/** ** w32dib24.c ---- the 16M color Win32 linear frame buffer driver using DIB ** ** Copyright (c) 2003 Mariano Alvarez Fernandez ** [e-mail: malfer@telefonica.net] ** ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library. ** ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file ** for details. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** **/ #include "libwin32.h" #include "fdrivers/driver24.h" static void w32_drawpixel(int x, int y, GrColor color) { HDC hDC; COLORREF c; GRX_ENTER(); drawpixel(x, y, color); c = GetPixel ( hDCMem, x, y ); hDC = GetDC ( hGRXWnd ); SetPixelV ( hDC, x, y, c ); ReleaseDC ( hGRXWnd, hDC ); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawline(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, GrColor color) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawline(x, y, dx, dy, color); if (dx > 0 ) { Rect.left = x; Rect.right = x + dx + 1; } else { Rect.left = x + dx; Rect.right = x + 1; } if (dy > 0 ) { Rect.top = y; Rect.bottom = y + dy + 1; } else { Rect.top = y + dy; Rect.bottom = y + 1; } InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawhline(int x, int y, int w, GrColor color) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawhline(x, y, w, color); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + w; Rect.bottom = y + 1; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawvline(int x, int y, int h, GrColor color) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawvline(x, y, h, color); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + 1; Rect.bottom = y + h; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawblock(int x, int y, int w, int h, GrColor color) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawblock(x, y, w, h, color); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + w; Rect.bottom = y + h; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawbitmap(int x, int y, int w, int h, char far *bmp, int pitch, int start, GrColor fg, GrColor bg) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawbitmap(x, y, w, h, bmp, pitch, start, fg, bg); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + w; Rect.bottom = y + h; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_drawpattern(int x, int y, int w, char patt, GrColor fg, GrColor bg) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); drawpattern(x, y, w, patt, fg, bg); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + w; Rect.bottom = y + 1; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } static void w32_bitblt(GrFrame *dst, int dx, int dy, GrFrame *src, int sx, int sy, int w, int h, GrColor op) { RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); bitblt(dst, dx, dy, src, sx, sy, w, h, op); Rect.left = dx; Rect.top = dy; Rect.right = dx + w; Rect.bottom = dy + h; InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } void w32_putscanline(int x, int y, int w, const GrColor far *scl, GrColor op ) { GrColor skipc; RECT Rect; GRX_ENTER(); Rect.left = x; Rect.top = y; Rect.right = x + w; Rect.bottom = y + 1; skipc = op ^ GrIMAGE; op &= GrCMODEMASK; for ( w += x; x < w; ++x) { GrColor c = *(scl++); if (c != skipc) drawpixel(x, y, (c|op)); } InvalidateRect(hGRXWnd, &Rect, FALSE); GRX_LEAVE(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GrFrameDriver _GrFrameDriverWIN32_24 = { GR_frameWIN32_24, /* frame mode */ GR_frameRAM24, /* compatible RAM frame mode */ TRUE, /* onscreen */ 4, /* line width alignment */ 1, /* number of planes */ 24, /* bits per pixel */ 24 * 16 * 1024L * 1024L, /* max plane size the code can handle */ NULL, readpixel, w32_drawpixel, w32_drawline, w32_drawhline, w32_drawvline, w32_drawblock, w32_drawbitmap, w32_drawpattern, w32_bitblt, bitblt, w32_bitblt, _GrFrDrvGenericGetIndexedScanline, w32_putscanline };