/** ** ctx2pnm.c ---- saves a context in a PNM file ** ** Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Mariano Alvarez Fernandez ** [e-mail: malfer@teleline.es] ** ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library. ** ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file ** for details. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** **/ #include #include #include #include "grx20.h" /* ** GrSaveContextToPbm - Dump a context in a PBM file (bitmap) ** ** This routine works both in RGB and palette modes ** If the pixel color isn't Black it asumes White ** ** Arguments: ** ctx: Context to be saved (NULL -> use current context) ** pbmfn: Name of pbm file ** docn: string saved like a comment in the pbm file (can be NULL) ** ** Returns 0 on success ** -1 on error */ int GrSaveContextToPbm( GrContext *grc, char *pbmfn, char *docn ) { FILE *f; GrContext grcaux; char cab[81]; int currentbyte = 0, currentbit = 7; int x, y; if( (f = fopen( pbmfn,"wb" )) == NULL ) return -1; GrSaveContext( &grcaux ); if( grc != NULL ) GrSetContext( grc ); sprintf( cab,"P4\n#" ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); if( docn != NULL ) fwrite( docn,1,strlen( docn ), f ); sprintf( cab,"\n%d %d\n",GrSizeX(),GrSizeY() ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); for( y=0; y use current context) ** pgmfn: Name of pgm file ** docn: string saved like a comment in the pgm file (can be NULL) ** ** Returns 0 on success ** -1 on error */ int GrSaveContextToPgm( GrContext *grc, char *pgmfn, char *docn ) { FILE *f; GrContext grcaux; char cab[81]; unsigned char grey; int rgb[3]; int x, y; if( (f = fopen( pgmfn,"wb" )) == NULL ) return -1; GrSaveContext( &grcaux ); if( grc != NULL ) GrSetContext( grc ); sprintf( cab,"P5\n#" ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); if( docn != NULL ) fwrite( docn,1,strlen( docn ), f ); sprintf( cab,"\n%d %d\n255\n",GrSizeX(),GrSizeY() ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); for( y=0; y use current context) ** ppmfn: Name of ppm file ** docn: string saved like a comment in the ppm file (can be NULL) ** ** Returns 0 on success ** -1 on error */ int GrSaveContextToPpm( GrContext *grc, char *ppmfn, char *docn ) { FILE *f; GrContext grcaux; char cab[81]; unsigned char brgb[3]; int x, y, r, g, b; if( (f = fopen( ppmfn,"wb" )) == NULL ) return -1; GrSaveContext( &grcaux ); if( grc != NULL ) GrSetContext( grc ); sprintf( cab,"P6\n#" ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); if( docn != NULL ) fwrite( docn,1,strlen( docn ), f ); sprintf( cab,"\n%d %d\n255\n",GrSizeX(),GrSizeY() ); fwrite( cab,1,strlen( cab ),f ); for( y=0; y