This is from VGADOC 4b I changed the 104F0A description ******************************************************** The VESA BIOS interface is a software interface for detection capabilities, setting modes and setting the bank register. VESA 1.0 VESA Standard #VS891001 VESA 1.1 VESA Standard #VS900602 VESA 1.2 VESA Standard #VS911022 VESA 2.0 VESA Standard ----------104F00----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET SuperVGA INFORMATION AX = 4F00h ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for SuperVGA information (see below) Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed 02h (VBE 2) function not supported by current hardware config 03h (VBE 2) function invalid in current mode Format of SuperVGA information: Offset Size Description 00h 4 BYTEs Signature ('VESA'). For VBE 2.0 this field must be set to "VBE2" before the call to fill in the version 2.0 fields 04h WORD VESA version number 06h DWORD pointer to OEM name 0Ah 4 BYTEs capabilities. Bit 0 Set if the DAC can switch width, clear if it is fixed 6bits per primary color 1 (VBE2) non-VGA controller 2 (VBE2) Programmed DAC with blank bit 0Eh DWORD pointer to list of supported VESA and OEM video modes Terminated with 0FFFFh. 12h WORD Video memory in 64k blocks --- VBE v2.0 --- 14h WORD OEM software version 16h DWORD Pointer to vendor name 1Ah DWORD Pointer to product name 1Eh DWORD Pointer to product revision string 100h 256 BYTEs OEM scratchpad The buffer is defined as 256bytes for version 1.0 & 1.2, 262 bytes for version 1.1 and 512 bytes for version 2.0. Note: Some VESA drivers have been known to write beoynd the end of the official buffer. ----------104F01----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET SuperVGA MODE INFORMATION AX = 4F01h CX = SuperVGA video mode ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer mode information (see below) Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Format of mode information: Offset Size Description 00h WORD mode attributes bit 0: mode supported if set 1: optional information available if set 2: BIOS output supported if set 3: set if color, clear if monochrome 4: set if graphics mode, clear if text mode 5: (VBE2) non-VGA mode 6: (VBE2) No bank swiotching supported 7: (VBE2) Linear framebuffer mode supported 02h BYTE window A attributes bit 0: exists if set 1: readable if set 2: writable if set bits 3-7 reserved 03h BYTE window B attributes (as for window A) 04h WORD window granularity in K 06h WORD window size in K 08h WORD start segment of window A 0Ah WORD start segment of window B 0Ch DWORD -> FAR window positioning function (equivalent to AX=4F05h) 10h WORD bytes per scan line ---remainder is optional for VESA modes, needed for OEM modes--- 12h WORD width in pixels 14h WORD height in pixels 16h BYTE width of character cell in pixels 17h BYTE height of character cell in pixels 18h BYTE number of memory planes 19h BYTE number of bits per pixel 1Ah BYTE number of banks 1Bh BYTE memory model type 0 Text 1 CGA graphics 2 Hercules Graphics 3 EGA 16 color 4 Packed pixels 5 Non chain 4 256 color modes 6 Direct 15/16/24 bit 7 YUV (luminance-chrominance, alos called YIQ) 8-0Fh Reserved for VESA 10h-0FFh Reserved for OEM 1Ch BYTE size of bank in K 1Dh BYTE number of image pages 1Eh BYTE reserved(1) ------VBE v1.2+ -------------------------- 1Fh BYTE Red mask size 20h BYTE Red mask position 21h BYTE Green mask size 22h BYTE Green mask position 23h BYTE Blue mask size 24h BYTE Blue mask position 25h BYTE Reserved mask size 26h BYTE Reserved mask position 27h BYTE Direct Screen mode info Bit 0 If set the color ramp is programmable, if clear fixed 1 If set the reserved field (as defined by Bytes 25-26h) can be used by the application, if clear the field is truly reserved. --- VBE v2.0 --- 28h DWORD Physical address of linear video buffer 2Ch DWORD Pointer to start of offscreen memory 30h WORD Offscreen memory in Kbytes The buffer is defined as 256bytes ----------104F02----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - SET SuperVGA VIDEO MODE AX = 4F02h BX = mode bit 15 set means don't clear video memory bit 14 (VBE2) set to enable linear framebuffer mode Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Values for VESA video mode: 00h-FFh OEM video modes (see AH=00h) 100h 640x400x256 101h 640x480x256 102h 800x600x16 103h 800x600x256 104h 1024x768x16 105h 1024x768x256 106h 1280x1024x16 107h 1280x1024x256 108h 80x60 text 109h 132x25 text 10Ah 132x43 text 10Bh 132x50 text 10Ch 132x60 text ------------ VBE v1.2+ ------------------ 10Dh 320x200 32k 10Eh 320x200 64k 10Fh 320x200 16M 110h 640x480 32k 111h 640x480 64k 112h 640x480 16M 113h 800x600 32k 114h 800x600 64k 115h 800x600 16M 116h 1024x768 32k 117h 1024x768 64k 118h 1024x768 16M 119h 1280x1024 32k 11Ah 1280x1024 64k 11Bh 1280x1024 16M ------------ VBE 2.0 -------------------- 81FFh Special full-memory access mode Mode 81FFh preserves the contents of video memory and gives access to the entire video memory. It is recommanded that mode 81FFh should be a packed pixel mode. ----------104F03----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - GET CURRENT VIDEO MODE AX = 4F03h Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = video mode (see AX=4F02h) ----------104F04----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - SAVE/RESTORE SuperVGA VIDEO STATE AX = 4F04h DL = subfunction 00h get state buffer size Return: BX = number of 64-byte blocks needed 01h save video states ES:BX -> buffer 02h restore video states ES:BX -> buffer CX = flags for states to save/restore bit 0: video hardware state bit 1: video BIOS data state bit 2: video DAC state bit 3: SuperVGA state Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ----------104F05----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - CPU VIDEO MEMORY CONTROL AX = 4F05h BH = subfunction 00h select video memory window DX = window address in video memory (in granularity units) 01h get video memory window Return: DX = window address in video memory (in gran. units) BL = window number 00h window A 01h window B Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ----------104F06----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS 1.1+ - GET/SET LOGICAL SCAN LINE LENGTH AX = 4F06h BL = function 00h set scan line length CX = desired width in pixels 01h get scan line length 02h (VBE 2) set scan line length CX = desired width in bytes 03h (VBE 2) get maximum scan line length Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed BX = bytes per scan line Maximum bytes per scan line for function 03h CX = number of pixels per scan line Maximum pixels per scan line for function 03h DX = maximum number of scan lines Unchaqnged for function 03h Notes: if the desired width is not achievable, the next larger width will be set. The scan line may be wider than the visible area of the screen this function is valid in text modes, provided that values are multiplied by the character cell width/height ----------104F07BH00------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS 1.1+ - GET/SET DISPLAY START AX = 4F07h BH = 00h (reserved) BL = 00h (or 80h) set display start CX = leftmost displayed pixel in scan line DX = first displayed scan line = 01h get display start Return: BH = 00h CX = leftmost displayed pixel in scan line DX = first displayed scan line Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed Note: this function is valid in text modes, provided that values are multiplied by the character cell width/height ----------104F08----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v1.2+ - GET/SET DAC PALETTE CONTROL AX = 4F08h BL = function 00h Set DAC palette width BH = desired number of bits per primary color. 01h Get DAC palette width Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status BH = Current number of bits per primary color (6 = Standard VGA) ----------104F09----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - GET/SET PALETTE ENTRIES AX = 4F09h BL = function 00h set palette 01h get palette 02h set secondary palette data 03h get secondary palette data 80h set palette during vertical retrace CX = number of entries to change DX = starting palette index ES:DI -> palette buffer (array of 4 bytes per entry) Offset Size Description 00h BYTE Red byte 01h BYTE Green byte 02h BYTE Blue byte 03h BYTE Alpha or alignment byte Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed ----------104F0A----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS v2.0+ - GET PROTECTED-MODE CODE AX = 4F0Ah BX = subfunction code 0000h Return protected mode table Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status 00h successful BX=0000h CX = total number of bytes in table ES:DI -> base address of PM info table : +00 word off. to PM set window func, see 104F05 +02 word off. to PM set display start func, see 104F07 +04 word off. to PM set primary palette func, see 104F09 +06 word off. to PM resource table (word,word,...): ,...,<0xFFFF>, ,,...,<0xFFFF> 01h failed ----------104F10----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA DPMS - Display Power Management Extensions AX = 4F10h BL = 00h Report VBE/PM Capabilities ES:DI = 0000h:0000h Return: BH = Power saving state signals supported: Bit 0 STAND BY supported if set 1 SUSPEND supported if set 2 OFF supported if set 3 REDUCED On supported if set (Not supported in DPMS 1.0) BL = VBE/PM Version number: Bit 0-3 Minor version 4-7 Major version 01h Set Display Power State BH = Requested Power State: 00h ON 01h STAND BY 02h SUSPEND 04h OFF 08h REDUCED ON (for flat screens) 02h Get Display Power State Return: BH = Display Power State 00h ON 01h STAND BY 02h SUSPEND 04h OFF 08h REDUCED ON (for flat screens) Return: AL = 4Fh if function supported AH = status ----------104FFF----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - Everex - TURN VESA ON/OFF AX = 4FFFh DL = new state (00h off, 01h on)