006 20:48 **d:/ppppp/srcs/contrib/fftw-3.1-2/doc/fftw3.texi (d:/ppppp/srcs/contrib/fftw-3.1-2/doc/fftw3.texi (texinfo.tex Loading texinfo [version 2005-07-05.19]: Basics, \bindingoffset=\dimen16 \normaloffset=\dimen17 \pagewidth=\dimen18 \pageheight=\dimen19 \outerhsize=\dimen20 \outervsize=\dimen21 \cornerlong=\dimen22 \cornerthick=\dimen23 \topandbottommargin=\dimen24 \headlinebox=\box16 \footlinebox=\box17 \margin=\insert252 \EMsimple=\toks12 \groupbox=\box18 \groupinvalidhelp=\toks13 \mil=\dimen25 \exdentamount=\skip18 \inmarginspacing=\skip19 pdf, \tempnum=\count26 \lnkcount=\count27 \filename=\toks14 \filenamelength=\count28 \pgn=\count29 \toksA=\toks15 \toksB=\toks16 \toksC=\toks17 \toksD=\toks18 \boxA=\box19 \countA=\count30 fonts, \sffam=\fam8 \textleading=\dimen26 \fontdepth=\count31 page headings, \titlepagetopglue=\skip20 \titlepagebottomglue=\skip21 \evenheadline=\toks19 \oddheadline=\toks20 \evenfootline=\toks21 \oddfootline=\toks22 tables, \tableindent=\dimen27 \itemindent=\dimen28 \itemmargin=\dimen29 \itemmax=\dimen30 \itemno=\count32 \multitableparskip=\skip22 \multitableparindent=\skip23 \multitablecolspace=\dimen31 \multitablelinespace=\skip24 \colcount=\count33 \everytab=\toks23 conditionals, \doignorecount=\count34 indexing, \secondaryindent=\skip25 \partialpage=\box20 \doublecolumnhsize=\dimen32 sectioning, \unnumberedno=\count35 \chapno=\count36 \secno=\count37 \subsecno=\count38 \subsubsecno=\count39 \appendixno=\count40 \absseclevel=\count41 \secbase=\count42 \chapheadingskip=\skip26 \secheadingskip=\skip27 \subsecheadingskip=\skip28 toc, \tocfile=\write0 \contentsrightmargin=\skip29 \savepageno=\count43 \lastnegativepageno=\count44 \tocindent=\dimen33 environments, \errorbox=\box21 \lispnarrowing=\skip30 \envskipamount=\skip31 \circthick=\dimen34 \cartouter=\dimen35 \cartinner=\dimen36 \normbskip=\skip32 \normpskip=\skip33 \normlskip=\skip34 \lskip=\skip35 \rskip=\skip36 \tabw=\dimen37 defuns, \defbodyindent=\skip37 \defargsindent=\skip38 \deflastargmargin=\skip39 \parencount=\count45 \brackcount=\count46 macros, \macscribble=\write1 \paramno=\count47 \macname=\toks24 cross references, \auxfile=\write2 \savesfregister=\count48 insertions, \footnoteno=\count49 \SAVEfootins=\box22 \SAVEmargin=\box23 \noepsfhelp=\toks25 localization, \nolanghelp=\toks26 \defaultparindent=\dimen38 and turning on texinfo input format.) 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(fftw3.tmp) Underfull \hbox (badness 3503) in paragraph at lines 587--596 @textrm you @texttt #include [] @textit be-fore @texttt []@ textrm , then @texttt fftw_complex[] @textrm is the na-tive @hbox(7.60416+2.43333)x433.62, glue set 3.27443 .@textrm y .@kern-0.30418 .@textrm o .@textrm u .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .etc. [4] [5] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [6] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [7] ! epsf.tex not found, images will be ignored. @image ...f.tex not found, images will be ignored} @global @warnednoepsftrue ... l.860 @image{rfftwnd} ? \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [8] [9] [10] [11] Chapter 3 [12] [13] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [14] [15] [16] Chapter 4 [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [22] [23] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [24] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [25] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [26] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] \openout1 = `fftw3.tmp'. (fftw3.tmp) Chapter 5 [42] [43] [44] Chapter 6 [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] Chapter 7 [50] [51] [52] [53] Chapter 8 [54] [55] [56] Underfull \hbox (badness 2573) in paragraph at lines 4820--4835 @textrm the @texttt kernel[]@textrm , @texttt dft[]@textrm , @texttt dft/codele ts[]@textrm , @texttt dft/codelets/standard[]@textrm , @texttt rdft[]@textrm , @texttt rdft/codelets[]@textrm , @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set 2.95432 .@textrm t .@textrm h .@textrm e .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .@texttt k .etc. [57] Underfull \hbox (badness 2221) in paragraph at lines 4898--4911 @textrm er-ated or play with the gen-er-a-tion op-tions. The set of gen-er-ated codelets is @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set 2.81427 .@textrm e .@textrm r .@discretionary ..@textrm - .@textrm a .@textrm t .etc. Underfull \hbox (badness 5475) in paragraph at lines 4898--4911 @textrm spec-i-fied by the @texttt dft/codelets/*/[]@textrm , @textt t dft/simd/codelets/[]@textrm , @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set 3.80045 .@textrm s .@textrm p .@kern0.30417 .@textrm e .@textrm c .etc. Underfull \hbox (badness 8075) in paragraph at lines 4898--4911 @texttt dft/k7/codelets/[]@textrm , and @texttt rdft/codelets/*/Make[] @textrm files. For @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set 4.32564 .@texttt d .@texttt f .@texttt t .@texttt / .@texttt k .etc. Underfull \hbox (badness 4254) in paragraph at lines 4898--4911 @textrm ex-am-ple, you can add ef-fi-cient REDFT codelets of small sizes by mod -i-fy-ing @hbox(7.60416+2.12917)x433.62, glue set 3.49364 .@textrm e .@textrm x .@discretionary ..@textrm - .@textrm a .@textrm m .etc. [58] Chapter 9 [59] [60] Underfull \hbox (badness 7064) in paragraph at lines 4956--4959 []@textrm We thank the Com-paq/HP test-drive pro-gram and VA Soft-ware Cor-po-r a-tion @hbox(8.2125+2.73749)x433.62, glue set 4.1361 .@hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0 .@textrm W .@kern-0.91252 .@textrm e .@glue 3.65 plus 1.825 minus 1.21666 .etc. [61] Chapter 10 [62] Chapter 11 [63] [64] (fftw3.cps [65]) Chapter 12 [66] (fftw3.fns) [67] [68] ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 1675 strings out of 13019 21895 string characters out of 97346 60295 words of memory out of 263001 2516 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+0 32127 words of font info for 112 fonts, out of 200000 for 1000 51 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000 15i,6n,12p,272b,461s stack positions out of 300i,100n,500p,30000b,4000s Output written on fftw3.dvi (74 pages, 286324 bytes).