NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT Except for files with internal markings to the contrary, copyright to all the material in this directory and all its subdirectories belongs to the Florida State University. Most of this code was produced by FSU students and faculty under the POSIX/Ada Real-Time (PART) project, funded by the Ada Joint Program Office under the Ada Technology Insertion Program, through the U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command, Software Engineering Directorate, subcontracted through the Telos Corporation. PART project members have included Ted Baker (Principal Investigator), Ted Giering (Chief Programmer), Pratit Santiprabhob (Research Associate), Offer Pazy (Consultant), and Ganesh Rangarajan, R. Ramesh, Frank Mueller, Teguh Ghazalie, Viresh Rustagi, and Seung-jin Moon (Graduate Research Assistants). This software is still under development, and contains known bugs. The user assumes all risks associated with its use. This subdirectory contains a library implementation of the POSIX 1003.4a/D6 draft standard for multiple threads of control within POSIX processes, known for short as Pthreads. This is implemented over SunOS for the SPARC microprocessor (SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., and SPARC is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc). This was originally based on the C threads library of Eric Cooper [1]. This library was modified to support Pthreads syntax and non-preemptive priority scheduling on the Motorola MC680x0 family of processors by Ganesh Rangarajan [2]. R. Ramesh and Ted Giering ported this library to the SPARC processor, and R. Ramesh merged the two levels of scheduling entities provided by C threads into one and added further Pthreads features. Frank Mueller modified the resulting library to support preemptive scheduling, per-thread signals, and other features. Viresh Rustagi implemented single-thread blocking I/O and refined the context switch. Details of the design and implementation can be found in the literature [3,4]. Ted Giering September 16, 1992 References [1] E. Cooper and R. Draves. C Threads. Technical Report CMU-CS-88-154, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 1988. [2] Ganesh Rangarajan. A Library Implementation of {POSIX} Threads. July 1991. Master's Project Report, Florida State University Department of Computer Science. [3] Frank Mueller. Implementing {POSIX} Threads under UNIX: Description of Work in Progress. In "Proceedings of the Second Software Engineering Research Forum", November 1992. To appear. [4] Frank Mueller. A Library Implementation of POSIX Threads under UNIX. In Proceedings of the USENIX Conference, Winter 1993. To appear.