program Demo; { * test and demo program for the Graph unit * * Please read the copyright notices of graph.pas * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Author : Sven Hilscher * e-mail : } uses (*$ifdef __GPC__ *) Graph; (*$else *) graph, crt; (*$endif*) var Test, Corr: Real; procedure Pause; const ESC = #$1b; var c: Char; begin c := ReadKey; if c=ESC then begin CloseGraph; Halt(1) end; if ord(c )= 0 then c := ReadKey; ClearDevice; end; function MyStr(Numeric, Len: Integer):WrkString; var RetString: WrkString; begin str(Numeric: Len, RetString); MyStr := RetString end; procedure ColorSetup; var i: Integer; begin if GetMaxColor < 2 then else if GetMaxColor < 16 then for i := 1 to 14 do SetRGBPalette(i, random(64), random(64), random(64)) else if GetMaxColor < 256 then begin for i := 0 to 63 do begin if i > 32 then begin SetRGBPalette(i , i, i - random(16), i - random(16)); SetRGBPalette(i + 64, i - random(16), i, i - random(16)); SetRGBPalette(i + 128, i - random(16), i - random(16), i); SetRGBPalette(i + 192, i - random(16), i - random(16), i - random(16)) end else begin SetRGBPalette(i, i, i + random(16), i + random(16)); SetRGBPalette(i + 64, i + random(16), i, i + random(16)); SetRGBPalette(i + 128, i + random(16), i + random(16), i); SetRGBPalette(i + 192, i + random(16), i + random(16), i + random(16)) end; { Set entry 15 to white for text } SetRGBPalette(15, 63, 63, 63); { Set entry 0 to black for text } SetRGBPalette(0, 0, 0, 0) end end end; procedure StartTest(HeadLine: WrkString); begin ClearDevice; SetColor(White); SetTextStyle(0,0,0); SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); OutTextXY(GetMaxX div 2, 0, HeadLine + ' Demo - Hit Any Key ...'); SetTextJustify(LeftText, TopText); Line(0, 9, GetMaxX, 9) end; procedure SetRandomColor; var i, c : Integer; begin if GetMaxColor < 256 then begin SetColor(random(GetMaxColor + 1)); SetFillStyle(random(UserFill + 1), random(GetMaxColor + 1)); end else begin (*$ifdef __GPC__ *) i := random(4); c := random(128) + 32; case i of 0: SetRGBColor(c, c - random(32), c + random(32)); 1: SetRGBColor(c - random(32), c + random(32), c); 2: SetRGBColor(c + random(32), c, c - random(32)); else SetRGBColor(c, c, c) end; SetFillStyle(random(UserFill + 1), random(255) shl 16 + random(255) shl 8 + random(255)) (*$endif*) end; end; procedure BGIInfo(Mode: Integer); var x, y: Integer; begin StartTest('Info Functions'); OutTextXY( 2, 20, 'GetDriverName : ' + GetDriverName); OutTextXY( 2, 30, 'GetMaxMode : ' + MyStr(GetMaxMode , 10)); OutTextXY( 2, 40, 'GetGraphMode : ' + MyStr(GetGraphMode , 10)); OutTextXY( 2, 50, 'GetModeName : ' + GetModeName(Mode)); OutTextXY( 2, 70, 'GetMaxColor : ' + MyStr(GetMaxColor , 10)); OutTextXY( 2, 80, 'GetPaletteSize : ' + MyStr(GetPaletteSize, 10)); OutTextXY( 2,100, 'GetMaxX : ' + MyStr(GetMaxX , 10)); OutTextXY( 2,110, 'GetMaxY : ' + MyStr(GetMaxY , 10)); GetAspectRatio(x, y); Corr := ((GetMaxY+1)/(GetMaxX+1)) / 0.75; OutTextXY( 2,120, 'GetAspectRatio->X : ' + MyStr(x , 10)); OutTextXY( 2,130, 'GetAspectRatio->Y : ' + MyStr(y , 10)); OutTextXY( 2,150, 'ImageSize(1,8,1,8) : ' + MyStr(ImageSize(1, 8, 1, 8), 10)); repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure LineTest; begin StartTest('Line'); repeat SetRandomColor; Line(0, random(GetMaxY)+10, GetMaxX, random(GetMaxY)+10); Line(random(GetMaxX), 10, random(GetMaxX), GetMaxY); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure RectangleTest; begin StartTest('Rectangle'); repeat SetRandomColor; Rectangle(random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY-10)+10, random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY-10)+10); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure BarTest; begin StartTest('Bar'); repeat SetRandomColor; Bar(random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY-10)+10, random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY-10)+10); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure CircleTest; var r: Integer; begin StartTest('Circle'); repeat SetRandomColor; r := random(GetMaxX div 3) + 1; Circle(random(GetMaxX - 2 * r) + r, random(GetMaxY - (2 * Round(r * Corr) + 10)) + Round(r * Corr) + 10, Round(r*Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure EllipseTest; var rx, ry: Word; begin StartTest('Ellipse'); repeat SetRandomColor; rx := random(GetMaxX div 3); ry := random(GetMaxY div 3); Ellipse(random(GetMaxX - 2 * rx) + rx, random(GetMaxY-(2 * ry + 10)) + ry + 10, 0, 359, Round(rx * Corr), Round(ry * Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure Ellipse2Test; var i: Word; begin StartTest('Ellipse 2.'); for i := 20 to GetMaxX div 2 do begin SetRandomColor; Test := i; Ellipse(GetMaxX div 2, GetMaxY div 2 + 5, 0, Round(i * (720 / GetMaxX)), i, Round(i * GetMaxY / GetMaxX) - 6); end; repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure FillEllipseTest; var rx, ry: Word; begin StartTest('FillEllipse'); repeat SetRandomColor; rx := random(GetMaxX div 3); ry := random(GetMaxY div 3); FillEllipse(random(GetMaxX - 2 * rx) + rx, random(GetMaxY-(2 * Round(ry * Corr) + 10)) + Round(ry * Corr) + 10, Round(rx * Corr), Round(ry * Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure ArcTest; var r: Word; begin StartTest('Arc'); repeat SetRandomColor; r := random(GetMaxX div 3); Arc(random(GetMaxX - 2 * r) + r, random(GetMaxY-(2 * Round(r * Corr) + 10)) + Round(r * Corr) + 10, 0, random(360), Round(r * Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure SectorTest; var rx, ry: Word; begin StartTest('Sector'); repeat SetRandomColor; rx := random(GetMaxX div 3); ry := random(GetMaxY div 3); Sector(random(GetMaxX - 2 * rx) + rx, random(GetMaxY-(2 * Round(ry * Corr) + 10)) + Round(ry * Corr) + 10, random(360), random(360), Round(rx * Corr), Round(ry * Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure PieSliceTest; var r: Word; begin StartTest('PieSlice'); repeat SetRandomColor; r := random(GetMaxX div 3); PieSlice(random(GetMaxX - 2 * r) + r, random(GetMaxY-(2 * Round(r * Corr) + 10)) + Round(r * Corr) + 10, 0, random(360), Round(r * Corr)); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure Bar3DTest; var i, h, n: Word; begin StartTest('Bar3D'); n := GetMaxX div 50; for i := 0 to (n - 1) do begin SetRandomColor; h := random(GetMaxY-30); Bar3D((GetMaxX div n) * i + 2, GetMaxY -15, (GetMaxX div n) * i + (GetMaxX div n - 12), GetMaxY - (15 + h), 10, TopOn); OutTextXY((GetMaxX div n) * i + 2, GetMaxY -12, MyStr(h,4)); end; repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure PolyTest; var j : Word; a : array[1..4] of PointType; begin StartTest('Poly'); repeat SetRandomColor; for j := 1 to 4 do begin a[j].x := random(GetMaxX); a[j].y := random(GetMaxY - 10) + 10; end; DrawPoly(4, a); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure FillPolyTest; var j : Word; a : array[1..4] of PointType; begin StartTest('FillPoly'); repeat SetRandomColor; for j := 1 to 4 do begin a[j].x := random(GetMaxX); a[j].y := random(GetMaxY - 10) + 10; end; FillPoly(4, a); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure FloodFillTest; var x, y: Word; r, p : Real; begin StartTest('LineTo/FloodFill'); repeat SetRandomColor; p := 0; { Angle } r := 10; { Radius } x := GetMaxX div 2; y := 10 + GetMaxY div 2 + 10; MoveTo(x, y); repeat p := p + (Pi / 20); r := r + 0.5; x := Round(sin(p) * r ) + GetMaxX div 2; y := Round(cos(p) * (r * Corr)) + GetMaxY div 2 + 10; LineTo(x, y); until ((r + 1) * Corr) > GetMaxY div 2 - 5; Rectangle(0, 10, GetMaxX, GetMaxY); FloodFill(GetMaxX div 2,GetMaxY div 2 + 10, GetColor); until KeyPressed; Pause; end; procedure ImageTest; const d = 8; var p1, p2 : ^Byte; Size, x, y, c, i, j : Word; begin StartTest('GetImage/PutImage'); { Draw a little ball } SetFillStyle(SolidFill, White); FillEllipse(30, 25, 15, 15); for j := 0 to 20 do for i := 0 to 20 do PutPixel(2 * j + 10, 2 * i + 10, 0); Size := ImageSize(10, 10, 50, 40); GetMem(p1, Size); GetMem(p2, Size); GetImage(10, 10, 50, 40, p1^); { Clear the litte ball } GetImage(110, 110, 150, 140, p2^); PutImage(10, 10, p2^, NormalPut); for i := 1 to 50 do begin SetRandomColor; c := GetColor; for j := 1 to 50 do begin PutPixel(random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY - 10) + 10, c) end; end; x := GetMaxX div 2; y := GetMaxY div 2; repeat if x < d * 3 then x := x + random(d) else if x > GetMaxX - d * 3 then x := x - random(d) else x := x + d - random(d * 2 + 1); if y < d * 3 then y := y + random(d) else if y > GetMaxY - d * 3 then y := y - random(d) else y := y + d - random(d * 2 + 1); GetImage(x, y, x+40, y+30, p2^); PutImage(x, y, p1^, OrPut); for i := 1 to 50 do begin SetRandomColor; c := GetColor; for j := 1 to 50 do begin PutPixel(random(GetMaxX), random(GetMaxY - 10) + 10, c) end; end; PutImage(x, y, p2^, NormalPut); until KeyPressed; Pause; FreeMem(p1, Size); FreeMem(p2, Size); end; procedure TextTest; var FontName: array[0..10] of WrkString; i, Pos : Word; begin StartTest('Text'); repeat SetRandomColor; OutTextXY(random(GetMaxX - 100), random(GetMaxY - 10) + 10, 'OutTextXY DefaultFont'); until KeyPressed; Pause; StartTest('Vector Fonts'); repeat SetRandomColor; SetTextStyle(random(10)+1, random(2), random(20) + 6); OutTextXY(random(GetMaxX - 100), random(GetMaxY - 10), 'Vector Fonts'); until KeyPressed; Pause; StartTest('Font Names'); FontName[ 0] := 'DefaultFont'; FontName[ 1] := 'TriplexFont'; FontName[ 2] := 'SmallFont'; FontName[ 3] := 'SansSerifFont'; FontName[ 4] := 'GothicFont'; FontName[ 5] := 'ScriptFont'; FontName[ 6] := 'SimplexFont'; FontName[ 7] := 'TriplexScrFont'; FontName[ 8] := 'ComplexFont'; FontName[ 9] := 'EuropeanFont'; FontName[10] := 'BoldFont'; Pos := 0; for i := 0 to 10 do begin SetTextStyle(i, HorizDir, 0); OutTextXY(10, Pos + 12, chr(i div 10 + 48) + chr(i mod 10 + 48) + ' ' + FontName[i]); Inc(Pos, TextHeight('H') + 2); end; repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; StartTest('Vertical Fonts'); Pos := 0; for i := 0 to 10 do begin SetTextStyle(i, VertDir, 0); OutTextXY(Pos + 10, 12, chr(i div 10 + 48) + chr(i mod 10 + 48) + ' ' + FontName[i]); Inc(Pos, TextHeight('H') + 2); end; repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; StartTest('SetTextJustify'); for i := 1 to 10 do begin SetTextJustify(CenterText, TopText); if GetMaxX < 320 then SetTextStyle(SmallFont, HorizDir, 5) else SetTextStyle(SmallFont, HorizDir, 7); OutTextXY(GetMaxX div 2, GetMaxY div 2 - 60, 'That''s all friends'); OutTextXY(GetMaxX div 2, GetMaxY div 2 - 20, 'Have a good time while using'); OutTextXY(GetMaxX div 2, GetMaxY div 2 + 20, 'GPC and GRX !'); SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, 0); OutTextXY(GetMaxX div 2, GetMaxY div 2 + 80, 'Contact me:'); end; repeat until KeyPressed; Pause; end; var m, grDriver, grMode, ErrCode: Integer; ModeName: array[0..200] of WrkString; begin { Try different drivers in Borland Pascal } { No difference in GPC } grDriver := Detect; { grDriver := CGA; } { grDriver := MCGA; } { grDriver := EGA; } { grDriver := EGA64; } { grDriver := EGAMono; } { grDriver := VGA; } { grDriver := InstallUserDriver('svga256', nil) } InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'../../chr'); ErrCode := GraphResult; if ErrCode = GrOk then begin { Do graphics } m := GetMaxMode; for grMode := 0 to m do ModeName[grMode] := GetModeName(grMode); grMode := -1; CloseGraph; while (grMode < 0) or (grMode > m) do begin WriteLn; for grMode := 0 to m do begin if grMode mod 2 = 0 then WriteLn; Write(' #',grMode:1, ' = "', ModeName[grMode],'"'); end; WriteLn; Write('Modenumber (0..',m:1,') : '); ReadLn(grMode); end; m := grMode; InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'../../chr'); SetGraphMode(m); ColorSetup; BGIInfo(m); LineTest; RectangleTest; BarTest; CircleTest; EllipseTest; Ellipse2Test; FillEllipseTest; ArcTest; Bar3DTest; SectorTest; PieSliceTest; PolyTest; FillPolyTest; FloodFillTest; ImageTest; TextTest; CloseGraph; end else begin WriteLn ('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); Write ('Press Enter ...'); ReadLn end; end.