# # GRX test programs makefile for Mingw. # Uses GNU make. # .SUFFIXES: .exe .PHONY: clean GRXVW32=y include ../../makedefs.grx # The following line is useful only in this makefile to force recompilation GRXLIB = ../../lib/$(GRX_LIB_SUBDIR)/libgrx20.a # In normal use the library libgrx20.a is linked in through # {$L grx20} contained in the unit graph.pas called by "uses graph". # The same is valid for other ADDON libraries. # If the library is NOT installed give its path # (default when first compiling/testing the library) GRXLIBPATH = -L../../lib/$(GRX_LIB_SUBDIR) # When it is installed in a standard system location # (normal use) this is no more necessary LIBS= $(GRXLIBPATH) -mwindows -mconsole # Compiler and options on your system COMPILER = $(PC) --autobuild PROGS= \ allmodes.exe \ modelist.exe \ colors.exe \ demo.exe \ small.exe \ palette.exe all: $(PROGS) $(PROGS): %.exe : %.pas $(GRXLIB) graph.pas $(COMPILER) $(CCOPT) -o $*.exe $*.pas $(LDOPT) $(LIBS) clean: ifeq ($(HAVE_UNIX_TOOLS),y) rm -f *.o *.exe *.gpi *.gpm else if exist *.o del *.o if exist *.exe del *.exe if exist *.gpi del *.gpi if exist *.gpm del *.gpm endif